How to Pour a Wooden Stamped Concrete Patio & Sand Wash Finished Driveway Part 3

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi David O'Dell here with O'Dell complete concrete here we are part 3 of 3 part series this is your wrap-up pretty much on this particular job site I mean there's a lot more to do this landscaping there's painting there's stone facades columns and block brick you know a lot of different thing but I'm not gonna be doing that this is this is that's Phase two of this three-part series for budgetary reasons but here we are we're laying it down on this patio and this is a three thousand peat gravel I add fiber I'm half let's see one pound per yard on this one we're gonna do a stamped finish so fibers not gonna show these are actually pressing it down brooms drag it up and what most all other finishes pull it up but a stamp pushes it down so that screed bar right there is also a semi valley very slight because it pulls it out of the corner of the house and stand porch for drainage reasons I've got a really simple screed system there it's just a wood stake with a 16 duplex that my board rides on so maze you're not gonna build a driver would stake so you can't really use that system this particular job we're gonna do two colors on this we're gonna throw an autumn brown color hardener over 5,000 psi surface color which means it doesn't fade doesn't stain doesn't chip and the color stays pretty much the same forever especially if you throw a sealer on there now that we've got that first part laid down and both floated I can start throwing the autumn Brown nice thing about the dark colors they cover a lot quicker then say you're if you're doing like an ash white you're going to throw Bobby three times with an ash white pretty heavily to get a uniform white on a dark dark color to start with so it's all about where you start your canvas canvas color is a big thing that's why you can say this is artwork because we start with a canvas so this happens to be a dark gray canvas was hard to get a light color on but dark colors go really nice so we're getting a good hundred and twenty-five square feet of coverage per five-gallon pail of color hardener you could probably get more if you really wanted to stretch it but I wanted to lay it on there thick so I could get a good stamp because basically this is just sand color and cement and that's why you're getting your 55 psi 5,500 psi because it's a lot of cement straight sand and color now the more you get on there and you can work it in with the natural water that's already in your concrete it's an integral part of it at that point this means it's not going to come off and when you put your stamps on and you have all that cream that 5500 PSI cream on the surface there if you push your mat down into it you're not disturbing the aggregate so which means you're getting a very clean stamp you pull it right and pull that off on an intrical color it's a totally different look it's a more rustic respond not as refined so that's my first dust on and both float and you can see there's still some grace hair in there especially on the edge since this is my first pass with the edger but since we have good bleed water because of the rain and the saturation of the road base we're getting good bleed water which makes it really easy to move your color hardener around in some situations you may have to broadcast water out there to actually get it creamy because you may be in a really dry climate and that works also now the color hardener thing about that especially the dark colors they stain pretty easily so plastics a big thing they want to cover all the surrounding areas with plastic especially where everything is moist because it really draws in to moisture so you don't really want to wet your walls or the surrounding area with a water hose the day before you pour if you're using color hardener so this is an autumn brown then we're gonna hit it with a dark grey relief then we're gonna stamp it with a six-inch running bond wood wood plank I believe sport line or boardwalk it's a boardwalk it's made by proline really nice mats they're just rigid enough where you can walk on them without making a sinkhole a lot of mats out there you get if they're too soft and you step on them you don't know you got a hope you got a birdbath so finding the right rigidity of the mat is the most crucial thing for me what I look for when I look at a mat is how how early do I have to stamp it to get that texture how deep does it go I gotta get out early will it hold my displace my weight of my footprint without making a birdbath these are all factors now you can see it looks like it's a gray right now it's a dark gray now if you if you're going to put a lacquer base wet look on here it's gonna basically turn it black that dark autumn brown is gonna get a lot darker as well and that's the plan here we are gonna hit it with some wet look lacquer base but we're gonna have to wait to do that especially during this time of season when it takes a little bit longer for things that care out a lot of moisture in the ground the water is evaporating up you don't want to get it trapped under some sealer you get your moisture that's evaporating up trapped under some sealer you're gonna have to strip the sealer because it just turned all white on you stripping sealer is never fun and not disturbing the finish it's easy to strip it with a sandblaster but distribute without disturbing the finishing colors makes it more challenging so here's your boardwalks its six-inch wood planks with nail holes in the end of each plank now when we set this up we knew that this outs we knew we were going to do a stamp or a tile something that was gonna be square and straight so we had to make sure that this form is parallel with the front of the house so when we did start stamping or tiling we wouldn't have a six inch tile at one end of the house and a three inch or four inch at the other and we want to hit that house you know parallel well having a two inch playing at one end and a six inch at the other end which I've seen it and it's never pretty you know um when you come to the end and your planks don't hit right on the end you got to make your own nail holes so and you want to match the other nail holes and the other end of the plank that are already there within the mat so we came up with this and I don't know why it was a perfect match it's just the end of a screw in for a broom handle now we don't have a floppy on this so we can't really roll up tight up against vertical walls so we have to hand chisel and hand texture with the wood wood grain hand mat against the whole house and chisel those all those lines through so a lot of freehand work here you really can't see what's happening because of the gray powder so you just have to know by instinct or by doing it a while that yeah I have to hit it right here because I haven't hit here so it's a pattern you have to have a pattern you have to know where you've already hand stamped where you've already to because you can't really see what's going on until the next day when you're rinse now you could get a blower like a weed blower and blow that dust off to try to get a visual on it but you're gonna have a real mess on your hands if you do that neighbors aren't going to be happy 'knows who else won't be happy but you know when you start blowing this stuff around you get a heck of a dust cloud that's why I got the CB s mass try to avoid inhaling it if you noticed when I threw that powder release which I like has a color a secondary color better than the water-based stains and all the different after afterthought stains I like everything intrical is I know it's gonna stay there with concrete I don't like anything that looks painted I like it natural so here we are second day after we poured the stamp we're gonna reveal the artwork it's just gonna be a surprise to me it's a surprise every because we don't know we got till we start rinsing [Music] so far so good I see the nail holes the mats went deep enough there's no no double joints everything's looking really good so far here now if you really want to get a lot more of the secondary color off you can hit it with about a five to one ratio of muriatic acid in water and that's a 5 parts of water to one one muriatic acid spray a light light mist on there and sweep it around and then rinse then of course if you're going to seal you want to neutralize that acid with the baking soda and water will neutralize your acid and then you're good you've balanced you've got the right pH and the concrete and ready to seal that's what that does but here's your look this is your aerial view this is the drone the Maverick pro 2 just testing it out today and it's looking pretty good it's got 4k quality and it flies really stable now even with water it looks dark but that blood that grade that you see there and when actually when sealer hits that it's gonna get twice as dark is what you see there anyway thank you for watching the video and stay tuned for the next ones as we roll them out make sure you subscribe if you want to keep seeing these hit the bells to get notified and if you could hit the like button and more people can find these a lot easier thank you bye
Channel: Odell Complete Concrete
Views: 96,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to pour wooden stamped concrete, wooden stamped concrete patio, how to pour a concrete patio, how to pour a stamped concrete slab, how to stamp concrete, wooden stamped concrete layout, how to add color to concrete, coloring concrete, decorative concrete, wooden concrete, stamped concrete, diy concrete patio, diy concrete, how to, diy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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