How to Remove Echo - Adobe Audition Tutorial

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Pretty good video! Although applying effects after the recording is done never really has the same effect as recording the audio with proper acoustics.

You can only slap so much lipstick on a frog.

Check this blog on room acoustics!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RaymondPodCon 📅︎︎ Sep 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello I'm a Trussell for music radio creative comm in this video I'll show you how to remove echo from dialog in Adobe Audition CC okay here we are in Adobe Audition and here is a podcast with less-than-perfect recording environment in this episode we dive into Brandon's entrepreneurial journey from high-school dropout to brick okay so it's not bad but it's not perfect it could be better it's recorded in a room hardly any sound treatment in there you can definitely hear the reflections the echo coming back especially here about about let's zoom right in on that there's our echo now there are a number of ways to do this ranging from hard to easy easy is just one click effect from 0 to 100% I will show you that at the end of the video because first of all I think it's important to know some of the tools in your tool kit to make echo disappear using traditional methods like EQ and a little bit of noise casing and possibly downward expansion don't worry by the end of the video you'll know how these will work so let's start with EQ because this is a great easy win to remove those nasty frequencies that are causing the echo in your recording let's go into effects let's go into filter and EQ let's go for parametric equalizer here and on the default it's just a flat line now we can take all of these curves and notch them up but of course they're rather broad and we want to be nice and tight so we can scan through frequencies and pull out frequencies that we can hear the echo occurring in so we're gonna make this smaller by changing the cue width to 16 there we go now we're a little notch and I'll show you how this works in this episode we dive into Brandon's entrepreneur you so we're essentially scanning through the audio we're going and what we're listening out for is a particular frequency where you can hear the echo you'll hear it in your headphones and I suggest you use headphones when doing this and when you hear that oh there's lots of echo there then we just notch it the other way we not you're out like this let's let's do it now in this episode we dive into Brandon's entrepreneurial journey from high-school dropout to brick and mortar business all right right about there there's low end echo that's at 113 Hertz so let's pull that down and we'll reduce it by about 5 DB in this episode we saw a lot of the low-end echo has now gone again we'll do this cue width '16 on number 2 push it up and let's play in this episode we dive into Brandon's entrepreneurial journey from high-school dropout to brick and mortar business owner to culinary school to launching an online lifestyle consulting Academy right there let's pull that one out at 355 Hertz zoom you go in this episode and then again we'll do the same with number 3 cue width 216 and we can do this with up to 5 points if we want in parametric equalizer in this episode we dive into Brandon's entrepreneurial journey from high school dropout - there it is another one - Pelayo soup in this episode we dive into Brandon's let's do it with them before we may as well do it with all the points here it's definitely worth to scan through in this episode we dive into Brandon's entrepreneurial journey from high-school dropout to brick and mortar business owner ok and around about there I'm also gonna pull that frequency out it's also good to place on a high-pass filter as well it doesn't hurt to get rid of the low end using high-pass filters so any Rumble background noise road noise that doesn't need to be there in this episode we dive into Brandon's entrepreneurial journey from high-school dropout to brick in more queso before in this episode after in this episode not much of a difference but a slight difference we can even move these down a little bit more just to have more of an impact in this episode we dive in already starting to make a difference the next thing I'll do before adding our final effect is go into effects amplitude and compression and we'll look or dynamics here set this to default and we'll be focusing on the auto gate and the expander Auto Gate is like a noise gate it opens up when audio goes above a certain level and closes when it goes below a certain level so the idea is here we'll be eliminating some of that little echo in between the speech let's set this up right now in this episode we dive into okay that's way too aggressive because it's clipping his words so we want to move the threshold down in this episode we dive into Brandon's entrepreneurial journey from high-school dropout to brick in so right about there still clipping the words this is where we'll leave attack and release the same but push the hold up ever so slightly to maybe 40 milliseconds in this episode we dive into Brandon's entrepreneurial journey from high school dropout to brick and mortar business okay let's switch that often listen to the difference in this episode we dive into Brandon's entrepreneurial army from high school dropout to brick and mortar business owner working really well you can also do the same with expander it's essentially the same as gate apart from the fact that it's more of a fader going up and down rather than just a hard cut open and close can be better for dialogue so let's switch also gate off and try minus twenty seven point nine on this you need to push the ratio up a bit for it to work in this episode we dive into Brandon's entrepreneurial journey from high school dropout to brick and mortar business owner to culinary school to launching an online and we can use them both in tandem if we want in this episode we dive into Brandon's entrepreneurial journey alright let's hear how far we've got with just these effects so this is the echo before in this episode we dive into Brandon's entrepreneurs the now restored version in this episode we dive into Brandon's entrepreneurial journey from and finally if you want that really easy effect this is the easy effect you've been waiting for you can go into effects noise reduction restoration and there is actually ad reverb effect is really rather good and simply it works by an amount zero to one hundred percent that's as simple as that doesn't get much simpler than that so let's crank this up and see what it does to make a difference in this episode we I've been to brandon's now obviously the higher I push that the more it's working and the more it's degrading the speech so we need a sweet spot here maybe between thirty and forty percent max I'd say in this episode we dive into Brandon's entrepreneurial journey from high school dry we go apply done now obviously afterwards we can add a little bit of compression in fact let's go ahead and do that amplitude an impression dynamics let's set that back to default compressor on switch the preview window on so we can see the difference it makes ratio of three to one threshold at minus twenty you're probably quite a little bit too much there let's got to minus 15 minus 13 just so we're even out the peaks push the make up gain up in this episode apply it in this episode we dive into Brandon's entrepreneurial journey from high school dropout and then back to the echo version this is the before version in this episode we dive into Brandon's entrepreneurial journey from high after in this episode we dive into Brandon's entrepreneurial journey so as you can hear not perfect but a heck of a lot better so remember those steps remember to go through your parametric equalizer not those frequencies remove the echoey frequencies using headphones then remember to use your noise gate and your expander inside amplitude and compression dynamics and finally as a catch-all and maybe the thing you should use from the start if you want to just do it quickly and save time is the noise reduction restoration and the D reverb effect it really is fantastic music video feed [Music]
Channel: Mike Russell
Views: 23,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 78VYEf_c_aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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