Put VINEGAR into your TOILET and WATCH What Happens!! (Bathroom Cleaning Hacks)

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welcome back to Andrea Jean cleaning today we are going to be cleaning my toilet look at how disgusting that is this transformation that you are about to see is going to be super satisfying now you may be thinking to yourself why would I need to clean the tank inside my toilet if you want your toilet to less longer and you want the parts to stay intact longer you want to clean all this rust and lime and debris and mold out also this can accumulate smells because of all the bacteria so we are gonna clean this out also because you know we like to do it all this toilet is pretty disgusting in there we are going to be cleaning this as well I'm going to be showing you some there we go auto focus some tricks and tips to do this all with one household product my friend we're going to be cleaning the brush I'm going to also show you something else that you can clean in your bathroom using vinegar now I have just this cleaning vinegar that I got from the Dollar Tree this is twenty percent more acidic than distilled vinegar so I do like this for cleaning purposes only also let's see on the back here it gives you some other examples of things that you can use this particular vinegar with household kitchen bathrooms doorknobs furniture trash cans that's reminds me I should probably clean out my trashcan - I just had the spray bottle here that we're gonna be using for the inside of this toilet and down here and we got some cleaning gloves as well now if we're not friends on Instagram make sure you hit me up there at Andrea Jean one I teach women how to turn their passions into profits in this cleaning channel right here is one way that I do that there's also a freebie in the description box if you want to learn more alright let's get started okay don't mind the piano background my daughter's practicing just starting the first thing that we're going to do to drain the water out of this tank is we're going to need to shut off the water so I'm just going to go ahead and turn the handle here I see we already hit the shut up okay go practice okay so now that it's all shut up I'm going to go ahead and flush this toilet okay so I went ahead and flushed the toilet two times and the tank is pretty much drained there is probably just maybe a hoard a cup of water there at the bottom but if I take my spray bottle here and I am going to spray this a lot and I'm gonna get this vinegar this cleaning vinegar all over in there while I do this I'm gonna plug some other videos that you might find helpful here on this channel because it's all about cleaning and organizing I have videos related to grout actually two to three videos where I try different methods for cleaning my grout how to clean and freshen up your mattress I know it's something that's easy easy to forget I have videos related to how to clean your oven racks two of those how to clean your oven grates and the tops of your oven so lots of lots of goodies in the description box for you okay so let's get this all sprayed up well I like this this is good and what I'm gonna do I'm actually you're taking my kids for a walk here soon one for about an hour you could let this sit overnight I just want to show you by letting it sit for about an hour some magic happen let's get in there to get some of the vinegar in that water so well that vinegar is sitting in there we're gonna move on to this part of the toilet like I said you can essentially clean your entire bathroom with vinegar and vinegar alone and I love it because it is an all-natural product so I'm going to spray up in here you can see there's some pink around the rim get in there really really good and down in here very good and I think I'll do and just a little bit more okay now I'm going to show you a little hack especially if you have a ton of grime that is stuck of a stuck up underneath and that's a mouthful stuck up underneath here in the toilet alright so here's a little hat I'm just going to get my gloves here I don't want to get anything on my rings or my nails or that sort of thing we're gonna go in here get these on get in what you know how to do this take some toilet paper just like so and then just wad it up a bit and you're gonna stick it up in the rim of the toilet some need a little bit here to begin with so that up stick with it and you'll just go ahead place it up in there and I'll get you in here really close to the fence and you're gonna do this all around your toilet and this is going to work so so well again you're probably not gonna go you can use regular distilled vinegar too if that's what you have or if you have a Dollar Tree any money it's in this cleaning vinegar they probably sell it at Walmart or Target - they're going to do one more here and I'll get you in really close that you can see alright let my hands on up were you down here and there you go all stuck up in there nice little barrier that one should get pushed up a little bit more but as you can see my room is a to tear out the dirty up there but I know it's really easy for things to collect so this is one strategy for you now let me do one other thing here I'm going to grab my toilet brush this is dry so no worries you can do it we'll be cleaning and sanitizing the sink after this now you could totally immerse this in a bin of your bucket of water if you wanted or you could go like this or I can fill this up if I wanted to do not have disposable ones I have both so I'm gonna get that totally immersed and we're gonna let that soak for the same amount of time that all this good stuff is soaking and well we're here because I'm telling you all the good things that vinegar can do not only remove rust and lime but you can use it as a glass cleaner this is awesome don't mind the mate with the baby bump I do feel better about cleaning with all that shop products being pregnant so you're just gonna want to go ahead and spray your mirror down just gonna grab this towel here and this is awesome for streak free shine and see I'm just using a towel here which could have a lot of lint and dust on it and see how well it still is able to clean up all of those spots I'm telling you vinegar is like magic I recently did a video about how to clean your bathtub with vinegar and baking soda so I will have that video linked as well with the whole playlist so you can take a peek there but and I don't mind the smell vinegar it actually evaporates pretty quickly so there we go I mean that's even better than Windex there is a product that I really love called spray way because it's just fine it's like a foam but yeah this works really really good as a window cleaner so it has been about one hour here let's see how well this comes off I'm gonna grab my gloves again and then I'm just gonna use this little green sort of scrubby pad here to see what we're working with so I'm gonna try to do this one-handed because they want to get you in there good and close okay you see that easy wow that is just melting off I'll show you the before picture again here in just a second let's get the back there so easy Wow okay I'm gonna put you down I'm gonna scrub in here and when I'm done I will give you an approximation of how long it actually took for me just to scrub that down so I got the tank all scrubbed but before I flush it I want to get in here as well but look at it's just melting off that grime so I'm gonna go ahead and do a little light scrubbing and then I will just flush all this down at once I'll be sure to turn the water back on and I will grab my brush there that is in the sink soaking and let's see what we did here here we are I'm just gonna dip it in here you see how easily that comes off so good yes I'm doing this one-handed - okay I'm just gonna go like this and get the back here and again this is just sitting for an hour now if you don't have a lot of build-up residue or lime you could just use this as a regular old cleaner as well okay and I'm thinking just based on what I'm seeing here it's gonna set this here for a second I may need to go in one more time because you can see those streaks in the back I may need to go in again just let it sit a little bit longer but let's go ahead and turn the water back on okay let's go ahead and give it a good flush all right here so I did flush it a couple of times look at how much nicer that looks there's a little spot back there that I couldn't quite reach I couldn't see when the water was so filthy but you can see all the sediment and particles have settled down here and so what I'll do is I'll go ahead and get those out but it looks so much better I'm wondering if I even needed to scrub at all I'm sure it definitely helped I did very minimal scrubbing probably two minutes worth I would say but again I'll need to just get this pile that's all loose out there but if I look in the toilet is looking so much better and I will go in one more time I will probably lie in the back of this with the vinegar and the toilet paper so that can really sit as you saw I didn't really do any of our here it was just on this side of the toilet and on this side of the toilet it's looking much better finally that sound has a simmer down there but if you enjoyed this video be sure to give it a thumbs up hit that subscribe button and then check out all those videos in the playlist below I also have a ton of clean with me videos so if you want to take me along your house and clean together it's kind of like having a workout buddy sometimes it's doing the mundane things like cleaning it's boring by yourself but put me on your iPad and your TV your phone whatever device that you have and we'll go ahead and clean together thanks so much for being here and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Andrea Jean Cleaning
Views: 3,858,187
Rating: 4.8322358 out of 5
Keywords: vinegar, toilet, pull the chain, clean home, hygienic, cleansers, disinfectants, bathroom, soda, what vinegar does, limescale, rust, unpleasant odors, kidney stones, shigella bacteria, dysentery, put vinegar into a toilet, bright side, brightside, bright side videos, Andrea Jean Cleaning
Id: OIG5iM4bz1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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