Chainsaw Stump Removal

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[Music] today I am gonna show you how I'm gonna cut a couple of stumps off right at ground level without wrecking my chainsaw in order to be able to cut the grass without having to worry about hitting those stumps here are the stumps I'm gonna cut off nine stumps and they've been cut off about an inch or two inches above the ground when they removed but nah when they get them flat with the ground so I can cut the grass without worrying about so the first thing I want to do is remove all the dirt and grass right around the stump just level with the ground so there's no debris in the way of the chain okay now that I've got it cleaned out pretty much or on the stump I'm ready to take my axe and his next step what I'm gonna do is peel away the bark and any dirt that I can get at on one side of the stump and that way I have a place to start my saw and without hitting dirt okay let's go get the song get started what I'm gonna be doing is taking my saw and starting out kind of like this and then as it gets in a little ways turning it because if I try and go in like this it's just gonna travel off like that to get it started here lay there about ground level and then once I'm in there I'm gonna work away at the inside of this stuff not going all the way through because I'll hit dirt if I go through and when I got it cleaned out about that much then I can just take the saw on the outside and go around like this and all the dirt that it hits will just be throwing it away from the stump and not bringing it in to the stump where it dulls the chain the chain will still get dull cuz I'm working around dirt but it won't be anywhere near as bad as if I just took a stump and tried to cut it off like this because then I'd be drawing all this dirt in over here into the cut so let's see how it works [Music] well as you can see it's not exactly perfect but it certainly is what I as good as I hoped it would be now I can just drive the lawnmower right over that without having to worry about wrecking a lot more chainsaw probably need to touch up the with the file a little bit before I head on to my next stump but that's how he did it and I'm good to go so thanks for watching today and until the next time see you later Stacy [Music] you
Channel: Paul Reitzel
Views: 605,797
Rating: 4.6673636 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie, chainsaw, stump removal, saw chain, safety, cutting stump, tree stump, mowing over stump, chainsaw technique, chainsaw safety, cut off, plunge cut, woodsman, firewood, trails & trees, trails and trees
Id: br9p3FnhdrU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 56sec (236 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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