How to make DIY Concrete Pavers with Exposed Aggregate / Sand Wash Finish and Sealed

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[Music] hi david o'dell here with odell complete concrete today we're going to be doing a diy paver project we're going to do 2 by 2 foot square pads that we can move around and place them wherever we want we can get as big as what we do sidewalks with these with spaces in between with gravel we can butt them up against each other we can do driveways walkways patios all by just doing two by twos and stacking them close together on on a sand base so so far what i've done is each one of these two by fours that i that i have here is two feet one and a half inches they're all the same length so that makes it really easy to cut one measurement and it makes a two foot square see how it's just log cabin on the corners each one is overlapped opposite then i threw them on some plastic i threw some plastic down a little bit of sand over the top of the plastic so i could slide my dolly or my hand cart underneath it and i can move them to wherever i want to move them now i'm going to put some oil on it you can use vegetable oil but i happen to have used motor oil in this so i'm just going to spray it a little bit because you know i'm going to reuse all these forms because i can keep doing these over and over and over depending on how much area i want to fill in now these two pavers i have a great spot for them and i'll just do them whenever i have time like i did like four of these every weekend no time at all i'd have a nice sized patio area the concrete mix we're gonna use i'm gonna go with something that's gonna be a little stronger than what i usually use i'm not gonna add any cement to this to give it a higher strength it's going to go straight commercial grade quick crete 5000 psi and it's a high early so it's going to go off quick it's going to reach a high psi fast so by tomorrow i can start moving these the concrete finish i'm going to do on these is a it's a real simple one and i don't need a lot of tools to do it all i'm going to be using i've got three tools this is about maybe thirty dollars in tools right here brand spanking new but you can get them used pawn shop place like that offer up craigslist we're gonna use a wood hand float i'm gonna lay it in here smooth it out here's my screed board this is what i'm gonna rot it off with then i'm gonna hand float it edge it and then trowel it let it set for an hour or so and then uh we'll hit probably trowel and edge one more time the finish we're going to do is the sand wash so once it gets nice and hard we're going to take the water hose no nozzle and just let the water run over the top of it it'll wash that finished cream off the top leave a nice sand texture um real simple but we're going to show the whole project so stay tuned oh by the way i threw a little silica on the top because i had that as my base but it's really not necessary for the surface finish it's going to look exactly the same what i threw on there wasn't gonna make a difference in the finish but anyway this is my christmas video to everybody out there and also i'm gonna announce the winners are announced from my previous video for the o'dell glove giveaway we have 10 winners and it's in the description down below all the winners merry christmas enjoy the video hmm [Applause] hi we're back at on the stepping stones and we got 50 minutes later the water's evaporated off the top so now it's time to start edging and i've already got three sides of this first square and the another way to save lumber is just have one piece of wood in between these and if you want to spread them out you could you form them individually but you could technically build them with one one separating it there we go there's the edge half inch radius make sure the bottom of your trowel's clean you don't want dirt or grass on it so that's we're 50 minutes into the initial lay down and you could probably just leave this as is for about another two hours and then wash it but we're gonna um wash it and we're gonna wait until it's ready and uh we'll like we'll keep you informed on the timeline of this as we go through it hi we're back on stepping stones and we're gonna we're two hours into it right now from the placement to now two hours and this is our final pass i'm just gonna pull a little pull a little cream off the top put it in these corners corners like to draw so you always gotta always think about keeping them working them up [Applause] [Music] edges look good now we just knock out the lines [Applause] now what we'll do is let this set for probably one more hour and we'll do a light water rinse on it then we'll expose the sand and that'll be our final finish there it is two stepping stones ready to place anywhere you want sidewalk patio extension driveway extension whatever you want to do with these and just keep adding to them and they work great all right we're about three hours and 30 minutes into this we've really only spent about an hour on the whole process if that but it's just a waiting game really and timing is everything to tell you the truth but now we're going to start exposing this this might have been a little a little early this might be just a little early if you want more aggregate you go a little early right as you can see right here in the corner you can see the big rock and you can see a big one there but look how easy that came off [Music] and there she is man finished product now what i'm going to do on my second panel i'm going to wait just a little bit longer maybe another 20 minutes on this see what see what the difference is i see a spot here i can loosen up a little bit more i'm gonna loosen it up a little bit more here to make it more evenly across the whole thing now let me see let me see if there's anything else maybe a little bit right here right along this edge here loosen that up along this crevice get it in that radius area i think that's it man there it is your basic concrete bag mix and looks real nice all right we're four hours into this we've probably got about maybe an hour actual work and the rest of time we're just watching it get hard but let's rinse this last section basically what i'm going to do uses the 50 50 nylon broom because it's the perfect texture for this i'm going to kind of go around the edges right here that's where it's hard to get in so i'm going to loosen that up first just going to do it with the broom kind of open up the pores of the concrete so the water can get in there lift off the surface it's a beautiful broom finish you could leave it like that if you wanted to really but we're going all the way we're going to go sand wash and then watch that watch it happen watch the magic there she is now i take a look at it see if there's any spots where i need to loosen up a little bit more right here a little spot there a little there in the middle a little bit right there that's where the cream is hanging on rinse coming in [Applause] wow there it is all we have to do now let this cure out and within the next couple days maybe put a nice wet look sealer on there and then we're gonna um slide the uh hand cart underneath here because we have that sand we're gonna relocate these probably to widen the driveway over here hi this is the sealer we're gonna be using on these stepping stones it's a glaze and seal lacquer and it's a wet look we're just gonna go put it on here straight sometimes i dilute it with acetone but in this case such a small area and i'm going to be rolling it on rather than putting it through a sprayer cool we just did these yesterday i used the high early mix here's my roller i'm just gonna pour it on just roll it around [Music] there it is you do the same over here [Music] this really brings out the colors protects the concrete from staining and discoloring easy to keep clean that's all there is to it now these are ready to move into position i got it oh it's on the little pipe all right we've got them in place this is just the beginning and then uh whenever we have some extra material extra time we'll continue it all the way around here and maybe along this edge or some more we can do over here in the front yard but yeah it's got a lot of a lot of options available when you do it like this anywhere you want widen any any act any driveway patio whatever you want to do all right thanks for watching have a good one you
Channel: Odell Complete Concrete
Views: 588,036
Rating: 4.8499255 out of 5
Keywords: odellcompleteconcrete, odellconcrete, odell, david odell, how to make concrete pavers, how to make pavers, concrete paver, how to make a concrete patio, how to make concrete slabs, how to lay pavers, how to make stepping stones, how to make concrete paving stones, garden paver, driveway extension paver, exposed aggregate, diy exposed aggregate, aggregate concrete finish, wet look sealer, Sand wash finish, DIY sand wash concrete, DIY concrete pavers, DIY concrete, make concrete
Id: kfTDIyTVjvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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