How to Remove Room Echo in Adobe Audition

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hey there i'm mike from music radio creative comm and in this tutorial i'll teach you how to remove echo and reverb from any of your audio so here's some audio recorded earlier on my camera microphone not the best quality amma listen sometimes when we record audio we don't always have the perfect environment and sometimes you can get a lot of echo so as you can hear there a lot of echo to be removed reduced and eliminated the first thing i would do and i would advise you to do if you're recording audio in a noisy or echoey environment is try and get some room tone without any speaking or any kind of shuffling about so this tone is not good because we've got me moving about you can hear that so we want something there's a breath there so don't want that that's kind of close to room tone there hopefully that is enough to pump into Adobe auditions noise removal so you can hear kind of the the whirr of an electrical fan in the background let's pump this up and really have a listen to this audio so quite a lot of background noise anyway in the first place into effects noise reduction restoration capture the noise print click OK to that that's done and now back into effects noise reduction restoration noise reduction process and here we have like a process we can apply now let's listen to how it sounds so far sometimes when we record audio we do so a lot of that noise has started to disappear we can increase this just to get rid of a bit more of the the noise sometimes when we record audio we don't always have the perfect environment and sometimes you can get a lot of echo so it's rather unfortunate so you can hear now already the noise is starting to disappear audio we do always have the hook so I just took the preset off and then applied it again then in advance we have a spectral frequency decay rate now if we move that all the way up to 100 audio we don't always have the perfect environment and sometimes you can get and then turn it all the way down to 0% listen to the difference with audio we don't always have the perfect environment it now I think you'll notice there 100% it's not operating at all and 0% spectral decay which is in the spectral frequency view by the way is not occurring at all so you're kind of removing echo using noise reduction sometimes when we recall audio and again without it applied sometimes when we record audio and watch how the spectral frequency display changes if I pop into preview mode here when I add this on so as you can see a lot of the echo is being eliminated around this frequency range which seems to be around the 4 K to 6 K mark in frequency so really really good stuff I think we can apply this now and I think we've done pretty well already with removing a lot of echo from this audio times when we record audio we don't always have and we've also got rid of a ton of the background noise the final process I might do is go and check out some of those pesky frequencies so let me just delete the start and the end here so we got our audio into effects menu and to do that one of the best features for this is the parametric EQ and you can see I've already got not set up there already so what I can do is use this notch now if I change the cue width to be really tiny I can sweep through frequencies and find out if I've got any annoying frequencies in my audio so this is increasing the frequency this is decreasing it once I find what I don't want in the audio I can then go and take that frequency out so let's sweep through sometimes when we record audio we don't always have the perfect environment in some subjects so there you go there is a nasty frequency I can hear it right there three one six zero Hertz so then we'll just go to minus 15 DB and sometimes when we recall audio again more echo is disappearing there and if I want I can go through and I can pop in another handle so I can pop in another point here and we can do it all over again for this one so let's make that tiny and not back through the frequencies to find if there are any more annoying frequencies I mean this is already sounding good book we can be perfectionist here sometimes when we record audio we don't always have the perfect environment and sometimes you can get a lot of echo so it's rather unfortunate hopefully we can eliminate the second sometime okay again found another one there one point five five one five five five five so let's bring that down to minus 15 DB see how we're sounding now just going to make the notch a little tighter on these sometimes when we recall audio we that's it and then finally I might go through to give a final shimmer and shine polish to this into my filter and EQ and I'll want to go again I can go for the parametric equalizer but on this part I'm just going to add broad EQ sometimes when we record audio we don't always have the perfect environment and sometimes sometimes when we recall it audio we don't always have the perfect environment and after that I'm going to add a little bit of single band compression to just bring it down to a nice uniform size wave that's a little bit too much compression there don't you think let's so just turn these dials down a little bit turn the output gain down as well because we're going we're writing too loud so listen to this sometimes when we record audio we don't always have the perfect environment and sometimes you can get a lot of echo okay so that's the processed version let's go back to the original here we go undoing everything I've just done and you just heard the original now here is though you just heard the process track now here's the original sometimes when we recall audio we don't always have the perfect environment and sometimes you can get a lot of echo so remember noise reduction and restoration remember parent parametric eq and go sweep through find those pesky frequencies and then finally overall add some eq and some compression to your audio and you've eliminated echo and reverb and got a pretty good sounding speech remaining and every [Music]
Channel: Mike Russell
Views: 357,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: remove echo, remove reverb, adobe audition
Id: LeiPG6S2QA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2017
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