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[Music] [Applause] with them oh I will have to say I hate baby zombies with a burning passion but guys welcome back to beta survival I hope you guys are having a wonderful day we are currently on this video updating for Minecraft 1.6.4 2 minecraft 1.7.2 if this baby zombie is still in here oh no of course he isn't of course he flippin isn't in here anymore we're gonna be upgrading 4 of 1.6.4 to 1.7.2 in this video and out suicide in this video our house needs some major improvements I mean look at this we've been doing this series for a couple episodes now quite a while a couple weeks and this this is our house we have a floating chest right here in the middle of the room we need to do some remodeling we need to do some protection so none of those baby zombies can get into our house like they just did let's go ahead and update to minecraft 1.7.2 alright so we just loaded up with a Minecraft version 1.7.2 we got all our achievements of reset and stuff but do you guys notice anything different in this world what is so different is it maybe the fact that my microphone is missing and I'm off do you see this I showed up to the office this morning and the eyeball was just like you know it was it was on there but at you and just sacrifice it to the to the eyeball gods it was truly a heartbreaking morning over here at the unspeakable office you know we were just crying our eyes out over a plastic eyeball when we have a hundred and fifty more of them sitting right in front of me but that I bought was special that eyeball made it through a lot of recordings it's easy to just come up and just replace an eyeball with the hundreds more that you have but that eyeball was special it's been through like at least 200 recordings and like the stones this one this little buddy right here I think we'll go one eye on the microphone for now I think we'll call it a cyclops I did do a little bit of off-camera stuff I actually died and lava by the way before this episode started because I was trying to get a bunch of lava buckets I went down mining for more iron found a ton more iron and got some more lava buckets as you can see I got one two three four five six seven about seven lava buckets and yes I died in the process of doing that however I didn't lose a lot of my stuff all the stuff that I have in my inventory right now is the stuff I got back so I had obsidian I had redstone I had a like a stack stack and a half of Oakwood I had my pickaxes I didn't lose those those actually fell on the other side of the lava which was so good but I was so triggered because I was like I'm not even recording and I died in lava and I could have swore all my stuff fell into lava and then I ran back down to the K system and it was like all right outside the lava I was that was that was great that was that was great I think for the flooring of this place we're gonna do all gravel I think gravel just appeals to me in a way that no other block what no I'm kidding okay we're not gonna do all gravel I think for the flooring we're gonna do all a nether brick yes yes that is cheatin no no we're gonna do wood we're gonna do some classical good ol oak plank flooring you know oh my gosh here we go oh this is already looking so much better just with the flooring just in place oh my gosh this place is really gonna come together once we actually spend some time on it in this video I don't recall saying why I got all those lava buckets but I got those seven lava buckets because we're basically going to turn our house into a volcano we're gonna turn our house into a little bit of a volcano for protection so none of these baby zombies can get in here like they were before now obviously we're gonna make it to a point where we can still easily access our house and walk out of it but I think it'd be cool to have some lava flowing down the sides make it look like a little volcano I think that'd be pretty sick out of all the ways you can protect your house I think a volcano has to be another I mean who would mess with you if you're in a volcano like come on alright all the wood flooring is done I really need to get rid of this chest but there's so much valuable stuff in there that I don't want to just fly all over the place now well Who am I kidding yep there it is GG alright so let's try to pick up some of this stuff this is gonna take a while with transfer it all over to this chest we'll start with this all the cobblestone there we go we picked up everything sweet okay so we'll go ahead and put all the cobblestone in this chest I'm making sure I don't accidentally grab pieces of gravel look there's gravel right there okay it's tricky it looks like cobblestone we went on of cobblestone which I'm at oh I missed one there we go put our diamonds in there okay now it's time to take all my lava buckets and let's turn this place into a huge lava volcano now we need to do this in a safe way of course before we do this I do need to cover up this glass as well which we don't have enough sand for so that means we need to go get some sand while we're going to get some sand I also want to say that the minecraft 1.7.2 update has had a huge change from the previous version Minecraft 1.6.4 and we're also seeing a huge change in all the trees that we grew geez remember when this was all grass now it's all trees all her saplings I've almost grown and that is just awesome but some things that have been added into the new version of Minecraft from 1.6.4 to 1.7.2 has been the amplified world option the savanna biome the meso biome the sunflower Plains dark oak trees pufferfish salmon clownfish tall grass new flowers have been added as well packed ice and sixteen colors of stained glass as well now there's a lot more than that there's a lot more smaller things such as a ton of bug fixes there's some new commands that have been added and a lot more blocks and smaller items as well but I didn't want to sit here and describe to you guys for the next 15 minutes every little small item and thing that has been added to the version but those are the main basic the biggest things as you might say a good thing about having a house as a volcano is also it's gonna be pretty easy to find for the most part I'd hope so at least also another thing we need to do is beds have been added in this version of Minecraft so we need to find a sheep and set our spawn point cuz every time I die I spawn a thousand blocks away and walking all the way back to this house he's terrible I do miss this version this is one of my out of all the versions I have played this is one of my favorite versions 1.7 and 1.8 and 1.9 those are my favourite versions that's where I had the most fun as you might say now when I started playing Minecraft I started around 1.3 and one or versions yes very early that's when I started playing minecraft those are the versions that were out I remember they barely even had servers at that time and if they did there would only be barely any people online it's crazy to fake how far minecraft has come especially like just everything in it like flip we're having dolphins in my grafted Turtles that can lay eggs oh that's so great now I think we need to kind of strategize where we're going to put this lava now I don't want all this lava just flowing down the side of our house I mean most of it I do it because I think it'd be pretty cool but I don't want all this a lot of just flowing down the side of our house because we still have forced here we still have stuff that I want to be able to walk around on but for the most part it is gonna be just flowing down the side of our house like this right here could flow down the side of our house so well dig out a little part right here okay so we'll place this here and we'll just kind of see where it goes from there hopefully it spreads out a little bit I don't know if it's gonna spread out a little bit that looks pretty cool though I like that I'm sorry tree but you're gonna have to go it's a sad sad day for you okay then we'll have another one flow out the back here kinda about right here I would say there we go we've already used three buckets just like that we only have four buckets left okay now we have a window right down there I want to drop this one right between the window so I think I'm gonna go for about right here but go that way buddy go that way there you go there you go that's a nice flow right there I like it when it flows like three blocks what is it puppy get out of here I like it when it flows three blocks like it flows all three ways and yes I know some trees are gonna burn it is what it is we'll be okay but I don't want it to be anywhere near my house because we have some wood in there I don't my house to get column would not be good we still have three lava buckets so I'm thinking we can put one of these like right here maybe about right here so there we go don't flow backwards don't fall backwards okay we're good it's not gonna flow backwards okay all right so flowing down that way is okay that's totally cool with me as long as it's not going down straight through the window I'm cool with that oh wait what if we actually float lava right down here and it was like a wall oh my gosh we have to do that okay I'm gonna flow some lava down right here it's gonna be like a wall over our window I don't think you guys realize how sick this is gonna be okay we're gonna have to go in the cave system and get what look it's gonna be like a lava wall right in front of our window all that is gonna be so sick but it's not gonna touch our window and we can still walk between it okay we're gonna go down here we're gonna get more lava I hope I don't die again that would be really bad but I think we'll be okay all right so let's try to scoop up some of this lava oh my gosh this is going to be so cool so we got about seven or so buckets yeah seven buckets let's run back to the house we also need to hurry because I only have one little hunger bar I really need some food I don't have any food on me own ow I'm dying Oh No please please please please please I'm too young for this no no no no I'm too young for this to yolk for this to young for this up to yo for this I don't think I'm gonna die no what am I doing with my life hopefully my house isn't burning that what that would Steve I just walked in here my house was just all burned down I would probably cry we have no food are you serious we really don't have any food oh my gosh guys I don't know what to tell you I'm sorry we have absolutely no food I'm about to die let's pour this lava real quick shall we there's one there's two there's three there's four there's five there's seven okay there we go alright so we're saved we're saved we're saved we're saved is there any more apples is there any more apples some saplings that I decided to drop any more I mean if there is any more apples from these trees they're probably definitely cooking in the lava okay so Ivan this is a decent way to have a security system and I don't get me wrong it only took us a couple minutes to do this we're still going to improve pretty often on the security of this house just because I don't want mobs in here I don't want random players in here whoever decides to get in here okay so we have used a total of 14 buckets of lava so far that looks sick I really like that look that looks really cool oh no oh no that's not good oh no no no no no no no that's not good that's gonna catch on fire okay oh no it's already catching on fire oh no no this is awkward ah I have gravel ah I need wood go go go come on I don't have any sprint okay quickly make a let's quickly remove all this wood and we're gonna turn it into stone I didn't know that this lava right here was gonna be that close we'll have to make all this cobblestone all right cobblestone cobblestone cobblestone cobblestone cobblestone cobblestone kappa so now we should be good hopefully i don't wake up and my house is on fire I think I'm fine the lava is pretty far away they would have to literally travel like over two blocks to reach me but I think our house has been greatly improved in this episode I mean we have some protection now we have some flooring I honestly think I'm gonna keep the walls how they are I was thinking about turning all the walls into cobblestone but I kind of like the feel of all the dirt and all the stone I like the feel of it it makes me feel like I'm a part of this mountain and I'm you know in this mountain I kind of I like the feel of it I like the dirt I like the stone I think I'm gonna keep it I'll probably remove that coal because I might need that but for now we definitely have got our dream house so far yes there is still some minor improvements that we can do on it but it is perfectly livable and I think we'll be fine living in there now next episode we definitely need to focus on food starting to get armor and eventually moving into the Enderdragon so next episode is definitely going to be focusing on food and armor so it's gonna be a lot of mining and a lot of farming there will also be in Minecraft version 1.8 as well so we'll go through the new version and see what we have in that new version of Minecraft but guys with that being said thank you all so much for watching I hope you guys have enjoyed this video if you did of course be sure to leave a like on this video I want to thank you guys so much for watching this video really doesn't mean a ton to me hopefully I don't fall into this lava and hopefully this how protection will work against all those weird baby zombie so guys thank you all so much for watching have a safe and fantastic rasuu today and I'll be catching you guys tomorrow in a brand new Minecraft video [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 2,334,046
Rating: 4.8626914 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: Jz6B-CN1CYc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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