Advanced Noise Reduction in Audition

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no stupid questions noise reduction is something that we can do really easy and Adobe Audition CS 5.5 but there's probably a few of you out there that have had some difficulty in the past with that verbally kind of sound if you know what I'm talking about where you've had a noisy file you've applied some noise reduction but not only does it reduce the noise but it introduces these little artifacts these little digital gurgly nests inside here well we have a brand new audio engine in audition CS 5.5 that takes care of that so if we can finally remove all of that noise and control the artifacts that we've had in the past let's go take a look so in this particular multitrack file I'm going to take this particular track right here and here's a little tip we now have clip color and I'm going to color this one so if I need to come back to it I can easily see that I'm going to double click on this track and open it up and let's have a listen everything that you see is part of the living breathing organism you are like a leaf on a tree alone and weak so obviously this was recorded on location we've got good microphones but we also have a lot of the forests and you know I don't know there's a waterfall going on in the background so if we don't have time to do this with automatic dialogue replacement that means getting somebody in a studio and looping and all that we have to fix this file this is the only file to fix looking at right here is a waveform view but of course in our upper left-hand corner we click on this we can see a spectral frequency display and you can see all the noise inside here so the two effects that we're going to be looking at are in the effects noise reduction noise reduction process and adaptive noise reduction the big difference here is noise reduction process is destructive so you have to process the file with the new settings which is fine when it's fixing it but if you want to oh and by the way at noise reduction process is really good for hiss and hum and things that are continuous throughout the whole track adaptive noise reduction is for everything else and the cool thing about adaptive noise reduction is it can run as an effect on a track which means you can leave it non-destructive go back later and fix it now both of these can require a lot of computing power so lucky me I'm sitting here in front of my favorite HP z800 with multiple cores xeon processor so you can run these for sure you can run them in real time but you're going to require a little bit of oomph and power to keep them going so let's have a look at noise reduction process first so it brings up a dialog box that might seem like a modal dialog box that's a dialog box you have to finish with before you can actually work in audition but that's not true I can actually come in here and make a selection of the noise area play that to make sure in fact that is noise and then capture that noise print up here so when I click capture noise print it now knows what is noise and then in this button here select the entire file now I told it what noise is and I'm going to fix the whole file the default setting that we have inside here has these settings and this will be twirled up this little disclosure triangle will be twirled up this is where you can get rid of that little burbly nough so if I click on this and drop it down we have some settings in here for a spectral decay rate smoothing transition with a precision factor I'll get into what those mean in a second also notice up at the top I have an area where I can control the noise floor and I can click and keyframe this this is fantastic imagine if you're using a directional microphone and at some point you turn toward the noise and then later on you turned away from it now you can control what the noise floor is moving in and out okay let's go back to what we were doing here and let's play this back everything that you see is potable living reading women's okay so obviously we've 100% removed the noise and you can see that slider up the top noise reduction a hundred percent but now we have this teeny kind of reverb II stuff going on and this is the kind of thing that you might have encountered in the past and you thought this doesn't sound natural I'm not going to use this so let's fine-tune this the spectral frequency display rate that you see here is for the percentages of frequencies that are processed when the audio falls below the noise floor if you crank this up too high it will sound like reverb if you make it too low then you're going to introduce more of that noise smoothing this is a really good one smoothing here increasing it it reduces that verbally effect so this is what I was talking about you can crank this up and it's not just 0 to 100 this sucker can keep going and keep going and keep going so you raise this and hopefully you'll some of those artifacts will disappear the precision factor it controls the time resolution higher is better but remember more processing so this is where you're going to need some fast computers the transitional width over here on the right it's a range of what is noise and what remains zero really has a sharp noise gate so annoys gate is something that's opening up if you have this down at zero it'll reduce the noise and stop you want something that's going to be smooth and it will start and stop without noticing it so let's call up my setting that I saved here before so my spectral decay rate here is at 18 the precision factor at 15 and look at my smoothing is up to 980 transitional width now let's listen to this everything that you see is part of the living Reed now I specifically left a little bit of in there because he's outside in the wild you're not going to get perfect studio sound you don't want perfect studio sound because it won't look correct or won't sound correct let me quickly turn on and off the effect down on the bottom right so you can hear this remember we have this brand new engine an audition CS 5.5 where it's seamless I can be flipping these control on and off playing back in real time I could even say apply clothes go and grab another one a defects this engine just keeps on going so I'll play it back turn it on and off everything that you see is part of the living breathing organism you are like a leaf on a tree alone and easily broken but together it's part of the whole okay so you hear the difference we're not getting that verbally effect inside there we're finally able to really fix problem files this is a destructive process so I have to click apply and again the cool thing about spectral frequency displays we can see the result here now I play this back you were like a leaf on a tree alone and much better than the other version so let me undo that now and show you that the other one can be applied either in the effects filter adaptive or it can be added on a track or a clip effect so if I go to my effects and choose that noise reduction adaptive noise reduction again it's going to warn me that this is CPU intensive or high latency that means that if your CPU is not fast enough clicking on things is going to be a little bit slower the final result is going to sound great but if you're working with audio you want zero latency you want to be able to touch things and grab and paint and change sounds and have your CPU right up to speed with you okay so let's go to our default setting in here and I'll play this back you are like a leaf on a tree alone easily played so this sounds pretty good but again you're getting a little bit of that muffled metallic setting also notice that it started with a bit of noise and then quickly ramped that that noise out adaptive noise reduction wants at least a couple of seconds of noise in the beginning so if you're going to feed an audio file to noise reduction don't start with the dialog make sure you have a little bit of that pre noise in there you can't control that number of one second two second just give it a little bit I'm going to use my setting that I created here by the way we've got a few settings as presets Deary verb this is if you have a single source and you've got a bit of reverb in the room heavy noise reduction or light let's listen to this one notice I also turned on high quality mode and this does again require power to prospective on a tree alone now I can click on this but to close this hole you are my tea and turn this on as a rack effect that me and you'll notice that the rack effect is red and it's warning you again this is cpu-intensive you want to have a fast computer to play that back I mean you could do this on a laptop nice fast laptop but it's just warning you that if you're getting some latency in there why that's happening so hopefully these couple of little techniques are going to show you that you don't have to abandon those tracks with lots of noise dobe audition CS 5.5 has this brand new powerful engine so we can finally work remove that noise get rid of that burbly effect and make our audio sound pristine
Channel: Colin Smith
Views: 95,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artifacts, burbly, capture noise print, metallic sound, noise reduction, precision factor, smoothing, Adobe Audition (Software)
Id: 826aEnEX8Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 01 2014
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