How To Remove A Tree Stump By Hand (In 20 Minutes Or Less)

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so I had this aspen tree that just died here and so I cut it down but now I need to remove the stump so in this video I'm going to show you how to remove this stump by hand hi my name's Steve from how to kill a tree calm it's a sight that I've built that has got DIY solutions for normal people like you and me or how to get rid of tree stumps kill trees kill roots everything you need to know about killing trees so let's get rid of this stump so if you don't want to spend the money on a stump grinder or some other way but you need the stump gone fast bring your removing it by hand with some simple tools like sawzall shovel and a pick is the way to go so you don't have to dig a lot just really enough around the stump to fit your power tools in there to cut it whether you're using a chainsaw or simply kidding sorry even a hands off okay so now that I have dug around the stump there's a couple things I could do I could just start cutting the roots and then pull it out with like a truck or something but I want to do this totally by hand if it's just gonna be grass here you don't really have to get rid of the entire stump and root system so really I'm just gonna try to just cut it below a couple inches below the grass line and then just put dirt and grass back over it so you won't even know it's there and who cares if it's just raw central grass for the next couple of years because I don't really plan to do anything else here so that's perfectly fine just to cut it dig it out cut it below as you can see I just put the reciprocating saw what I like to go with my hole it's really only a couple inches below the soil line how to work my way around the stump cutting because my blade within as long as I would like so definitely get a longer blade I ended up thinking a little bit of grass I'd get my reciprocating saw in there looked better I only went through two batteries on this project not too bad and it really only took me about 20 minutes of actual labor since I have a shorter blade I couldn't reach all the way to the middle so I decided to use a sledgehammer to finish the job just a little bit more cutting a few more hits and the stump was gone that's it that's all it took so you can see use a couple inches below the soil and that's really all it needs now put all the sod back where you got it and I even ended up using a little extra piece that I dug up out of different place in my yard for the where the stump was a little water on it and you are good to go well that's it that's how to remove a tree stump by hand so it wasn't too hard I mean I'm sweating like crazy because I'm doing this and I like 2 o'clock in the afternoon so do it in the morning or the evening but anyway wasn't too hard didn't take too long really you don't even have a chainsaw or you don't want to rent a stump grinder or wait 10 years for it to decompose with salt and just remove it by hand really ice to do is cut it a couple inches below the soil and you're good to go so if you want to learn more ways on how to remove a tree stump go to how to kill a tree calm slash tree stump and I'll have tons and tons of ways different ways for how to remove a tree stump if you don't want to work this hard I have a lot of other ideas on there so go check that out make sure scribe comment leaving the ideas you have for how to get rid of tree stumps by hand I'd love to hear other thoughts other ideas of how to do that and we will see you next time thanks
Channel: Backyardables
Views: 769,529
Rating: 3.8431497 out of 5
Keywords: how to remove a tree stump by hand, how to remove a tree stump without a grinder, how to remove a tree stump painlessly, how to remove a tree stump, how to remove a tree stump from the ground, how to kill a tree, how to kill a tree stump, tree removal, stump removal, how to kill tree roots, how-to
Id: VcV4_a2KNyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 50sec (230 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 28 2018
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