How to Sound Better Masterclass with Accusonus

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[Music] oh wow it's really exciting to be here hello i am mike russell from and this is a live master class right now uh from the rainy british isles uh all about sounding great now i've been looking forward to doing this master class for quite a long time it's going to last the best part of an hour and it's going to be value-packed uh not only with how i use some of the tools that i'm about to show you but also some of my editing tips to just make your podcast sound better your youtube videos sound better your live stream sound better any content essentially that you're putting out online and i'm going to do my best to make it easy for you i'm going to distill it into easy processes that mean you don't have to spend hours learning different frequencies and different little things to zoom in on uh to make things sound better uh i i hope to leave you refreshed and invigorated and even excited to edit audio by the end of this masterclass and i'm super excited um because i had the opportunity during this masterclass to partner up with accusonos who are absolutely amazing i've been using their plugins for longer than i can remember to do all kinds of great things with audio and now i actually have the chance to do this masterclass with them not only show your you their plugins and how they work and their new package which i'll tell you about in just a moment but also just show off some of my favorite editing techniques so that's all coming up and i'm really really thrilled uh just a little bit of background if you've never heard of accusonos before this would be a good time to do this this is the new bundle it's the era 5 bundle uh it's just released last week actually and they are basically a collection most of them are just one knob uh things you just turn them up and down and we're gonna learn a lot about that during this master class and you can get a free trial at forward slash era that's era and we'll post that a lot in the chat box as well uh some more on that in a second i'm going to leave it maybe another couple of minutes just to make sure everyone gets in who wants to be here because i know what it's like when you arrive don't worry if you've just come into the live stream now we haven't started i'm going to be starting in a couple of minutes uh because yeah it's just like it's you know everything has been virtual this year uh so we haven't had the thing of people filing into rooms when we're doing presentations but everyone always turns up late at conferences and presentations anyway uh so let's just give a little bit of leeway i can see many of you are already in some of you or even in before this masterclass started um so just for the next couple of minutes i'll tell you a little bit more about uh accusonus and also about you it's important that you participate so please post who you are and where you're watching from now and i'll shout a few of you out i'm gonna do q a at the end by the way so this to prove this is live any questions you have i didn't pre-record this no it's not pre-recorded don't worry uh i'll be answering your questions live at the end so post them in isabella's there in the chat she's going to be taking your questions collating them into a nice little spreadsheet for me and i'll talk about any audio queries that you have coming up very soon uh so accusations are actually based in greece they're originally from greece they've got a lovely team there in greece uh here in europe uh in fact i wish i was in greece right now because it's freezing cold here on the isle of wight where i'm doing this uh this live webinar from right now uh but yes uh i'm sure it's very sunny and beautiful and pretty there right now earlier on in the year uh before the whole uh lockdown and pandemic thing happened i actually got to meet uh some of the team and developers from accusonos they're the nicest people um and i can't wait to just show you some of the stuff that they've been working on some of the new stuff that's out that it's just groundbreaking in my opinion you know i've been doing a lot of this stuff manually and learning the technique to do it and they've just created a plug-in that does it with a few movements of a mouse it's insane so they're really lovely people and that's why i'm really excited to partner with them uh for this show right we're gonna get going in 30 seconds but before i do let's shout you out uh as yes we've already hit the 100 mark on youtube already and it's growing we're on other platforms as well for those of you that can't make it to youtube uh so from the kingdom of fife we've got keith hello keith uh dj big red 81 from ontario canada nottingham it's nerdy wizard south africa gary wilson's there mexico legend dx47 from the algarve mark damon brian craig is in as well he's a radio host atlanta georgia hello gospel wonderful uh jamaica nassau you see it's a truly international audio family here and i'm about to get going sorry if i didn't shout you out there are loads of mentions there in the chat uh we'll get back to more of your mentions and questions at the end so uh the era 5 bundle standard is the one you'll want to look at and really good news i'm going to be showing you most of this in adobe audition but these plugins work with any door look at that it zooms in yes that's right premiere pro adobe audition all of those other doors you'll probably recognize a few of those icons there uh so yes if you thought you had to just work in one editor oh it even worked did you see the icon there on the top right yeah podcasters it even works with audacity all of these plugins i'm going to show you even work with audacity so come come into my studio let's have a cup of tea together let's do what we're here to do without further ado uh let's go over to the screen and show you some of these wonderful plugins so i'm gonna go through uh not only am i gonna show you how the plugins work but i'll show you some general audio tips uh for just generally improving sound if i've done 99 of the work with the plug-in that's great and any little touch-ups i'll show you like for instance this first case uh let's have a listen to this this is the most common issue i i think podcasters people recording on location bits of content whether they want to stick down in premiere pro or whatever and then edit later this is a wonderful piece of audio uh recorded in australia and of course australia has a lot of beach and a lot of ocean and you get this kind of sound is lovely of you at the beach but not so good if you're trying to interview someone um there's a thing about community i believe and the beautiful australian accent there with the birds tweeting and the ocean in the background so let me go ahead and grab my plugins uh which as you know not only can you open them in audition they'll also work quite nicely in premiere pro you can stick them in pro tools as well reaper whatever i've installed the vst versions and under restoration you'll find accusations here they all are i'm going to roll through all of these but the most important one i think is noise remover because we often suffer this problem uh and this is one knob it's a knot that goes from zero to one hundred percent and i'm going to explain how every little bit of this works but something you may want to know for every plugin i'm going to show you you can actually hit this i button here this information button and it will actually show you what everything does so if you've got any doubt as to what anything does and you want some plain english descriptions hitting the i button is a good way to start but this this one is just so mind-blowing i'm just going to show you what it does so zero percent there's the ocean no trickery going on here i'm just going to fade this up to 100 and have a listen um there's a thing about community and then back i believe and then off you know people don't realize how good our community is and then off and there's some pretty like crazy magic going on there isn't it absolutely insane it's one dial so whereas before with noise reduction you've had to capture noise prints and like tweak little eq things and pull things out and change dbs and all of that crazy stuff with this you've just got a knob that you go from zero to 100 i mean what more can i show you i could show you the before and after view uh so above is before and below is after as you can see we've got the ocean there uh with all the noise before the speaker comes in and down here we've got absolute silence now we can of course uh tighten this up further by doing other things but i just want to show you this one thing for the moment before i move on to the next example uh and before i get there i'm actually going to apply it and before i do i'm going to switch on one other view that we'll use a lot particularly in adobe audition and that is the spectral frequency view because that gives you a view of all the frequencies in your audio and you can see how the ocean is kind of it's kind of like white noise that ranges from the low end right the way up through the mids and fades out towards the high end and actually this noise remover plug in here has the possibility to focus on certain frequency ranges so if you know for instance the ocean mainly falls in the low end down here let's listen there's a little bit there but there's probably more here okay that's where most of our ocean noise is we could choose to focus on the low frequencies only this little icon here uh if it's for instance a cassette tape we might choose to focus on the high frequencies and also for good measure you can focus on the high and low frequencies or the mid-range as well but most of the time you'll be using high and low frequency focus high generally for cassette tape hiss things like that and then the low end would be for obviously your wind rumble your road noise things like that it's really really good you can of course just leave it on the flat line the all frequency focus and that is absolutely fine that will also work but if you know that your noise is in a certain frequency range why not go for it all in the specific region that you want to target and then it will leave more of your voice intact because of course one other thing that happens when you increase a noise removal effect you actually decrease the quality generally of the spoken word so there we go um we can go and try it out with another example because i think this is so amazing i want to show you noise remover with one other example before i move on to the next keep your questions and answers coming in and remember there is a link if you want to go ahead and try the free trial of all these plugins and see what they can do for you they're absolutely amazing uh so yeah forward slash era that's e e-r-a um but yeah let's get back into it and let's get to another thing and here's a little sample i've recorded so to sum up and actually i'm going to switch off spectral frequency and see if you can see in the waveform what's up with this so to sum up this review i love this phone case and i definitely recommend it your cable's hanging out your wire's loose what's going on someone hasn't plugged their electricity in correctly and you can actually see that because actually the that ground loop hum that 50 hertz or 60 hertz if you're in the americas uh kind of hum is represented by that blocky kind of line there can you see it it's a very electronic looking waveform there okay uh but we can get rid of that and and there's a bit of hiss and a bit of ground loop going on there you can get rid of that with noise remover there's just one extra feature that you can enable so again vst restoration accusators by the way if you're on a mac uh these come as audio unit plugins as well for you lovely mac users so let's get that noise remover open and let's fade it down to zero percent and what i'm going to do for this is enable this little jagged line here which actually will focus on tonal and buzz like static noise uh like your uh you know wonky electric plug or something or sometimes you plug in a microphone you know and it's it's got that horrible z on it well this can eliminate that so enable that and start fading this up so to sum up this review i love this phone case and i definitely recommend it gone that's it that's all you have to do i wish i could make it more complicated i kind of feel like you know we spent five minutes talking about the noise remover and we're done there's no more to do because it is so simple and that's one of the best things about using this yes there are other ways of course you can do noise removal tons of ways you can do them but the point is with noise remover you're saving time you're simply getting audio and as a content creator you just want to get rid of noise you don't care how you do it uh you just want to get rid of it so zero to one hundred percent boom gone so there's so to sum up this review and 100 so to sum up this review and and just one final thing on the noise remover before i leave and move on to the next thing that i would say is you want to find the sweet spot you don't want to just crank it up to 100 every time and say job done because you are degrading the quality of all your audio slightly and the the voice can get artifacty you can have those weird wispy or robotic sounds so you want to find the sweet spot you want to push this up until you hear most of the noise gone so let's try that now so to sum up this review i love this phone case and i definitely recommend it 69 look at that 69 the noise is gone so don't go any higher it's as simple and as easy as that um one other pro tip by the way uh if you're using these plugins is you can make them larger like if you use high resolution screens i really really dislike it when i load my plugins and they're tiny i need to get a magnifying glass out accustomed has actually thought of that they've got this magnifying thing so if i put it to 100 my high resolution 4k screen makes it teeny tiny i can't see any of the controls uh but they thought of that so just click it 200 and it works really well and that will be remembered so the next time you open the plugin it's always going to look like that so that's noise remover it's brilliant i'll just give you one other pro tip going back to the ocean here let's actually apply noise remover completely so let's uh stick that in on my effects rack noise remover let's push it up to 100 and let's just apply it and let's look at the spectral frequency display and if we zoom right on in you'll actually see here there are the patterns that it's actually left the birdsong in isn't that cute that's amazing the only thing is it also competes with our speaker here and there's a bird tweeting away there and something that i would like to show you if you want to really get rid of those bird songs because they are so easy to spot here in spectral frequency just grab the spot healing brush tool up here in the top left uh make it a little bit smaller and just paint over that birdsong like this like that trying to do it as accurately as i can [Music] everything gone like that just literally painting over the bird song there isn't that wonderful and this final little bit here there we go all right most of it's gone just paint over the rest and now the bird has disappeared i believe and no more birds as simple as that spot healing brush tool if you're an adobe audition user right let's move on because there's loads to get through and i'm really excited about this plugin as it's brand new in the era 5 bundle it's the one sort of in the center to the left with the triangle in i love triangles and you're going to love the way it works to make your voice sound better who doesn't want to make their voice sound better this is auto eq from accusonos i've been eq'ing using parametric equalizers and all kinds of other brilliant eq plugins and bits like that um but this as you'll see does the job for you pretty much automatically let's play a little bit of audio here today we're gonna talk about the best ice cream place in town i've always felt that a good gelato place was missing around here okay the audio is okay and the important thing when you're recording is try and get that audio as good as you can at source so you don't have to do noise reduction and loads and loads of things but when you need these plugins they're here for you so auto eq can take that voice it will listen to it intelligently work out the correct eq settings on the fly this is crazy right and then simply give you a triangle and you can move it in three different directions around the triangle and it is just amazing so let me show you how it works first of all i'm going to go into effects back down to my vst plugins and i'm going to go and find voice auto eq here it is so again all of these plugins look very similar and they're designed like that basically to save you time so you don't have to mess about with too many settings let's make sure it's on default like that and what we'll need to make sure before we do anything else is that we click the learn button when we click the learn button it's going to show me an ear and it's going to start listening to any audio i play let's do it today we're going to talk about the best ice cream place in town i've always felt that a good gelato place was missing around here and i don't think i really need to do any more also eq has done it for me yes i i could move the dot around in the triangle and of course i'm going to for the purpose of this demonstration but as you can hear he's done from a muffled kind of like talking through a sock into a into a like a 30 dynamic microphone today we're gonna talk about the best ice cream place in town to a radio host who's recording in a professional studio today we're going to talk about the best ice cream place in town how do these guys do it it's just like it's done it's like there you go one minute done the end let's move on to the next plugin but no of course i'm going to show you exactly how it all works uh so what do we got here we've obviously got the output level we can leave as is we've got this wonderful triangle to work with and we've got the intensity so the intensity is how much of that eq is applied to your voice if you whack it up to 10 it's gonna put on loads of its intelligence eq if you whack it all the way down to one it's gonna roll the eq off so some of you uh producing you know spoken word documentaries or youtube videos might not want that radio host kind of boom boom boom kind of sound you might want to have it at one two or three those of you who are producing a podcast might want to push it up to four five or six and those of you wanting to produce radio imaging uh yeah you have a voice over the somehow they they put a sock over the microphone well let's take the sock off then you can go to intensity nine or ten uh so at intensity six we've got a happy medium and i'll show you everything so basically the body when we move over to this direction it's going to add on more of the low end more of the base let's listen today we're going to talk about the best ice cream place in town when we go to air well you guessed it it's those airy high-end frequencies let's have a listen i've always felt that a good gelato place was missing around here and then when we go to the clarity obviously it's going to push up i would imagine here uh some of the mid-range and make the voice more intelligible let's try but it's finally here and it's amazing so you can really go anywhere and you have to listen really closely to notice those eq changes but they are there so we can obviously we can go with what the auto eq decides is good or we can just adjust it here uh through this triangle let's have another go with the rest of this clip it's a family business everything's organic and super tasty i'd probably leave it between body and air there and just to remind us it's a family business and then without auto eq it's a family business with auto eq it's a family business without a family business oh my goodness and let's play the rest of this and vegan options are also available and then on and vegan options are also available oh my goodness me okay this is exciting get your questions in now because i will be answering questions i'm going to be here for the best part of an hour we've got about 40 minutes to go uh loads more plugins and tips to show you uh so eq uh it's just amazing it's called voice auto eq it's in the error 5 standard bundle and of course today you can start a free trial at forward slash error that's e r a that's how you spell it out and just so you know by the way if you do go over the website and click start the free trial uh you can of course go in and put in your email and password and get the installer straight away and try them out and we'll talk about pricing later on as well because i think the pricing is also super competitive for the amount of plugins you get and the stuff they do so we're two plugins deep and we're going to go further with this i can see isabella is answering lots of your questions so any questions you have do post them in and of course she's going to collect together some questions for me to answer at the end of this stream as well okay let's move on and let's look at the next thing and i think you're really really going to like this um it's going to be amazing many of you are recording audio and you're thinking i want to sound really good i i record into my microphone and when i play the audio back it just doesn't sound the same as i'm hearing it in my head when i listen to my voice in my head i think i've got a really uh deep lovely resonant voice and when i record it sounds like this and i've no idea why if only there was a plug-in that could make your voice sound deeper well yes accusonos have thrown this in as a brand new addition to the era 5 bundle and i think it's fantastic let me show you exactly how it works so you can you can figure out how this is uh so we've got um a little youtube intro here let's have a listen to this guy i started this youtube channel to share my fitness journey hoping to motivate myself as well as anyone else was in the same place as me the love and support i've received all these years has been amazing thank you for everything really okay so yeah that sounds okay but you could say well i'd like to do a little bit with this i'd like to make the voice a little deeper there is the opportunity to do that and i'll show you how right now so we'll go into our effects menu we'll look at the vst plugins restoration accusonos and we've got voice deepener here uh so again this is a 0 to 100 plugin there's a couple of options down here we'll talk about in a moment and let's just listen to what difference it makes so we've got the original voice i started this youtube channel and then we'll start deepening the voice i started this youtube channel to share my fitness journey i started this youtube channel to share my fitness journey and then let's listen with that off i started this youtube channel to share my fitness journey and i turned it on there let's listen to one word here that's me as me let's maybe make it a little bit more the love and support i've received on and then up to 100 to hear the real difference the love and support i've received all these years has been amazing that's amazing and then amazing that sounds like i've sped him up doesn't it amazing and then deeper amazing amazing now what i really like about the voice deepener is it's not doing some crazy it's not like pitching you right down to make you sound like some kind of crazy demon or like dark lord it's just simply adding a very very subtle change to your voice and one extra thing you can do here which i really like is turn the mode from normal to punchy uh so when we've got it up at 100 here love and support it's probably a little overkill really you probably want to go between 40 and 60 to get a natural deepening noise anywhere 60 to 100 is that kind of in a world kind of movie trailer voice what this will actually do with the punchy mode enabled is kind of pump up a bit of the base so we've got the love and support and then put the punchy on the love and support we've just got extra kind of punch extra oomph to it um and yes the voice deepener can make you into a movie trailer voice and i really like this in fact i've been waiting all day to play with it in this fashion so i'm gonna do it i'm gonna start a brand new audio file and we'll call this movie trailer voice there we go mike russell as a movie trailer voice it's the inner world isn't it in a world i'm just gonna say in a world just try that out uh let's take that in a world and then we'll come into our my effects rack here vst restoration akisonos voice deepener and we'll go in a world that's the original in a world oh my goodness and with punchy enables in a world i am truly a movie voice over it's amazing um yeah i mean that's all you need to do uh to make it sound better another cool feature about all these uh plugins in the era 5 bundle is you can do a b so you can say well okay i quite like it 100 with puncheon but i'm going to go to b and i'm going to say well let's just try maybe 70 at normal in a world and we can quickly go between in a world and in a world so we can a b it really quickly in a world in a world yeah a sounds better and then out there and we'll apply and boom i have my movie trailer voice that i can now insert into my multi-track and mix and match and it's absolutely amazing so voice deepener i know i'm going to be using that all the time now all the time literally and i'll figure out a way to get it into my chain uh for the live stream uh as it's a vst plugin you know you can use it in obs studio uh during your live stream so i might just whack it on my live streams and just just butcher up i would and i know what you're asking you're saying okay mike uh you know that's fantastic that's all hunky-dory uh but what does the voice deepener sound like on a female voice shall we do it let's let's give it a go and she's going to absolutely kill me for this but i'm just going to go ahead and find a voice over by isabella ah there we go there's one of her latest voice sessions let's just have a listen a dutch caribbean island known for beaches tucked into coves okay the dutch caribbean island what a lovely voice over there ah sorry isabella but i'm just going to quickly run voice deepener on you see what it does to your voice uh this could be interesting uh voice deepener off we go let's uh let's keep punching on that pushes the base up zero percent a dutch caribbean island and then up a dutch caribbean island oh yeah a dutch caribbean island i'm digging that let's go to 100. a dutch caribbean island known for beaches tucked into coves we might touch caribbean islands we might just go for 40 percent that is kind of like a standard thing um but yeah it kind of it gives a little more calmness a little more authority to your voice as well if your voice is just a little excitable a little bit up the high end there you can deepen it down and you can calm people you can entice people you can relax people if you're trying to deliver some piece of content online to make people happy or tell people about your business or what it is you do you can just add a little bit of authority to your voice and the the trick is you don't want to go nuts with this i mean up at 100 you are going to sound like a movie trailer voiceover and if that's what you're going for i do think i'm going to get killed doing that demo that wasn't in the script [Laughter] then uh yeah this is this is gonna be for you you're probably gonna want to stick around 30 to 40 i'd say of this because it's a very powerful plugin but do have a play with it do experiment with it and remember uh until the end of october i believe there's something like a 40 discount on this bundle so it's really worth going for and of course you can free trial it as well you definitely should free trial it at that link forward slash error uh now let's move on to our next plugin which is voice leveler this is amazing you may know how i always tell you to compress stuff always compress your audio so it squashes down the loud bits and kind of evens them out with quiet bits and makes everything level in uniform so that if you're doing a podcast and your levels go up and down at least your listener will have a consistent experience right yes yes compression is a great thing but accusonos have leveled it up again with a plug-in called voice leveler and i really want to show you how this works on a little example here so let's get some audio that's all over the place in terms of levels i'll switch off spectral frequency so we can see the waveform we can see here it's nice and loud you can see here he's kind of going quiet and maybe a little bit off mike loud quiet loud quiet quiet loud quiet okay let's have a listen so we can actually hear how this sounds hey ladies and gents you may have noticed that i haven't been active on youtube lately but now i am back and believe me this was a much needed break new videos coming up very soon cheers okay that's good but yeah we could just do with leveling it out so usually i go ahead i can press this use one of the many compressors available in adobe audition but voice level up the plugin i'm about to show you is amazing because instead of compressing squashing down the loud bits it's actually working like a very fast producer on a fader and when it's loud it keeps the volume level about here and when it goes quiet it pushes the volume level up and when it goes loud again it pulls it down like that but it does it really fast it's like a computer doing it for you so no compression just leveling going on here so amazing and a more natural sound to the voice i would say so let's go ahead in my effects right now i'm going to add the vst plug-in from my accusolos bundle here and it is going to be voice leveler now you've got a few good things here obviously a few extra buttons down here we'll talk about a little display down here we'll start at zero percent and we'll start pushing this up and listen to how it gets louder and easier to hear hey ladies and gents you may have noticed that i haven't been active on youtube lately but now i am back and believe me this was a much needed break new videos coming up very soon okay let's switch it off hey ladies and gents you may have noticed that i haven't um hey ladies and gents you may have noticed that i haven't been active on youtube lately okay what's going on down here with this waveform and the black and the yellow okay black is your original waveform okay the original amplitude of your wavefilm the original volume there and yellow is the new volume or amplitude if you prefer of your waveform so as you can see it's pretty much leveling that out but we can go one step further adobe audition gives you a before and after view so let's move this over here switch on before and after and look at that you can clearly see now how your audio is going to look after going through the voice leveler simply spoken it's leveled it all out so rather than being on mic and then off mic here it has kept everything nice and consistent really is as simple and as easy as that so we've got breath control and emphasis as well on this plug-in so what do they do breath control uh now uh i really wish breath control meant that it's going to remove breaths it doesn't but i'm hoping i'm really hoping fingers crossed accus will implement something like that in the future i feel that they they've got the know-how to go ahead and do that be amazing but breath control in this instance will actually take audio um that is uh leveled in an unnatural way how do i explain that in plain english so if you hear that the plugin is unnaturally raising quiet parts of the audio like a breath yeah so it's like like that it sounds really unnatural you switch on breath control and then it will stop and naturally raising up those breaths okay so we might enable that for good measure that's absolutely fine and then emphasis over here but as you can see actually what it's done is it has pulled down a little bit of this audio so in this instance i might leave it off because actually in this particular case it's doing it's actually pulling audio down so that's not what i want but in your case you may have something where breaths are going up and all over the place then you enable this an emphasis um if someone goes off mic and you kind of lose that like effect of being on mic emphasis tries to bring that back essentially in plain english so if you go off the mic and you want to try and make it sound like they were on the mic all the time switch on and you'll notice it working when the green light flicks on hey ladies and gents you may have noticed that i haven't been active on youtube lately but now i am back and believe me this was a much okay it looks like 59 is a really good place to be as you can see the emphasis is going uh in my opinion again plain english here i just feel like the emphasis makes the voice more punchy it just gives it a bit more punch a little bit more crackle you know real full-on good stuff so hopefully that's all making sense to you uh we're about halfway through and i still got a ton more stuff to get through but do get your questions in because i'll be answering some more and you know by the time i get to the end of the demo if i need to hang around to answer your questions i will don't worry i'm not i'm not watching the clock here and saying right i'm gone in half an hour i'm gonna stick around because i know that isabella is collecting a spreadsheet and i can see there's a ton of questions no question by the way is too small uh it can be related to the usage of these plugins it can be related to an editing tip anything at all um i don't mind i'm here to help you basically on this live master class so yeah let me know and i'll be here sipping gulping down t quaffing down t at the moment let's get on to the next plugin and uh this one's really cool because we don't always have perfect recording environments particularly if you're a podcaster or a a youtuber and you've got a set and it's kind of like a corner of your living room you're familiar with that uh something like that and you know these big houses where there's like echo and reverb everywhere like if you live in an english manor house you've got reverb all through the roofs and stuff like that so reverb remover is a fantastic plug-in for remedying this even if you're just in a room that you've dedicated as your dedicated podcast or recording space um but you notice that you know your audio isn't great you haven't got like sound tiles all around and it's not perfectly treated you are going to get a bit of reflection uh and a bit of reverb uh so here's a great example here's a podcast trailer uh and have a listen i created this trailer to welcome you to what will be my podcast okay it's not awful but there's definitely room reflection room reverb in there and we'd like to get rid of it so let me show you how in the effects rack here restoration accusonus the reverb remover works again it's a zero to one hundred percent uh not much difference actually from the noise remover tool uh you've got the same thing with frequency focuses generally i would just leave this on all frequency focus unless you really know what you're doing uh this will catch uh 99 i'd say of reverbal echo situations and you simply push this fader up again from zero to one hundred percent and the only difference really between this and noise remover is it has an auto uh makeup gain here so as you increase the reverb removal uh the audio generally gets quieter and let's switch off preview for the moment so auto will automatically boost up your volume so the audio doesn't get quieter when the effect is applied let's listen to how it works i created this trailer to welcome you to what will be my podcast which for anyone unfamiliar is an episodic form of internet radio that will be available on demand in which my visitors and subscribers will be able to conveniently access any time via okay i hope you could hear the difference that reverb remover was making as i was pushing it up and pulling it down visually on the screen there for you hopefully you were hearing a lot of the room reflections disappearing the further i push that up and they come back in when i go down to zero and you can see that output slider over here is going up and down uh to add that makeup gain on to keep your audio nice and loud so again with this you want to like 100 is extreme i created this trailer too zero percent there's nothing i created this trailer lots of room echo you want to get the sweet spot here to just get rid of the echo but no more than that because again too high then you're going to get an artifacty sound i created this trailer to welcome kind of thins out the voice and sounds a little bit wispy and thin uh so you want to kind of just dial it in right i created this trailer to welcome you to what will be my podcast which for anyone unfamiliar again we're hitting around 57 and we're getting a very sweet sound we could probably afford to go to 44. i created this trailer to welcome you to what will be my podcast which for anyone unfamiliar yeah i'm sticking at about 56 i think that works really well for that and at this point halfway through this masterclass you might be saying well mike this is all very well i i've done the reverb removal but i also want to do the auto eq and i might want to do some other bits and bobs how can i do that don't worry coming up very soon i'll show you how to combine these plugins obviously in an audition you can always use the effects rack but then you know if you want to use this in any audio editor i mean any audio editor any of these editors or video editors uh then you can actually create your own custom rack accusators have thought about that they have this fantastic extra add-on which you're absolutely gonna love and i'll show it to you soon it is the audio cleanup assistant and you can combine multiple plugins so there's the reverb remover in a nutshell it's uh pretty decent and does a great job on removing room echo let's get on to another example here oh i'm sure you can see what's wrong with this example oh my goodness we have a lot of distortion there let's play this audio back did you lay all night upon my branch my glory was my glory my goodness that's that's absolutely crazy you actually see an audition here on the level meters here they're lit up red which means we've got distortion the jew lay all night upon my brain yeah those levels are off the scale now a little pro tip here when you are recording in adobe audition you may actually notice all the other clips i've been working with so far uh this is for the very eagle eye of you if you look down at the bottom right they're all 44 100 hertz 32-bit float 32-bit okay 32-bit that's what i want you to remember uh so you might think well what does it matter if i record in 8-bit hopefully you're not recording an 8-bit 16-bit 24-bit or 32-bit 32-bit is amazing something that audition has i think a few other doors might have it as well and it essentially allows you to capture more information so if you go ahead and record something and it distorts you can actually bring the volume level down and without having to run any plug-in you can actually save it and get the original audio back without that distortion 16-bit unfortunately won't do that and unfortunately this audio was recorded in 16-bit so if i try to pull the volume down look at that it is just clipped at the top there's it's just a july or not still going to sound absolutely awful whereas if i distort let me try and give you a quick example here as long as i'm recording bit depth 32 uh i can then be really loud hello there hello let's make this nice and loud i can't make it loud hello i need to make it loud how can i make my mic loud let's make it louder hello warning very loud whoa okay now i'm hoping this will work if i just move this down no it's clipped it because i digitally distorted through my mixer but if you distort um your levels inside the computer 32-bit what it will do is it will allow you to rescue that in most cases so i can't rescue this i've now got this terrible distorted audio and that's where i'm going to hop into my vst plugins and i'm going to look for the wonderful d clipper plugin there's a few things to to note here and again i will remind you if you want to know what any feature does on any of these plugins just click the the i button the info window and you can hover over anything and it'll tell you what what it does particularly this type type of d clipping type one or type two uh well this explains exactly what those different types do and we'll get onto that in just a second for the moment this is probably the easiest plugin to set up because you simply choose a type uh we maybe we'll play with the output gain in a second and you choose quality standard or high okay so i'm going to start with standard and play this back the jewel lay all night upon my branch that's already starting to sound better let's switch it off did you lay all night upon my branch well my glory was and let's just listen with it on my glory was it's starting to sound better isn't it um the only problem we're getting look at this output this is uh important on the d-clipper if this is going red you're still above zero db the jewel lay all night upon my branch and that's flashing red like crazy so what we need to do is grab this and pull down the output a little bit after the processing has happened so let's do it the jewel lay all night upon my branch my glory was fresh in me there we go a daily we want to get it down so that it's not going red and when we see it not going red probably pull it down two or three db more and then we have a nice clean piece of audio did you lay all night upon my brand wow my glory was fresh in me and that is only in standard quality high quality again if you've got a bit of a meaty computer uh this just uses more cpu cycles so most of you will be okay with this but obviously if you're working on a zx spectrum maybe not uh anyone remember the 286 uh if you're working on any of those computers you might want to stay on standard but for most of you power users you'll be clicking high here you can render in real time did you lay all night upon my brain it's all very well hearing and saying yeah that sounds better but how does it look well let's go to a before and after in audition and yeah look at that before it's a clipped crazy piece of audio after it is a reasonable normal waveform wow that is the d-clipper part of the era 5 standard bundle from accusonos you can start a free trial by the way it's a good time to tell you about that forward slash era that's spelled e r a and you can get all of these plugins including the audio cleanup assistant that i'll also get onto that allows you to use multiple plugins and yes sparkly works with all of these and many many more so video editors audio editors whether it's a podcast whether it's a youtube video whatever it is uh you will be able to use these in your editor of choice uh final thing to show you in d clipper uh what's the difference between one and two here why would you use these well like i say if you enable the info window it will actually tell you but i'm gonna tell you you'll want to use type number one the most because this is for lossless audio this is for wave and uh and flak audio and all of that good stuff you wouldn't really want to be using this on lossy audio in fact as much as you can try and record in lossless or audio codec so wave if you're using a mac uh or yeah of course flac if you want to be open source but if you absolutely have to work with an mp3 file it's going to be better if you select type number two here and it's going to try and make up for the fact that you're working with a rubbish piece of audio in the first place sorry did i offend any people who love mp3s by saying that i i really hope not there we go i really really hope not but anyway uh yes use lossless audio as much as you can it's super important it will help you it will make things sound better and it will just generally uh be a very very good thing right okay uh yeah so just again to remind you about where you can go and what you can do here i will be taking questions and i will be giving answers as well all of that will be coming up at the end of this masterclass so do get all of your questions in and i'd be very very happy to help you out okay we're going to get on to the uh the next thing here now and we're going to listen to this now it's time to sit back relax and enjoy some good sounding r b and blues music okay that's a lovely voiceover but the unfortunate thing about this voiceover is we're experiencing a little sibilance on the s's and the top end you know that distortion that stuff that really doesn't sound very nice when you're listening to audio and it's usually the s words or x words of course all of this anything there and the reason i've got spectral frequency open here is because you can actually see the sibilance you can see these hot yellow frequencies up in the high end oh very annoying on the air well don't worry because you can go ahead and use a wonderful plugin which is under effects vst restoration eq sonos this is the de-esser and again it works uh from zero to one hundred percent and this has a little extra add-on that i think you're really going to like but first of all we're going to set this up by playing it and pushing the processing up now it's time to sit back relax and enjoy some good sounding r and b okay what's going on there so down here in the waveform display we can see that there is green going on uh on all the sibilant sounds and it's picking them up quite nicely so we can see that we've set this right now this is ground breaking for a dsr plug-in i've always wanted a de-esser that tells me if i'm hitting the spot when i set it up and this is exactly what the dslr from accusonos does um it's got the green highlights to show me that i'm getting it right if i push it to 100 it'll make it sound like i've i've i've locked the voiceover box the voiceover inside a box she sounds like she's kind of like this and you'll see that the green is all over the whole way forward now it's time to sit back relax and enjoy some good sounding orange it's kind of 100 it kind of i've given her a bit of a speech impediment there unfortunately so you see the green is going all over the way for me that's what you don't want so we want to get this just on the s's but nothing more let's try that again now it's time to sit back relax and enjoy some good sounding r and b and blues me now it's time to sit back relax and enjoy some good sounding r b 66 has given me a nice result there but it doesn't stop there it does not stop there because there's something else that you can do and with this plugin and also the plosive remover that i will show you very shortly indeed you can hit the diff button down here and what it's going to do is it's going to play you the sibilant sounds only that you're removing and this actually looks really good when i enable the before and after view and we look at spectral frequency display and you can see i mean this is just amazing this when i actually got the chance to see this um this was amazing for the first time and i opened up a before and after view and i could see highlighted here for me all of my sibilant sounds look at this here they are i'm doing pretty well there aren't i and again if i move this down you'll see more of the audio comes into play as i push it up there you go it's catching just a little bit and the more i push it up the more it's grabbing of that sibilant sound look at that look at how clever it is until i go all the way up and you see up at 100 i'm probably i'm definitely catching too much here look at all of this stuff here i definitely should not be catching so uh anything here where you got the yellow highlights that's where i want to be going for so again put that processing on uh so the other thing to to note here with the de-esser is the difference between normal and broad and again it helps if i show this to you visually you'll see here it catches sibilance down to around four kilohertz okay but if you tend to have more sibilance down at the lower end of your voice broad switching that on will catch it because it will boom pop it down down there to about 3 000 hertz or 3 kilohertz so broad if you've got a particularly sibilant piece of audio and normal really for most use cases and i think i found the sweet spot for me here was 66 remember switch off diff before you apply this otherwise you'll only get the sibilant sounds and nothing else uh let's go back and apply this and look boom look did you see that maybe i did that too quickly undo watch all those sibilant sounds come back there there there and they're nice and hot and yellow redo it boom now they're nice and red and cool and calm and easy the dsr absolutely amazing and it's part of the era 5 bundle the standard edition uh go ahead get your free trial at forward slash era right there e-r-a okay getting close to your questions uh we just got one more of the main plugins then i'm going to show you the audio cleanup assistant so let's look at the uh plosive remover and um plosives what are they again in spectral frequency we can see them these yellow little marks down here uh let's highlight one it's kind of when you have a pop filter off hopefully i'm not popping too much now but if i take the pop filter off pop pop pop that's awful isn't it absolutely awful that's a plosive that is a plosive when you pop against the mic a bit of air hitting the the little capsule inside the mic vibrating it like crazy and uh giving that rather unpleasant sound now do excuse me but for this example i had to use my own example uh because i love this tongue twister and i think it demonstrates a poster from river really well so let's have a listen peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers okay lots of plosives there so this is where we'll go into the uh let's go back to the effects menu here and let's go for vst restoration accusonus and we'll go for the plosive remover there it is and we can go from zero to one hundred percent peter piper picked up so that's zero percent peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers and you can see it so there we go the orange highlights is picking out all the plosives and removing them peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers back to zero peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers back up peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers wow okay and then switching on diff and maybe going to before and after view you can see it's pulling out all those low end pops hopefully you can just hear that as well if you've got real extreme pops you can always switch on the extreme peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers back to normal peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers i'm gonna leave that as normal the only um difference in my experience between normal and extreme is you're gonna cut off more of the low end so with normal you retain a pretty natural sounding voice but with extreme uh you will get the case where you're probably cutting into a bit of the low end so you're kind of rolling off a bit of that low end from the voice and maybe thinning it out a bit so in an extreme example you may need that but most cases around 47 for me and normal i'm going to apply it and i'm going to give you another hack as well peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers if you notice there are still a few pops piper piper i mean that's not bad but if you're not happy with that what you can actually do is go in here pipe at the p and you can actually just cut out a bit of it this is a pro tip so piper piper piper so that sounds really really good now piper picked a peck of and then again peg let's zoom in on that just cut out that little uh zigzag there and zoom out heck of pickled peppers and again a couple more pickled peppers let's do the the zigzag cut there so a little zigzag cut there little zigzag cut there zoom it right out have a listen peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers and i i think there's a great combination with the uh fantastic accusators plosive remover and a little bit of deleting you can do it and you can see it really doesn't affect the speech that much you will pretty much eliminate those plosives right 10 more minutes i'm going to show you the big daddy of the plugins from this bundle it brings them all together all of these wonderful plugins it brings them together and it allows you to use multiple plugins stacked up because of course you're not always going to need to just remove noise or just remove reverb sometimes you'll want to remove noise auto eq voice level and the audio cleanup assistant allows you to do that just before i get on to the audio cleanup assistant questions and answers it's your last chance to post a question for me right now in the chat wherever you're watching uh we'll grab them and uh isabella is actually sitting there and she's putting them into a very nice spreadsheet for me uh i can see there's a ton of really good quality questions so i'll be getting to them at the end probably on the hour in about eight minutes time and we'll just go on for as long as you'd like me to with q a but let's finish up with the fantastic audio clean up assistant that brings everything together i've got a few examples here so let's play with something what have we got let's start with this one i wanted to share a major decision i've made i recently quit my job to work as a full-time content creator he sounds rather delighted about that doesn't he okay um so with this uh we've got reasonable sounding audio we could just make it sound better so into effects into our vst plugins and we're going to fire up the audio clean up assistant this is amazing let's go to an empty bank here um this allows us to bring in multiple different one-not plug-ins from the era 5 standard bundle and layer them on top of each other now i could go ahead and put them all in myself but accusonus have actually thought about this for you and they have given you a bunch of presets for situations that you might encounter so for instance for this i might want to use the podcast ready preset and it immediately loads in four plugins it reckons i'm going to need noise remover de-esser voice auto eq voice leveller so let's have a listen to what it's done wanted to share a major decision i've made i recently quit my job to work as a full-time content creator all right let's play that and switch it off i recently quit my job and then on i recently quit my job so it's done some really good stuff there now we do want to make sure we learn the eq so let's make sure we learn for this particular example to get it bang on this is something i've been wanting to do for a while now but never had the guts to actually do it it's sounding really good so with it off this is something i've been wanting to do for a while now but never had the guts you can hear how it's getting loud and quiet and the eq is not quite right this is something i've been wanting to do for a while now push the voice leveler up to make it even louder and clearer this is something i've been wanting to do for a while now but move the dot around in the triangle for the eq this is something i've been wanting to do for a while now but never had the guts to actually do it right now what i might actually do because when i'm using the voice auto eq i can hear it's actually pushing up the sibilance on this voice i might actually want to uh let's empty this slot i might actually want to go along and place the de-esser later in the chain so i might want to just change that around so i'm going to add the de-esser in at the end and let's try and get this right this is something i've been wanting to do for a while now but never had the guts to actually do it so if you so that's working pretty well got a bit of noise removal which is okay i might pull that down because we don't need so much this is a good quality clip this is something i've been in fact in in truthfulness i could probably take that off this is something i've been wanting to do for a while now maybe just a tiny bit there and there's all kinds of other stuff that we can put in we could put in reverb remover um this is a common question and i might already have been asked this but it is worth to state it right now um the order in which you use these plugins is really important always do your noise clean up so your noise remover and reverb remover before you do enhancements like auto eq and voice leveler why because if you do the voice leveler first it's going to suck up that background noise and then it'll make it harder for the noise remover to do its job and you can of course you can do all kinds of things to uh to make things better so for instance if you find that noise remover knocks off a load of the high end you can actually pull it back in using the voice auto eq and just pushing it up to the air part of the triangle so there are definitely ways that you can make things better got about five minutes left in this hour then we will get to your questions and answer them uh so let's have a look here let's have a look at another example i can use how about this one well my grandparents made uh wine okay so you can see there's a ton of stuff going on here first of all spectral frequency loads of background noise uh we've also got a bit of echo going on and we could probably do with having a bit of uh eq auto eq on this speaker's voice so effects vst bringing everything from the bundle together in audio cleanup assistant uh this time i think i'll go for let's have a look here what can we use here there's a ton of different ideas here let's go for the reverb removal preset three plugins going in noise remover de-esser and reverb remover let's listen to how it sounds by default well my grandparents made uh uh wine all through the prohibition switch off in the mission district of san francisco and so and then on it kind of hopped over my father's generation stunning difference right and then if we're really happy with what the reverb removal i'm not going to change any of that because it just works i mean these presets have really been programmed uh with the kind of order and the amount that you'll need to use in mind so if you really want to save even more time even though these plugins are designed to save you lots of time the audio cleanup assistant is just going to take it to a brand new level for you um finally i can use the extra slots 4 and 5 to do some eq and leveling so again i'm going to i'm going to whack on the voice auto eq it's listening so let's play some audio for it well my grandparents made uh uh wine all through the prohibition and then we'll go to voice leveller as well and push this up well my grandparents made uh uh wine and then apply and look at that beautiful waveform it's gonna be lovely and eq'd it's going to have noise taken out everything is level in uniform and sounding absolutely fantastic uh now finally let's just use one more and it means that you get absolutely perfect audio okay so that's a pretty good sample already uh many of us have been recording uh stuff on zoom during this pandemic and this lockdown we've been connecting by zoom skype google meet uh all the other uh online uh software that allows you to connect but it doesn't always give you the best audio well i'm pleased to say with a little bit of magic from the audio clean up assistant uh i'm going to go for the clear and loud voice here plosive remover de-esser voice auto eq let's switch it to learn mode and voice leveller means that you get absolutely perfect audio and the system aligns the audio you record in the studio with the audio that they spoke on location and this is why when you see a film and it's a big battle scene and uh this bombs going awful around them and it's in the open air and the camera is nowhere near them and they speak and it's right in your head okay let's listen to it with it off and it means that you get absolutely perfect audio and on and the system aligns the audio you record in the studio and off with the audio that they spoke on location and on and this is why when you see a film i mean it's just amazing right it's taking a zoom call uh that was kind of zoomy and made it sound a lot better so you can see the use cases for all of these plugins absolutely amazing stuff and it just it just works it saves you a lot of time really really good stuff i know that a ton of questions are coming in that i'm absolutely dying to answer uh so if you want to start your free trial do so now mrc dot fm forward slash era that's e r a and you can use all of these fantastic plugins uh that will take you to a web page that looks pretty similar to this one where you can just click start free trial and you can start using these you can get them for windows and mac and as i said at the start it works with all of these audio and video editors and many many more so you podcast editors working in audacity or reaper or audition of course you can use it if you're working in final cut or premiere to make your youtube videos it's all working you can even stick it in garageband or logic or anything else davinci it's all there uh the only one i don't know is the bottom right one in from the left what is that icon someone will correct me now i should know but i i didn't recognize that one sorry uh so anyway let's go back over here so this is how you get it many of you will be asking about the pricing so yes there's a really really good uh price really uh per month for either of these uh it ends at the end of october okay so you have the chance to get this amazing saving right now uh if you uh if you act and at least get the free trial and if you like these plugins if you're using them enough uh then they're going to be i think a no-brainer for you but now we have reached the end of our hour uh together but i'm going to hang around and answer questions seeing as hundreds of you are still hanging with me thank you very much uh big sip of tea first of all some of you asking about my shirt or maybe this view there we go that's my shirt of the day uh so let's have a look at the questions which isabella has been wonderful to filter through and we've got quite a few of them to get through so i'm just going to hang out here and do this uh but once again thank you so much to anki sonos uh like i say i met them earlier this year i've been using their plugins for a while so when the opportunity to came up to partnership uh with these guys and do this wonderful masterclass for you i just absolutely was delighted to do it so thank you for tuning up as well and asking so many questions and sitting with me uh and if you're here on the replay i hope you got a lot of value and you enjoy watching some of these sections back and that they really help you level up your content creation game as many of us are now creating stuff from our home and we need things like this to help so let's have a look at what we got here oh and by the way one more thing before i get into the questions and ask answers if you really enjoyed this and you want more content like this subscribe hit the subscribe button please do it uh there's always content coming out all the time on my channel related to audio so boy show is in and says hello love your videos i'm a theater reporter with a new podcast i've had a lot of echo and reverb problems with my early interviews using my laptop's microphone reverb doesn't fix any advice yes simply don't use your laptop microphone that might not help you if you've already got some stuff laid down you'll have to do the best you can with it um it's really tough but yeah use anything apart from a laptop microphone uh even just plugging in a cheap headset with a microphone on is going to be better than your laptop's internal microphone whatever you can get if you can get a lavalier microphone or anything like usb microphones are so cheap now i actually have a video coming out on my channel hopefully before the end of the year that compares i think seven of the top usb mics and i've literally put them all head to head and i'm going to give you my thoughts on all the different usb mics that's so simple usb mic uh 100 or less in the side of the laptop and you've got quality audio simple as that you want to fix that stuff you've done on your internal mic you will do it with difficulty the era 5 standard bundle will certainly help you if you're still having issues and reverb removal isn't working you want to try looking into sweeping through on a parametric equalizer and pulling out frequencies uh finding the bad frequencies or echoey frequencies pulling them out and you might also want to have a little play with noise gates um probably a bit too much to go into right now uh but if you just go to my channel and click search and type noise gate i've done a ton of tutorials on them so i really hope that helps you donna ramone hello donna ramone i was looking at their list of plugins does this have a mouth d-click uh oh yeah yeah d-click well there is a d-clicker in adobe audition i think uh there's a d-clicker let's have a look um on the screen here effects oh no it's actually in window diagnostics uh d-clicker there it is d-clicker and you can set up the threshold and complexity as far as i know accusators don't have a d-clicker i'm sure they will correct me though if i've missed something there but yeah i mean you're right donna that would be a great extra plug-in to add to one of their bundles at some point in the future but if you're using audition there is something there at least for you to get your teeth into gabo the fox hello gabo the fox asking i use the headphone mic for my voiceover sometimes my phone for my youtube videos is there any trick to enhancing my voice okay you use a headphone microphone for voice over sometimes the my phone oh for you oh i see okay so you're i see you're doing this you're kind of holding your phone up and using the phone's microphone or you're using a headset um yeah well uh hopefully you've seen auto eq and the absolute power of auto eq and by now you're convinced that that's the way to go i've seen some brilliant examples on the accusonos youtube channel of them uh applying auto eq to uh youtube videos made on iphones and things like that and it really does boost up the sound so i think also eq will be the way to go there stephen hello um nice to see you stephen i'm not even going to attempt to pronounce your surname but thank you so much for tuning up and uh watching this live stream so stephen's asking is there a recommended order of applying the plugins noise reduction auto eq etc etc uh yes there is and i did briefly touch on this uh during the audio cleanup uh assistance section but it's a really important question so i'm really glad you asked it absolutely you definitely want to get your noise removal in first that is the very first thing i would do noise removal and that will not only take out like ocean sounds fans buzzes worse anything else um it's just working really really well but and i found in my experience noise remover will also sometimes take out a little bit of echo and reverb as well so you might find you need to use less d reverb or uh reverb remover so noise remover first then the reverb remover then the plosive my goodness we could we could go through an order couldn't we but anyway anything to do with treatment of audio to make it to get rid of the the problems first then we work on improvement uh now i am probably going to start up a big war on reddit or something if i say this because i will say it the wrong way around and someone will say that's not how you do it but this is how i've done it for years and it's worked for me i usually eq before i level voices okay but it is quite okay to level voices or compress voices um before eq'ing and many many people who are professionals in the industry will say actually i can press or level a voice before i eq for that final mastering sound and that's fine but i have always eq'd first before levelling a voice and i'll tell you why because there is a reason in fact it'd be great to tell you why uh with an example uh let's go here and see what we can find um let's find something that hasn't been altered right okay here we go okay so i'm going to eq this uh let's go ahead and eq uh so effects vst sonos and we'll go to the voice auto eq we'll learn i wanted to share a major decision i've made i recently quit my job to work as a full-time content creator let's just apply that zip did you see how it changed the level of the audio as it did that right uh and then we'll go in and we'll we could do voice level it's just gonna bounce up the wave and make it a bit bigger now if i do it the other way around i've leveled out my audio so it's nice and even it's a consistent volume and what eq tends to do is introduce spikes new spikes to your audio so if you want a consistent listening experience eq first level afterwards all right reddit thank you uh yes ongoing discussion and debate there but there we go uh keep the questions going in i can see that isabella is watching what you're saying and she's adding to the bottom of my never-ending spreadsheet of questions to answer which i'm actually absolutely delighted to answer by the way i'm very very happy to hang around as long as uh well as long as you keep giving me questions and chatting away i'm happy to do it uh rohn hi rohn who's uh very dedicated rona's been watching from the philippines uh tonight as it is here in the uk this afternoon in the americas and of course 2 a.m or now just after three in the morning in the philippines you really are dedicated rone thanks for hanging with me um just in case you'll need to use all the plugins what workflow do you suggest which plugin comes first ah there you go same as steven's question so hopefully ron that has worked for you as well and it made it worth you staying up till eight minutes past three in the morning uh to hear that answer okay um we've got another one here uh what have we got nerdy wizard can you use these plugins with obs yes yes that's a big hell yeah you can you absolutely can you can do it it's amazing uh now this is a bit on the fly i didn't expect to do this but i'm going to try and do it anyway and see that i don't mess up my live stream it's the end of the actual masterclass now this is just the q a so it doesn't matter if i mess things up uh let's bring this in this is obs studio and yes you rightly pointed out nerdy wizard that obs studio has an amazing vst plugin integration well look at this you can see this is my live stream right now with the levels and everything although i'm not streaming from this pc that's actually streaming for another pc i'm just sending my screens output via ndi that is very nerdy but your name is nerdy wizard so you probably understand all of that uh so yeah if i want to go in um and get uh i don't know this microphone and i want to go to advance no where is it filters and then i want to go to vst 2.x plugin okay please select a plugin there you go all of the error bundle are there so you you can add anything you want and then you just click open plugin interface you whirl it around like you would and it will work in real time on your live stream so these plugins are great for live streamers i'm just going to delete that i i didn't want to edit because i just didn't want to mess up the live stream just in case anything broke but yeah that's a big year for you nerdy wizard you absolutely can and believe me i'm going to be adding the voice deepener to uh my weekly live stream i might even add it to isabella no she'll kill me she'll absolutely kill me something else i wanted to add this is not a question but this is something that came to my mind about the voice auto eq plugin which is amazing um you need to let's let's load it up so i can show you what i'm talking about when you're using the voice auto eq plugin uh here and you're using the learn feature where it listens to audio you need to do this for every speaker why because it's deciding what eq settings to apply for each individual speaker and it works on the fly and it will give you a different result every time now um you can do this particularly if you're working in multi-track let me give an example of this if you are in multi-track so let's do this podcast because many podcasters do this they have a podcast here and actually i prefer prepared this earlier this is a male speaker all the way across the united states okay and this is a female speaker um my husband and i and they're on different tracks now if you record it on the same track if you can add auto eq uh once for mail and once for female that's probably enough yeah but if you can work on multiple tracks you can actually let's just delete these empty tracks uh where are we track delete empty tracks boom make it nice and big so we've got male and female because it's going to be different and it's going to be particularly different for male and female voices because the frequencies are so different so here now i can actually go ahead and uh let's just reset to my saved layout so i get everything back effects rack and i can go and add on the auto eq plugin to the mail track let's do that and then i can also add on to track two auto eq for the female let's do that and now we got two okay so we got the and you can see it's denoted at the bottom right you can see this is on the mail track this is on the female track is listening to each track separately so let's play this audio united states and so it's eq'ing the mail speaker where we're at on maui in the middle of the pacific yeah what brought you out here um my husband and i decided so you can see we've got different eq going on you wouldn't know it from looking at the plug-in but these plug-ins have very different eq for each speaker and of course you can move this around to get the exact eq that you would like but yeah very important sort of side note there on auto eq okay we've got dirk here who says uh mike do you also have plugins to make a voice higher uh no i've never had the need to do that um but i guess you could if you wanted to uh let's go here let's open this up wow all the way across the united i'm not going to do this with another speaker because that just would not be good uh but i don't know what you mean by higher but i'm going to assume i know what you mean hello this is mike russell and sometimes i decide i want to sound rather like a chipmunk so you can you can go into like audition has something time and pitch uh pitch shifter and you just pitch shift it up a little bit hello this is mike russell and sometimes i decide i want to sound rather like a chipmunk and you can obviously go hi this is mike russell and sometimes i decide i want to sound rather like a chipmunk okay you can do that um there's also a really cool effect that i love using in radio imaging called the pitch bender uh and if we go to default there and we just like draw on a little line here and here and we'll just go up like that hello this is mike russell and sometimes [Music] bit too much let's put it down hello this is mike russell and sometimes i decide i want to sound around okay you can do something like that i don't know if that's what you meant dirk but you can um and how does noise remover compare to uh other noise removal plug-ins uh like ns1 from waves for instance that's a good question uh noise remover in my opinion it's like it's got a magic algorithm going on in there like i've seen in no other plugin let's you know let's just say it as it is um actually akisos some of their stuff is so good that adobe licensed it and and put it natively into audition that's like how good these guys are so uh in my opinion it's just one of the the best plugins out there for the use case where you want to remove something sometimes you want to do stuff like i know ns1 for instance it does a bit of gating as well so it's kind of got the it's trying to remove noise and gate at the same time so it really depends what you're going for and what your use case is uh but noise remover in like i think 90 of cases will get rid of the noise you need to get rid of in a way that most of other plugins i've played with uh cannot do okay what else have we got loads of amazing questions here by the way uh so we got uh dorian um can i compare voice leveller against auditions speech volume leveler um yeah i could actually yeah why not okay let's do it but i think i know what's going to happen but before i try and tell you what i think is going to happen i think i'll um i'll have a play uh so let's go into waveform let's get rid of this and let's call this one voice leveler and then the native speech volume okay and let's put them side by side so we'll just do this and of course all of this depends how you set these plugins up but i'm going to try and set them in extreme settings and show you the difference so get rid of voice auto eq here on the voice leveler we'll go ahead bring in that plugin there we go so we got voice leveler here let's play it and listen i wanted to share a major decision i've made i recently quit my job let's go back to that major decision i've made major decision i've made okay extreme settings there and then the voice leveler speech volume level sorry uh if i can find it which is just around here a major decision i've made i recently quit my job to work as a full-time content creator i'm going to leave that kind of on default and then i'm going to multi-track mix down entire session and show you the difference okay so you can see on the extreme uh level here it is kind of it's really leveled this out and kind of uh pushed up uh the audio to be very very loud and kind of used a bit of hard limiting there uh whereas audition um has done less of that hard limiting but one thing it's done which is not so good is it's pulled up the breaths whereas here you're more natural now obviously this was voice leveler from accusonos on an extreme setting if i was to back that off a little bit uh let's go back to this track open this up and back it off to around a reasonable 64 and mix down you should see less of that hard limiting going on and you can that's a much more natural waveform now and you can see now voice leveler is kind of winning over speech volume leveler because with this one it's dragging up all your breaths like crazy that's speech volume leveler and that's voice leveler so speech volume leveler and voice leveler so you've got more natural sound i recently quit my job to work as a full-time content creator sounds good and then speech volume leveler from audition i recently quit my job to work as a full-time content creator now of course you can change the settings in speech volume leveler to back off uh the the increase in the breaths but then you're not getting the great breath control that voice level it gives you and you're kind of you're losing a lot of the effect and the you'll get more variance in uh the volume so hope that answers your question dorian uh on that one we got tim in here tim in the house uh thank you tim for moderating by the way really appreciate you uh what level is the best for an interview if i have four different people there well you want to get them all consistent don't you so uh voice leveller if you set it up correctly is going to get everything to the same level try and get everything to the same level and actually uh a ninja tip for you in audition if we're working with uh multiple tracks before you even throw it through a voice leveler uh let's go ahead bring in our mail track and our female track again to get these uh uh this guy and girl on the same level you right click you match the clip loudness uh leave the default settings there boom it just changes the volume so here it's taking it down by just over a decibel here it's pushed up by nearly 4 db and then you've got similar volumes to throw into your speech volume leveler so thanks for that one tim wow i need a lot of tea today you're really throwing the intense questions at me today but i love it so let's keep going uh kenneth is in hi kenneth can i use this with a choir uh where i have a 60 cycle hum can the noise reducer work well it should uh as i was showing in the noise remover example earlier on let's bring up a copy of that uh vst restoration and noise remover you just switch on that zigzaggy thing and then push this knob up until you hear that hum disappear now ideally and i did say this earlier on as well you want to be recording the best you can at source you really want to use these plugins as a last resort for something you can't change after the event so try and eliminate the source of that hub if that means re-cabling changing wires plugging things in using a different power outlet using a power conditioner using an uninterrupted power supply whatever it is to get rid of that ground loop hum would be ideal but yeah you probably could kenneth uh we've got rich here who says does era have an audio clean up a system preset for voiceover ooh let me go and have a look um so let's load one of our voiceovers shall we uh have i got a voice over here i think i did somewhere where is it somewhere in here there's the voiceover now it's time to sit back let's have a look uh very very good question because i know a lot of you watching will be producing voice overs and imaging so whoops i just deselected everything let's go back restoration thank you sonos audio cleanup assistant and um let's see what we got so we've got ad clarity audiobook narrator bedroom noise removal clear and loud clipping removal computer room echo deep deep radio voice there you go that might be your one deep radio voice i might try that on my voice in a sec deeper voice dialogue learning indoors vlog low quality audio repair nasal voice clean up outdoors recording podcast ready reverb removal simple denoise soothing voice and two speakers so we could use soothing voice well it's time to sit back or we could use i want to try deep radio voice on my own voice let's see what it does hello this is mike russell and i have a deep radio voice thanks to accusonos and we'll go in uh so vst the audio cleanup assistant let's see what it's doing shall we deep radio voice bit of noise remover i'm going to whack that off i don't need that auto eq voice deepener let's click the learn button and voice leveler hello this is mike russell and i have a i'm just gonna need to learn hello this is mike russell and i have a deep radio voice thanks to accusonos wow it does make me sound butch doesn't it uh amazing thanks for asking that rich nigel pai is in hello nigel pi can it remove white noise like traffic noise in the background of an outside recording absolutely yes yes is the answer noise remover was designed to remove noises such as that yes yes yes nigel um what else have we got uh can you do a quick refresher on how to install the plugins once they're downloaded um and will the video you've done this masterclass remain live after the video ends yeah we'll leave it live for a bit uh so you can watch the replay uh no worries there with regards to installing it's really easy you just download and install it you run it it does the installation on your computer very very simple and then in your audio editor some of them load plugins at the start like i know logic does um and adobe products generally you have to go into effects audio plugin manager and you have to scan for plugins um and if you really can't pick them up you just click rescan but i'm not going to do that now because it takes a couple of minutes to rescan all my plugins but it pulls them all in as you can see they're all here make sure they're all enabled and then they'll appear in your effects menu under vst or even vst3 as well and if you're on a mac i suggest using the audio units john samples in um so can you use them instead of mrc presets or in addition to a really good question so i i would say the presets it's really a template for you to work from in adobe audition uh so generally when i am producing i will go for those of you that don't know i will start a new multi-track session i've got my own template uh that you can get from the music radio creative website here it is music radio creative 3.0 and this zips in when i go into the advanced view here every single thing that i would need to use to produce jingles and audio and i've got another preset template for podcasts as well so definitely i'd say these plugins are complementary because you can use the template here to get things in the right place and get the right effect you need easily so i have a lot of different effects for radio imaging here and then if you have a problem uh that you want to remove noise or you want to deepen a voice over you can then throw that in on one of the tracks here and improve the sound so definitely i would say complementary there john uh if you're considering using them both in tandem and i'd actually recommend using them both in tandem djbigrad81 i've seen you all throughout the stream thank you so much for supporting and being here uh don't forget to mention that if anyone owns the plugins uh from before the latest release because of course there was some there's some new plugins in this release and there's some pluggers that you might have had from before uh there is an email with a special offer so there you go thank you for uh letting me know about that dj big red 81 and do go check your inbox if you are an accusonus regular there um so uh let's see uh we've got time i think for one more the aurora chasers does the auto eq work in real time yes it does uh so again we're going back to obs uh we could quickly go into obs uh let's let's try actually let's try and slam a plug-in on my voice here and see if it works uh so filters add in uh vst plugin whoops i just alt tabbed out of obs studio that's silly uh and then we'll go to vst2 plugin okay i'm going to go to voice auto eq and it might it might crash obs studio let's hope not but no it's there it's analyzing my voice and it's done it oh that's so cool uh so there you go that it just works as simple as that so yes auto eq will work in real time and yes it will work with obs studio and yes it's really really cool there you go it's the era 5 bundle standard from accusonos for those of you that know what you're doing there's also a pro edition you might want to check out on their website there's a free trial so go and try it out now at mrc dot fm forward slash error that's e-r-a works with all of these and more whether you're working in audio or video you can make your content sound better using these plugins really is very simple very easy i'm super grateful you've been around if you did ask a question i didn't get around to it i do apologize isabella's been a great moderator tim has been a great moderator in there uh accusonus are a friendly team as well and they're really really happy uh to help you with any questions i've been going back and forth with them over this last week preparing for this masterclass and they've been more than helpful uh so any questions you might have uh you know fire them at me in the comments down below especially if you're watching on the replay comments down below for any questions and i'll do my best to get to them tim has quite rightly uh posted the link that you can use uh right now to go ahead and try out your free trial but thank you so much for joining me it's been a real pleasure to do this and um bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Mike Russell
Views: 6,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Id824xeQ-Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 35sec (5255 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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