How to Pour a Concrete Sand-Wash Finished Driveway and Wooden Stamped Concrete Patio Part 2

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[Music] hi David O'Dell here with O'Dell complete concrete here we are on part two of the three part series driveway double RV access front patio stamps and wash concrete this has almost a little bit of everything in it so as you can see here we have no Dobies underneath the rebar but what we're doing is we're pulling it up as we go out I have one guy Manning the rebar just for that purpose now because that was a really small dish around that particular drain and we do have decent soap to the front driveway or the front sidewalk this is gonna be a just a real small bowl around this drain that's why they were able to pull it off with that straight screed board instead of running a four-footer around it like you might see somewhere else or more severe drainage situation they just dished it with a hand float basically so what that boils down to now you can see we went perpendicular to the rod on the both float there we also we ran it both ways basically now that's ideal if you could run your bull flow perpendicular to your rod you're getting a really good flat surface some situations like when we start going down this other side yard that we're boxed in between the house and log it's it's not gonna happen that way so the bullets gonna go one direction so the rod guys got to be really good now what I found nice about pulling that number three rebar up give it a quick whip he kind of bit a little bend in the rebar and it doesn't go back down now this is a 3000 psi and we threw a half pound of fiber mesh per yard in here you can go anywhere from a half pound per yard all the way up to three pounds but since we're gonna be doing a sand wash on this I didn't want to do a high ratio of fiber because I'd really have basically a peach a lot of peach teacher we still had a little bit on the surface after we pressure wash but not not too bad it wasn't real visible unless you were laying down looking at from ground view then you could see everything look at that nice trial work on the edges now that's creat they're using their I'm having to have some notches in it there's really no purpose for screeding they have those notches other than did lighten the actual 2x4 so made a light screed board lightweight screed boards so suddenly consider something to consider for sure if you want to lighten up your screen or just take some notches out of here and there a little Parkway Edition here to the side of the approach what we did because they had that drainpipe going through there and was probably only two inches below surface we actually thickened it the concrete all the way around that drainage pipe that way um you'd have more support around the outside edge of the pipe so it may not crack across the top of it that's the idea there but here's your walking edger now he's running it backwards just to clean the edge and now once you've done that he flipped your age edger back over and now you can walk forward so we poured 20 yards between the two side yards and driveway it was 20 yards and that was the max at these they can carry out here legally Road Road weight restrictions and stuff and it was just enough to get it done - we had I don't I think we had to blow the hose to have enough concrete actually we had to fill up the hopper and the pump just to bleed the lines so we'd have enough concrete here's your joiner action off the corner of the house although we're gonna be saw cutting the majority of this job we're gonna have to get something just to hold it overnight because if you don't get those corners cut the day of the pour you could come back the next morning you're gonna have some cracks off of them so we try to wet joint those and then we can come back the next day snap a lot of lines and go start cutting it up now right here as we were standing down the street we noticed there may have been a little hump here in the corner so we broke out the old six foot Milwaukee screeds screed level and made sure that we were getting sloped towards the front and we'd knocked a hump out basically what happened there is the breakpoint at the end of the house went beyond the corner of the house it wouldn't had a little bit further so we had to cut it cut the edge out a little bit that was the funny trowel on there so we went from magnesium bowl float they only went fibreglass funny float then we went big blue and then we went funny trowel then we'll go hand trowels and knee boards that's all in about a five-hour process including the lay down we have 3,000 psi here was pouring on road base that's been well saturated from the rainstorms so it's ideal situation so what we're gonna do here once we get this all trout out and it looks real nice and there's not a lot of visible lines in it trowel lines we're going to spray some retardant on here and what that retardant we'll do is we'll stop the surface from drying at a certain depth depending on how much well what we used to use before the retardants came along I mean ruggah saw I think was the first one I use and then they started coming out with variations of ones through fives of depth of penetration for the retardant so this is a three right in the medium range of penetration of retardant of the surface and what that does is we rinse the surface and only go that stuff penetrates so deep so it'll take that much of the surface off so you're exposing either the sand or at some point you're gonna be getting into the rock because on concrete as you work it most of your aggregate sinks or it gets worked down and the cream comes up and with that you have your sand and your cements at the surface so you use this here it's a it's made by it's called top cast we were using a number three and that's gonna get sprayed on right after a trowel finished without a lot of lines on it apparently on the directions you can use just a hand flow finish on these and spray it that way this stuff really penetrates well now on sealed service with the trout may not penetrate as well but I haven't had any problem with it I normally trowel it and spray it but if you're going with a deep like exposed aggregate probably a hand float finish or both little finish would be enough but this is a very light wash so you got to get it pretty tight so when you um rinse the service you don't see a lot of both flow lines trial lines hand float marks stuff like that now under instructions of this particular product it shows I think it covered the covers between 1 and 300 square feet per gallon I usually just put about double of what they recommend on there so if I have to buy 15 gallons for its particulars I'll buy 30 and just spray it twice cuz uh basically what you want to do is not see any gray you want the whole thing to look just white bone white if it doesn't look bone white then you haven't sprained enough on there now what happens if it's not white and you have some gray spots that means that you don't have that retardant there so when you come back the next day to try to pressure wash it you're gonna have problems trying to get get that off where you don't have the retardant sprayed on there but that can be solved but now you got to go get some other equipment and that's a floor buffer floor brush buffer with nylon bristles and you utilize that so you got an extra guy with that and you got the pressure washer guy and you got the other equipment I mean I have you have to rent so there's that option that's an emergency situation no but anyway I was saying about the sugar sugar and water that's how we used to do it before they had this top caste or something similar to these things you just add sugar to water put it in a pump up spray or spray the service and now you just killed the concrete on the surface depending on how much sugar you put on gives you the depth of how how deep it's gonna go and I think the way that was discovered is a guy drinking a soft drink or some other beverage on a job site on knee boards maybe spilled it while he was traveling he came back and he goes Wow concrete is still soft her what is this and this is how they just found surface retardants well here's the next day you can see as we walk over it it actually tracks up like you're walking on snow so every step you take you pulling the surface right off with you every footprint so you know it's working well if that happens now in a really warm weather climate you can just rinse these right after you get done traveling it just use a water hose with no nozzle no direct spray and just start rinsing it the same day if you get the viateur in the right climate area like Las Vegas for instance very hot depending on the air but you know it's hot for about probably a good eight months a year eight months out of the year so you could pretty much pull off a rinse same day and then not only that you're gonna prevent shrinkage cracks by rinsing it the same day cuz you're flooding it with water so you're killing two birds with one stone all of a sudden you've got a concrete carrying compound water you've rinsed the surface to give a decorative look and everybody's happy same can be said here even in this climate you're getting a lot of water at the very next day plus you've got a couple storms coming in right behind this Rance so it worked out really nice the nice thing about this retardant versus the sugar sugar water retardant you don't know where you really sprayed the sugar water cuz it's clear that's the advantage of this particular product you can actually see where you've sprayed it already we had two pressure washers going because I found if you don't catch these early in the next day on your rinse it gets harder and harder to remove the surface now here's your fiber mesh like it was tape telling you about earlier about the peach fuzz on the surface a lot of it we just blew right off now here's your lay out on your saw cuts and I got my new kneepads on here spring loaded hi David Odell here with Odell complete concrete I got these new knee pads sent to me from a vendor and I met at World of Concrete basically they have a Springs they have Springs on the inside of it so I'm gonna try it out today saw cutting a real comfortable they're great for flat surfaces probably not so good on rocks and stuff because it's a hard hard service here so it might roll over on you on something hard like rocks but on the ground on the flat surface they're really great man when you go down on them like this you could feel the shocks you really don't even feel like you're going down on your knees at all and there to put Springs and shoes next good right anyway you can get if you want to get get these if you get 10% off by going to the website recoil 360 so what these are and you can get them you can get 10% off by typing in O'Dell 10 that'll get you 10% off through their website anyway I'm going to start soft cutting now and have a good one that's some nice slow-mo actual and that skill saw there that's just a seven-inch diamond blade and it cuts like butter when you catch them the next day so we're going an inch deep and you can see that knee pad right there I'll that Springs absorbing the shock however if I was to get up and down a lot they would just fall to my ankle that wouldn't that be kind of a bummer when we're laying out the other side of this driveway so the first thing in the morning I think I got a couple cuts in before I even laid out everything so I just hit some severe crack points basically was I've seen him crack while you're out there getting ready to soccer and all sudden pop you fill the slab move and you're out there cutting now it's too late we're using the CVS mass here which are really nice a lot better than getting waterboarded with dual paper ones that's after sweating and stuff and condensation in the mask and gets wet and you're just gasping for air so we did their initial rinse to expose the sand now we saw cut now we're gonna get all the cement residue from the sockets often the easiest way is with the pressure washer you can scrub and broom and next thing you know when it dries it's still there if you use a water hose so pressure washer it gets all that residue off so when the concrete dries out a lot of times you can't see that residue when your niche when it's wet then when it dries comes back but here it is it's a really nice even sand washed and I didn't even modify the mix I mean a lot of people will modify the mix on these sand washes and throw some extra sand in there which means you know you've got less psi of course and then they get more uniform sand wash but you kind of week in a car by doing that so I give it the basic give me the basic mix let's make it work now this is just natural gray so this is your back next day day after poor this is gonna cure out real light and then we're gonna hit it with some really good solid a lot of solids and some sealer that we got and it's gonna really make it pop and what happens after it gets light to concrete and you hit it with a good lacquer base wet look it'll actually pull out a little brown out of it a little tan color now we went through a lot of things on the design of these saw initial one one one day we had borders going all the way around to a cut then one day we had Sokka orders going around it and then when we had we had 45 degree grid on the patio at one point with a boarder and then we had an entry separation cut we have a lot of different things but basically when it was all said and done we just went with a basic clean look here that works for everybody oh I forgot to mention those 4x4 brackets we wet set because there will be a little fence and gate going across there to conceal that pool equipment so that was just a mono pore thickened edge drop the straps in anyway thank you for watching the video stay tuned for part three this was a part two of a three part series subscribe and hit the bell so you get notified when we upload it hit the like button if you like these kind of videos especially the ones that I do thanks for watching - have a good day
Channel: Odell Complete Concrete
Views: 732,287
Rating: 4.8077049 out of 5
Keywords: how to pour a concrete driveway, how to a driveway, how to get a concrete sand wash finish, sand wash concrete finish, concrete sand wash finish, how to get a sand wash concrete finish, sand-wash concrete, aged concrete, how to, diy, diy driveway, how to pour concrete patio, how to pour a concrete slab, concrete patio, concrete driveway, concrete contractor, how to pour concrete
Id: TvXPT1Nm0do
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 52sec (1252 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2019
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