How to Install a Paver Patio Full DIY Guide! Finish Product! Part 5

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so here is part 5 the final series of this five-part series in this part we're gonna be showing you guys the final product of how the antique cobble paver patio looked in the inn so hope you guys enjoy this whole video and enjoy the final look of the product also shoot us a like comment share I appreciate all that from everyone that does that and let's just get right into this building so you can see this is the final section that we're working on just putting in the main parts of the paver patio in right now you can see we're also still grading the sand as we go along putting two by fours on top of the drain the lowest point to our highest point which is a stake in the background and just using our floaters to float the sand and levels to make sure that we're getting proper slowpitch but having the two by fours on the drain - pretty much on the lowest point from the farthest point it really helps us lay out the pavers because it'll pretty much tell us exactly where we need to lay the pavers and what depth we need which is two and a quarter since that's what the depth of the pavers are hey what's going on you guys third day on the job it's gotten pretty far in three days or two days really and here's a third day third day morning everything's soaping really nicely stands work on its last little section right here so we can start cutting out the border the border band for the pavers with our tops off which will make it way easier then what we first did and back there with our concreting the border in first before the pavers since we put a border in first we're gonna have all of these extra cuts now all those cuts all the way down so luckily Omar has he's got an extra tile saw for us there's ours or I'm sorry a masonry saw masonry Westhoff so he's got his right right there so that's pretty sick of him to bring his a masonry wets off step over all guys the projects coming out really nice I can't show you real quick everything's looking really good really happy with how everything's coming out a little more see all those cuts we're gonna have to make not gonna be fun but when we do cut the border out oval along the wall we're gonna use chops off so it's gonna go like ten times quicker so we're just going to be finishing up this last little front entryway of the whole paver patio once we do finish this side up all we're gonna have to do after that after this point is just start making cuts around the whole paver patio and honestly making cuts is the longest tedious part of the whole process laying it out is not too bad but once you got to start measuring everything making cuts then it turns into a long process and a long ordeal that's why you want to try to avoid making single cuts as much as possible and actually right there you see that 2x4 that's on the existing concrete to the pavers we actually of a crown right at that point where it's gonna be one way to be going out the front and the other way is gonna be going towards our drain just for better slowpitch and drainage so we'll have a good like 1/2 to 2 percent slope each way I bet if I did just have it go one way it would have been more of a problem like 1% slope and then right here you guys this is actually a part where I didn't like how it was sloping it wasn't getting enough slope so I wanted to take this section that section out and just put a little more sand in to raise it up so we got more slope from the back to the to the drain you can see all the stakes around the border once we do take those out we ended up you know throwing a little bit aggregate and sand and compacting it with the rubber mallet and we did have to go pick up a little extra sand from Home Depot this quikrete sand because we need a little bit more sin I think we only work off by two bags two bags of 50-pound sandbags just so we can help level everything else - uh still okay and so right over here guys this is a part where I had a concrete this border in around the AC unit because there was nothing to but these pavers up against around this AC unit and here's how it looks when it's all completed and you see that little tiny gap right there we're gonna have to make small little cuts but overall we would got pretty close and lucky to not having to make us I still got that stream lined up making sure all of our pavers are nice and square straight in total I believe laying out this whole paver patio and putting getting all the cuts in took us like about three days and we came back one more day fourth day just for the sand infill between all the the pavers we used a sand called sure link really helps ball in all the pavers together once it gets wet it hardens and locks everything together here we are cutting out this drain line we've pretty much placed that cap on top of that paver sort of traced it around measured from each side to make sure we know that it's dead in the middle and then we're gonna be just cutting straight down the middle of that paver getting to cut the circle out you guys will see what I mean once we start actually cutting this paver see how we're measuring it out measuring from side to side making sure that we circled that right dead center and here's the process of cutting it nothing too complicated once you get the correct measurements so we're cutting it down the middle of where we measured pretty much kind of cutting into two separate are actually yeah about two separate to three separate pieces because they actually broke on us but it still worked out and it ended up looking like the paper was pretty much cord before the strain made for this drain it's a good cut even though it actually ended up breaking on us into three pieces we're trying to keep it into two pieces I think it broke on us because we might have not put enough cuts down the the part we needed to cut out and once we started smacking it it broke they were kind of hitting me with our hand right there and actually that's when it broke on us but we worked with what we had so we just kind of trimmed it up each piece and put it back into place and it feel like a charm [Music] you see the precision skill when having to use the skill side gotta be super careful to definitely don't want to be losing no fingers because that's a little tiny piece right there oh another little tip and trick guys once you are done cutting the pavers have a nice clean bucket next to you to wash them off in and here's actually the cut when it's all said and done and the reason why you want to make sure to wash them off is because when you're cutting them the the pavers are made from concrete and they'll stain if you carry them right over to right over the paver patio they'll be dripping and the residue from the pavers will be dripping onto your pavers and just causing stains Here I am helping Steven make cuts on the border all day just pretty much going down the whole paver patio border making those cuts once we finish with that we move it over to the wall side border and we actually are using a bender board and a couple of border pavers setting them against the wall and tracing it with a sharpie all the way and that's what gave us a nice curve perfect curve to use our concrete saw we're actually using a hose to reduce the dust and then we just spray the leftover residue from the cuts right into the to the sand just to get rid of it make sure that we don't keep it on our papers and they don't stain our pavers so you can see just how much faster it is when you use a concrete saw to cut out your borders we did that all in one pass and it literally took like 30 minutes maybe an hour at the most just because we had to get gas keep cleaning as we go once you do that you can pretty much just start dropping your border pavers in I might have to make a couple cuts too because that wall is rounded but if you get lucky you have to do a square project you're set you're ready to go here's the other side we cut out didn't get to film any of that but that was the other side say oh look how fast that is guys I'm literally just dropping those pavers into place I think I'd make a couple little cuts right here because it started bending a little harder so I had to convert some of these paver borders into a more pie shape to flow with that Bend then Here I am setting the next side and I'm once I got to that sewer clean-out I had to get the exact measurements for the border and the regular paver patio so that we could place those pavers in into position I believe I actually took that super clean now off just to trace around all my pavers so I can get the exact measurements yeah kept taking it off and putting it back on making sure that I had the right measurements and tracing around the paver border and paver patio areas you can see we got it all put into place no big deal now we're just going back to the other border side and finishing that off oh by the way guys another tip and trick that I learned on this job that I want to share with you guys so you guys don't make the same mistake I ordered a little too much squares because I was thinking with this pattern that I was using I was thinking it was gonna be a 50/50 type of pattern 50 percent squares and 50 % rectangles it actually was more of a 70% rectangles and 30% squares and to figure that kind of stuff out when you're figuring out what kind of pattern you want so this was a two paper pattern and pretty much you just want to lay out the pattern in one little section and measure out your square footage for each one and of how much square footage you use and you'll figure out exactly what the ratio is you're gonna need wind once you order your pavers see mine was more of a 70/30 so I actually had like two favorite palettes leftover and I had to unload all those by hand and man that sucked because literally I had to take all the pavers off of the pallet then I had to load the pallet into my trailer then I had to load all the papers back into the trailer so I had to move those literally three times it was a big hassle since I don't have buy a anything to move the pallets by themself but here we are using a pressure washer guys just to clean off the top surface of the pavers before we did the sand infill I wanted to make sure all the residue was clean off of those pavers and then we're also laying putting tape on top of the drains because we don't want sand falling into the drains here's the final step of what we got to do we're gonna be putting this certain links in in between all these papers final process of what we're doing you can see we've already laid out some of the sand over here all we got to do is broom it around now making sure that all of them get right in the nooks and crannies of these pavers see Sam's going at it over here so like beautiful beautiful when everything is all filled in all right so yeah like I'm saying we're just filling in the rest of these pavers now with sand and I don't know why I bet someone washed their hands next to the faucet so that section was wet so we had to wait till that dried up before we can put any sand in that area the other thing that sucked about this whole process was I didn't have enough brooms but I had like kind of jerry-rigged some brooms up I used my concrete poles and put it on that orange broom right there because the little cat piece where you can screw pulls into it was broken and it was really hard to like try to keep it together so I had to tape it on pretty much it's like you were seeing in that little live action video Sam was on his hands and knees pushing sand in and I was like all right bro we gotta we gotta figure something else out so you don't have to be on your hands and knees the whole time you can see once we do spread out the the sand over all the pavers we hit it with the compactor letting all that sand really just shake and fall into the crevices of those pavers I think we did like roughly about three to two passes on the whole paver patio with that compactor locking in locking in the pavers luckily none of the papers broke on us when we were contacting because if anything does break you do need to replace that take those pavers out and just put a new pavers Reese and it Andry compact that little section if any papers do break but it does happen so if that does happen you that's just what you have to do and they have paver tools for taking out pavers that do break I definitely recommend investing into paver tools to take out pieces because it's like almost impossible to take them out their sons are so wedged and then you can see we're just kind of hosing down the paver patio now getting rid of the excess sand that didn't get into the paper since we had a lot of sand on top and also the same once you do wet the sand the sure links in it does Harden and really lock all the pavers into place but um here's the final product guys here's how everything looked when it was all said and done I think this project came out amazing I'm really happy with how it came out looks honestly beautiful customers were super happy now they have amazing backyard where they can utilize and start placing whatever they want on top of this patio and really using it and then you can see all the drains I put in plus here's the artificial turf for that the dogs that they do have and those dogs non-stop this whole job they were barking at me literally every day every hour every minute I thought they would have gotten used to me but that did not happen but yeah I think I put one two three four five drains five dreams in this whole backyard patio divided everything up into five sections and there's Sam getting in my shot but so here's how it looks guys I hope you guys enjoyed this series don't forget to Like share subscribe comment any thoughts you guys have on this paper project love hearing feedback from you guys and have a great one guys also don't forget to follow us on Instagram we post daily videos and pictures of all the jobs we're on and you'll get the pretty much the soonest news of what we're up to and what we're doing
Channel: Odell Complete Concrete
Views: 106,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to lay a paver patio, how to lay pavers, how to install pavers, how to install a paver patio, how to install a paver patio like a pro, install paver patio like pros, paver patio installation, how to pave, paver patio, diy paver patio, 101 paver patio tips and tricks, how to build a paver patio, how to lay pavers like pros
Id: xcz7oNOGsAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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