How to Even Out Volume Levels with Normalize and Speech Volume Leveler - Adobe Audition Tutorial

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hello I might Russell for a music radio creative calm in this video I'll show you how to normalize and use the speech volume leveler in adobe audition to get speakers or voiceovers as close as possible in volume levels okay here we are in the adobe audition multitrack and I've pieced together here three different voiceovers his I'll watch the levels meter uplifting your spirits and motive definitely up a minus sixty P let's listen to a little bit of Rachel here live your power stereo consistently hitting - nine DB and then we got Michael at the end new release he's around -12 DB so inconsistent volume there it's not gonna be great for a final production well we can go through and normalize each track and this is how I do it so with Al's track I can go in and under effects if you go into amplitude and compression you can set up the normalized process here you can say normalized to a percentage or a DB level so - 3 DB for instance and click apply and it will normalize it will find the highest peak in your audio which is around here and here and make sure it hits - 3 DB so it increases the volume level consistently across the whole piece of audio we can do the same for Rachel and instead of using effects amplitude and compression normalize I am going to go into favourites because it's also here as an easy-to-use favorite normalized 2 - 3 dB and again that peak just around there has been normalized to minus 3 now if there's a big peak in your speech it's just going to raise the peak to minus 3 dB everything else will be left quiet and that's where the speech volume leveler will come in in just a moment and we'll do the same for Michael again select everything there favorites normalized to minus 3 dB Oh quite a bit of normalization there going on with Michael let's listen to our levels now let's scrub back to the start and play uplifting your spirits and motivating your minds magic FM 101.5 your power stereo new release ok nice so we can see - 60 B we can see Rachel may be going down to minus 8 DB so the cells some slight this is where we'll use speech volume leveler now beware this can be quite a powerful tool but I use it a lot in my productions when I'm producing voice overs and jingles in particular I want everything to be the same level the speech volume level does it for me perfectly so we'll go into track 1 effects rack over here and we'll look under amplitude and compression for speech volume level and we'll go to the default settings first of all so you can see what it's doing and most likely the default settings you'll get a pretty good result let's play back now uplifting your spirits and motivating your minds magic fm 101.5 your power stereo new release and you can see there that it's pretty much hitting everything for all of the voice overs at minus 4 dB it's pretty good so what are we doing here target volume level well this is the average volume level we want for the whole clip push it right down uplifting your spirits and motivating your minds magic fm 101.5 your power stereo new release ok as you can see as I push it down it's not working so hard if I push it all the way up uplifting your spirits and motivating your minds magic fm 101.5 your power stereo new release it's working a lot harder leveling amount how much do you want to level out the audio so usually 100 percent is good but you can run into problems with that and we'll look at that in a moment and then the target dynamic range how many dynamic peaks and troughs do you want in the speech do you want lots of little peaks in your waveform and then like tailing off a little bit or do you want it really crushed if you want it really crushed 30 DB and let's listen to Michael at the end in particular where power is stereo new release ok so now we're getting pretty close to saying we can also boost the low signal so increase the attack and release time for long signals if you want to but this is not something that's usually necessary it's also if you flip out advanced here it's got a compressor in a noise gate now these can come in handy compressors probably going to be overkill but we can do this and we can set a really aggressive compressor down at minus 9 DB threshold let's try the sail up lifting your spirits and motivating your minds magic FM 101.5 your power stereo new release so as you can see it's actually boosted Michael up a little bit and now we're hovering around that minus 6 DB mark for all the voice overs so this is brilliant you say I'm gonna use this on everything because it's just I can throw in a load of voice clips and make them all the same level right using the speech volume leveler well hang on just a moment let me bring in a podcast host and let's see what it does to her so here she is speaking now I wonder where she's gonna hit on the levels meter before we get into the nuts and bolts of the business how did she get all perfect she's around minus 6 DB just the same as our voiceover artists right that's brilliant let's just disable this and see where she was before right the way down at minus 15 so this is working a dream isn't it well let's listen to what happens when she stops speaking on her truck immersed in the first place oh dear lots of breathing is the microphone lots of background noise when you're in a less than perfect environment for example if you're creating a podcast the speech volume leveler is going to become a little aggressive the first thing I would do is disable the compressor if I'm working on a podcast I mass in the first place still dragging things up quite a lot but don't worry there's more we can do we can increase that target dynamic range so it's not so aggressive let's listen to the difference it makes as I boost this one just hear how mass in the first place okay so really around 58 DB there's a lot less noise I think you'll agree let's go between the differences I'm asked in the first place there's loads of noise and then up to 58 not so bad leveling amount if we pull that down it's obviously gonna reduce the noise that's in the first place quite significantly but then it will also reduce the amount it's leveling your voices so it's kind of counterintuitive we can move this down maybe a small mess in the first place I'm not gonna move it down too much maybe twelve percent eleven twelve percent target volume level we'll put that to minus 12 DB that's the default it's pretty good figure now there's one final thing we can introduce under advanced when we're working with podcasts or audio that's recorded that has less than perfect background noise going on because obviously we don't want to push that up that's very counterintuitive and this is where our noise gate will come in and the further we push this up the more it's gonna reduce that noise let's listen commerce in the first place pretty much gone and pull it down and the noise is coming back I can make this a little more audible for you if I move the target dynamic range up commerce in the first place so as you can hear the noise gate is making ever so slight of a change when we push this up to its maximum of 25 dB let's set that back to 58 let's have a listen to our podcast host oh we get into the nuts and bolts of the business how did you she's up at minus 4 dB we've set the speech volume leveler so we don't get all that background noise and let's go back to our original voice overs which uplifting your spirits and motivating your minds magic fm 101.5 your power stereo new release and they're all peaking at minus 40 be the setting for we get into the nuts and bolts that as our podcast host so normalization to get audio at a consistent level before you bring it into multitrack and start working with a speech volume leveler that can really help you level everything else and get it sounding really great it will all sound at a consistent volume in just these easy steps just be careful if you've got background noise to have a play with the noise gate and the target dynamic range those are probably the most important settings you can choose on a speech volume level music we do fee
Channel: Mike Russell
Views: 32,676
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Id: zXNxmNgt4CM
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Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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