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[Music] [Applause] [Music] dudu oh hi well you guys know what I was doing this morning totally not playing Wii nope nope that's not what I was doing now welcome back to another video guys I hope you guys are having a wonderful day today we are in our 2d Minecraft world again you guys seem to really like the first episode of that so I figured I'd bring you guys the second episode where we kind of explore it now the problem with this 2d minecraft world this is really not much to do there's literally no trees yes I spawn this wooden through creative mode I cheated I'm sorry I've literally walked for like 600 plus maybe even a thousand blocks and I haven't found a single tree nothing it's literally just super flat grass and it's a pretty boring world I figured that our house needs some protection because if you guys saw what happened last episode it was not good you want to blow up oh yes there you go there you go thank you very much now I can get this cold wait what wait what just no don't tell me I'm gonna lose all my own yeah we're not gonna have that happen again we need to put some protection on our house some protection on our properties so when these zombies come at night they know who they're messin with so we're gonna dig down I mean we're already digging down we're not the safest thing to do about when you're playing to divine craft that actually is pretty safe so we are going to dig to the this way this way I guess we need to find some iron and some resources because well we literally have nothing this stuff I have my inventory that's literally all we have in our house too but you know that's basically nothing I also have my F of young quake Pro cuz if I put it where I normally put it on about 70 I feel like I'm Way too zoomed in and I can't see anything in the Minecraft world see now we can see war look I wouldn't be able to see that coal also if you guys want to see an episode three I'm totally down to turn this into a series on the channel if you guys are willing to watch it of course so leave a like if you want to see an episode and I'm three oh my gosh the controls are so wacky such whack-whack whoa my gosh alright I think you're gonna start digging up a little bit cuz I am literally finding nothing when you try so hard but you does thanks Pete my favorite song right now alright I think that's good we'll keep going this way I just want some iron that's all I want I don't even care about diamonds but hey if I find diamonds you know that'd be pretty nice but I don't really care I just want I just want some iron so I can have myself some iron armor and I can also get some buckets so I can make some lava moat so no one can cross and gate to my house except for me yep except for me and my pickaxe broke well what do I do with my life now I think we'll go back a little bit and I think I'm honestly going to start digging the opposite way because I'm having terrible luck going this way we didn't get a ton of cobblestones I'm pretty happy about that but I think we will just we're just gonna build straight up wait I think if I do f5 can't I look oh no I can't I think it's only when you're on the top I think you can kind of peek out no you can't oh wait oh that's how you do it you do it like this okay so there's lava over there oh I see iron over there oh I see a ton of iron that way as well our house for now is all locked up we got the doors closed I don't know when the Sun setting cuz I can't see the Sun but I just want to be safe so I'm not gonna risk it I can't drop down there I remember that's like a really far drop I guess I'll go down this way oh there's some iron right there yeah it's what I'm talking about come here wait wait wait anyway anyway oh my gosh like I said guys the controls are so wack it's hard to explain how the controls work but they're super super weird because like my character like stays still but like I'll move my mouse around and like I don't know it's just looking weird I don't really know how to explain if I drop down here am I gonna know oh no boys I didn't yeah I thought it was I didn't know is that far down oh my gosh okay what is down here oh that yep okay all right no up now now all right I'm gonna try to go back up here I'm gonna try to get some more coal I actually want to make a furnace I really would go back up to the house but I just way too lazy right now I mean you gotta think the house is pretty far we would have to literally build back up I mean if there was a staircase you know I would voluntarily go back up there but the reason I wanna make furnace is because I want to make a bucket alright so we got some of that smelting I'm gonna dig down for now I think I'm gonna I guess try and find more iron I don't know what would you look at that I'd I found more iron ladies and gentlemen would you look at that Mike is so cool I just I love the fact that you can see kind of like what's happening like for example if there was diamonds over here in the stone I wouldn't be able to see that if I was a normal minecraft if I was in this view I could not see those diamonds over there but the fact that you're like this you know you can kind of see where all the diamonds are where all the sneaky stuff is which is pretty nice alright so I think the Sun is actually going down yeah it's definitely going down I'm gonna try to get a little more coal Oh flip oh okay alright I also need to get some lava as well and we really want some lava but I need my buckets first I'm on literally one flippin heart dude this is scary I'm gonna try to build back up I'm gonna try to get my iron and making it into buckets most of you guys are probably like in speakable why don't you make iron armor that's not cool I love is cool iron armors lame alright we got two buckets there we go now let's grab some lava all right dig back down oh there we go alright we got two buckets of lava can we build across this I kinda wanna see what's on the other side but I also feel like this is a really bad idea I don't know how to build across things one block down how does one oh my gosh this is so hard okay I'm just gonna go in in this way for this alright I'm sorry it's it's a literally gonna take me like 15 minutes to get across this thing oh I was but say am I really out of cobble so there's no way I thought I'd mind so much okay so now we are good what is that a cave okay so it doesn't look like there's too much there's more lava down there I'm seeing I don't know well let me see here are those diamonds over there I see redstone I don't know I don't know if they I might be gold I don't know if they our diamonds there they are pretty far so we'll go back this way for now oh my gosh this people don't walk to your left I mean you're right I mean whatever just don't walk that way literally gonna fall into lava okay place place place the hello bat are you doing having a nice evening meet you uh-oh flip Oh Oh flip Oh flip nope nope nope no no no hit him hit him hit him hit him I don't know what direction I'm facing I'm going it I'm going into this mode I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm not saying what these trip piece of iron don't see that very often do you I'm sorry I had to go into this mode I had to get at TD mode I was like I am NOT dying because like I'm literally gonna lose everything again and that's what happened last episode I'm not doing a recap of last episode cuz it was not fun okay so don't come up here Oh what flip okay not gonna question it what what is happening build up unspeakable there you go I think we're building up to the house I'm pretty sure all you've got to be flippin kidding me favourite idea alright we're gonna dig around this guy I'm literally at one heart and there's a skeleton right there okay we're gonna go this way oh yeah skeleton take that how you like them apples how do you like them apples this would happen to me oh my gosh see this is why we need protection our house ladies Norman I'm gonna go back this way mystic alright now let's go this way block block there we go alright now let's go up I think we're almost to the house I see dirt there we go yes home sweet oh man there's some zombies outside as well okay so for these next part I'm gonna go in just normal mode because it is so flippin hard to play so I'm gonna quickly make a chest real quick I'll quickly make a chest I'm going to put the chest right here and then I'm also going to make I guess we can do a ladder because I kind of want to make a ladder in a second story to this house alright there we go umm there we go alright let's make a second story move that torch move that torch okay alright so this is gonna be our second story I don't know do I really need a wall on this second story oh oh oh my god alright so that's right now we'll just do we'll just do this like just little walls because I mean there's already walls like right here so like you know I can't build past year so I'll just leave it as is for now I mean there's really not a point in putting a roof there's a skeleton right flip in there there's no skeletons over here sheep I'm gonna have to use you for food please give me food oh wait this is 1.7 you don't drop muttons this is what we're gonna do we are going to make this a very large little lava pits we're gonna place one I'm just gonna let it flow there we go okay all right so that is our protection on that side and then on this side oh are you serious oh my gosh and I thought I could I I don't know what I was thinking I I was thinking I was like hey what if I put push the skeleton off the edge but I was like I forgot there was like invisible walls whatever go on there we go it's peekaboo go go go go go oh snap all this skeleton oh there's skeleton oh my gosh you're gonna air on my neck I got an arrow in my neck there's another skeleton oh my gosh I got another arrow in my back I got a arrows it's up ahead there's a creeper those creeper I'm so dead there's no way I'm surviving this there's nope it's so hard to survive in this world the reason because of that is because you're literally like look this is the world it's just two blocks so there's anything in front of you you got to basically run through it and I don't have a sword and I'm trying to get back to my house so I can make a sword so this is definitely gonna be an interesting journey trying to get back to my house there's two skeletons the one that I'm worried the most about is the flippin zombies I cannot get past them I can't watch now now I'm gonna be a beast oh wait this way this way all right watch this guys now I'm gonna be an absolute beast there we go look even jumped over him I could not do that in the 2d one oh they just fell I think they broke a part of the map oh my water flip how's this possible let me back up I'm scared I'm like what what what just happened I don't really care the Sun's up I'm going the wrong way though most of the zombies will be gone this is what I'm telling you guys this is why we need protection our house because if you think of it this way if we put a lava like a piece of lava on one side of our house and another piece of lava on the other side of the house that basically blocks any zombie or any skeleton or creeper or whatever in the whole entire world from getting to our house because that's the only way we can get to our house alright let's remove these blocks as well so if a zombie is like spawns right there or spawns right there and they want to get to our house there's literally no way that is going to be possible for them to do that and same thing goes but this way we're gonna do the same thing here and then we will make this two blocks down just so I can parkour and get over it just like are you flipping oh really at least most of my stuff didn't fall in lava but really I promise guys I'm good at three block jumps or block jumps no no three block jumps I can do them any day Oh flip all righty righty righty okay all there's chicken over here thank you give me a yeah wow you're lame alright is there another skeleton up here you want to give me your bones fun I know you want no don't be a nub don't just shoot me get out and the wide open get out the wide open and stopping enough wow I really just one shot him with my what oh I'm sorry I hate this world it is I am not even gonna lie it's it's difficult to survive in this world maybe that's what's making it so hard is the fact that I don't have any armor and I have any protection I don't have a sword you know I should probably get one of those I think that's kind of mandatory in Minecraft last time I checked I got what that's baloney that is absolute baloney all right ladies gentlemen let me show you something cool least of all what I call 360 noscope right on the lava I can't believe I just landed that oh my gosh that was actually kind of scary I am not even gonna lie I actually almost be myself hey there is a cook little chicken here we go some raw chicken nice we'll throw that in the furnace and we'll have that for I think it's lunchtime all right well there's all our stuff what let's go back to the house let's eat some lunch let's make an iron sword because we have two pieces of iron and let's sit in our house for the rest day and cry obviously that is baloney what guys I'm not doing this on purpose I'm not even kidding this is actually baloney I lost that piece of chicken I'm gonna be so tricky I don't even care about the iron I can get that back but the chicken mmm yeah you know rare to see a chicken in this Minecraft world I have never seen a chicken that's the first chicken I've ever seen I've been playing my I've been playing in this world for probably almost an hour and that's the first chicken I've ever seen usually in an old Minecraft world you see chickens like you see grass 360 oh wow I landed again that was pretty sick um okay is it chicken still here okay look at this loo this okay look it's so easy why do I miss it is it chicken chicken still he the chickens not here I lost the chicken and I lost the iron the two most important things that I had in my Morel ladies gentlemen I currently have nothing left to live for in this Minecraft world so I want to thank you all so much for watching if you guys did enjoy this video of course be sure to leave a like if you guys want me to do an episode 3 and rage quit even more anyways guys thank you all so much for watching I hope you guys have a safe and fantastic for you today again my name is unspeakable and this is my 2d Minecraft world then if you want to see episode 3 leave a like on this video I don't know where I was going with my hand I would anyways I hope you guys have a say fantastic guys today stay safe stay awesome and stay unspeakable and I'll catch you guys tomorrow in a brand new video [Music] [Applause]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 1,897,083
Rating: 4.8662639 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: 0W0wmJH-Bcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 17 2018
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