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ah the beautiful homescreen of Minecraft but you know what this homescreen is missing hmm yeah yeah it's missing this it is missing the fact that you guys probably don't have the chaise crash server added to your minecraft because that is what we're going to be playing today go to your multiplayer click Add server and go ahead and type in play chase craft GG that is the IP to my minecraft server and also you can name it you could name it something fancy like Unspeakables terribly good server or you could be nice and you could be like the best server like for you please leave a like in this video you're not gonna get any cookies all right you guys can hit join the server hop in the server and you will be presented with the hub of the server now today we're gonna be continuing our Skyblock journey on the Yeti server we've been playing on the Skyblock Yeti because it was just recently released there is of course other Skyblock servers as well there's also creative we have prison and some other things coming soon up as of right now Skyblock is about the best thing that has happened to my life last episode we just hopped into this world and we literally had nothing we had the kit that we started with and we built that house we tried to build this lava generator thank you the bobert cobblestone looking yeah we failed a little bit we also built our first cactus farm which I have decided to take into my own hands off-camera and improve a little bit which has gone well so far it's probably tripled if not quadrupled the size so I am very proud there's a lot of things on the sky block server that I want to show you guys such as kits if you go and type in slash kit you will be presented with well kits if you do slash kit unspeakable I get a crate key I did not know that you can select from different kits depending on what rank you have now I'm gonna pick the Yeti kit because we are on the Yeti Skyblock server and though all right are you serious what be flip okay so um we got some pretty good stuff you know I'm probably gonna go in the Yeti server and just give this as someone cuz it's really good stuff I feel like I do not deserve this I just TV to this random member and here bro I cannot take this this is all yours here you go I know you guys already got the diamond armor but you know like I'm just getting started like honestly I'm gonna keep the cobblestone though cuz I kind of need cobblestone but yeah you guys gonna have it have a good time okay I'm gonna go back to my island I just noticed this guy gave me a bucket of milk oh how nice of him if we go ahead and type in warp crates we will actually go to the crates where we can use this mystery key that we've got you can actually buy these keys from our store at store chase craft GG I'll leave a link in the top of the description if you guys want to check it out but let's see what this crate does okay oh it's kind of like a randomizer o32 emerald blocks I will take it and you know what I'm not giving that to anyone because I deserve that one we're gonna go and teleport back over Qri oh I typed that chat whoopsy I'm supposed to yeah I'm just yeah I'm a noob I'm sorry yeah I am I'm a noob when it comes to Skyblock oh look we've got some cacti look at that how many video we had like three I think three or four I don't remember how many I had before but the cactus farm is doing really really well we need to start building like a second story another thing I want to do is I want to encase it in glass however glass is very expensive like really expensive so I'll probably wait on it I mean if it turns into a problem we're like I see cacti that are like falling off of an edge which I haven't yet but if it does move to that then I will I will encase it in something I don't know maybe obsidian or bedrock on it like whatever it's the most efficient oh now this is I got all these blocks like I want to like do something I don't know what to do I sort of build the world's biggest cactus farm that's all I want okay I need to stop building cactus farm so okay so I think we're gonna build out we're gonna build out here and probably do like a tree farm or something or like sometime let's just build a platform I don't know what we're gonna put on it but here you guys can decide what I'm gonna put on this platform I'm just gonna build a big platform and I want you guys to decide what I should do with it I'll be reading through your comments in the comment section below and whichever comment I pick like I guess the most interesting thing to build or also something that would help me the most something that would make me a lot of money I will take your comment and I will give you a shout out in the next episode of sky block alright I think we should make it a little bit bigger I mean like we can why not we'll go another three blocks wider this is going to be a huge huge platform we need to make a lot of space though because sky block like your Island expands and it gets bigger and you get farms and you get this and then you get that and then it just keep going around yeah 1 a 2 a 3 that's something like should be on this video three thousand thirty thousand three hundred thousand let's go see if we have any more cactus I'm literally like always oh I almost died there I'm literally always checking this cactus while we doing some work how many do we have now we got ten now okay so I know that's not very much but let's see how much we can get for ten cacti I know it's probably gonna be like nothing but okay so we got cacti here one one cactus sells for $13 are you serious oh my gosh okay let me sell oh I sold one on oxidize should it just click the 10 think okay confirm confirm you don't have eleven kacct oh whoops my bed add one okay I want to sell nine cactus confirm okay so I just made a hundred and nineteen dollars plus the other cactus so it was like a hundred and thirtysomething dollars and now I have 50,000 I'm stressing out right now I don't know what's going on okay I still got thirty two blocks of emerald should we try to sell this as well one emerald is a hundred dollars hold on I have 32 block I'm rich oh my gosh you have got to be kidding me you have got to be kidding of me I am selling all of these confirm confirm confirm confirm okay I need to remove a couple of these confirm with Canada I had a couple of whoa whoa remove remove remove add one more confirm okay now we have 80,000 ahaha who do you think you are big boy nope nope nope I'm gonna need you to get at it nope not doing not dealing with mobs not dealing with mobs you know maybe we should put some more torches around the island maybe that would be a good idea maybe I mean we'll leave that part blank because I don't know what we're gonna do with it but I do want to put some more torches just like on the island in general that would be nice you know let's just get everything just well well lit and I also do not yeah see that's not happening that is not happening no no no siree nope you know what i'ma slap a torch right there in the middle buddy wait i see i see kappa i see kappa oh boy just caught one okay okay yo this guy guru arm is so sick so eventually when i get more money actually well i think I literally have $80,000 but eventually I want to build hoppers and like lead the hoppers maybe to like right here or I don't know somewhere here to a chess so all the cacti would literally just go straight to a chess and all I have to do is open the chests and that's it and I want to build this thing like really high up as well like a huge huge cacti farm that is something that I will work on in videos but something I will also work on off-camera as well because that is going to be a lot of hours and I don't know if you guys want to see me build the cactus farm for four hours like I just feel like that's not entertaining alright let's try a quest shall we there's a ton of different quests that you can do on the server I'm gonna start with something easy just because I've never done a quest so I don't really know like what do expect but there is some really really difficult quest on here we're gonna go with the building quest let's do that okay so build a small dock okay so you need 65 oak slabs build a small base a hundred and twenty eight pieces of obsidian and you can get a thousand experience from that okay so okay okay I see I build an enchanting station okay you know what I will do that because that is something I need 500 cobbles to build a castle you need 500 pieces of cobblestone and a hundred cobblestone stairs slip in serious summon an iron golem you know what I will do that one quest activated okay let's just buy the stuff wait do I have any iron I don't even think I have iron so I think I'm gonna have to actually nope no we are good we just need a pumpkin all we need is one pumpkin there we go okay so we are going to summon an iron golem right here here we oh okay and then boom and then there you go the quest is complete and then you're going to get that experience as well so quests are really really fun it's a good way to get experience as well and some of the quests are pretty difficult but they're fun fun challenges now I want to do more quests in the future but I don't want to make this whole video about quests because personally I think there's more important things to do like a go get that little breather cactus Rito sell you so much oh my gosh literally like the only thing okay here's what I'm gonna do I'm not gonna sell a single piece of cactus for the next like three episodes because all I'm gonna do is just work on building this farm bigger and bigger and bigger so I should probably start doing that did I really use all my cobblestone all right so we got 13 pieces of sand I'm gonna buy some more sand $3,200 for a stack of sand how ridiculous does that sound pretty ridiculous the good thing is I can fly around which is nice I'm not cheating I'm not cheating to do it guys I'm still in survival mode literally I can still get killed by zombies it's just it's just nice to fly around especially the skeletons can't touch me and losers hey don't you dare blow up I need way more defenses way more the fans what does that sound that was a spider now it's just a spider I you know I'm gonna need you guys to chill honestly maybe I should do like a spawner over there like I can put like a spa how much responders $15,000 for chicken spawner Pig spawner 35 okay maybe maybe a zombie spawner could be some 5 million war ok that could be something that we could invest in an iron golem spawner that would be sick you know have like hundreds of you just doing your thing whoa whoa whoa go wreck him go destroy him go destroy him go go go get him tiger up yeah I thought he fell off the island I was like oh my gosh okay well unfortunately he is gonna die he's just gonna stand there and stare at him maybe I should build him a bridge maybe I should help a whoa I'm whoa maybe I should build em a Brit Beauty I'm gonna do chill okay you know what I'm not gonna help you guys I'm just gonna do my own thing I'm just gonna I'm just gonna bouquet got more fencepost here okay so let's go get this party started okay so I am just going to build I'm just gonna do this I am just gonna do this I feel like this is just the easiest way to do it kinda not really I mean it's like the messy way to do it but like it is what it hey hey hey look at you you're on fire you're pathetic look at you look at you thank you for the arrows now I need to remove all the blocks that are on top of these pretty much every other block just kind of like so was that the right one to remove no that was the right that was that was the wrong one am I doing this right I think I am yeah yeah yeah you good all right now we're gonna put sand on all of these just like so and then we will start putting cactus on here so I guess we'll just go and do that oh wow okay I'm in a cloud right now so that's just a just just a great time I'm just having a great time I'm stuck on something I don't know what's going on with my life anymore at this point all right we put this one right here and then we will move this one and then we remove all of these and then we are good now I would do the other fence post but as a right now we don't have any cacti at when we move on I'll do more of the fences around looking nice wait did I mess this up I think I might've messed this up I think I'm supposed to be yeah I think it supposed to be like one day mmm yeah I yeah okay had a little it's okay yeah sure it's gonna be great all right now I need to go down here and pick up all the blocks that I've lost and oh they're just kind of sitting on the outside that makes me feel great that means I lost all the blocks great okay there's only one there's only one I'm missing another where it fell off the edge I'm gonna cry as we go along throughout the series our cactus farm will slowly get bigger and bigger and bigger as we progress but it's gonna take time because I mean we don't have these cactus bloom in like every 15 seconds so it definitely is going to take time well I feel like it was with this episode I'm gonna need the child clouds to chill okay yeah we're good okay yeah that's much better I feel like this episode we have made a ton of progress we have checked out the kits I've showed you guys the crates we also donated a bunch of armor to some random people we checked out the keys as well to the crates we unlocked a crate we also accomplished a quest we built this whole section I showed you guys the new cactus farm and we worked on it for a little bit and we somehow got $8,000 I would say that today's episode was very very successful and if you guys want to hop on the Skyblock server or the chase craft server in general and play for yourself definitely be sure to do so the IP is right here on the screen right now and it's also down in the description if you guys want to copy and paste it but guys come hop on the server and try to compete with me see if you can get more than 80 thousand dollars well well now i have 71,000 but you see if you can thank you guys so much for watching this video I hope you guys have enjoyed and I'll see you guys soon in a brand new video [Music] [Music]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 2,762,575
Rating: 4.9265747 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: qoSYdACj0ws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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