How To Tattoo Clean Lines

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hi everyone so today what we're going to be going  over is people that are having problems with your   tattoo line work so if you're having problems  with your saturation if everything's going in   really light um not healing up correctly three  different things can be going wrong your hand   speed your needle depth and the voltage of  your machine so these three things go into   how your line work isn't coming out exactly how  you would want it to so if you're into content   like this um the best thing you can do is like and  follow down below so that you can keep up to date   on all our new content so let's get into it okay  so the first thing we're going to talk about is   the needles that you are actually using so  right here i'm using quadrant um if you're   using some cheap cartridges that can be an  issue on why you are not having your lines   come out correctly because cheaper cartridges  can have problems with your line work being shaky   the flow of the ink to the end of your cartridge  could be a problem so these are all things that go   into effect as well so to make sure you're using  good cartridges so that it kind of narrows down   what can be going wrong from there the next  thing we're going to talk about is if you are   riding on your tube or riding on the needle so if  my machine was turned on right now you would be   able to see that my needle would be hanging out of  the actual tube what that means is i'm going to be   riding on the tip of the needle i'm not going to  be putting the skin on the actual tube because i'm   going to blow out the actual ink underneath the  skin and i do not want to blow out to my tattoos   so whenever you feel comfortable enough to go  on to riding off the tip of the needle you have   way more control and you kind of feel the depth  you need to be so i definitely recommend as soon   as you are comfortable to go into tattooing on the  tip of the needle instead of the two okay the next   point we're going to talk about would be your hand  speed that would be how fast your hand is moving   when you're tattooing this does take a little bit  of time to try to get comfortable with matching up   your hand speed to your voltage all these things  could take a little bit of time so that's why i   recommend practicing on fake skins just so you can  get a feel for everything and just be confident   and comfortable when you are tattooing now we get  on to the voltage what you're running your machine   on so with the tattooing that i do how i tattoo  i try to stick between a nine and a 10.5 if i'm   doing shading i might go a little bit below that  but that's kind of the spectrum that i stay in and   the machine i'm using is my injecta flight nano  um this is my other one i do have an elite as well   but they are great machines and they work really  well for the way that i tattoo okay the next thing   we're going to talk about is your needle depth  so if you are having problems with your tattooing   linework this is probably a big cause of a lot of  problems out there so some people um will go too   deep in the skin which will cause blowouts or some  people just lightly brush on the top of it afraid   of blowouts and when it heals the tattoos just  completely gone so the best thing to try to go   into this and explain would be me pulling out some  fake skin and just showing you what the difference   of everything would be and showing you the angle  that i use the hand speed the voltage that i use   to create a good tattoo all right so let's get  into that okay so now that we have everything set   up i'm gonna go through a couple of things just to  help set up your machine correctly for line work   and this is the design i printed off just to throw  on here to show you how to create a good line work   in your tattoo so before we start we're going to  be checking the depth of our needle and this will   be we're going to check it when the machine is  running so i'm going to turn this on real quick so this is what it looks like when it's running and this is when the machine is off you  clearly see that the needle is not hanging   out of the actual cartridge or the tube whenever  the machine is off that's one thing you want to   make sure that you are doing it's not having your  needle hang out of your cartridge when the machine   is off awesome so now that we have our machine set  up in a way to where i'm running off the tip of   the needle you know i'm not putting the tube clear  down into the skin completely i'm just going to be   running off the tip so now we'll get into what  it looks like whenever you are going too deep   or too light we'll start on this area over  here so i'll get that clearly in view for you   so we'll start out with just  going too light over the skin   and just showing you kind of what it's going  to look like just in case you are having these   problems you'll clearly be able to see  and know exactly what you're doing wrong okay you could tell that this is very light you  can see if you look closely all the little needles   you can kind of see the lines that they create in  the actual line which is caused from the actual   needle not going deep enough in the skin  to create a consistent line so it's leaving   spaces in between that you can clearly see  next we'll go to the next spot to where   i'm going to slow down my hand speed a lot  and go really slow and you're going to see   all the trauma it does to the fake skin this is  something you definitely want to stay away from   if you are tattooing people because  you could really really hurt them okay now with this one you can clearly see that  it actually cut into the fake skin it sliced it   because the needles were going into the skin so  many times that actually created so much trauma   that it just cut straight through it like a razor  blade so these are the two spectrums that you   could be looking at it being too light or it just  being too thick to where it actually cuts into it   now a couple different things that could go  into this would be needle depth you could see   that i definitely pushed the machine in further  just to show you the trauma that i could do if   you do things incorrectly so you want to make  sure you're going into the skin the same depth   the whole way through your whole tattoo so just  get used to doing that and then your hand speed   you'll be able to see when i get down to this  rose that i'm going to be going the exact same   with my hand speed the whole way through just  staying consistent i know with my machine running   on 10 right now and the exact hand speed i need  to go to create clean line work and everything   involved with that another thing i wanted to point  out would be doing these line exercises will help   you out a ton just getting used to going in a  perfectly straight line going over your lines   um doing these exercises can be great so if you're  first starting out and trying to practice all   these things with your line depth your hand speed  your voltage trying to get that stuff figured out   this is a great way to do it because you clearly  see if it's getting if you're making changes to   get better each time because you could clearly see  this one compared to this one or this one compared   to this one is completely different so before  we jump on to the rows i'm going to show you   my hand speed and everything doing just one  of these lines and showing you how i do it [Music] okay as you can see [Music] you can see that this  one is a clean line and this one is not cut up you   can kind of press it out and it's not slicing open  like this one because i didn't go super deep in   the skin i was going the exact speed that i needed  to i wasn't going too slow and there wasn't it   wasn't able to overwork that area so that would be  a clean line that would be what you're focusing on   getting to right there so now that we went through  explaining everything in detail i'll just show you   a couple quick lines on this rose um just because  when you do straight lines all the time it gets a   little tricky going around curved areas and i'll  show you how i hold my machine for those to help   you out so before i start my machine i just wanted  to point out that i like to push my lines i don't   really really like to pull them what that means is  i am pushing my needle into the skin the direction   that i am going i'm pulling my lines sometimes  i use thicker liners and it has a problem with   being able to saturate it completely so that's  just how i like to tattoo so i like to set up   my hand before i start tattooing knowing  exactly which way i'm going to go   another thing to think about would be depending  on the size of your needle will affect the angle   that you're using your machine if i'm using  a thick needle i'll angle my machine at about   an 80. i don't want to have it you know super  far down i don't want to have it straight up   but depending on your needle size  you'll have to change that a little bit [Music] okay as you can see just practicing keeping  consistent the whole way through that's the   biggest thing whenever you are practicing your  line work and one of the biggest problems when you   are tattooing your linework will come from this  you want to make sure that you're just staying   consistent if you're going around a line and  it comes to a circle port you want to make sure   that you're not pushing your needle super deep  in that area or if you get uncomfortable feel   free to just do this part of the line then kind  of whip it out at the end and then you can just   set back a little bit to finish that line i'll go  over that real quick just to try to help you out so if you're starting to feel  uncomfortable what you're going to do okay as you could see when i got to  this part i just whipped out that edge   just because if you're starting to feel  uncomfortable you can start to get shaky and   you don't want that so just whip that part out and  then when i start back up i'm going to start back   a little bit on this line and then just finish  it out that way it'll keep a consistent line   and without having like a little bump right  here or anything from just over saturating in   that area trying to come back to it completely  over top the same one so this helps out a lot so foreign another thing you want to think about if  you are having issues with stuff like this   you know make sure anytime you are not tattooing  that it's not in the skin you pick up make sure   you dip it in your actual ink so that there is  enough held in the tube to actually be able to do   that line um if you have a problem having really  nice saturated lines and it just comes to where   it doesn't look as thick like the one we  did up here um it could be an issue with   just not having enough ink in your tube  so that's something to think about as well [Music] when you are lining another little tip that  will help you out is how you hold your machine   so i like to have my middle finger underneath the  actual cartridge just for extra control underneath   here and i'll use my pinky as kind of my depth  finder so whenever i find the depth that i want   to stick at i will just kind of have my pinky  and just get used to the muscle memory of that   so no matter what you always have the right  depth from just getting used to having your   pinky down there and just you know just learning  this tattoo that way will help you in the future [Music] [Music] one other thing i want to show you  really quick before we wrap up this video   will be if you do go over a line and it is a  little light so i'm gonna show you right here okay so okay so right here where i went over this  line and it's super light um what you're going to   want to do you don't want to go over it super  hard you know getting in there just because it   was super like the first time so you don't want  to just go in there and overwork the skin super   bad what you're going to do is go in there and  just go the right depth just go a little bit   slower because whenever you are starting out the  biggest problem i had was where i would just get   excited when i was tattooing and then i would  just completely forget my hand speed the whole   way through the tattoo and i'll just eventually  get to the point that i'm just trying to tattoo   really fast so it takes a long time to get used  to just going the exact speed you want to go   and then just sticking with that efficiently  so if you do get to a point to where you notice   yourself speeding up in one area and it turned  out super light what you're going to do is just   go back over that area the biggest and hardest  thing with that is going over the line exactly   so just get used to practicing that if you are  first starting out if you already are tattooing   and you're comfortable with this you  don't have to worry about this stuff just like that so now that we went into detail  about all of the line work secrets and how to   get better hopefully this helped you out a lot and  you were able to understand exactly how line work   works and how it goes into the skin and what could  better your line work when it comes to tattooing   awesome i hope this video was able to help  you get better and help anyone that was having   problems with their linework uh tattooing and  all that stuff the best thing you could do if   this helped you out would leave a like  down below and follow for more content
Channel: Tattooing 101
Views: 677,640
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Keywords: How To Tattoo Clean Lines, how to practice tattooing, how to stencil, how to tattoo, how to tattoo for beginners, how to tattoo lines, learn how to tattoo, learn to tattoo, perfect tattoo linework, tattoo artist, tattoo design, tattoo flash, tattoo for beginners, tattoo linework, tattoo linework tips, tattoo lining, tattoo machine, tattoo mistakes, tattoo packing, tattoo shading, tattoo studio, tattoo tutorial, tattooing, tattooing 101, tattooing for beginners, tattoos
Id: c4nUYmO3MTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 06 2021
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