Why Tattoo Lines Aren’t Solid?

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hello my name is Daniel yuck thank you for watching today I appreciate you your time and your support in today's video I want to share with you some main reasons why our tattoo lines may not be coming out solid clean or consistent by the end of this video you will be well acquainted with the main reasons why we may be getting lines that aren't to our satisfaction however should you have any questions at all I encourage you to drop a comment down below I will do my absolute best to assist you in the best possible Direction please don't forget to sub subscribe to my YouTube channel and ring that Bell for me as I will be bringing more videos like this for you all I do also have social medias under the same name as my YouTube channel I have Facebook Instagram X and Tik Tok all under Daniel yuck I would appreciate the support over there as well I will also leave my Amazon affiliate links and other affiliate links for you in the description below so that way you can check out the gear featured in this video on your end with that being said let's get right on into this for this video right here I will be demonstrating with a sheet of true skin fake skin I'll also be using a sheet of or a small sheet of real skin fake skin I'm going to be using Dynamic black tattooing ink to apply the lines and get my points across along with simple petroleum jelly to clean up my fake skins I am using Phantom tattoo gloves and the Machine that I'm going to be running is the Drago art T2 Rotary tattoo machine and I'm going to be using an OG produce needle cartridge should the gear change along the way I'll definitely update you once again my Amazon affiliate and other affiliate links will be for you in the description below let's go over some main reasons why we may not be getting lines to our satisfaction from my experience some of the main reasons why I couldn't get solid clean consistent saturated lines was because one or a number of reasons one of the main reasons is inadequate needle depth where our needle depth isn't correct our needle isn't hitting to the right depth so therefore it's not depositing ink into the correct layer of the skin which can result in a number of consistencies from kind of faded looking lines the line weight can be inconsistent throughout the line that we pulled and more but those are some of the main uh adversities that we get from inadequate needle depth another reason why we may not be getting clean solid consistent saturated lines is because our hand speed and voltage could be unaligned let's say if we are moving too fast for our needle to work then the line's going to come out inconsistent and have a sort of faded look to it let's say if we're moving far too slow then we can risk scarring and or blowing out lines so along with needle depth hand speed and voltage is another main reason why I've experienced inconsistent lines not only that another reason why I've experienced inconsistent lines and it's not really too too common could be the angle of our needle and the way that we're holding the machine so let's say if we're using a sort of round Shader tattoo needle and let's say we are going to be depositing ink kind of at this sort of angle well that means the need need that are sitting up top are not hitting the skin so therefore when we do the line it's going to be darker on one side and have a gradual fade on the other and if the line's curving or if the line's long then when that Line's done there's going to be inconsistencies typically when we have a bad angle half of the line tends to be a lot more saturated than the other half which means only half of the needle was getting to the right depths while the other was just hitting the surface it's important to remember when we are tattooing there are multiple variables that are working together to provide us with solid clean smooth results if any one of these variables is underline such as needle depth or hand speed and voltage is going to reflect within the work that we are doing let's get into the demonstration aspect I'm going to demonstrate improper needle depth as well as proper needle dep I'm going to demonstrate improper hand speed and voltage along with proper hand speed and voltage and then I'm going to demonstrate improper angling with proper angling so that way we can get an idea as to what we could expect when we are off on any one of these variables that way we can also know the results if we are doing it correctly so let's get into the demonstration let's start with needle depth in a nutshell needle depth is how far the needle is going into the skin and it's basically where the needle is depositing the ink if we go too deep we risk damaging the skin scarring the skin or blowing out the tattoo altogether if we go too light we risk the tattoo falling out we risk a sort of faded look to our tattoo even when it's fresh you can kind of get the idea we have to get right in the middle for our tattoos to heal well and stand the test of time here I have a small piece of real skin what I'm going to do is I'm going to demonstrate improper needle depth so that way we can know what to expect when our needle depth is off going to moisturize the area that I'm going to be tattooing on and I'm just simply going to pull a line with improper needle depth I'm running at 7.5 volts right now my needle hang is is that far out and improper needle depth would look something like this so you can see that not all of my needle is making it into the skin and you're going to notice that it has a sort of faded look this side over here is more saturated than this side let's do this again here a couple more times and you can see the streak marks on this round Shader and that's just some of the side effects for improper needle depth but in a nutshell when we have improper needle depth we're going to get a sort of inconsistent patchy faded look to our work here which is why it's important that needle depth is really understood before we start tattooing on human skin so you can see I'm going way too light right here for these lines so much so not even the needles themselves are able to catch and do anything to the Skin So this right here is improper needle depth this is going way too light allow me to demonstrate proper needle depth here now and I'm going to do that right under these so when it comes to proper needle depth we want to make sure that the needle pierces into the dermis breaks the skin gets into the dermis so that way the entire needle is depositing with all the needles this configuration has same thing over and over you can see I let the needle catch and then from there I begin to make it to my point B this right here will provide me with clean smooth results if my needle depth is correct same thing here let the needle do its thing taper it in right here and you can see now that we're not getting any streaks as we did like these up here this right here is more of proper needle depth so if we aren't getting this variable right when we are applying Our Tattoos we can't expect clean results this is one of the variables that is important we had to have needle depth each and every single tattoo that we do we have to be real familiar with it now I've done a video on blowing out human skin but I can still demonstrate down here where we go to deep for needle depth since going too deep is a variable and it is involved with needle depth improper needle depth where we go too deep would resemble something like this so you can see I'm getting skips and snags that means I'm pushing down a little bit too hard within the line now I know this may look solid and saturated however this sort of approach would be damaging to the skin when this heals on human skin it may have a sort of raised feel to it we shouldn't be able to feel our tattoos they should be smooth just like the skin that they're on so if we go over here this right here is way too deep I'm actually forcing and pushing the needle down when we are applying a tattoo I don't really feel like there is any need to drive a needle into the skin there's no need for that as the needle will do all the work for you as long as you know where the depth is so let me go and demonstrate a couple more times here of improper needle depth and you can see almost every time that I pull these lines it snags so we're experiencing any sort of snagging it may be related to needle depth we may be going just a little bit too deep and you can see that again they do look solid and consistent but if we take a closeup look here you can see that these lines are kind of bleeding into one another so if this was on human skin these lines right here are going to be blown out and it's going to have a sort of bruise appearance to it not only that even worse over time these are going to start blending together until they blur here are a side by side look at the results here now this is going to light this is improper needle depth this is perfect needle depth right here and this is going too deep this is also improper needle depth so to light to deep just right now I know these two kind of resemble each other but if we get the fake skin and we flip it this way you're going to see that we actually almost blew out all the way through with this last set of lines right here and you can see how thick this skin is so that is what we want to avoid the only way to get familiar with needle depth is not around but through the motions through the experience we have to pull lines and we have to get used to improper needle depth to figure out where proper needle depth is so improper needle depth whether we go too light or Too Deep could be one of the main reasons why our lines aren't coming out to our satisfaction let's get into hand speed and voltage I want to demonstrate and kind of repeat the process as we did here I want to demonstrate inadequate hand speed and voltage and then I want to demonstrate proper hand speed and voltage so let's get into that when it comes to hand speeed and voltage the idea of it is understanding that our needle is making a certain rounds per minute now if we're not letting the needle make its rounds and deposit the pigment then we're not going to get consistent lines let's say for example if we are moving too fast for our current voltage which is 7.5 we're going to get really choppy and consistent lines that are very similar to these right here let's say if we're going to be moving too slow then we're going to get lines that are damaging to the skin very much like these right here allow me to show you what it's like when we move too fast with our hand speed and voltage so keep in mind I'm running at 7.5 if I'm going to do a line like this for example that's way too fast I'm not giving the needle any time to actually saturate penetrate or do anything to the skin the skin has to break through penetrate the skin and then deposit the ink and that's where understanding those rounds per minute come in handy granted we're not going to know how many actual rounds it's making unless we have the proper equipment to read that sort of parameter what I'm saying is we're going to have to feel this out so obviously when I'm moving like this you can see that these lines are coming out really faded so if I did the whole tattoo like this when I'm done the tattoo even though it's fresh is going to have a sort of faded appearance which is what we want to avoid at all cost just like this area of be depth as well now hand speed and voltage is much like needle depth when we align our hand speed and voltage we're going to get clean consistent lines if we move too slow we're going to get lines like this if we move too fast we're going to get damaging lines this is proper hand speed and voltage so I'm going to and keep in mind I'm running at 7.5 the same rule of thumb here about figuring out hand speed and voltage is going to apply to any uh any voltage that we are using we just have to kind of fill it out and know what we're looking for so I'm going to give the te the needle time to break the skin and then as you can see I'm moving as the needle is depositing in a nice consistent motion I'm not going too fast and I'm not moving too slow so you know what fast looks like this right here is more of a healthy hands speed and voltage right here give the needle time to break the skin so I can deposit the ink like so then I will essentially repeat the entire tattoo with this hand speed and voltage that right there would be adequate hand speed and voltage this is the ballpark of where we want to be it should feel natural it shouldn't feel rushed or too slow low let me demonstrate what moving too slow would look like or resemble so if we have hand speed and voltage moving too slow right now I'm at 7.5 let's say if I went like this so now I'm moving extremely slow and what's happening is the needle is breaking open the skin and depositing ink in this area more than I want so what that means is when this is on human skin and it heals these lines are not going to stay true to the Integrity that I use ink always settles in the skin and when that happens it spreads out a bit so that's another reason why understanding hand speed and voltage is important because if we're going to be doing designs that have a lot of like dainty lines or fine lines and details we have to understand hand speed and voltage so that way when the tattoo heals on human skin it stays true to the integrity and the line weights that we originally chose let me go ahead head and demonstrate moving too slow a couple of more times here so that way I can get these points across so you can see the needle broke the skin open and now I'm moving just way too slow this is either going to scar the skin and or blow it out or maybe both so that is way too slow right there definitely damaging this skin this is way too fast we kind of want to just taper in and move at a healthy consistent Pace as you see me doing here like so so much like the needle depth this is too fast too slow just right swipe away and see the results a quick recap right here so this first area is needle depth this is hand speed and voltage now without either one of these we're not going to get consistent results if we're not aligning our needle depth with our hand speed and voltage then these are the similar results that we are going to get we're either going to get inconsistent patchy faded looking lines or we're going to cause a lot of damage these two fundamental variables have to work together for us to achieve clean solid consistent results let's go ahead and get into bad angling now when it comes to bad angling it's pretty a straightforward idea so if let's say for example we using a round Shader and we want to stay true to that line weight Integrity then we wouldn't be able to approach it like we would with a round liner so for example if we have a bad angle then this is what a line is going to come out like so you can see that this is not depositing all of the needles all of the needles are not hitting the skin and on this side over here it's coming out a lot darker than it is on the left so you can see all the needles are not able to hit the skin at the same time which is going to result in inconsistent lines even though our hand speed and voltage and needle depth are aligned if our angle is off we're never going to get clean lines to our satisfaction it's very very important to understand when we need an angle and at what angles so right here you can see I'm leaning too far to the right it doesn't matter for going this way as well it's going to be the same result just in opposite however this right here is bad angling keep in mind this is also a round Shader you you can see the needle line weight is nowhere near these line weights right here and that isn't what we want we can't have that much of dramatic fluctuations within our work because if the line weight on the design called for this specific line weight it's this line weight that we have to apply to the design not that one and this right here is an adverse reaction for bad angling let me do one more bad angle and you can see it's really tipped over this way and only excuse me and and only this side of the needle is actually depositing the ink there forgive me for that little skin skip right there all of this right here is wrong when we're using a needle we want to angle it so that way we can capture the needle's integrity and line with the needle line weight that we chose so let me show you proper angling for this needle specific this is a N9 round Shader from OG produce I want to capture all the needles at once I need all n needles to show up and I need that line weight to come come to light I need it to be in the Forefront I can't have this sort of lines or this sort of fluctuation going on so what I'm going to do is I'm going to be mindful of how I angle so I'm going to place my machine down and you can see I'm going to allow all of the needles to hit first like that and then I'm going to pull my line so this right here is what I would describe as proper angling let me get a little bit more more ink so you can see that when I touch down here all the needles are depositing together this right here lets me know that I am angling my machine and needle correctly so that way I could accomplish this line weight so if I go like back all of my needles are now in and you can see that this line weight is dramatically different from these up here you're going to notice at the beginning of every line you're going to see all nine needles start breaking open the skin this right here is how I would angle my machine to get clean consistent lines keep in mind if the angle is off then we're not going to get the lines that we are looking for so you can kind of see how needle depth needs to work with hand speed and voltage and angle needs to work with both for us to get clean consistent solid saturated results here is a close-up look at these results let's keep in mind this first row is needle depth the second row is hand speed and voltage and this last row is needle angling this area up here is improper needle depth this area right here is improper hand speed and voltage this right here is improper angling this is proper needle depth this is proper hand speed and voltage and this is proper angling this down here is improper needle depth and improper hand speed and voltage if you're getting results that are similar to this chances of the issue being one of these is very very great let's say if you're moving too fast you're going to get these lines right here and if you're not going deep enough then you're going to get results like this if you're moving too fast you're going to get results like that if you are going deep then we're going to get results like this which are damaging to the fake skin and human skin if we're moving too slow then we're going to get results that are very similar to this I hope this can give you an idea as to some of the results that you can expect when we aren't aligning the needle depth hand speed and voltage and angle fundamentals here are a couple of leaves that I'm going to use to demonst at a little bit more but on a tattoo design to give us a better idea so I'm going to demonstrate moving too fast and improper needle depth and then I can go back over and touch it up with proper uh hand speed and voltage and needle depth so I'm going to start right here for example when I'm moving too fast and when we are tattooing a design especially this is what improper needle depth and moving too fast looks like so I can start right here and this is decent angling but my needle depth is is wrong and I'm moving way too fast so you can see that this line already has a faded look to it the reason being as I've mentioned I didn't give the needle any time to do its job I didn't give it time to accurately open and break the skin nor did I give it time to make its rounds per minute to deposit the ink in a clean solid consistent manner I rush through all the way and these are the results nor did I hit the proper needle depth so all and all together my needle depth was un align you can see my angle fluctuated and my hand speed and voltage was off these are the results let me move over here and kind of do the same thing so let's go ahead and kind of keep moving fast here so this is improper needle depth improper hand speed and voltage and it has a sort of faded look the last thing that I want is my tattoos to appear faded especially when they're fresh that's not what I want at all and this is why that happened you can see I'm moving just way too fast let me go ahead and clean this up to see what we have and that's what I mean by faded there's no saturation there's no consistent line weight there's just this here on the leaf next to it I'm going to demonstrate with proper technique so you can see the results of improper technique let's kind of go over here and let's demonstrate proper technique so that way we can see a side by side comparison so I'm going to start right here I'm giving the needle enough time to break the skin open I'm angling it correctly and I'm going to make my way around this way and you can see that the technique is tremendously different from the previous technique that I use to apply the leaf next to it I'm moving at a more steady and mindful pace and you can see that the results are showing I'm going to continue right [Music] here you also want to make sure that you have adequate ink flow so that way the ink is being deposited by all the needles always make sure that you have adequate ink flow let's go ahead and wipe away and let's see the results so you can see off the bat that is tremendously darker and more saturated than this area right here I'm going to continue with the rest of this Leaf so that way we can really see the difference taper back in right here I'm going to move at a steady and consistent [Music] Pace like so and that is far more saturated than these lines over here but it's because of the technique that I'm using to apply these lines let's go ahead and finish the remaining areas here I taper in and taper out like so taper back in taper out like so and then repeat that over [Music] here and there we go and you can see all of the lines are the same as these neighboring lines in line weight there is no fluctuation you can see they're nice solid clean consistent and saturated that's because I'm aligning my needle depth with my hand speed and voltage with good angling let's go ahead and continue this last little area right here and then we can add the details make sure that that needle catches breaks the skin before I [Music] move taper out this way and I'm going to taper back up this way and out over here like so then we could add these last little details [Music] here [Music] there we go and then over here we can add these but I'm going to add these with improper needle depth and hand speed of voltage like the other ones you can see that it is a dramatic difference when we have proper technique versus improper technique here is a close-up look at these results right here it is really obvious which one was technically applied Incorrect and it's obvious to tell which one was technically applied correct you can see that this one is nice clean smooth all of the line weights are consistent to the neighboring lines where we have this one it's looking faded already none of the line weights are really consistent and certain areas are a bit more darker than others which is a side effect from improper application and this is a side effect from proper application I do hope that this video can raise awareness on the importance of understanding and mastering the fundamentals of needle depth hand speed in voltage and angling I do hope that you can take some information with you to immediately apply to your tattooing Journey should you have any questions at all I'm going to encourage you to drop a comment down below I will do my absolute best to assist you in the best possible Direction please don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel and ring my bell as I will be bringing more videos like this for you all I do also have social medias under the same name as my YouTube I have Facebook Instagram X and Tik Tok all under Daniel yuck I would appreciate the support over there as well with that being said I appreciate your time I appreciate your support have a great day
Channel: Daniel Yuck
Views: 49,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tattooing 101, tattoo lining, Why Tattoo Lines Aren’t Solid?, tattoo 101, tattooing lines, daniel yuck, daniel yuck tattoo, how to tattoo clean lines, how to tattoo lines, tattoo linework tips, how to line, tattooing for beginners, tattoo needle depth, tattooing 101 needle depth, how to tattoo for beginners, tattoo line work for beginners, tattoo needle angle, how to tattoo perfect lines, daniel yuck lining, tattoo 101 lining, tattooing for beginners lining
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 6sec (1626 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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