How to Hold a PMU Machine When You're Working on a Client

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okay so uh just some demo here wrapping your machine clearly um needle and I just want to talk a little bit about our technique on the judging and I like my needle out about thickness of um about a nickel on its side or a dime depending if you have a lot of ink that you need to get in there then just do it shorter if you have a lot of hair to go through you can have your needle out longer it's just a preference but you do need it a little bit close enough so that the ink will stay on the needle okay because it's a one point so there's not a lot of uh ability for the ink to stay on there because it's only one point I like to do double skins if you can because then it feels more like skin you don't get the vibration from the table and we'll go ahead and put a little ink in here now as far as the thickness of the ink I would say medium consistency where it's not too gooey but it's also not too uh thin you don't want it running out and again I like prefer as a beginner that you put it on here and not on your finger because you have to get used to a lot of things going on so I don't recommend having it on a finger cut but having the finger cut will certainly help you remember to keep your finger up okay now another trick about the finger cot is many people do it and they they put it on this way and then they go like this and look at how the angle of it is right so what you want to do is when you're thinking of this put it like this but then tilt it inward a little bit so that one you're really sitting this way it actually stays straight up and down you can even tilt it a little bit more a little trick like that so you're not spilling it so you're really going to put it but I put it on first then I put the ink in because if I were to put it on this way and walk around and do whatever and I had ink in it then it would be spilling all over so I put this on and then when I'm ready to go then I put the ink in so now we're ready okay so on the hand position again if you think about your hand position for doing the JoJo you want to have your stretch fingers right here very important I call it the duck right so you're going to pull that skin apart and this is how you're going to work on a human being you can't do it any other way so on a human your pinky is going to rest on people's faces you're going to use these but for stretching you're always really going to use these two right here they're your strong stretch muscles so you always want to get in the habit of using them and making sure that you're using them while you're doing this technique the other thing to note is where students get kind of messed up is they start up way up here this is what you don't do so you put an X over that we don't weigh up here you don't have the control way up here as you do down here so it's counterintuitive to be closer to the needle but to do the judging technique you want your finger right on that plastic okay that's what gives you that control and the effortless movement the other thing is curl your pinky finger under when you're working on flat skin because then you can put all the weight on this bone you don't want to do this you're going to wear out your pinky you're going to get tendonitis it's going to be awful if you do hours of drills it's got to feel like no effort like when I when I do this I can feel tension in my pinky so we definitely don't want to do this in drilling when I'm on a human though I will use my pinky okay because I have an angle but I'm only going to be there for a shorter time when you're drilling on skin you could be hours and hours of drilling okay so I recommend is if you take it and you just sit like you would normally hold a pen and then you flip it over you're going to be in a good position so from here flip okay it'll automatically put you in the right position now one thing to note notice my finger right here on this part not on the open so it's right there close the other part of it's resting right here on this knuckle and then really this knuckle is pinching into that part of my knuckle so it's really a pinch holding this thing it's not really a grab so if you're doing this you're wrong okay if you see that thumb wrapping around no this is not it okay look at my whole hand moving I couldn't even handle an hour of that without feeling sore okay plus you're going to get scratchy movements you're not going to get the light Petaling movement so this is a no so remember if you see your machine drifting like this you're off if this is starting to go 45 degrees it needs to be up like this okay whatever the surface of the skin you're working on it needs to be straight up and down if you're on a curved surface if you're on a curved surface you're going to be this way but it's always 90 degrees to whatever surface you're on so if you're on an apple right so if I take this and I'm here I'm going to be 90 degrees to the round surface so my hand position will look different when I'm on a human and I think that's what throws some beginners off as they're seeing us on humans and they think oh they're 45 degrees no it's because we're 90 degrees to the skin surface when you're practicing on flat skin you have to make it artificially 90 degrees it's going to feel weird but it gives you that practice and makes you be good and then you're going to put the weight on your knuckle here and you're going to isolate okay so again distraction and then this finger kicks it out this way this way now you have a cordless machine you don't have to worry about this cord this cord is really really light so it doesn't bother me um but you want to have and then kick kick kick it out kick kick kick it out but notice my thumb I can do this all day I can even just be sleeping and go like this and I'm not going to have any effort in my hand I'm not going to be tension in my hand it's free so I can do this all day la la la la la la but if I was going like this look at how much energy I'm expending right so that's a no so watch yourself if you go in like this plus you're going to see the lines being um heavy so I'm going to show you what the lines look like when you're not supposed to I'm going to put a little X do not do this okay so this is not what it is it's almost hard for me to even do it on this is what it's not okay that's not it even if you're seeing pixels that's still not it now this is what it is so notice the difference you notice the difference in the sound so I want you guys to notice the sound difference when it's right if you notice my thumb notice what's moving only is my front finger I'm pulling in One Direction back now hear the sound difference in what I'm doing it the wrong way if you hear that that's wrong okay so there's the difference so it should be like this and the other thing I notice is what it isn't it isn't come in and then grab just the end it's not like that that's not it either okay the other thing it's not it's not hit hard and lift off and get these little it's hard for me and do but you get these little hot spots on the front like that so you don't want to just lift off you want to be longer stroke smooth all the way the goal is to get it to go in the skin and out the skin at the same tempo [Music] and then when you get better you can go faster but you notice you're doing a full swipe now there are times when you're going to need little short ones right like little choppy ones for little areas but you're still doing the same thing but I'm still going from beginning to end it's a it's in and out so think of it going in and out at the same kind of tempo not in out and certainly not in and lifting off okay so it's when you're faster and you want to see those pixelations okay you see the difference between the lines and the pixelations now you're still seeing dots but they look different don't they they look much more line work that's not what we're going for so again for this direction we're going to be pulling and the way now look at how long I stay in one area it is now I want to show you a couple things to look forward to is the dots if you're I'm going up and then I'm coming back down going back up and I'm coming back down I want to fill the area with the dots I'm not trying to make it Dotty I'm using the pixelations to get a nice soft shade but I also don't want to I want it to be smooth right I want it to build up now let's talk about cross hatching so let's say this is Pretend This is an area of my lip so this is a lip that I have to do and I need to fill it in so cross hatching starts off with One Direction it goes like this it goes this direction okay then from that line it's going to go that direction it's going to go that direction and I might even go this direction okay that's what cross hatching is so I'm going to start off now look notice I turn my skin so I'm always going this way or that way what I don't want to see another no you don't want to do it so I don't want to see sideways because then you guys start doing this with your hand that's not it okay if you need to go One Direction turn the skin turn the person get it so you're still going now there's one exception when you're doing the curve over of the brow that's where you have to do a little bit of an eyelash but it's still I'm still going but I'm doing the curve is actually in the flow I'm not curving my hand okay so we don't ever want to curve our hand all right so back to this so if I wanted to fill this in on the lip Edge I'm going to start at the edge I'm going to come in stay right at that edge work come in drift in go right to the edge of that line we don't ever want to see the edge work a list so that's One Direction right that's that One Direction first right here that I just did now I'm going to do the one straight up so I'm going to turn my skin this is called cross hatching I'm going to come in this way get a little Shadow on my light there so that's why it may look like I'm kind of going out but that's just a drop of the ink I'm really trying to grab that line so that's another Direction called cross hatching we do this in great detail on the lip video then I'm gonna so I've done this direction now I've done that direction now I'm going to do the corner side Direction this way now I might do one fold pass in One Direction then come back and do my second fold pass and another this is later morph this is more for the lips so I'm cross hatching over that middle area I'm just going to show you what cross hatching how it can build up a really nice color so I can maybe go this way now and I would be doing this very quickly as I'm going along but I'm just breaking it out so that you guys can see what I mean when I say practicing or cross hatching you'll be like Don I can't really see anything in there you have to trust your needle that it's doing it that's why you practice practice because when you're working on people you can't be like is my needle going in you want to be well past that stage okay we don't want to be starting our practice on people we want to be finishing our practice on people not starting it on people always practice that's why these practice Skins are here okay so let's take a look at that remember when you're cleaning spray the skin not your baby wipe turn it over in a quarter like this [Music] and clearly we would do more build up but you can see that the area that I'm trying to cross hatch mainly right here is the square is got shading in it okay now these Skins are a little more rubbery so they tend to not hold as easy as some of the other practice skins but this shows you the goal of building up colors is this area that I was cross hatching right here and then what I would do is I would wipe it and then I would go back in does that help you guys a little bit Okay so double your skins I think I'm done anyway so it doesn't matter and then building up now on the videos that I have I've got a whole long you drill along with me the other thing to note about pixels not so great on this skin but you really want it to see like dots so if you're seeing like if you're seeing like this where it's just really blotchy you're going too fast for your needle so either speed up your needle or slow down your hand a little bit you want to get with this skin because I find that the tougher the skin the more speed you need to get the pixels so if you're noticing being a little blotchy speed up your needle on the tougher skin and you will see more of the dots okay all right that should be it was good
Channel: Dr Dawn Hunter DC ME PMU-Million Dollar Life+
Views: 7,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yy8HEXAP0f4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 14 2023
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