AOS Edu #5 - Setting Up Your DSMB

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(funky music) - Hello, guys, welcome to this new AOS Edu episode five. So, today we're gonna talk about how to set up a SMB, deployable SMB with your reel or spool, finger spool. So there are a few different options when it comes to reels, you might get like different ones like these two here. Now, this one is already pretty much good to setup. So it's pretty much ready to go. And it's got also the space here, that allows you to put the bolt snap through, so you can clip it like that. But sometimes you get something like this one here, that after you kind of remove the bolt snap from the reel, you get this sort of situation, where there is no space here in the holes, to kind of clip that through. So I've seen some people basically using it like this and then just clip in like that. Which kind of will work, but it's not ideal, okay So I'm gonna share a different way to do this, which is very, very simple and effective. So the first thing we do is, this is a 30 metres finger spool, okay? So, obviously when it comes to SMBs, you don't really need 30 metres, so you can remove most of this line. The reason why they give it to you this much is because you can use it for different reason, like for break, penetration, and other stuff, but you can still use it, technically, this reel for other purposes. But the best thing we could do when it comes to an SMB is to just take off some of the line, and just kinda go ahead and just remove some of this until I can see some room for my bolt snap to clip on. I'm probably removing, I think, about 10 metres out of 30. As you can see now, this can clip on, so this will be done. I'm just gonna cut it there. And then you're gonna have this sort of situation, yeah? When you have just the reel and the end of the line like this. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and create a loop like this. You don't want it to be too big, all you have to do is basically make sure that your reel can go through the loop. So in this case, there is plenty of room for that. So that's fine. And go a bit less like this. Now, after you're done, and created a loop, like this one here, just go ahead with a knot, just a simple knot like that. So go through, and just pull the line and this will be done, okay, like that. Now, one thing that most of people miss is they cut the end and then they leave it like that. Now, this is dangerous because the knot can come undone, and so you might be losing this when you're underwater. So what you wanna do is, just burn the end with the lighter, so just burn it like that, and then wait til the flame reaches the knot, and then use just the bottom of the lighter to just basically glue it together. So now this knot will not come undone at all, it will just kind of stay like that forever. So, our first loop is done. What we're gonna do is create another small loop just here at the top, okay? So just stretch the line like that and then create a small loop like this one here, okay, so you're gonna have this sort of situation. You can also use your bolt snap to just pull it like that. So that is it. So that's pretty much done, we're almost done. Next thing we're gonna do is when you have your SMB, usually SMBs have a sort of D-ring, or a ring, like that one here. So you're gonna put the line through and then make sure the finger reel goes through the bigger hole that you have there in the loop, in the big loop. And then it's gonna be attached, okay? The reason why we did this small loop at the top is so that if you have to undo this, you can just grab it very easily, and just go back to having just your SMB and your reel separate, okay? And also it's very useful if you're wearing thick gloves, so like a three mm glove, or even a five, in extreme cold waters, that will make it very hard to easily grab the knot. In this case, it's just super easy, because just do this and then it's easy to just remove it. Okay, next thing is just, roll it back like that. Grab your bolt snap, put it through like that, and then once you've done this, you just clip in one of the holes, and it's basically good to go. And then you use this other end to just clip it on your BC, or anywhere, really, you have to clip it on. Another good thing is once you deploy your SMB, so when you deploy, obviously, so that's what you'll be doing, so you just clip like that, yeah, onto your BC, so you just remove it, put this back on the D ring of the BCD, open your SMB, inflate it, it will go all the way up. So once you've released it and it's all up, you wanna go up, the way you do it is you just grab, again, your double bolt snap, and basically to reel it back, you just go like this. You actually use the bolt snap to go slowly, slowly up while you're ascending, okay? Once you've reached the, for example, the five metres, or three metres, whatever it is you're stopping for your safety stop, you can just then clip it in one of the holes and it will just stay, okay? And then you would just keep going all the way until the end, and then do exactly the same thing I show you before, go through the hole, and it will be done, okay? So this is just, like, a way to it, if you have this kind of reel. If you buy a reel like this Apex one, then obviously, you don't need to do this, it's already set up to be attached to the D ring. The most common reel that you're gonna find in diving shops all around the world is gonna be this kind of type, which is just a basic finger reel one. Alright, please like, comment below, and make sure that you share the video as well. And if you've got any questions or you want us to make a video about something in particular just make sure you write it in the comment, and we'll do one tomorrow and the next coming up days. See you guys, and have a good day. (funky music)
Channel: Academy Of Scuba
Views: 791
Rating: 4.826087 out of 5
Keywords: dsmb, smb, surface marker buoy, scuba, diving, scuba diving, diver, spool, finger reel, underwater, PADI, melbourne, dsmb setup, dsmb diving, dsmb deployment, dive with aos
Id: uIJH9fCodnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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