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i'm losing my mind i can only walk forwards and backwards i said that the opposite way i said forwards and then i walked backwards and then i before this video starts i need you guys to click that subscribe button and slap the bell to never miss another video ladies and gentlemen welcome back to a brand new video i hope you guys are having a wonderful day we are on the 2d minecraft world this is actually episode two um so in the first episode we explored a little bit and we built this little house and if you didn't see the first episode you missed out on nothing i promise but other than the fact that we found diamonds we just built this house planted those trees and did that tree grow on top of of that that tree how does that even work what or is this just one really really large tree interesting wait wait oh yeah wait isn't this the forest it is kind of like a forest that tree definitely grew on top of it that is that is a huge tree i have never seen i have never seen an oak tree that big or that tall on the first episode you guys crushed the like rating so you know that's why we're doing an episode too so if you guys want to see episode three definitely be sure to hit that like button um but you're probably curious and speakable what are you gonna do in this episode nothing there's nothing to do what am i supposed to do in this minecraft world the only thing i can do is walk forwards or oh wait let's say i don't want to walk forwards let's walk the other way oh wait but we've already been this way because we came from this way oh then what are we supposed to do dig down that's about all you can do we could make a second story to our house which i think would be pretty cool did we explore the ocean i think we did i think we came from this way here's my cacti oh wait oh wait this isn't oh no it is an ocean there's water over there oh yeah we definitely came from this way i unspeakable to say that we dig straight down trying to find the greatest of greatest diamonds and if we can't find any diamonds then i'll just i'll just i'll just cry just just a little bit maybe a lot a bit i don't know we got two diamonds from last episode but if we can get another one we can grab the diamond pickaxe and then we can really go mining let's put all this wood away we'll take this iron and this and and we'll take we'll take a little bit of wood just in case we need to make another crafting table another iron pickaxe let's go on a mining adventure let's do it ah yes this is my favorite block direct i can never say it right dire right because it's like right but i can never say it right yep sorry oh my gosh we found coal this is exciting because in episode one we found diamonds before coal so i feel like coal is more rare than diamonds maybe we should dig down a little bit more there's got to be something interesting down here is there like monster spawners dungeons down here you know like lava such a small slim minecraft world so like you know they can only fit so much this is how minecraft world would look if it was on a diet i'm sorry that that was probably the worst joke i've ever said oh my gosh i've been digging for so long look all the way oh never never i i've gone down like 15 blocks but it feels like i've wait a second what is this oh my gosh i placed that cobblestone i've already been here and and i went down there and i've i've i've already been here i've literally already been down here this is a problem with the 2d minecraft world it is it's so small you got to like walk 100 blocks the other way if you want to do something different or explore a different area now we're digging down on the opposite side because all the way up and over there is where we dug down before but now we're going this way maybe we'll be able to find some goods but our iron pickaxe and stone pickaxe is almost dead we'll have to whip out the crafting table soon and uh get that bad boy working the iron pickaxe is going to die soon too you know i'm really surprised that we haven't found a single ore yet we probably have like five stacks of cobblest we have two oh my pickaxe broke all right so here's the deal you sir you iron pickaxe with your with your little plus four attack damage you are gonna find me some diamonds and if you break before i find diamonds then i will i die i don't know i don't know i you'll you'll you'll be broken you'll be gone you won't exist anymore oh gosh that was harsh oh you know i'm sorry i'm sorry you know maybe i should be nice to you because if you are finding me diamonds you know you're kind of helping me out if i'm mean to you you might not find me diamonds i'm talking to a minecraft pickaxe i'm losing my mind i'm actually losing my mind whoa bedrock oh lava that's exciting there could be diamonds over here probably not but maybe oh flip oh flip oh i want to go above the lava hello lava ooh hi how you doing there's like no lava wow it's like it's like three blocks one two three four i can't count maybe there'll be some diamonds over here though because no you know normally there's diamonds next to lava or lava next to diamonds you know same difference one diamond that's all i need just one i'm not asking for four although that would be pretty nice i'm just asking for one just one there's more flip wow wow wow wow calm down there buddy opal okay nice to meet you my name's unspeakable i'm just gonna build up and over you i think that's how this is gonna work uh-huh you just stay still right there i promise oh we found an ore finally oh my gosh it's the first ore we've found are you serious and it's just it's okay i was about to be like if it's literally just one okay we caught it those of us i supposed to say if if that was just one gold ore and the second one dropped in the lava i would be done with this minecraft world it's okay this pickaxe has you know half of its health left so you know i'm feeling pretty confident that um it can get the job done and find the diamonds more gold oh redstone what am i going to use this for nothing i'm just mining it see if there's diamonds behind it and there's not i feel like since we're in a 2d minecraft world i feel like it should be easier to find diamonds because diamonds only spawn at like the bottom of the world i think it's like 11 to 12 your coordinates like 11 to 12 is like the sweet spot and that's where i am right now and i've probably i i mean look how much cobblestone i have and i haven't found a single diamond so does that mean diamonds don't exist in this minecraft world or maybe maybe they're uh you know maybe that was the only diamond you know those two diamonds that i found that was like the only ones in existence you know that could be a possibility as well oh we found coal the pickaxe broke and we didn't even find iron so wait how are we going to get out of here i want ironing it i can make a shovel and that's about it i can make a normal pickaxe fine i'll have to go back to a normal stone pickaxe gross let's try to make our way back to where we can get our crafting table because i don't want to craft another crafting table you know what i mean okay we need to make a pickaxe we've made like five crafting tables in this world we're wasting so much wood you know i think it would honestly be easier just to dig straight up i think that's what i'm gonna do instead of trying to walk all the way back to where i was before i think i'm just gonna dig straight up i think that's that's yeah that's the best way to do it maybe we'll find diamonds on the way up maybe honestly i'd be so mad if we did oh yeah wow i haven't seen that one yet this whole episode i i haven't seen a single piece of iron there's coal wow we're finding more stuff at the top of this minecraft world than we were at the bottom what is wrong with you cole what is wrong with you i feel like i'm talking to someone like isn't it is your name cole oh it's super weird if you think of it that way oh no no no you guys ready for this look at this i'm ready oh come on come on oh flip i'm suffocating suffocating whoa wow wait we we're right here this is my house well that was convenient well we just went through like three almost four pickaxes and we come back with two pieces of iron six pieces of gold and 44 redstone and where'd the iron go oh we we didn't even get the iron oh great oh i'm going to cry myself to sleep i am going to cry myself just like we need to make a ladder okay we're going to make a ladder we're going to make more than one ladder you know i was thinking maybe like three um you know what i'll make i'll make six you know what that will do okay so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna place this ladder and this is gonna go to the second story of our house wow look at this and we will put this here and then that that's pretty much it this is the second story i mean there's there's no point in putting a roof on it why do we need a roof or doors what's the point of putting doors no one's gonna get up here we can just do this there's nothing else to do we can put we can put i guess we can put a crafting table up here you know maybe make make it a little bit fancy oh i have an idea we can make part of the ceiling all furnaces one two three four so we can use these from either upstairs or you can go downstairs and we can use them all as well because they're right there wow look at me getting all creative i'm gonna go ahead and remove this dirt though because i think it's about time that we upgrade from grass to uh cobblestone you know i think it's just a little more fancy you know a little more professional and there we go all right wait wait wait wait wait wait we need one more thing torches and we will put these right one there and we will put another one right oh we can't put one right we'll put it right there just uh just a floating torch i also think we have deserved a tremendous upgrade of our chest we can now move up to a double chest because uh well we got quite a bit of stuff we got quite a bit of stuff that we need to put in here and uh you know the the other chests wouldn't really fit all of it actually it probably would but you know what we can we can upgrade we can afford it so ladies and gentlemen uh in this episode we have uh done nothing we got a bunch of cobblestone which is great we got like three pieces of gold maybe maybe even two or maybe maybe it was six we lost the iron i thought i got iron but i don't know what happened to it 44 pieces of redstone so that's good we also added a second story to our house and we upgraded our double chest and added four more furnaces that is about it see what i'm saying there's there's not really much you can do in a 2d minecraft world it's a sad sad place to be you guys if you guys want to see an episode three in this sad sad world i need you guys to leave a like on this video but not only that let me know what i should do because i'm bored in this in this 2d world you know i can walk straight for like 15 hours actually that's not about it yeah walking straight in minecraft for 15 hours you know that that's a pretty good title well if you guys want to see that leave a like on this video and i will be seeing you guys tomorrow in a brand new video stay safe stay awesome and of course stay unspeakable okay goodbye i i have to go i use the restroom and order tacos [Music] [Music] you
Channel: UnspeakablePlays
Views: 274,811
Rating: 4.9376264 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakable, unspeakableplays, mini game, game, custom, crazy, challenge, modded, games, maps, secret, redstone, funny moments, mcpe, minecraft pe, pocket edition, unspeakablegaming, trolling, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, glitch, funny, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, how to, parody, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakableplays minecraft
Id: GsxRc32iidY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 44sec (644 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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