How To Refinish A Tub(Ekopel 2K December 2019 Updated Version)

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alright guys today we're gonna do a quick demo we're going to touch on every step of the process to coat a tub with the echo pellets UK this is the updated method for December of 2019 with our new kit the foam lure the scooper and we're gonna redo this tub yeah alright so we're gonna be redoing this tub here in our office obviously it's not plumbed in since it's in the office but you would want to scrub everything down well with the Lysol power toilet cleaner as step one this has nearly 10 percent hydrochloric acid in it basically what that's gonna do is heat any soap scum mold mildew dirt grime anything like that it's gonna clean it right off of the tub and we have a great queen surface for the echo publish stick to in this video I hope to answer a lot of your questions about random little things as well as show you the new updated install kit I'm not going to tape the tub but normally what you would do you would scrub everything down then you would run a piece of two-inch tape around all the edges around the four walls and then you'd want to put a couple of pieces of tape on the floor and then a couple of pieces of paper instead of putting them on the floor it's best to put it a tiny bit onto the tub like a like an eighth of an inch up quarter of an inch up this is gonna make it so no material gets underneath the tape onto the floor I'm gonna not tape this piece of cardboard here at the end of the process I'm going I'm gonna let it get hard and dry there as if you made a mistake and didn't remove the tape at the end and then I'm gonna show you how to clean that up if if that happens which is a pretty simple process alright so I'm going to open the can up now mix everything one last note I purposely wore a polo shirt that has no material on it and pants that have no material on them so just just so you guys can see how neat this method is versus some of the other ones that we used to use so I have had customers ask how to open it it's not sealed down by anything it's just sometimes with the hot and cold pressure the the gases expanding contracts and and that will a vacuum seal it shot so you really just need to put a little bit of extra effort in it and and pull it off sometimes it can be kind of difficult what you can do is punch a hole in the top and that will release the pressure and I want you open it right all right so we got it opened up here and it looks like a little bit of the material is separated from from this this is a returning can so it probably went from hot to cold hot to cold I Capel will not freeze but sometimes some of the bonding agents separate so you want to stir this up before you pour the Part B into it just to to get it all nice and even again so that's what we're gonna do I'm gonna switch to the other camera and we're going to do this really fast basically as a quick synopsis you want to pour the Part B into the part a and then you're gonna thoroughly mix it for ten full minutes you're going to let it rest for 10 minutes and then you need to give it another quick 1 to 2 minutes stir and from there from there you can go ahead and apply it so 10 minutes stir and you want to make sure you be very thorough with this scraping all the edges taking everything in some people like to mix it up and then pour it into another can I find that kind of wasteful and you know we promote this as an eco-friendly alternative for finishing so making more waste and litter is not usually the best way to do it but as long as you go around the edges and scoop all the material off stir it up well scrape it off with the pain stick stir it you'll be fine so it's gonna be very thin on the top very thick on the bottom for a while until you get a little deeper into the process but this is one of the most important parts of the entire thing if you don't do this right you're gonna have spots that are wet spots that are spots that see soft forever because this is an epoxy based product and if it doesn't get chemical hardener added to it then it will never dry so we want to attack this at all angles for the full 10 minutes customers ask all the time about drill mixes and also don't listen when I tell them specifically not to use them we had a pro or finisher call in two days after he did his training where we told him not to use a drill mixer and he asked what was going on said to some videos and some pictures of a tub that he was trying to do and the tub was all bubbly and had like orange peel marks and fish eyes on it and I asked him you know what he did differently and he said nothing then I asked a few more probing questions and he let me know that he mixed it with a drill mixer and he washed the tub down with a with xylene which is a slow drive solvent which if you pour it right after that sometimes it will still be wet and cause fish eyes so basically Joel mixer bad choice even when we tell people that they still seem to say well it's not going to happen to me it's going to happen to you you will ruin your product and your tub if you do it with the drill mixer this is a hard pain - it's a pain to mix this but if you want this tub to come out right this is how to do it yeah you know these are kind of expensive kits so if you have to go back and fix patchy areas with another $40 touch-up kit and we add another 24 to 48 hours for your tub to care to be able to use it it's just such a waste to time the money when you could just follow the instructions and do it right the first time so I'm trying my best to make this point stick that's why I'm being a little bit more aggressive with it right now we've had customers call in that ask questions you know why did this happen why did this happen and then straightforward answer is because you didn't follow the directions that's why you asked me to talk through these whole videos so if you listen to what I have to say you'll make you'll end up with a perfectly brand new tub that looks great especially in this video where I'm gonna spend the entire time talking about what's going on what could go wrong and all these processes so just listen in you can take notes as well that would help you you know write down bullet points for pause points maybe you can scroll back into it later on the process if you feel like you need help with something but you know we just try to help the best that we can and you can also I'm gonna touch on most of these things as quick as I can in in the quick video that's going to be before this the you know that one's gonna have the mean points of the process and this is really just showing you that we're not editing anything out in the short so just trying to help that's all we care about is that you have a good experience with the product and your top lasts a really long time so that you tell your friends about it four more minutes of mixing here and when we get finished mixing it we're gonna set it aside we're gonna wipe everything down I'm probably going to time-lapse that real quick because it's just going to be ten minutes of sitting around because I'm not gonna be taping it normally what I would do in a professional application is I would mix up the material basically as soon as I get there then I would wash out the tub dry it tape it up and by that point your ten minutes is up and give it a quick stir and then we just go ahead and pour I'm sorry to be so descriptive this is this is literally going to be the most descriptive video that I've made to date and I'm doing this just for those who like to be extra meticulous and make sure that they know every aspect of the application so that they can have the most confident and install that they can peeling the material back from the walls we're scraping it off the bottom we're scraping it off of the mixing stick and you should be able to see that this is flowing a lot better now you want the material in the room to be between 70 and 75 degrees customers have also had issues with that we say it on the insert we say it in every single video it says it right on the can but from time to time people don't want to listen to that and then they'll call in asking why they're getting sags in the center or why it's stayed wet so long and then I asked them the first thing I usually ask is what temperature was the application that I asked about the drill mixer those are the two biggest points of failure because like I said people don't want to read the instructions they don't want to listen to me talk about it or they think that I'm going overkill I'm doing the bare minimum to get the best proper job that that's kind of my whole MO on this is that I want you to have the easiest experience and get the best quality finish so that you write us a great reveal and so that you recommend us to your friends short of that there's not there's not really anything else to gain out of this I could just tell you you know give it a quick stir and pour it on but that's going to turn into a two-minute I'm sorry a two-star review that says it looked great for a month but then it was all patchy because it never dried so the minimum recommended time is what I'm trying to accomplish I'm trying to set you up with the lowest price application tools you know we went out of our way to add the roar and the and the scooper we didn't have to do that it's a lot cheaper for us to to include just a regular paint spreader and a and the comb but the comb and the spreader are extremely messy and in my opinion it's the hardest way that you can do this so you see the foam roller maybe you say oh yeah this is a simple roll-on coating this isn't much different than that and you don't want to be rolling this on the whole whole piece you'll see it when once you mix it like this but this stuff is thick it's like marshmallow fluff it doesn't roll well while you're doing with the roller is just moving it around all right there's a ten minutes I'm going to set another ten ten minute timer for this to set up and get ready to go move it out of the way the roar the scooper and everything I'm just going to wipe out the tub and then I'm gonna time-lapse the so the whole point of this video is to show off the new tools which I'll show you right after I wipe this down I just want to be fully prepared so that I can just jump on it and go right when the time ticks alright we got that done now we got to tape the dream and this one I'm gonna show you a slightly different method for the drain I'm just gonna spray paint this area real quick just so you can see what happens we'll try a couple of minutes before we actually pour the coating but I'm gonna show you a different method of protecting the drain so normally what I would do in this circumstance there would be a drain installed in half this is too low to the ground to do that but by showing you the black spray-paint I'm going to show you how to prevent anything from getting underneath it basically what we're gonna do is make a little dam out of a Solo Cup this is a pretty standard drain size and basically what we're gonna do is cover the drain area with a solo cup it pulls them it keeps the material away from the drain by about an inch on not quite an inch but I like basically a quarter of an inch all the way around it you know two options when it comes to that another thing that I would normally do with this new layup and material so you set up your roller that's pretty simple for the scoop I like to go a little over so with this I like to take a piece of duct tape or the tape that we use to tape the drain and tape around the top of the two-inch tape I put a piece on this I just put this just to give it a little bit of extra strength and durability I usually wrap it up nice like this aside it's best to do it from the Oakside going in because that's the way that the material is going to go nice and smooth so I put one piece there and because these are glued on the sides I put one thing like this let's just make sure that halfway through the process you're not going to have any have the box fall apart or anything versus the other scooper zone these things work so good basically you can scoop everything into the box and then just pour the box instead of scooping it other times that's how I prepped the fry box all that extra material in right back at the can I've got two minutes left until the poor with the cup you basically just over this area here when you get a so you should still tape the drain underneath it but this will be good to prevent having to scoop the tape a million times after the process I'll show this a little bit more in depth towards the end but basically what you can do before you even start you can just dip this in the cup just a tiny bit that'll get a little bit of residue on the edge and then just stick the cup right over your tape on basically you can just work it right in that's just going to glue it down basically and that'll just make things so much easier for you in the end all right so you got a minute left I'm still clean I'll show you at the end you have one minute left set up all right so we want to put our gloves on we have about an hour to work with this material from start to finish you have about an hour to work with it after that it starts to get more and more difficult to level it out because the level one evaporates first so on my application I'm typically done with the entire thing in about 15 minutes sometimes 20 but we're gonna give it a 1 minute quick stir here just to get all the stuff that broke apart mixed back in and then I'm gonna bend the can and I'm gonna pour the entire can on these three walls that's gonna fog the bottom then I'm going to take the scooper I'm gonna scoop it all up pour it back in the cut and the can then I'm going to pour this inside wall scoop it all back up into the can I'm gonna pour the outside and then from there I'm gonna take care of the bottom quick and that'll be it so you don't want to go overkill and do a million different touch-ups and coats and stuff like that on this piece you want to be quick with it you want to be very fast and let it do its work if you keep you know I say that you have an hour to work with this but it's it's an hour to work with like you can you can work on the bottom like an hour to an hour and a half but if you overwork the material it's not going to level out so if you have an hour and you go back and try to touch up the wall you're restarting what you are already finished five minutes into the process and the material is not going to level out if you go and touch the wall after an hour so you want to finish on all the walls quickly and then you want to carefully not mess them up I've been the cannon half try not to make a huge mess the less material you get on your hands the better off you are so here we go mix the material now I personally step a foot in the tub I've wiped that spot in a minute I pour the entire can like so so you won't have to flow right up cue tape line you want to pull any extra into any areas you didn't get a lot of material this is actually sticky because I spilled a little bit of the resin around there but that's fine so from there we're gonna take our 4 molar make sure that it's spinning properly we're gonna put a medium pressure on the edge and this is gonna pull pull the extra material right down alright so as you can see it's smooth because we poured it very fast and full what you do now you take the foam roller with a medium pressure see that weave that's built up there it pushes all that extra material down so you want to angle it into the corner and pull the extra out and that pulls that entire wave of extra material out of that you want to just do that once or twice real quick a medium pressure is all you need but it just moves all this extra material down the wall so that you don't have this happen later in the process so the next thing we're gonna do that's very important if you forget to do that you can get drips like this at the end of the process that you can't fix so from here we're going to take the scooper and we're going to move all this extra material down to the back and just goop it back into the cup this is a lot faster and easier than it was with the with the old way out that we had so this will help a little bit and you want to scoop up as much and you can also use the formula to make it a little easier on yourself you can take this and push with heavy pressure you want to take all this excess here you want to get this all the way from the edges you want to push this whole wave all the way to the back heavy pressure is going to be your best friend early in the process like this moving it around now it's gonna be real thick back here and you'll be able to fill up the whole cup and clean it out in a couple seconds instead of scooping it a hundred times dragging it around a whole whole tub over and over again so up your scoop or back in the can and keep scooping and scooping until get the cup until you get enough material in the in the kit which is about half of what you started with for the outside walls another thing you can do to make it faster on yourself you can line up the cup and then push it right in with the roller that will get you a nice fast fill up as well we're just trying to get enough to finish the process and we don't want to leave a bunch of XS sitting in the tub because it will take longer to dry and you come up the walls a little bit it's not a big deal in this portion of the process because you can just literally move the material right back up there and it will fill right back in extra down in the other scooped up keep scooping and scooping until I'm gonna do this once now and we're gonna do it once a little later in the process to get the remaining excess out of there there's pretty much enough material in the tip now to finish what we need to finish on the remaining sides so I'm not too worried about that right now now I'm just pulling some of this other extra out of there so you're always going to get material that goes onto the dam that's why I recommend taping underneath it it will receive your time leader if you put the dam as well you can do it that way or you can fall like it is on our written instructions and do it that way so which is to make like a tape wall alright so we move the scoop place that aside put the roller aside and now I'm going to pour this whole front edge you just pour a heavy stream right down the middle come back and touch up any areas that you missed here I'll show you this on the other camera to see the outside as well alright we've got it pretty much done we're gonna put the can aside and I'm gonna take the other camera here for you basically this is what the outside looks like after I poured it so the inside as well as already almost all the way to the bottom so I'm gonna finish fixing the inside walls with these extra big waves down here then pull it right up the wall I'm just gonna go around and pull all this excess all the excess right back up and we're just gonna coat the whole remaining portion of the wall with this so if you push very hard you'll get a blob that will just come right up and that will run right back down as long as you do this early in the process so I'm gonna move this one here I'm just doing these drip lines just so they have more time to level out now that's all finished if you really wanted to even give the front a little more time to work its way down just fill in all the voids on this piece here but the foam roll is faster and easier on this then a previous method so we're gonna go back and level this out several times but for now that's all we're trying to do is just move the material around same thing is going to be set out here we're just going to push with pressure we're just trying to move this material so that everything gets covered so you can go side to side you can pull it from bottom to the top whatever you do all you're trying to do is move material and get the entire surface coated you're not really rolling it as much as you're pushing it around it will level itself back out in the end but we have to be very patient with us and make sure we get everything covered the cardboard is not making things easy for me here I should have put a new piece first but anyways alright so got a couple little pieces of dirt and the finish or something here I stick my finger on there get that out of there quick there we go alright so now we're gonna put one quick very light you just run your finger a roller on there no pressure at all just just stare everything in the same direction a piece of something stuck in there there everything in the same direction and then that's it we won't touch the outside again it looks terrible right now put this wall level itself right out if you do the dam the best way to do it is to put it on there basically now I just want to show you precaution but I personally think of you put it on there now last thing that we got to do here for a little bit is we're kind of all this extra material again we'll get how much comes up and see this we're gonna pull this all to the back let me go right up into the corner here bring it up in there we're using a heavy pressure remove all this extra material around heavy pressure we're gonna scoop all of this material out all right now that we got it all back here we're gonna take our scoop again the excess scoop up all this access here so we're gonna basically bring this back down all the way and some cases you may need to do this twice this is going to eat all about a cup to a cup and a half of material when it's all said and done that you don't need for the on for the finished product just keep scooping it all up if you don't do this you'll end up with ridges on the side of the tub and or it will take a very long time to dry this X out is in your best interest and taping the taping the kit is going to be the easiest way to keep it sturdy I'm gonna give it one more pass all right so from here what we want to do we're here what we want to do is take the foam roller and we're going to drag all the extra material that's left and in about six inches in each direction come up the wall a tiny bit pull all of this extra material into the middle just let it pull up there we're going to pull it all about six inches right up the wall a tiny bit right in you'll be able to see like a puddle in the middle of the tub we're on the drain you want to come a little bit further away put in a little bit more than that so we want the drain to be as light as possible to prevent the excess buildup all right now that we got this there just do one quick pass over the middle just not leave a huge ridge or a big pile of material anywhere while over the bottom hopefully pop any bubbles and any craters [Applause] make sure there's no bubbles and that's it you don't see any big ridges coming down the sides if you end up getting like pulling along the sides you have to repeat that last step once more you want to try to do that within an hour we've only been at this for 30 minutes actually 20 probably about 25 minutes including including that if you include the next time and this is finished so the only thing left to do is to leave the drain sealed up like that you want to leave tape under there you want to put the dam and then after a couple of hours what you need to do is wipe everything off you know scoop take the take the cup off and then wipe out anything that's underneath to to prevent material from dripping into the drain so you have about six hours where it's going to stay somewhat wet if you keep the heat at 75 the material is going to stop moving relatively quickly so we've in this on there I'm going to leave it on there for two hours and then I'm going to pull it off and wipe the wipe the edge but that's pretty much all there is to it same thing on the front edge here what you can do here if you take the paint scoop the paint mixing stick and you can go along and just pull all this extra stuff that's one option or or if you you can do with the scooper as well the tip of the scoop would just pull it out but you want to back that up onto your paper and then fold up the top layer and get rid of it that gets rid of all of your excess so there's nothing for you to track around the bathroom and that will lead you in the right direction alright guys so like I said pretty straightforward process we tried to make this as neat as possible for you going forward I didn't get any any paint on myself I used two pairs of gloves and that was pretty much it I didn't need to go crazy protecting myself as you can see I kept everything close by most of this is from using the cardboard for other things but you want to put a couple pieces of paper out and that'll help you out dramatically the new kits will be available on Amazon they actually just arrived at the warehouse today and there are I believe there are still a few of the old kits kicking around in there so if you get one of the ones that had a comb or spreader you'll probably for in the next week or two they'll still be circulating if you want to do it with the foam roller you can either pick up a foam roller at the store or you can call us and we'll send you one but going forward this is the only way that we're gonna sell them appreciate all of your feedback if you have any other questions that you want covered in a new video just ask them below and I'll be happy to try to help you out but you know we've showed plenty of videos that Capel is the most durable now it's an ice queen nice and clean application and you know no smell obviously I haven't needed to wear a respirator this whole time so if you if you appreciate our video if you could hit the thumbs up button that really helps us out subscribe to our Channel and I hit the bell for future video notifications you can order a Capel on our website at refinish bath products comm you can order on Amazon and our parent company also has it available which is milestone bath calm appreciate you watching the video and you guys have a great day [Music] you
Channel: Refinished Bath Solutions
Views: 66,629
Rating: 4.8525109 out of 5
Keywords: bathtub refinishing, how to refinish a bathtub, bathtub reglazing, ekopel, tub refinishing
Id: uiO_tY89DzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 38sec (2858 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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