How To Get Over It | Jentezen Franklin

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foreign [Music] [Music] look back over your life a moment and give him thanks that when you put your trust in him you didn't know how you were gonna get through it but you made it give the Lord to Glory Give the Lord the praise Give the Lord the honor the appreciation the Gratitude Hallelujah any Grateful people here today bless the name of Jesus so glad that all of you here worshiping with us on this beautiful Sunday morning welcome to all of our campuses and all our online church we appreciate you very much that's a great song isn't it I should have wrote that song or I could I could have wrote every word of that song because that's just how it is you trust him and he makes a way where there is no way and he's so faithful is he not faithful aren't you a little bit I don't think God's into us being filled with shame but every once in a while I think I aren't you a little bit ashamed you didn't trust him more looking back at the stuff you really worried about the stuff you really just almost gave up about God had it Victory on the other side he made a way you say well you don't know what I'm going through now but he's the same God he's the same God he knows what he's doing turn around and greet two or three people and welcome them to church this morning smile at them or give them up fist bless you good to see you here this morning praise the name of Jesus I love the Lord don't you if you have your Bibles I'm going to open mind to the Book of Psalms I want to go to Psalms 18. Psalms chapter 18 . a flat where are you going [Music] when peace like a river attendeth my way when sorrow Rose [Music] whatever my lot thou has taught me to say it is when it is where with my soul I love the I love the second verse my sin oh the Bliss of this glorious thought my sin not in part but the whole he took all my sin this what'd he do he nailed to that Old Rugged Cross and I bear it no more praise the Lord praise the Lord oh my soul thank you it is [Music] take it up and Lord haste the day when my face Shout besides the cloud s be rolled back as a scroll oh that's wrong [Music] and the Lord shouting [Applause] stand he even saw yeah [Music] my soul whatever whatever you're afraid of whatever you're dreading whatever you're facing as an uncertainty whatever dread has plagued your life it is [Music] [Music] he is right he is [Music] where my soul Give the Lord almighty praise if you believe me Hallelujah [Music] praise the Lord going to Psalms 18 and verse 29. blessed be the name of the Lord I love those old hymns Psalms 18. and verse 29. it's where I want to read this is one of the great songs that David wrote the whole song is filled with powerful powerful lyrics but let's let's focus in now on let's back up to verse 28 for you will light my lamp the Lord my God will Enlighten my darkness for by you I can run through a truth everybody say by him now say I can't Say by him I can say it again by him you say I'm really facing some overwhelming odds by him I can run through a truth and that's where we stop we we just try to get through stuff that's not what he said verse 2 the second part of that verse in verse 29. and by him by my God I can leap over a wall that's what I want to preach on now while you're in your Bible I want you to go over to flip over to second Samuel chapter 22 because this is not the first time this text is found in the Bible in in in verse in chapter 22 we're given the context through which it the song was birthed we know that David wrote 73 of the Psalms at least we know the book of Psalms he wrote 73 of those psalms Moses wrote many of them and there are others that are listed that are credited with the writings of the Psalms but this certainly was one of the Psalms that David wrote and what is powerful about it is the backdrop the background the setting of it verse chapter 22 of II Samuel and verse 1 then David spoke to the Lord the words of this song on the day when the Lord had delivered him from the hand of all of his enemies and from the hand of Saul and I don't have time to read the whole thing but we'll we'll go over to verse 30. here here's part of the song that he wrote on that day verse 30 for by you I can run against a troop and by my God I can leap over a wall like the King James by you I can run through a true and by my God I can leap over a wall and then go one more chapter over chapter 23 verse 1 now these are the last words of David he's referring to the previous chapter these are the last words of David he's dying it goes on to say he lived a fool to a fool age full good age of 70. that doesn't sound very long nowadays but that was a good long life back then and really the psalmist David said all your promise to 70 years and then anything beyond that is bonus thank God for it don't go around complaining that your left knee is hurting all day and your right arm you can't be thankful you're on credit if you're over 70 God's being good to you turn to somebody and smile at him and say you ought to really be grateful your gray-headed thing look at What the Lord Has Done man I wasn't in my notes but I thought I'd bless you with it Psalms 18. according to Scholars is the last Psalm and song that David ever wrote he's on his death bed you read of it in Chronicles by the way it takes you into the bedroom where he's dying on his death dead and he writes a song he's he's looking back over his life second Samuel 23 is he is dying and he writes in that chapter looking back over his life reminiscing it's the last recorded song that David had it's what I'm preaching on David's last song of victory and when he starts thinking about the full life that his days the text puts it like this he was full of days and I looked that up I wanted to know what that meant that's a Bible phrase you read a lot of times so and so died and he was full of days what does that mean one translation said it means that his days really what life is about is having full days and in other words it wasn't just it wasn't just getting along and going along and and waiting to die but he lived a life that was full of days 70 years and really what that means is full of friends and full of foes full of good days and full of bad days full of love and full of betrayal this is called life full of palaces and full of caves full of valleys and full of mountains full of love and full of hate full of Miracles and full of messes all we want is blessing blessing blessing you're not living a full life you don't even appreciate the blessings till you go through the messes four this is the song that comes to mind at the end of a 70 year old spiritual Giant full of failures and full of victories and he looks back on the end and I mean this is serious you're not playing games this is a man who's famous this is a man who's wealthy this is a man who has seen it all experienced it all lost it all got it all back he has been through some stuff in his life and in this text it's the end it's the the context of writing this song is he's pulling the sheets up to his nose he's so cold and it describes his death he's so cold that his feet are cold his body is cold I don't even want to tell this in the public and they go and get a young girl and get her to get into bed and not to do anything just to get in the bed to warm him just trying to get him warm he's so cold and he's dying and he throws her out and says give me a pen and a piece of paper and he starts writing words to a song his last song as he's reminiscing he's reflectively looking back over his life he's he's going down memory lane I could see him he's going down memory lane and he's thinking about all that God has brought him through thinking about the battles and the joys and the Sorrows that he's gone through and it's the testimony of a dying man that God has been faithful to and he says by thee by the help of my God I have I I can run through a truth David's testimony is my testimony and it's your testimony I'm gonna put it in my words in other words David said the Holy Ghost has gotten me through some things and I want to praise him for that when I'm looking back over my life I can't help but remember the UPS the Downs the bad things the terrible things but the Lord by him I got through it it didn't kill me it didn't destroy me he didn't wipe me out I got through it praise the Lord I really think we ought to take a moment and celebrate the things that God just got us through I'm not trying to Hype you up but we really ought to reflect sometimes and look back at how dangerous situations were had it not been for the Lord on our side he got you through he starts having these flashbacks of of Fortune and failure of Hills and Valleys and victories and defeats when I think of the goodness of God and all that he's done for me I could see him he says all I can say is God got me through it I had troops assembled against me but God got me through him he didn't take me away from it he made me go through it he didn't lift me out of it he got me through it I'll never understand why I had to go through it I didn't then but I do now it comes to remind you and some of your darkest days of your life God has already got you through it through sickness were any of you sick and wondered if you'd ever get well through Dark Nights through trials through tragedies oh you ought to get happy right there because the tragedy was terrible and horrible when the phone call came but you made it through it through bad news through heartbreaks through addictions through depression I think it wasn't a singular truth I think it was a multitude of truths that if you live for God anytime you're going to have multiple things that God by his grace brought you through he brought me through that and before I go any further we ought to give God he brought me through that of Praise that kind of Praise give God a you got me through it praise Hallelujah I've been doing that all week I had to preview on this sermon he got me through that he got me through that he got me through that why would I doubt him now I could see him laying there Reminiscing on his deathbed and as he knows I mean these are not he's not in the last weeks of his life he's not in the last week days of his life the last moment he is down it's not the shadows of death he's down to it he's about to leave this world and all he can do is reflect back on all God has brought him through he brought me through a bear attack he brought me through the line attack he brought me through a crazy giant attack he brought me through my father-in-law trying to kill me attack he brought me through the death of my son he brought me through the rape of my daughter he brought me through my own personal failure he brought me through all my enemies he brought me through scandals he brought me through stuff that I didn't think I would survive is is breathing his laboring he brought me through that's how I want to go out Hallelujah shouting with a song of Victory devil you lost in the blood one Calvary one Jesus won you're gonna pick a last song is it gonna be a PB City and so beautiful I'm dying well hurry up let me hold your nose oh you're gonna go out saying he brought me through and and he's not just gonna bring me through he's about to take me over Hallelujah over the chilling Jordan over into a city called New Jerusalem why do I scream why can't us come we teach the word of God but I can't honestly I can't think of a better thing to close out with leaving this old world shouting over every rubbing in the devil's face every Victory God brought you through every attack hail sin he brought you through and you say this is a waste of time it's not a waste of time to gather and throw our hands up and remember and reflect and flash back on days when you were so depressed he brought you through that divorce he brought you through that funeral he brought you through putting your boy in the grave of your husband or your my God he's been faithful It Is Well with My Soul by thee I have run through a truth everything life hit me with he got me through it but the problem is too often that's all people want to do is get through it but if you look at the story of the ten lepers he brought 10 of them through the isolation the leprosy the horror the fear of being diagnosed with terminal disease of being uh quarantined from your family never to live with them in the same house again the treatment of screen having to scream unclean unclean if anyone got within a certain distance of you can you imagine the the psychological damage that was done to these people who watched their body deteriorate and they felt like animals they felt like freaks physically as fingers would fall off put the ten lepers nine of them were content to just get through it I got healed I got healed I got through it but God didn't want them to just get through it he wanted them to get over it and when that one leper turned back and it went back and gave Jesus the praise he said because you've done this you understand I didn't want you to just get through it I wanted you to get over it you were made whole I make you whole I make you the PTSD is over the mental anguish and fear of it coming back is over the torment of the enemy that wants to destroy you with what you've been through it is over it's like all that does is fills you with gratitude and praise and you don't walk in fear you walk in Victory the testimony of David was not just that God had got him through his trouble but the testimony of a dying man was God help me through it and God got me over the wall we want to just get through things lost so much energy just try I'm so weary oh I got through it but my God I'm just so worn out and so beat down I got through it I made it through it now leave me alone because I'm gonna carry this stuff I'm gonna talk about it for the next 10 years I'm gonna I'm gonna go around and and I'm not making I'm not making light of anxiety and because anxiety comes out of stuff that God brought brought you through you you did I'm not making light a PTSD it's very real but don't you think David had PTSD do you know how many people he killed 300 men just to marry a girl and I won't tell you what else he did to him but read your Bible you don't think he had PTSD you don't think when he cut the people's heads off in John's hands off you don't think he was all messed up but his testimony was God got me through it and God got me over it and he filled my heart with praise God didn't bring you through it without the intention to bring you over it to get you over it if God gave you the power to get through it God will give you the power to get over it come on and Shout God can get me over this he doesn't want it plaguing you the rest of your life he doesn't want you in shame and beat up for the rest of your life because of what you've been through you don't have to look like it talk like it smelled like it act like it people should be shocked to know what you've been through because it shouldn't be all over your face and all in your conversation whoo tell your neighbor it's time to get over it just when you think you can have a pity party the rest of your life a old man on his death bed writes a song of praise and victory just so you won't have no excuses to not just get through it but he said I'm telling you I got through it and then God gave me a leap in my step and I jumped over it I'm over it I got out of it that you see the walls try to their walls of containment they're walls of isolation he wants you once you go through something because you've been through abuse or you've been through a divorce or you've been through something he wants you to stay isolated and he wants you to stay in in confinement about it even mentally confinement about it and a little shame and guilt the rest of your life but in the name of Jesus there is a I hear the Lord say I can restore the I can restore the leap I can restore you know that's what an athlete gets he gets a little spring of energy you can't leap until you feel that muscle twitch foreign for some of you to get a restoration [Music] get your spring back get it's it's time for some of you to get that that touch back that that he said the Lord got me over it he didn't just get me through it he got me over my two sons deaths he got me over my daughters sexual abuse you know how dark that is for a parent for people to hear your daughter was raped but he said he got me over he helped me over my own failure I messed up with Bathsheba but I didn't let it stop me I failed and I repented [Applause] I fasted and I prayed for the baby to live but the baby died and I washed my face and I went through the temple and I ministered to the Lord and I went home and ministered to my wife Bathsheba was his wife he got over it he kept on worshiping he kept on throwing his hands up he kept on writing songs he kept on praising the Lord if we're not careful how we handle our trials is how our children were handled their tribes I want my kids when they see me going through stuff to see my hands lifted I want them to see that I still believe I still worship I still go to church I still pay my tithes I still give God the glory I don't care what happens I'm gonna praise him cause he doesn't just get me through stuff but if I'll hold on he'll get me over this thing and when it's said and done I'll be more blessed than I was for the devil attacked me [Applause] the nine lepers just got through it but that one tenth leper went back to Jesus and he got over it a leper is somebody who the disease kills the nerves and you can't feel nothing it attacks the nerves and when the nerves are gone you can cut your foot if you've got leprosy in your foot and your leg you can cut your foot and you can't feel it you can you can step on glass you can burn you can step on a hot coal and and be burning and you not even know it because it's a disease that numbs you the sensory ability is gone because of the trauma that you've been through and you can't feel it but God wants to give you your feelings back God wants to give you your joy back God wants to do more than wash you and forgive you and get you through this bad season that you've been through he wants to give some things back to you he wants to give you your peace back he wants he doesn't want you to go through life now that you got through it he didn't just bring you through it to live mangled and messed up so many Christians get through horrible things being raised in abusive homes and thanks be unto God that's why we shouted on the early part of this sermon thinking it's not that we're not thankful that he brought us through but we ought not to stop there we don't have to live mangled messed up lives he said I got through it the two-word sermon through three two well really I'll just through over through over I'm really complicating the sermon ought to just do that and drop the mic and walk over [Applause] I'm waiting on my Revelation to catch up with your soul tell somebody it's time for you not just to get through it in your marriage y'all had a huge fight because he did something or she did something and you got through it but every time you get mad again you bring it up so you're not over it honey God wants you to get over what they said God wants you to get over what they accused you of [Applause] God wants you to get over your own failure your own failure your own failure he's not holding it over you it's not the Holy Spirit saying now I'm glad you're in church and you hear that song it's a good song but don't you don't you get too happy on it because you know you know what you did that's not the voice of the Holy Spirit that's the accuser of the brother God Says by the blood it got you through it it didn't kill you it didn't destroy you I pushed back the Red Sea and I'll let you walk right through it and now I want you to get over it and I want you to get a leap in you and I want you to get us a spring in your step again about life turn to somebody and say God needs to restore your spark I'm almost done David's laying there he says God got me over and God got me through it don't stop halfway I want this this is a good this is the good how many of you'd like for me to preach this at your funeral let me see your hand somebody get your pen out and take some names and when they kill over I'll remember this how many of you this I don't want someone we gonna miss each other I want something like that at my funeral he got through it and he got over that's the testimony of loved ones who went through cancer and by God's grace and they got over there's no defeated Christians watch this let me close with this Book of Genesis I think it's the 49th chapter there's the story of Joseph and Jacob Jacob is the father and he's on his death then and he calls in his sons as he's dying the Bible said he was dying and he starts blessing and pronouncing a blessing over every one of his sons and he gets to Joseph and prophetically he speaks over him before it ever happens he says I see Archer shooting at you that's his brother stripping the coat and throwing him into the pit that's Potiphar's wife shooting an arrow of accusation called accusing him of rape that he didn't commit that's potiphar shooting an arrow and throwing him into prison for 20 years that's the Butler and the baker shooting arrows that they promised they wouldn't forget him and they forgot him all the stuff that he went through and this is the prophecy over him as a fruitful Vine planted by a whale a vine I see you as a Vine that has gone over the wall you didn't just get through it Joseph when you forgive your brothers for what they did to you you don't just get through it you get over it the wall of containment the wall of isolation that they tried to build the city around you in and keep you he said you will be like a Vine that goes over the wall you're gonna get you're going to go through it and not become bitter and then you're going to get over it I thought about how that after all the plagues that God brought Israel through and then he brought them through the Red Sea they got out into the Wilderness and the Bible said they began to say these words oh that we could go back to Egypt listen we got through it all that we could go back to Egypt because I miss the leaks and the garlics the onions and the garlic they couldn't get over onions and garlic two of the hardest things to get off of your breath onions and garlic turn to somebody and say that's something you need to remember come on I can tell what you ate last night onions and garlic all over their breath I'll have halitosis a breathing bitterness and God wants to wash out your mouth so that you get over it so that you don't talk like where you came from that's why I know cussing ain't right because because when you really get good and safe and filled with the Holy Ghost you quit cussing every once in a while you think a bad word but you try not to say it amen and only say it if you're by yourself I'm not saying I do that but every once in a while and when I'm trying to play golf every once in a while I think a bad bad word but after all God has brought you through you still got unforgiveness you still got bitterness on your breath you still smell like what you've been through all you talk about in regurgitate God wants to wash out your mouth get over it spit it out Hallelujah wash it out and spit it out I like this sermon everybody let's make some confessions you want to say the wall will not stop me contain me hem me in stymie me in Jesus name I will not be numb in my emotions to me to others I will not be numb I'm getting over it I'm gonna love I'm gonna live full days I'm not bitter I'm over it I don't need Revenge I'm over it I don't need vindication the blood says I'm over it No Malice in my heart I'm over it I will not Wither in language I'm over it I'm going to have a song of victory just like David you're going to have a getting over mentality or you're going to have a victimized mentality it's time to win against the wall God's brought you through but it's time to win against the wall get over the wall Jesus in The Garden of Gethsemane is went through something so severe that his that his sweat became like drops of blood he was so exhausted he was so rung out and an angel came and ministered to him and he got a restoration of that spark foreign for the joy that was set before him he endured the cross he said I'm going through it but I'm about to get over it on the third day and that angel came and ministered to him at his point of exhaustion and gave him such a touch that he got that leap that that twitch that muscle twitch he said get up now finish this thing with joy because you're about to get through it and over it because that's the kind of God we have and it's time today to be aggressive and go after not just getting through it but getting over it I mean if you'd like to get over it not just do it get over it I mean if you're still in it you'd settle for through it but you gonna get through it [Music] it's a sermon makes sense get up on your feet I want every person in this room that you know this is a message for you and listen you do one thing I want you to listen to me you can do you can do one or two things you can hear a sermon like this and you can leave just like you came or you can step out by faith and and recognize I've been through it but I'm not quite over it and I'd like to have a point Where Angels come and replenish me and restore that that thing that an athlete feels right that he has to feel he's running fast but he has to feel an extra something to get over that that leap leap over a wall that sounds like Victory I like it didn't say limp try to try your best to crawl over leap if God could get you through it God can get you over how many of you would like to have God get you over it [Music] would you get out of your seat and come stand down here this morning I just I don't care who you are I don't care what you've done I don't care what you've been through maybe you're grieving maybe you're broken-hearted maybe you feel shattered and fragmented mentally maybe you have PTSD maybe you're filled with anxiety and fear and torment maybe you've gone through cancer terrified something's going to come back or you've been through a physical challenge and it's just the enemies just whispered to you just settle that you made it through it but don't dare think that your family can get over but we serve a God who makes all things new praise God I like that that last song You sung is that what you do good thank you Jesus every head bowed in every eye closed I'm going to pray for all of these in just a moment but if you're here and you'd say Pastor Jensen I'm backslid I'm lost I'm not right with God I need a change I need my sins forgiven I need the Lord I I don't want to go through the rest of my life without Jesus being Lord in my life pray for me if whether you're down front or whether you're all over the building I want to pray for you but he only comes where he's invited so invite him this morning into your life at every campus as the pastors to come in just invite him now right where you are here's how you invite him he said acknowledge me and I'll acknowledge you so if that's you and you would say I need salvation and forgiveness of my sin today just throw your hand up and let him touch you this morning I want to pray for you that's it raise those hands on at every campus raise those hands up raise those hands up high unashamed keep those hands up that's it that's it that's it that's it so many hands pray this prayer out loud say Lord Jesus everybody pray Lord Jesus wash me cleanse me thank you for the cross thank you that it Is Well with My Soul when I trust you with my future when I trust you with my past when I trust you with my present Lord you know how to bring me through and get me over and I received the victory of the Cross and I received the victory of the blood and I received the victory of the name of Jesus right now I'm forgiven right now I'm going through it and I thank you I'm going over it say this no more isolation no more containment in the city of pity Hallelujah I'm free in Jesus name now begin to praise him for Freedom begin to praise him for salvation begin to praise him for all that the cross has done for you praise him those of you down front lift those hands up and begin to give God praise like David did that he's brought you through first of all let Thanksgiving break out in your heart he brought me through when I didn't think I'd had this strength he brought me through when I didn't know what I was gonna do he brought me through and now Lord You're gonna take us over he's gonna get you over it in Jesus name he's lifting you over it getting Elite back getting that touch [Music] in Jesus restoration of the spark praise God you don't have to be miserable you don't have to be in a place of Sorrow he wants you to get over you never say start praising him now start praising him now he's lifting you over say Lord we just give it to you today and it's not even asking it's praising him for what he's brought you through and what he's taking you over you need to give him the praise don't even ask yourself [Music] yes it is maybe yes [Music] [Music] can we can we conclude this service by doing two things number one every one of you that prayed that Prayer of Salvation it is critical that you go by the next steps booth and you tell someone back there they're going to give you a devotional for the next 21 days they're going to ask you if you'd like to sign up for water baptism and I'm going to baptize you right here you that's how you get over the past the answer to a bad past is a good new future and go all the way with God don't serve him halfway and I believe today supernaturally God has set some people free and you're over it he's washed your mouth out don't talk about it anymore turn it into praise don't go around telling everybody everything just Just Praise the Lord then I want to challenge you today I want to challenge you today we're going to sing one more song but as you give this week in tithe and offering we are partnering with a church in Maui that I preached at many many many times through the years a wonderful wonderful Ministry Dr Morocco is the pastor there has been for almost 40 years great the probably the largest church on Maui no doubt about it and they're positioned well their building is fine they're on the other side of the island but they now just now are getting access to take all kinds of supplies and we're going to send them a generous gift I don't want to ask you to give if you'd like to give and be a part of that give something extra and help us as we minister to the people in Maui coming up soon today is divine day Divine conference is right around the corner women do you understand we're bringing some of the greatest speakers in the world and music like you wouldn't believe charity Gale if you've never heard this young lady my goodness and I don't know all the speakers but they there's one of them amen and there she is she she is amazing and Natalie is amazing and oh my oh Vesta Magnum is coming you've heard me talk she is she's an internet sensation she's 96 years old and can preach the pain off the wall she she is one of the she is without a doubt perhaps the most godly woman you other my mother you will ever meet and she's gonna be right here preaching and she is unbelievable I'm not talking about a good little little talk I'm talking about you've never heard anything like this lady and my God it's going to be unbelievable you must sign up and get registered today and this is the day to do it can't get over the fact that so many people raise their hands and I want you to know the Lord wanted you to hear that sermon to get through it and get over it do you believe that say I'm free I'm free now lift your hand and receive this blessing and I want you to just conclude with the course it Is Well with My Soul so get it in the key whatever you need it raise your hand and receive now and now may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine on you may the Lord be gracious unto you may he lift up his countenance upon you and may he give you peace if you prayed that prayer please go by the next steps it is [Music] [Music] my soul it is [Music] [Music] beautiful [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you
Channel: Jentezen Franklin
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Keywords: Jentezen Franklin, Free Chapel, Sermons, jensen franklin, jentezen franklin sermons, christianity, franklin jentezen sermons, church online, sermons by great preachers, free chapel gainesville ga, free chapel jentezen franklin, kingdom connection, spiritual growth, kingdom connection jentezen franklin, free chapel pastor jentezen franklin, jentezen franklin ministries, jentezen franklin 2023, sermons on trusting god, jentezen franklin full sermons, church online today
Id: RKlDcuFn8yI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 40sec (3280 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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