How To Avoid Ink Splatter And Pooling - Tattooing For Beginners

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hello my name is Daniel yuck thank you for watching today I appreciate you your time and your support in today's video I want to dive into ink splatter and ink pulling and why it happens and I also want to show you some ways that we can go about preventing ink splatter and pulling so by the end of this video you will be well acquainted with some tips that you could immediately apply on your end so that way you could experience less splatter and pulling should you have any questions at all I'm going to encourage you to drop a comment down below rest assur I'm going to do my absolute best to assist you in the best possible Direction please don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and ring that Bell for me as I will be bringing more videos like this for you all I do also have social medias under the same name as my YouTube I have Facebook Instagram X and Tik Tok all under Daniel yuck I would appreciate the support over there as well with that being said let's get right on into this let's start with the gear that we see right here I will be leaving my Amazon affiliate links and other affiliate links for you in the description below so you can check out the gear featured right here in this video I do have an Amala Grand tattoo machine this is a third party Wireless power supply right here I have mummy triple black tattooing ink I have an assortment of needles this is a gmk blue gem here we have a ghost spider standard n round liner here we have a big was as you can see 013 round Shader Wormhole standard 14 Round Shader we do have Wormhole 009 round Shader this is a a three round liner and I believe this is going to be DK Labs I believe this is going to be called a warrior tattoo needle if I remember correctly so three round liner right there here is a CNC police7 mag and right here we have mya1 round Shader I do have some standard ink caps with a small slab of real skin fake skin with a wooden stick and this ointment right here is ink is pink ointment that is everything that I'm going to be using to demonstrate and get my points across within this video let's start here with ink pulling and ink splatter I want to talk about some main reasons why we may be experiencing some sort of splatter or pulling along the way and these reasons are some that I've experienced but they're not limited to these they're maybe more outside of what I'm saying here so if I don't mention a reason why you've experienced ink splatter or pulling drop it in the comment section down below some main reasons why I've experienced ink pulling and splatters along the way are because my voltage was too high so when I would dip in for ink it would kind of just start shooting my ink out and therefore creating a mess on my canvas another reason is where I would have my needle too far out and I feel what was happening was my needle wasn't retracting into the cartridge to get ink on the needle it was kind of just going to a certain extent so like my needle was too far out so when it would retract back in it would never fully retract to absorb ink so therefore when it would retract every time it was doing it it would just shoot out ink so my needle settings were too far out which is another reason why I've experienc uh ink splatter pulling in a mess another reason why I've also experienced ink pulling and splatter is because I tend to kind of dip the cartridge too far into my ink cap therefore too much ink got pulled into my cartridge therefore when I went down to apply any sort of technical application within tattooing every time I put my needle down there was just a pull of ink just there beating at the end I'm actually going to demonstrate what that looks like here and I'm going to show you ways to go about fixing that another reason why I have experien splatter and pulling along the way is because when I was applying the tattoo technically I may have been pressing down a little too hard and when I was doing that it was creating a mess and kind of like an outpour of ink here when pressing too hard applying too much pressure another reason and this one's not really too common but I have experienced it is where the tattoo two needle cartridge could have been like a dud it was it was like a poor design or something specific may have went wrong with a specific cartridge therefore when I put it in there the behavior was Spar sporadic and unpredictable sometimes it would pull sometimes it would just spray ink everywhere you get the idea so poor design and poor gear poor gear can contribute to Splatter and pulling along the way once again it's important to remember that these are my main reasons why I've experienced pulling and they're not limited to that so if you have any other experiences again drop them down below another uncommon reason as well that I've have experienced ink pulling and splatter is using wrong inks so let's say for example if I'm running at a higher voltage like around s or eight and I'm going to be using like a 20 40 60% gray wash I'm bound to get more spray than I would have using an ink design for what I am uh the technical application that I am doing so you kind of get the idea if we're using the wrong inks as well we can be experiencing a lot of ink pulling and splatter but this one's a little bit more on the uncommon end what I want to do is I want to pour out some mummy triple black here and I want to start doing some demonstrations here and I want to demonstrate what ink splatter and pulling looks like and then I can show you some ways that we can go about fixing that it does happen but I'm not going to pay too much attention to that mess there and neither should you I want to start with here let's go ahead and start with this 09 round Shader from wormhole so let me show you some common ways that I've experienced ink pulling so for example right now I am at 6 volts let's say if I typically run like around 7.5 let's even go to 8 right now I'm at 8.1 and you can kind of hear that this needle is working the machine is screaming so if I were to go ahead and dip into here and I were to fully submerge My Ink I mean my tip cartridge in here I'm going to withdrawing or pulling in a lot of ink probably more than I want at this high of a voltage when I take it out I should be probably pushing out the ink more than keeping it in the cartridge because it's just overfilled this right here is probably the most common way that I've ever experienced ink pulling and splatter so you can see I'm running at a really high voltage and you can see if I go ahead and put my whole cartridge in here which is pretty common practice when we first start you can see that I'm already already getting droplets and kind of uh some splatter right here if you really really look if I just hold the machine right here you're going to see that it's actually pushing out ink on microscopic levels there but if I hold it you're going to start seeing it build up it's going to be the same thing even if I moves to the fake skin it's going to be doing that so you can see how it still spurting out ink and it'll stop eventually when it's not so full to do that but now when I move over to fake skin and I begin to apply My Tattoos I'm going to be experiencing large amounts of pulling so allow me to kind of remove this little dot here I'm going to kind of approach this I'm going to approach this the same way that I would as if I were tattooing here so I'm going to put some ointment in my area there I'm running at a high voltage and you can see automatically even with my needle hanging that far out I'm still experience experiencing all of this pulling here I can't see my needle and if I start putting a little bit of pressure you're going to see how I get a lot of splatter and then you're going to see that the whole entire way through this line I just experienced large amounts of pulling and kind of a big mess this right here was on accident that wasn't supposed to happen so kind of overlooked that as well but you get the idea so this right here is the number number one reason why I've experienced pulling and a more hectic workflow although I'm able to line I have to move a little bit faster which makes me uh more prone to more mistakes but not only that this sort of pulling right here is what I've experienced when I tend to be running too high of voltage and then dipping for too much ink you can kind of see that within that workflow right there if I'm using a high voltage and I'm submerging my needle there with this sort of workflow and approach you can see all of the adversities that come about from that approach I don't really recommend running at a higher voltage for me personally I find that running at around maybe 6 6.57 as of lately is a sweet spot for me I kind of like running at six volts even because I am able to slow my flow down and saturate the needle which allows me to make fewer mistakes and Wobbles along the way if I can slow my workflow down just a little bit more and make less mistakes I'm going to do that so running at a higher voltage can be a good reason as to why you may be experiencing splatter and picking up too much ink may be a reason why you may be experiencing too much pulling you can see right here within this cartridge there's just a little bit of ink within the tube there if I were to take my voltage down to around let's say six even you can see now when I place my needle down I can see my needle tip here and if I wanted I'd be able to complete the line and I'd be able to move a lot slower causing less trauma to the skin and you can see that I'm experiencing a lot less splatter even holding the needle here you're going to see that no ink is splattering out so instantly that is one way that we can fix our issue with splatter we can go about uh fixing the splatter issue by lowering our voltage down let's say if you're running at 7.5 or 8 volts try to go to around six and then start there to get the idea there's still a little bit more ink if you can see right here so therefore I could as you can see commit to a line I'm able to see my needle tip with minimal splatter all of these little outpour right here can be cleaned up with a simple dab as you can see they're gone this is a much cleaner workflow now let's say if you want to have this sort of workflow the entire way through this is how you would do that every time you dip back into your your ink instead of dipping your tube the way that I showed you where you dip the actual plastic part into your ink Cap all you're going to want to do is just simply Put the Needle in there like so as you saw as soon as I put the needle into the ink cap we started picking up ink you can see that I have a little bead right here if you don't like that what you can do is just simply dab it onto the side of a napkin and there you go problem solved and then we can continue with pretty much the same workflow that we had a little while ago so if I go ahead and moisturize the area and I create a line for example this way you can see that I'm experiencing minimal splatter and I can see my needle tip the entire way through which is going to allow me to do cleaner work I need to be able to see where my needle is going so that way I can keep my depth consistent and I can keep the stencil accurate to what we agreed upon with the client and I you get the idea so that is a way that we can go about keeping a smooth workflow and a clean work space is by simply just dipping the needle into the cap like so again if you notice that you got a little bit too much you can always have like an ink cap or use your napkin and just simply dab like so removing just a little bit of the excess and then you can continue with the same process so you can see now I'm not experiencing the same sort of pulling or splatter that I was when I fully submerged my needle tip I'm sorry my cartridge rather this is just with the needle tip right here each and every time we get a smooth workflow and I'm also running at 6 volts even you can see we've gone over the voltage being too high and the needle being too far out and then I dipped my needle in there and I showed you all what happens when that occurs so that is typically the main reason why we experience splatter cuz you can see I'm still hanging my needle far out let's say if I were to adjust this and let's say if I bring my needle in when we first start out as beginners we tend to really hang our needle out like um really close we don't really like to hang the needle to avoid blowouts which is understandable you can see that right here I don't have nearly the same depth this can be a recipe for pulling so let's say if I chose to line using this sort of needle setting let's say even if I were just to dip the very tip of the needle in there we may still be experiencing pulling as you can see because there's not enough space in between the needle and the tube and then when you see when you do it like this for example setting the setting like this you're going to notice that not only are we still experiencing pulling but the cartridge itself is actually hitting the skin so watch right here and then you can see this is where we start experiencing pulling when the plastic tubing hits the skin this is called writing the tube and this is another main reason why we can also be experiencing pulling this is going to be uh directly correlated to the needle depth settings right here you can see that my needle depth setting is off so therefore it's going to produce these sort of results now let's say if I were to have these sort of settings and I were to dip the way we would as a beginner you can see although we may not be experiencing splatter we are experiencing some drip right here which is definitely going to contribute to pulling and let me show you this way so you can see we can't see our line anymore and as a beginner this is what we want to stay away from this isn't going to help us in any way shape or form in fact this may actually discourage us so you can see that having incorrect needle depth settings is definitely going to cause a lot of unwanted adversities when tattooing you kind of want to get comfortable with hanging out the needle and just relying on the feel of creating the line I know it may seem like a daunting task at first but that is a far better way to go you would be able to avoid pulling and all of this in general so let's say if I were to hang my needle out a little bit more like around here this seems like a more healthier place where I can see my needle tip the needle still retracting far back enough to bring ink out and this is a lot cleaner because I don't have my plastic tubing touching the skin so that right there is how we would go about combating pulling and riding the tube by simply adjusting the needle from somewhere around here to somewhere around here you don't have to hang it a crazy amount out but maybe just a little bit more is going to be enough and you can see that my tube is actually really close to touching the skin but it's not and then from here you can kind of build up up different settings and find out where you like best I like to kind of hang my needle out right here where I can always see my needle tip and that right there is how I would go about correcting the issue where I'm riding the tube and having a heavy pulling from having tube touch the skin that is the way that we would go about correcting that along the way I have showed you what it's like when we pull too much ink into the cartridge so let me go ahead and touch base on that one a little bit again here so I'm going to pull too much ink into this cartridge and I'm also going to demonstrate what too much pressure would look like and I'm still going to run at 6 volts let's say if I was running at a higher voltage let me go to 7.5 when we're just starting out we tend to think that a higher voltage is going to do the trick for us so I'm going to kind of use that sort of beginner logic here what I'm going to do from here is I'm going to submerge my needle within the two uh ink cap like like this I'm going to bring it out and you can see already we're experiencing this mess right here this is a catastrophe off the bat so you can see that I put too much ink into my cat uh into my cartridge here and then now I'm running at 7.5 which is also contributing to the spurting here and then if I were to go and create a line you're going to see that I'm not able to see anything which is pulling so I made a series of bad choices and this is the workflow that I get this is a direct result from dipping for too much ink as you can see I'm putting the tip like that and this is a direct result from that and as you can see if I were to go over here and add too much pressure now I'm starting to get Splatter and pulling and you can see the splatter is coming way out here as well and let's say if I were to repeat this process every time my tattoo this is essentially what it's going to look like and you can kind of get the idea it's just a mess and a disaster this is heavy pulling this is heavy splatter this is all a a direct sight effect from multiple things that are going wrong which are me dipping too far me having too high of a voltage and me pressing down too hard if I were to correct these issues so let's take it down from 7.5 too six even we could even do five 5.4 let's do 5.4 you can see that I have a little bit of ink here so I'm not going to go back for any more and I'm not going to press down with excessive force I'm going to be natural with my touch here as you can see and I'm going to bring it this way as you can see even my needle depth it's set a little close for me however I'm still not riding the tube and I'm still getting clean results I can even go ahead and take it out a few more notches if I want this is kind of the ballpark of where I like for my settings to be with the amount of ink that I like to work with at a time so what that means is once I'm done with the smaller area I can go ahead and kind of continue and then I'm going to know when I'm running out of ink the machine and the needle well not the machine but the needle tips will tell me and that's kind of what I pay ATT attention to just kind of look at my needle tips you can see that I still have a generous amount of ink right here the ink is still saturated under my needle tip which lets me know that I'm able to go for a few more when I start losing that saturation is when I know that I'm going to be losing consistent ink flow which lets me know that I'm going to have to be dipping back pretty soon but you can see over and over again haven't dipped back in there but I can create all of these lines right here so this would be me adding all the details within my tattoo I wouldn't need to go back for more you can see I'm still getting a little ways through this design right here and right around now is when I'm starting to notice that I'm experiencing a little bit of inconsistency within my ink flow and if I keep going you're going to notice that all of a sudden it's probably just going to stop putting out ink and that means I'm ready for more ink and now I'm at the point where I am getting inconsistent results I no longer have ink all the way throughout my needle as you can see here okay and this is what it looks like when we're pretty much out of ink I'm just getting the last bits here and there's no more when I get to that I mean obviously before this I would have won to have di back into the ink cap but when I do go back in for ink now I'm not going to submerge my needle I'm just simply I'm not going to submerge my cartridge I'm actually just going to tap the needle to the surface of the ink there and you're going to see that it does in fact pick up more ink very clean and smooth workflow all the way throughout our tattoos so this right here can save us from losing our stencils this right here can give us a smooth clean workflow throughout the entire process which is what we want that right right there was direct side effects from taking too much ink into the cartridge and applying too much pressure you can see that it can get pretty bad and these are things that we want to stay away from when we are tattooing the thing with ink splatter and pulling is that it really is unpredictable all gear is going to Splatter and pull differently and all ink is going to uh pull out and splatter differently as well there isn't really any uniform way or any uniform Behavior that we're going to get from splattering or pulling along the way we have to just kind of try the gear out and see which one works best for us so right here I have a gmk 11 round liner you can see that I'm running at a healthy voltage of 5.4 if I were to kind of approach this with all the correct moves here you can see that I'm just putting in a little bit of ink into my needle tip right here I'm going to go ahead and try this cartridge out so you can see how we get a little bit of variation within performance here than we did from the Wormhole needle you can see I'm not experiencing any splatter just slight slight pulling that I'm definitely not mad at I would rather have it like that and make sure that my line is going to be nice and saturated as opposed to having inconsistent uh saturation you can see though this is a gmk blue gem 11 round liner this is standard and now I'm getting a little bit of splatter because I am applying a little bit of pressure so I'm getting a little bit of splatter going that way you can see that splatter is going in reverse for this needle as opposed to Splatter typically going that way so again every needle is going to be a little bit unpredictable you're not going to be able to predict any of the splattering with a specific needle you're just going to have to go through with it and see what happens but you can see though that I'm still getting a a little bit of splatter but again that's not nothing that one dab can't fix there you go I don't even remember where the splatter was and you can see that I'm only working with micro increments of ink and there's still a lot so I can keep going and applying details however I feel like it's important to remember that not all gear is going to behave like that let's say if gear is poorly designed then we may be experiencing some adversities maybe a lot more pulling even if we do everything right if you tend to experience gear like that it doesn't necessarily mean mean that it's bad gear horrible gear it's just probably not compatible with the machine that we are using the style that we are wanting and the voltage that we want to use so here is a ghost spider this is going to be a standard nine round liner and I'm running at five I'm sorry 5.4 volts I'm going to adjust my needle depth to around there I'm going to approach it the same way where we just bring in a little bit of ink and then I'm going to create some lines so you can see even with this one there is a little bit of splatter and we're getting mild pulling but I like that sort of pulling like this so therefore I know that my Line's going to be solid solid and consistent and saturated uh I'm not going to have any issues there so I don't mind that sort of pulling I only mind when it's heavy pulling which you can see every needle does have a certain amount of splatter and a little bit of pulling going on but but this is still perfect I can still see what I am working with I can still see below my needle and where I am tattooing and that is what I look for when I am tattooing now let's say if I brought my needle in more okay and let's say if I took my voltage up to like maybe 7.2 and let's say I begin my cartridge fully in here you can see that I'm already beating right here so you can see that these results right here are going to be Spar inconsistent I'm going to be losing a stencil early on I'm going to be causing a lot of pain and writing the tube the entire way so you can see that every needle although we may approach it technically the same with like you know specific voltage settings and a specific uh stroke along with a specific ink every needle though is going to behave in a similar manner you can see that I'm still getting pulling with this needle but not as much as I did with let's say the Wormhole and let's say if I were to use another needle you're going to notice that at these specific settings we're going to get a little bit more pulling or we may even get less so let's try that here let me kind of prove that point here let's say for example I use the0 11 round Shader from Mya and I'm going to keep the same exact settings I'm not changing anything and I go ahead and I approach it the same way where I fill it up you you can see that this is what I am experiencing here so I'm already getting uh pushing out of ink there so some splatter going on if I were to begin creating lines you can see I'm getting ink pulling and splatter quite a bit and if I were to kind of bring it in to where a beginner would use it these are the direct results that I'm going to get although I may be able to work with this I would prefer for it not to pull up so much what you get the idea every needle is different so we can expect a little bit of variations in terms of behavior when it comes to Splatter and pulling from needle to needle but nonetheless the same rule of thumb does apply if we are running our voltage to high then we're going to get we're going to be experiencing a lot of spitting and splatter if our needle is hanging out too far then we may get inconsistent ink deposit if we are putting our cartridge too much into the uh ink and drawing too much ink in then then we're going to experience a lot of pulling again it really doesn't matter what uh needle we are using these fundamental rules of voltage being too high needle being too far out pulling in too much ink are still going to cause adversity so these are things that we really want to pay attention to again just a quick recap some great ways that we can go about avoiding splatter Ing and pulling is to run at a healthy voltage have a good needle depth setting set that you are comfortable with and that you can anticipate the results avoid dipping your needle into your ink cap just do I'm sorry avoid dipping your cartridge into your ink cap and just dip the needle tip and then let that draw the ink into the needle therefore you may have a smoother workflow again results are going to vary but you get the idea this is a great place to start also another great thing to do would be to fine-tune your technical application which means when you actually start applying tattoo to skin you're not pressing down too hard causing splattering or uh spurting or you know um pulling along the way so fine-tuning your Technique and knowing how to use just the very tips of the needles to apply a tatto is going to go a long way as well the last thing that I would recommend is to use good gear that you are comfortable with another thing that can really help us avoid uh pulling is adding a thin layer of ointment you never want to add too to much nor do you want to add too little but you do want to add a nice thin layer of ointment to the area that you're going to tattoo before you tattoo it and this also helps the ink pull in a more uniform manner so if you are going to be experiencing even slight pulling like I did having a thin layer of ointment can help keep that pulling of ink in a nice uniform manner to where you can just simply dab away and see your true line that you did that is another good tip that you can use to experience lighter pulling if you have any questions at all I encourage you to drop a comment down below and I'm going to do my absolute best to assist you in the best possible Direction that'll be it for this one please don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel and ring that Bell for me as I am going to be bringing more videos like this for you all I do also have social medias under the same name as my YouTube channel I have Facebook Instagram X and Tik Tok all under Daniel yuck I would appreciate the support over there as well with that being said I thank you for your time and I appreciate you watching you have a great day are you wanting to develop your tattooing skill sets now you can practice and develop any time any place with an assortment of tattooing workbooks that I've created with these assorted tattooing workbooks we can practice our basic lining all the way to Advanced lining we can practice shading shading placement dot workor textures and more all we going to need is a tattoo workbook of mine we can use a pencil pen we can even use a tattoo machine with the Ballo cartridge to develop our tattooing abilities further that means that we don't need tattoo ink we don't need napkins or petroleum jelly to get to practicing simply open one of my tattooing workbooks and get going it really is that easy you can get your hands on one of my developmental tattooing assorted workbooks by simply clicking the links in my description or in the pin comment section below or navigating on over to typing in Daniel yuck and you'll see all of the assorted tattoo workbooks that I've created come up if you have an Amazon account be sure to follow my Amazon author page as well as I would greatly appreciate your support should you have any questions at all drop them in the comment section down below I will do my best to assist you in the best possible Direction with that being said let's get right back into this video are you needing or wanting tattoo guidance what about 4K highquality stepbystep follow along tattoo sessions or maybe oneon-one tattoo support to get answers to your questions that are specifically tailored to your wants and needs as the artist you can now become a patreon where you will gain access to highquality 4K exclusive step-by-step follow along tattoo sessions I will be tattooing with you in a one-on-one step-by-step manner where I will be explaining what I am doing and why every step of the way I will also be doing this in a highquality 4K format for your optimal viewing experience on top of the one-on-one support and on top of the stepbystep tattoo session guidance you will also gain access to exclusive tattoo two stencils that you can download and place on your end to further develop your skill sets I will leave a link for you in the description or in the pin comment section below or you can head on over to Danel yuck when you become a patreon you will be getting oneon-one support where you can ask me as many questions as you'd like that are specifically tailored to your wants and needs as the artist you will gain access to exclusive tattoo stencils that you can download and practice on your end you'll also gain access to exclusive highquality for footage where I walk you through each and every tattoo session in a one-on-one step-by-step manner where I explain all the what's and why is along the way become a patreon today thank you for your support in advance I greatly appreciate you
Channel: Daniel Yuck
Views: 5,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daniel Yuck, tattooing 101, tattoo 101, tattooing 101 for beginners, How To Avoid Ink Splatter And Pooling, tattoo ink splatter, tattoo ink pooling, avoid ink splatter, how to prevent tattoo ink splatter, tattoo help, daniel yuck tattoo, tattoo ink review, tattooing for beginners, tattooing for beginners at home, tattooing for beginners voltage, TIPS FOR TATTOO BEGINNERS, avoid tattoo ink splatter, how to avoid ink splatter when tattooing, tattoo ink leaking
Id: XaOIiRE7lpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 31sec (1951 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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