How To Prevent Shaky Lines

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hello everyone Daniel yuck here thank you all for tuning in today I appreciate you in today's video I would like to take some time and I want to touch base on how to prevent shaky Lines within this video I also want to touch base on some of the main causes as to why shaky lines happen should you have any questions at all at any point throughout this video I'm going to highly encourage you to drop a comment below I'm going to do my absolute best to assist you in the best possible Direction with that being said let's go ahead and dive straight on into this so I will leave links for you in the description below to the gear that I'm going to be using here in this demonstration as you can see I have an assortment of needles that I'm going to use to demonstrate my points all of these can be found in the link in the description and that will take you to my Amazon store and this is for real skin that'll take you to the real skin site where I picked up these real skins and also I'm going to be using the ink claw dagger tattoo machine with the X6 Wireless power supply I believe that's the X6 by Dragoart so that's everything that I'm using here for this demonstration for those who are curious now that we're caught up to speed with what I'm going to be using to demonstrate here today I'm going to touch base on some of the main reasons why I've experienced shaking lines and this may vary from person to person if you have any other reasons that I don't list drop them in the comment section below I'm eager to hear what you've experienced on your end but for me one of the main reasons that I've experienced wobbly lines or shaky lines on my end is because I simply didn't understand the fundamentals of tattooing I didn't understand that I needed to know where I'm going to pull my line not only where I'm going to be pulling the line but what direction I'm going how deep I'm going I wasn't familiar with hand speed and voltage there is a lot of moving components when we tattoo that all have to be aligned for us to achieve readable presentable results for me when I first started I was experiencing a lot of shaky lines when I just simply wasn't familiar with the fundamentals when I was unable to plan out my tattoos another main reason that I experienced shaky lines in the past was because I'm simply moving way too fast forward what's good for me so let's say I'm moving in a direction at me be comfortable however I may pick up the hand speed and I may end up wobbling or a little bit or the direction that I'm going isn't quite comfortable that's another one that'll actually cause some wobble and some shape when I am tattooing so moving too fast haven't learned the fundamentals of some of the top two another uh reason that I've experienced a wobbling on my end is when I hang out my needle a bit too far so in the past I used to just hang out my needle ridiculously far um I guess that's just me developing and getting to where I was going and upon hanging it out more than what was good for me I would experience the needle kind of wobble in the cart tube like that and it would just wobble a little bit and you would see it in the line so therefore I kind of had to double up and scope that line a little bit that was something that I wasn't really fond of it didn't really matter which needle I was using um I was just hanging out my needle way too far and I was just experiencing that needle wobble that's another main reason why I've experienced shaky lines on Mayan another reason why I've personally experienced shaky lines is because the direction that I am moving in or the range of the line that I was trying to tattoo was just simply out of my range or out of my comfort zone so therefore let's say if I was pulling a line away from me and I'm kind of bending my wrist like this and holding my machine around here I'm gonna kind of start wobbling a little bit so when I try to push a line too far more than what's good for me that's also when I've experienced some wobble some of the last two main reasons that come to mind where I've experienced the shaky lines is when I'm uncomfortable with the gear that I'm using when I first started I started using coil machines originally and something about the setup whether it was the smaller tube size because I really need a fat grip size I'm more comfortable with that and when I first started I was using in quarter machines with tidier too so it was really hard for me to find uh flow and to be comfortable with that setup especially with the coil machine kind of hanging back right here it just really wasn't my style it wasn't until I switched over to pen style tattoo machines is where I started getting really fluid with it all and that is another reason why I've personally experienced shaky lines is just because simply I wasn't comfortable with the gear that I was using this last one here is where I personally have experienced the most shaky lines and it's basically the smaller the needle configuration goes the more our imperfections are going to show so if we don't have time under smaller needle configurations such as this bug pin three round liner then it's going to show when we tattoo with it so let's say if I were to pull lines here with the bug pin three round liner on this fake skin you're going to see every single Perfection let's say if I pull a line with the standard 11 round Shader my imperfections are going to show a lot less because it's a thicker needle configure iteration so the smaller we go in Needle size when it comes to round shaders or round liners the more our imperfections are going to show I'm going to personally touch base on all of that I'm going to demonstrate some differences here between some thinner line weights and some thicker line weights so that way we can get a good idea as to what we can expect and I'm also going to show you how we can go about preventing shaky lines and give you all some exercises as well by the end of the video you will be well acquainted and have more information to use on your end at this point we should be a bit more familiar with S2 what causes shaky lines now let's get into the aspect on how we can go about preventing them well first and foremost we're going to want to have develop some Rapport at least understand the fundamentals of pulling lines and practice the basics so at the very least we're going to start with learning the fundamentals of lining and I'm going to touch base slightly on that I have full in-depth videos where I show you how I go about matching hand speed and voltage I have other videos about lining so if you check out my channel you will find more information on what you need if you can't drop it in the comment section down below and I'll do my best to assist you there so we get familiar with the fundamentals and we get familiar with the gear that we are going to be using and then from there you can start learning directions what direction works best for you some improper directions of tattooing and what is appropriate for the designs that you're doing over time you're going to be able to make better choices as well so in terms of what directions you should be going find out what's comfortable and over time this is going to start coming naturally to you one of my main rule of thumbs is if I can't plan out the tattoo I'm not going to accept it so if you can't plan out your tattoo from start to finish if you don't know how to do this area or this part of a tattoo if you're having to Wing this area then it's probably a little bit outside of our capability and or style range so knowing how to plan out your tattoos is also crucial and that's also going to help you prevent shaky lines because you're going to know where you're going the entire way of the stencil none of the stencil is going to get lost you're going to be able to A and B your entire way through the tattoo until you are completed which is exactly where we want to be if you can't plan it out don't accept it at the end of the day we are all humans so no line is necessarily a hundred percent proof perfect I don't believe in that however we can do the best of our abilities and we can provide good quality work still and another thing here that helps me go about preventing shaky lines along with these other variables is having a good pause posture when I'm tattooing being able to stabilize my hand in ways that are comfortable for me I'm also going to get into that here shortly now that we are acquainted with this information I want to get into the demonstration aspect and I want to do some shaky lines and I want to try and pull some smooth lines with you all here and I want to touch base on the demonstrations and points that I'm trying to make here in this video so let's switch it over to a different angle let's get into that so for this demonstration I'm going to start off with this ambition T-Rex bug pen three round liner needle right here and I'm going to pull some lines right here and I'm going to see how straight that I can get it I'm going to just simply imagine a line right here I'm going to pull it all the way straight down and I'm going to see how straight that we can get this line and I want to demonstrate that the smaller the needle configuration the harder it is to pull straighter lines and pulling consistent and clean lines with smaller needle configurations is something that we need to develop and work into so if you're not pulling clean lines with smaller needles I would recommend that you don't get discouraged and just to keep practicing keep trying try different lines try different designs and just keep going with it the longer you do it the more better you'll get over time when it comes to smaller needle configurations like this I typically run at around five to six volts so for this demonstration I'm going to be pushing it down to 5.5 I'm just going to be using the very tip of the needle and again just to confirm I'm going to pull a line right here and I'm going to see how good I can do now one way that I'm going to go about preventing shaky lines is I'm going to make sure that I have adequate ink flow first of all because I've experienced inconsistent lines even though my posture and everything else was aligned incorrect I didn't have adequate ink flow so therefore then when the needle penetrated the ink flow wasn't consistent and only some half of the needle would get ink the other half would penetrate with no ink so therefore the light looked at consistent even though my technique was correct so you want to make sure that you get a good consistent ink flow going on and that can be developed with practice and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to prep my site I never really put too much ointment you only need a little bit when you're tattooing human skin so I'm going to always prep the area with some oil that moisturize the area and then right here I always have a little bit of moisturizer or a little bit of inkies right here as well to help me Glide across more easily I find the posture that I am comfortable with as well and all of these little variables that I'm doing here are adding up and they're going to provide me with more clean consistent results and again this is going to be to Easter on I'm not saying this is the only way to do it I'm saying this is what works best for me and how to prevent shaky lines so you can see I'm comfortable with the gear that I'm using I'm using a short pen style tattoo machine and I'm comfortable with the way that I'm holding it so I'm comfortable with my posture I'm going to pull the line from this direction this way and I'm just going to do the best that I can now you're gonna notice that when I clean this line it's not going to be by any means perfect as you can see I'm starting to wobble now because I'm outside of my comfort zone and you can see I'm going off course now and that's exactly what happened as you can see it kind of went that way right there and that's what I was explaining earlier that's one of the main reasons as well as why I experienced shaky lines so when you combine your discomfort when you're outside of your range with a smaller needle configuration and once these wrong choices start adding up it's gonna start showing in the work so really learning to align all of the basics and the fundamentals I feel is crucial to being able to pull clean consistent lines to avoid shaky lines all in general and let's take a closer look here so you can see I started off comfortable right here started off comfortable and let me actually zoom in started off comfortable started off comfortable we were doing great we were doing great and when I was here as you can see I started getting outside of my comfort zone and these wobbles right here started happening okay see your way keep in mind they're not totally dramatic however when I first started this it was nothing like this to have achieved something like that when I first started I would have been astonished um I was trying to you know cause wobbles but naturally they just didn't happen for me but I'm going to keep demonstrating so that way I can get these points across on what I'm trying to say and keep in mind I am using the bug paint three round liner forgive me there and I'm going to go ahead and pull another line so let's say if I pull the line going from this way to this way let's see what happens so if it was natural feels comfortable starting to experience a little bit of discomfort [Music] and as I'm going that discomfort is gradually Rising as well you can see hence my wobbles and now I'm at a point where I'm completely outside of my range of comfort and at this point I'm just completely trying to push it and it's just every choice I'm making now is wrong I should have came out around here around this point I should have put on this line and I should take her back in and out and continued accordingly and stayed within my comfort range of motion let's go ahead and clean this off and see what we are working with so as you see when I get outside of my comfort range right here I am experiencing dramatic wobbles right here and keep in mind this is a smaller needed configuration so if we're not really dialed in and comfortable with pulling a smaller needle configuration lines then it's going to show a lot more I'm going to actually go out of my way to kind of do some wobbles here and show you what those look like and also when this kind of goes without saying but one thing that I never do is I never drink coffee before a tattoo any sort of caffeine stay away from anything that's going to make you jittery stay away from that I personally have tattooed after I drink in a cup or two of coffee and it was not good I didn't like the way it felt I was real like this the entire way so if you're naturally shaky then that's gonna contribute to shakiness so a way that you can do that is to find a good posture that you minimize that sort of movement and for me this is how I go about doing that kind of rested on there I'm not squeezing my machine too hard at all it's actually feeling natural so what shaky lines would look like is like now we'd probably go this way or this way and and that typically happens when you start going too fast like this or if again you're just not experienced with what you were doing if you don't have practice behind the needle configuration that you were using these are some of the leading causes as to why shaky lines are occurring [Music] my way outside of my comfort range still gonna stick with it just to show you on demonstrate the results here so as you can see even when we speed up right here this is what scratching looks like right here so you can see obviously we're going way too fast for the voltage we didn't give the needle enough time to input the ink or deposit any sort of ink and this is essentially going to fall out over time this other one right here it did go sideways and keep in mind I'm just essentially imagining a perfect line going across and that's what I'm trying to get and I'm achieving everything but that so you can see with the smaller configuration here it is harder to stay steady if we don't already have a steady hand also one thing that I want to point out is the smaller the needle configuration is again the more that the imperfections are going to show let's say if I do the 11 round Shader and I wobbled then they're not as apparent because a Shader deposits ink differently and I'm actually going to show you that here as well I want to take a look at this double zero one round liner and I want to pull some lines with this now I don't recommend ever using a one round liner until you're already familiar with other configurations and then I would step into just the single needle as we can do some serious damage with this needle right here as it is just a single needle so we have to be real careful real acquainted with pulling lines I'm going to demonstrate that with this one one needle every single imperfection is going to show up this is what it looks like and again I will leave links for you in the description below this is just literally one single needle I'll be super careful with this and conduct yourself with caution and for this one I'm going to take it down to five volts even and that's where I'm going to run this line here and I'm only going to use a very very tip of my needle doing the exact same thing that I was doing I'm stabilizing myself right here I'm finding my positioning and I'm just going to go ahead and go so I'm way outside of my comfort range already and you can see it's reflecting in the work that I'm doing and I just skipped and I wobbled all over the place there a bit squiggly and I really do hope that I'm getting these points across here I'm not going out of my way to dramatically demonstrate Wiggly lines I'm doing it in a more practical scenario here and you can see with that one round liner every imperfection is going to show some areas we didn't go deep enough right here this is going to completely fall out so it's going to look like a scratched line however the smaller we go the more we show the more the imperfections show some ways right now that I'm preventing shaky lines is I'm moving in directions that I am comfortable with whether it's going towards me or moving this way those are comfortable directions for me I'm going to demonstrate directions that are uncomfortable so I can show your results and we can see what happens when we're moving in directions that aren't really going to work in our favor we're still working with the one round liner so I'm going to go from left to right and then I'll go from right to the left and you can see once I start getting outside of my comfort range and ability here we wobble and then if I go from this way to this way you can see moving in a direction that I'm just totally not comfortable with which is this direction I find it hard to remain consistent so right here these are just live demonstrations on some of the top reasons that I've experienced wobbling on my end and for me all of these are preventable Again by finding your correct holding style for your machine I've done an in-depth review on how I go about holding my machine check that out I actually released that a few days ago so I would recommend though to in order to get cleaner lines you're going to want to stabilize your hand make sure that you're planning everything out and moving and doing your lines in correspondence to a format that you understand I'm going to move from this point to this point because that's where this line is let's say we're talking about a leaf I need to start from the bottom and work my way up because I need to taper out on the ends of the leaves little things like that so you're going to have to make better choices along the way and that goes down to planning your tattoo also if you hold your machine at an angle that's not correct or appropriate for tattooing then you may experience damage and or extreme inconsistency so as you can see I'm holding it like a pin and this is what's happening to me kind of feels like it's skipping and I'm trying to be as consistent as I can here but my holding posture was nowhere near where I am comfortable and again it shows so these are some of the main reasons why I'm personally have experienced shaky lines on my end in the past lining with a smaller configuration is not something that I'm going to recommend doing until you're comfortable with pulling lines with all needles allow me to demonstrate with a round Shader here so that I can show you the thicker the needle is the less of our imperfections show so for example I went from a single needle right here to a three round liner and then now we're going to a seven round Shader and then I'm going to proceed to show you how I can go about preventing shaky lines so again same rule of thumb I'm placing down my hand I'm finding Comfort holding the skin in place wherever that may be and I'm making sure that the direction that I'm going to be pulling the line is comfortable already so I'm never really rushing into the lines here I figure it out I'm planning it all out so from here I'm gonna pull the line stay at a clean Steady Hand speed and voltage Pace making sure those are matching and I stay within my Comfort Range and I just continue all the way through until I've completed the line that is how I go about preventing shaky lines there's actually multiple variables that are essentially working together to provide me with these results and the variables are hand speed and voltage my comfortability when I am positioned and how comfortable I am in the direction that I am tattooing all of these are some main variables that come to mind I'm comfortable with the gear that I am using as well and I'm very comfortable with the fundamentals of pulling lines foreign let's go ahead and clean these up here so you can see when I align all of these variables I'm able to achieve really nice clean consistent results I'm going to try to mimic this but another reason that I've experienced wobble is when the needle is hanging out way too far so let me see if that can actually show here with this specific needle I think this needle has a clean design so it's going to be very hard to mimic that [Music] okay so it was very hard to mimic that needle wobble because of the needle hanging let me try a different needle so right now I'm using a DK lab standard nine round Shader and I'm hanging out the needle this far [Laughter] and you can see inadequate ink flow happening which is also something that I've mentioned thank you so what I'm doing here is I'm essentially demonstrating real time here some of the ways that I've experienced squiggly uh shaky lines here and as you can see I'm not doing a very good job at that this is a CNC police standard nine round Shader and I'm hanging out the needle as far as I can hang it out here I'm not sure if I'm going to necessarily experience any of the needle wobble that I've talked about but basically what I'm doing is I'm showing you demonstrations on ways that I've experienced shaky lines and I'm trying to talk about ways to go about preventing them and as well as exercises here an exercise that I would recommend working on is figuring out which direction you pull lines comfortably in and getting a fake skin and doing that over and over and over as you see me doing here [Music] when this ink starts running out here I want to demonstrate inadequate ink flow as well [Music] so you can see right there even though my technique is correct the line is still going to look choppy and shaky and incomplete because of the inadequate ink flow so we have to align all of the variables we have to align the fundamentals we had to align the hand speed and voltage with the correct needle depth hang we have to align the comfortability with our posture and all of this matters the everything everything that we're doing when we're pulling the line and I know this may sound like a lot however this is kind of how I look at it we have to align all of these fundamentals in order to pull clean consistent results let's say if we're pulling a line and we're not comfortable pulling in this direction so combined that one variable with the variable of hanging out our needle too far so let's say we have a wobble of our uncomfortable Direction on top of the wobble from the needle hanging out too far we're going to experience some pretty gnarly lines and that's what we want to avoid so getting comfortable with the gear knowing when your needles start wobbling knowing how far you like to hang them out knowing how you like to hold your machine and just knowing where the dermis is is everything all of these fundamentals are basic things that do align when we are pulling lines allow me to go over this one last time here so for me to prevent shaky lines what I am doing is I'm utilizing all that I know in unison to achieve consistent clean results to the best of my ability I'm comfortable with the gear that I'm using I'm moving at a steady hand speed and voltage I know where the dermis is and I know what it feels like to hit the dermis so I'm comfortable with everything that I'm doing and I'm confident within the lines not only that I have a plan for my tattoos and I always know where my A to B is so these are some variables that are helping me to remain confident and consistent throughout my entire tattoo every line that I pull if I pull it this way and each line comes out like that by the end of the tattoo I'm gonna have a really good reading tattoo with nice clean crispy Line work another thing that I'm always very cautious of is the line weights that I'm using I try to stay away from using smaller line weights to dominantly line a tattoo I'll dominantly line with line weights like round shaders or thicker round liners and I'll use smaller configurations like three round liners for detailed areas so that's how I approach that I really don't like to pull long consistent lines with smaller needle configurations if I don't have to because please remember the lower that we go in Needle size the smaller the needle gets the more our imperfections are going to show and that's something that we have to consider as well once we're able to find a workflow where we align all of these variables together in unison you're going to start seeing more cleaner consistent results here is a top view of what we did right here in this demonstration to conclude the video I'm going to relay some final tips just to kind of reiterate everything that I went over so some solid ways to go about preventing shaky lines is starting from the bottom being comfortable and getting comfortable with the gear that you were using figuring out your needle depth how far you like to hang your needle out figure out your hand speed and voltages these are all the fundamentals that will help you pull cleaner consistent lines after you've developed Rapport and gotten comfortable and established with your gear you're going to want to go ahead and start lining and I would recommend to start with thicker line weights then as you get comfortable and fluid with thicker line weights and you can pull clean lines back to back to back to back every single time then go down to smaller line weights and kind of work from there so all of this you can do it in Stepping Stones I feel if you do it in stepping stones and do it one step at a time you will get to where you're going if I didn't touch base on anything specific that you may have wanted to know at any point throughout this video I'm going to encourage you drop a comment down below I'm going to do my absolute best to assist you in the best possible Direction I also have social medias all under the same name as this YouTube channel I would truly appreciate the support on there as well thank you for tuning in yet again you have a great day
Channel: Daniel Yuck
Views: 423,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daniel Yuck, tattooing 101, tattoo 101, tattooing 101 for beginners, How To Prevent Shaky Lines, daniel yuck shading, daniel yuck tattoo, shaky tattoo lines, how to tattoo lines for beginners, how to tattoo straight lines, how to tattoo thick lines, how to tattoo clean lines, how to make thick lines tattoo, how to tattoo fine lines, shaky lines tattoo, shaky lines procreate, shaky lines when drawing, prevent shaky tattoo lines, shaky hands while tattooing, shaky hands
Id: _aLphxS_JzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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