How To Kill A Tree Stump [THE BEST WAY]

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I'm gonna show you the best way to kill a tree stump and stay to the end because I'm going to show you improved you that it actually works every tactic hey guys i'm steve from how to kill a tree calm which is all about helping normal guys like me and you know how to kill trees tree stumps roots and everything so in this video we're gonna talk about the best way for how to kill a tree stump now tree stumps if you've already cut the tree down and it's still growing that means it's still alive and you're gonna have to use a tree killer to kill it so in this video i'm going to talk about all the steps i take to kill a tree stump every time well the first most important thing is to use a tree killer that works now i've tried a lot of different things and that's actually why I started this whole channel and website is because there was things I was trying like salt and roundup and all these different things that didn't actually work so I interviewed hundreds of arborists and talked to them surveyed them and ask them what they use to kill trees because this is what they do for a living and the number one thing that I found that they used is called tor Don now this stuff works every time every time I've used it I've seen it used on big trees small trees the most crazy tree stumps this works so I'll put a link in the description Amazon it's pretty cheap and you check that out and get it for your next tree killing project but anyways so here are the steps I'm starting to finish up how to kill tree stump so this tree is kind of a mess so what I'm going to start doing is by just chopping off all the limbs [Music] okay so for killing a tree-stump you have a couple options basically what you want to do is you want to cut where the live-in tree is so if the tree is dead up here but alive down here you want to just cut below where it's live and then treat that spot or you can cut each individual branch like I just did and then treat each branch and so I'm gonna do that method just because I can't really cut below where the tree is alive because of this stump is this growing up into this fence so I'm gonna treat each branch with tort on so it completely dies and one thing you need to know is that you need to do it immediately after you cut the tree down because even after about 30 minutes the tree will begin to heal itself so you want to treat right away after cutting it down to have the most effective suckage of poisons of the roots so this tree will die once and for all so one thing you need to know when using tor Don is it is toxic so the safety rating says it's mildly toxic for eyes and skin but anyway you just want to be safe with this stuff so wear safety glasses long-sleeve shirt pants boots and then chemical resistant gloves you don't want to get this stuff on your skin so I'm just gonna go ahead and treat all the little wide branches that I cut [Music] all right I think I got them all that should do it so that is the most effective way to how to kill a tree stone it's the best way but it's not the only way so if you want to learn about all the ways to kill a tree stump go to my website how to kill a tree calm slash stump that will take you straight to the page they'll give you tons and tons of ideas [Music] so this stump right here this thing I've tried to kill it many different times and finally I just caught all these little branches and I used toward on and it completely died there was one teeny little branch that shot up and then it was dead so now I know this stump is completely dead the tort on worked amazing for killing this tree stuff so poor Don is awesome for killing thanks for watching guys make sure to subscribe show you how to remove this tree stump and we'll catch you in the next video thanks
Channel: Backyardables
Views: 345,421
Rating: 4.3410754 out of 5
Keywords: how to kill a tree stump, tree removal, stump removal, how to remove a tree stump, how to kill tree roots, how to kil a tree stump, how to kill a tree stump fast, how to kill a tree stump and roots, killing a tree stump, kill a tree stump, kill a tree stump quickly, kill tree stumps, kill tree stumps and roots, how to kill a tree40.1, tree stump, tree stump removal
Id: NdlV0yn9X1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2018
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