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[Music] forget all this forget forget them forget the trolling Maps forget the new Minecraft updates forget everything guys we're going back we're going back to when you can't even choose the title of your minecraft worlds we're going back to the old the Alpha the original minecraft we're going back in time boys because a lot of you guys say you know you miss you miss the old Minecraft the old Hunger Games the old survival the old the OL and I figured today we're bringing it back we're gonna be starting a Minecraft Survival Series on the alpha version of Minecraft yeah that's right we don't even have an inventory we don't even have there's I don't even think crafting tables are invented yet actually oh wait no no we do have an inventory on this version okay we got an inventory but I don't have a skin on before we get started I can't hit f5 to turn around and actually look at you guys so you guys get to stare at the back of my head oh wait there it is you press f1 all the controls are so weird you press f1 to go in like your normal f5 okay well now you guys can see me before we really get into this episode if you guys want to see this turn into an actual series on my channel where I post one to two episodes per week all I need you guys do is leave a like that's gonna let me know that you guys want to see this as an actual series but other than that let's get started our goal is to of course build a house as we would in the some of the oldest versions of Minecraft we're gonna build a house we're gonna start mining and our goal for this series is to beat the ender dragon just like old times so I love this we're bringing it back old-school style boots cool style minecraft and there is a problem though I don't think the inner dragon is even added into this version of Minecraft I'm not actually sure I'll have to check on it but if it's not added into this version will just update to the earliest version that the inner dragon is added in so um we don't have to worry about death we can make it happen because I'm pretty sure the inner dragon was added in either the first official release or one of the highest beta versions but I don't exactly remember but yeah our inventory is I instead of e so a little bit oh there's no shift-click I gotta individually click all the block oh my gosh this is something out it's okay so we gotta figure out a place where we can build our house before we do that I do want to get some food because we'll be running out of that soon oh my gosh taking it back bringing back so many memories and I really hope you guys want to see this as an official series on the channel because we're gonna create so many memories with this series I really think we are oh my gosh the sounds are even different with the cows pigs do you make difference why are you jumping like that I could've swore pigs don't normally jump that high oh my gosh the meat doesn't even stack haha if the meat doesn't stack and I can't succeed in this Minecraft world oh I'm messing around but we do need to get underground because I really want to get some cobblestone er you guys taste pretty good last time I remember it hey there's cave system right there not too bad this is not too bad of a world I really want to find an interesting place to build a house though I've always wanted to build like a really cool like in older versions of Minecraft I've never got around to it but I always want to find the big hills and build a house in the hill it's like inside the mountain and basically have like a structure going down where we can have like crazy chests room down there and all this stuff so we're gonna try to aim for something like that I don't know if we're gonna be able to build something like that in this first episode but we will definitely try our best let me see if I can mess with the controls here where is inventory change that's the e there we go drop is huge toggle fog okay so that's all the controls we have you know it's not like the Minecraft where we have a ton of advanced controls and the newer versions nope they're all old and also the cobblestone looks very different as well guys check this out look at the cobblestone I really do want to take this series seriously see what I did there I want to make it like an awesome series we're making a mob farm we actually try and we make you know most of my series that I do on my channel that normally end up being pretty short I normally only do like 10-15 episodes and then we do something else but I want to make this series long I want to make seasons to it I want to do fit the episodes hundred episodes whatever it takes until we beat that injured dragon and have our dream house with our dream Bob farms and everything that we could dream of in our Minecraft world and we are starting from the bottom starting from the bottom here with absolutely nothing and we're gonna build and work our way up to the top so that's how we do it in Minecraft started from the bottom now I'm still at the bottom right now but I'll be at the top soon this first house that we build is not gonna be like our permanent house it's just going to kind of be our house for now where we can put our chests in our bed and feel safe our permanent house is gonna be something that I want to work on like I said in a mountain or maybe a tree house but this is gonna be our house where we really grind we really get you know a lot of resources and we just kind of save up and then we'll start to move and start to build our dream house oh there's a sheep over there I need his wood to make my bed lol ah ah flip the old damage sounds brings back the memories every time every time big I'm going to need your food that doesn't stack which is really triggering I there was a sheep just right here you guys saw that sheep it's literally gone now oh my gosh she to go all the way over there that sheep excuse me sir I'm going to need you two not to run away again because you're about to get slaughtered sorry oh the wool comes off before you even oh my gosh you need shears to do that that makes me feel good because on older versions of Minecraft are always hated killing sheep cuz I just needed their wool you know I was like I'm such a savage person they're not even giving me meat but however on the newest version of Minecraft they do give you meat which is you know I feel better when I kill them now I I guess but I was like man I only need your wool I don't need to completely kill you but I forgot on the older versions of Minecraft you don't actually kill the Sheep I mean you can kill him if you keep hitting them I'm just gonna get you out of your misery I'm sorry I'm sorry you're stuck in this such a hard situation right there oh that makes me feel so much better you know they need to take some features from the oldest version of Minecraft and throw it back in the newest version because that's pretty nice there are so many of it wow it just got really dark really fast night time is coming we really need to get started on a house I also don't even know what difficulty are we on normal okay all right we're on normal difficulty it didn't even tell me the difficulty like I have no idea it didn't like you know you can't select and customize your world when you create it you just kind of click on it and it makes it for you you can't customize if you want super flat or if you want your world title you can't do any of that stuff oh my gosh it's getting really dark really fast okay so I need is there like a brightness setting no there's not okay hopefully it's not too dark for you guys to see I'm gonna try to find coal so we can get some torches but if it gets dark I do apologize oh look at this guy it's so pretty hello oh my gosh I literally can't see anything oh wait there's coal right here okay if you guys can't see anything I don't blame you Wow I couldn't even see what the tool I was using okay there we go all right I'm gonna get some torches right here got four torches okay there we go now we can kind of see a little bit more oh my gosh it's so dark guys I do apologize I cannot see anything right now I see some iron though there's some iron right there oh there's a zombie there's a lot of iron in this cave okay so I want to camp out pretty close to this cave just because there's so many resources right here although I can't see anything so let's make a little tree house why not the old memories guys let me know in the comment section below when did you guys start playing Minecraft around what year and what version did you guys start playing Minecraft some of you guys may be very new to the game some of you guys have been around and when you see me playing this it gives you a lot of memories that's what it's like for me I'm getting a lot of memories because I started playing minecraft not in this early of a version but it was in the early early release like first release version so almost the beta because this is one of the earliest versions that I could play and actually like play because if I was to go any earlier than this version then we would probably be playing without an inventory we've pretty much got our house looking pretty good I want to do more torches though because it's still so dark in here like it's honestly insane how dark I like these torches do not light up very much but then again our I guess our brightness is all the way down but we can't change our brightness on this version of Minecraft so it's just gonna be really dark at nighttime all the time what you saw it is what it is but we definitely need to make some spots for windows as well because I do want this treehouse to be pretty open because it is treehouse you know you want to be open you want to see the views outside so I want to kind of open this treehouses up a little bit lots of windows here in the morning and then I think this wall yeah this wall will be like our chest wall so I'm gonna make pretty much a second layer of a wall right here and then we are gonna kind of dig away this wall and put our chest like into the wall if that makes sense oh no my pickaxe just broke no no no okay where do we put our crafting table this is starting a little cozy we do not have any cobblestone though so we're gonna have to make another or not another but we're gonna have to make a what an axe Wow what we need to do is the roof so we'll go ahead and get this set up as well there we go need a little bit more off I dropped my wood give me that please thank you okay I think we are pretty much good we'll leave this little like tree right here to like the little stub of the tree I don't know why not just leave it there and then we do need a lot more wood though to make all these chests so we're not gonna have nearly enough yeah we can only make one chest but what I'm seeing right now is for this chest wall will pretty much have a double chest double chest double chest double just double just so six double chests basically or large chests whatever it will be in the wall right there so it's kind of nice and sleek now we do need to get a ladder as well and we need to get more cobblestone I'm gonna try my best to go down here the Sun is coming up oh the Sun sets in this version of Minecraft are so beautiful oh my gosh just right over the horizon you have the beautiful beautiful red and purple sky look at that that is B oh my gosh there's so many creepers holy moly okay took 20 creepers over there that was insane okay so the Sun is coming up you can see it getting brighter and brighter as we go but we need to chop down I want to chop down some trees around us before we do that I really need to get some more cobblestone and we'll get some iron as well hello sir how are you hello zombie you go ahead and walk in here you'll be burned never mind maybe that version or maybe that feature hasn't been added into Minecraft yet oh nope there it is never mind all right so we got some iron here we're gonna grab a little bit of cobblestone because we need more cobblestone I mean we always need more cobblestone being completely honest but there seems to be quite a bit of iron in this cave I guess that's all the iron right here I mean if we dig deeper we might find more but I'm not in a desperate time to find a ton of iron I just personally want to make a iron pickaxe and iron sword and then we will be good all right a little bit more cobblestone because why not and we also need a little bit more wood as well so I want to chop down these trees next to me this tree can help us hold up the treehouse but I want to chop down this tree because it's kind of like interfering with our view also want to sweep up some sand as well I've noticed I feel like in these versions of Minecraft there's a lot more pigs and chickens and animals everywhere I feel like and some of the newest versions like there's there's some places where you'll walk around and you won't find a chicken for like 15 days but in this version it's like you can't walk around without funny joke I don't know maybe that's just my minecraft experience I have problems finding chickens and pigs and in this version they seem like the right everywhere have only we could reach that crafting table oh I don't want to make another crafting table oh no that's the crafting table oh okay I thought it's just a piece of wood because the bottom of it looked like just normal wood okay so we're gonna craft some ladders right here please give me more than all my gosh it only gives you one ladder I hate this version of Minecraft now okay I think that should be enough ladders for ladders for that many sticks that was half a stack of wood up for ladders out of it okay perfect perfect amount okay sweet so now we're back up here I used all my wood I was gonna make more chests but I use all my wood on the ladder but that's okay we could make a furnace now and we can get this food smelting oh look at the top of the furnace it looks like stone look at that that's so weird okay so can we stack our food we can't stack our food we have to smell one piece of food at a time wow this is absolutely terrible we're definitely gonna have to wait awhile to smelt this we're gonna get our sand in there as well actually we're definitely gonna need multiple furnaces so let's go ahead and make a couple more there we go we got two more furnaces so we will just kind of stack these up in the corner here but yeah so this place is coming together once we get all this sand out we can make our glass windows there it is look at that we need so many torches to make this place bright like I feel like it's so dark in here but like when we start placing more torches it gets lighter but it looks it seems like those torches only light up like two blocks that is one thing that was very very much improved in the newest versions of Minecraft I mean in a house like this you would only need one torch and it would light up like the whole place perfectly fine but I mean we literally have one two three four five six seven eight nine and a furnace going nine torches and a furnace and it still seems dark in here alright it's going to get this iron smelting as well at about five pieces of glass alright we only need two more there we go our last piece uh ninety-two Monet my honey one more flip there we go there we go alright so our last piece of glass and our treehouse is complete guys that is gonna wrap it up for this first oh no I gotta press f1 you're gonna hold f12 but that is gonna wrap it up for this first episode we got our treehouse right there I want to thank you guys so much for watching if you guys would have seen episode 2 all I need you guys to do is leave a like and show your support because if you guys leave a ton of likes then I will be motivated and encouraged to make another episode for you guys but if you guys don't enjoy it and you don't want to see a second episode then I would rather spend my time on other videos that you guys will like instead of you know making this into a series so just let me know by leaving a like the more likes we get the more episodes I will be excited to make if that makes sense cuz if you guys don't like the video and you don't want to see it then I will spend my time making other videos that you guys will like even more hopefully that makes sense but anyways thank you guys so much for watching have a safe and fantastic Aesir day that chickens jumpin he's excited for you guys to hit the like button and for episode 2 hopefully we'll see him next episode and hopefully I'll see you guys in another episode and I will be seeing guys tomorrow in a new video this tomorrow's video is pretty insane you guys do not want to miss it so definitely be sure to stay tuned and click that subscribe button so anyways have a say fantastic us today and I'll see you guys tomorrow in a brand new video [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 5,938,566
Rating: 4.9138703 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: _1RAh4cy1ZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Fri May 11 2018
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