Scuba Diving Skills - Reel and Guideline Use

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you Oh in this video I'll be demonstrating some basic real drills that are often used by cave and Rec divers I'll be using a 120 meter reel which is ideal as a primary reel for technical diving the video is split into three sections first I'll go through a series of indoor tiles which can be practiced pretty much anywhere then I'll demonstrate the laying of line in an outdoor setting with a little bit more space simulating more accurately wanders during a diet before finally demonstrating the same skills in a no mortar environment the first rap you probably ever learn isn't really considered rapper tool in the cave diving community you just take it around the object without locking it off and continue but it'll probably slip so I only included it as a comparison here to the other raps an improvement is a locking pull around wrap where you pass it under or over the object around but then lock it off by passing it under or over the line tighten it and off you go this should keep the line taut the object you're trying to place the line on this small enough you can actually do the locking pull around wrap with one hand just take the line turn it on itself and put it on the object and continue for a more secure version of the strap you simply do it twice take a turn align as before place it on the object but immediately follow it up with another turn of line place it on top which locks it off nicely this is also a very secure secondary tie off one of those common tie offs that are using cave and rep tithing is a lock and double pull around wrap take it twice around the object back over the line or underneath pull it tight and continue onwards and that should keep the line taut the over-under rap is exactly the same rap but applied a different way you go twice around the object and then go back to the line coming into the tie off and put it back over the top there are times we might need to actually off the line itself because the objects to small extend abide in the line secure the reel by turning the nut transfer the little finger extend the bite in the line pass over all under the object back around tight and back through the hole tighten once and do a half hitch to secure it release the nut and off you go if you want to do a tie off you can get off easily there is a quick-release version but I'm not a real fan of it extend the bite in the line lock the reel pass the reel to the other hand extend the bite pass it over or under the object back around and create another bite and it's the bite that you take through the hole this time pull it tight keeping some tension on it you have to put some tension on the line to the reel then release the nut under tension and off you go just to demonstrate this is how easily this particular Tov comes off you one of the important rules in cave diving is to run a continuous unbroken line to the surface this is easily done by doing a primary tie off either out of the water or immediately in the water putting in a loop in the end of the line is the easiest way and threading the reel through this loop if you wish greater security and to loop it around the object a few more times that's okay too then deploy the line on your descent towards your secondary tie off as you're going make sure to put a little bit of pressure on the reel itself this prevents the light from getting slack and keeps it taut the whole time when you've got into the entrance of the cave either just inside or outside you can do your secondary tie off and it can be any tile but basically it can't come undone so in this case I'm doing a triple locking pull around wrap if you want to test how good your secondary tie offs are disconnect the line between the primary and the secondary tie off pull on the line beyond the secondary tie off and you shouldn't get any slippage whatsoever that is the case then the tie if you are selected for your secondary tie off is an appropriate tile now come with me as we lay some line to simulate a dive Oh Oh Oh Oh for the next part of the video we're going to go to the open water environment and practice the skills there now this is with caves and Rex in mind but for this demonstration we'll do it in the ocean I'm going to use my side mount harness which is a golem gear armadillo and I'm going to be using the same reel the reels best attached to the back of the crutch strap but mine's a little bit low so for this demonstration I'm going to have it on one of the back d-rings
Channel: Endurance Swimmer Australia
Views: 59,433
Rating: 4.9312501 out of 5
Keywords: South Australia, reel, basic, scuba diving, technical diving, reeling, cave diving, Endurance Swimmer, Rapid Bay, skills, guideline, training, diving, enduranceswimmer, Reel and Guideine, Use, tech, technical, scuba, tie off's, wraps, wreck diving, caves, wrecks, overhead environments
Id: fQtcjyI3iuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 19 2015
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