How to do a Hand Carved Flagstone Concrete Overlay Wall, Outdoor Kitchen, Fireplace, or Seat Wall

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hey it's Greg Hinkley with student services and we're gonna do a today's we're going to throw a little concrete on the wall and show you how to quickly be able to stamp and to carve out depictions of stone without that one to get really strapped in and making yourself feel like you got to be an artist or anything of that magnitude so the first thing we're going to do is we're gonna go ahead and apply the material on the wall you can refer to some of our Stone Age videos for more the application process right now I'm going to put a base coat I'm going to put a bomb coat and I'm going to put a final coat of you stands okay so the puck we're putting on right now is basically our bottom layer it's an anchor layer so that our top cover will just quote nice and light onto this so that we can put a much sticker secondary layer we're putting on a mix on so when you put it onto and put it fairly tight we may see a little bit of the ribs from the scratch cut and that's okay I just don't want to put it so tight that there's nothing there except from what's in the crevasses that's bone there needs to be a tiny bit of body there to be able to hold onto your secondary layer which is your toughest to be state so once I get this finish down then I'll put the lighter layer on and a much heavier thickness to be stamped at that point so now that I have my anger layer on there which is nice and tight at the scratch coat I'm going to allow myself to put a second coat on here which will be a lot more material that I have on my actual Hawking trial and again I'm not using this as a trolley mechanism I you see I'm using it as an applicator so I basically just wanna get my material on there and then thickness that I wanted and leave them okay this material on you see I'm using a hopping trial method feel free to use your own bare hands with gloves and you can use a method that a lot of people call hand bombing but basically you're just throwing the mud on the wall in increments stay in your lanes and then you can still hit it with a pool child now for your base later you stop make sure even if you're throwing up a hand that you try out that first layer and anchor in the actual scratch code before you put your second layer on there all I'm trying to do is stay in my lanes so that when I'm done throwing a pass I can hit it with my full trap are you going to throw thousands of square feet you're not I'll do two lanes of this I'll get back to traveling but if you're doing smaller jobs fireplaces floor retaining walls anybody can throw mix there's nothing to it and it hangs right there so don't be afraid to get your hands dirty as they say and that's it for that before I continue on challenge I'm gonna grab the pool trap I'll show you how to finish that off hey it's Greg Hensley with stone edge services again we're still putting up our pro wall mix I've got the pool track because I want you to see what it's like when we actually you know someone gets out of way when they're applying someone can follow right behind him and hit it with a pull trial look how that material smooths right off and that's all we're trying to do does it matter which way you trowel it does we never want to trial town so you can try out up or to the side okay hey go don't feel like you got to get every little tiny blemish out because the scalping is going to take care of that but reason why we don't want to go down because we don't want to pull the material off the wall another method is also using a type of motor spray and a compressor just make sure you have enough compressed air and about 100 psi to shoot the material through about three quarters of one-inch orthis goes through the actual motor sprayer and now you put your material on the wall very efficient now keep in mind when you're putting this material on the wall as you see I'm going to anchor come and I've done my secondary coat which is much thicker if I continually put a layer after layer after layer and I'm not talking about 3/4 of an inch at a time I'm talking about maybe a quarter of an inch of the time I'm going to make that surface area much more dense than it would be by putting one thicker lighter fluffy layer to be stamped on there so some people at times think they're putting the right amount on and they are but they're densifying it because each cavity with the trowel they're taking it they're taking it they're typing it we want to make sure it's nice and light to the wall so our staff will recess them nice and easily okay so make sure you're doing that as well also make sure when you're trailing these nice thick layers that you're not rallying down on the material with all the gravity to work against this we wanted to be able to just lay up there nice BC go over to the side but never down when you're applying the material thank you [Music] okay so we have basically done our anchor coat we've done our top coat of full thickness for what we have desired we need for the depiction of stamping that we're going to create on this surface so before I do any stamping I want to make sure that I have a fairly smooth surface as you see a fat hazard we put this material on the wall but I'll kind of let it stay in a very similar contour all the way through so now I'm going to take the pool trial instead of an actual concrete trowel that I'm the Trailer winner and I'm going to smooth the actual material out for stinky as you can see I'm just doing a nice long stroke closing up all the pores just so it barely has a smooth surface so that the stamp can get all of the texture possible from the actual depiction or the grain that you're creating once you get most of it don't continue to go over and over with the pull trap because now I have is little small areas that I need to work with and remember you have tape below and beyond what you're actually doing that you're going to take away so you have a nice clean edge for your stone that you're creating so you'll be getting rid of this a little bit later beyond the pilot of the plastic to take down weather stripping whatever you may have it's letting can have your nice edge to work with right now I'm just trying to close it up so I can go ahead and do my stamping process but now that I've done most of my long strokes with the pool trowel I can close most up with just the end so I can just lightly go on there close it whenever I need to and then move on now they're really great thing about this type of product is it's ready to stamp that's the great thing about Student Services material is once you get it up on the law it's pretty much ready to go so we're going to grab our stands grab our lease agent and go ahead and create the depiction of the actual stance that we'd like to create so we can come back and hand carve this surface in a manner about which we're creating a concrete stone load the flagstone or random stuff in a capsule rod you can do drive stats by hand don't overthink it you're going to have a lot of people out there try to tell you that you really have to be an artist and you really have to have that capability behind you you're being able to create this type of outlook and that's not true at all you five when it comes to painting on the type that still draws stick people but I can look at a photo from a magazine I can take a depiction of that stone and just create it on the surface so we'll talk about a little bit about that here in a minute you hey it's Craig Hensley with studied in surfaces and today we've applied some concrete wall mix to be stamped to create a stone depiction that have Mitt Romney with me brand new the company has never actually touched this material or stamps before we're going to be using our wall texture skin set of three and as you see we offer a few other type of law scans if you come by as I said you can buy individually as well but today I'm going to show you here how we've already got the material in the wall but we don't want to just put our stamp right on to the wall dry because it will stick a little bit possibly and pull the material off the wall so the first thing I'm going to do is use a bubblegum type liquid release agent spray the surface down and also spring your stamps all you're doing is a fine misting you don't have to over saturate this make sure you get all of the areas step it up to the side we're picking it up as you notice our stamps have two handles in the back of them okay when you put your stamp in the air when you hold it in the air you take one hand off what happens to get a little bit of weight okay not as much represented with the regular skins as it doesn't the drive stacks but I'm gonna have Nick to start to begin to walk up put his stamp video at once step aside nice and easy put the head on the other hand oh and then stand back nice and easy then pull it up don't have the stamp real hard at all just nicely the biggest thing is keeping it in one in one spot and pull it off nicely you okay so they've done our stamping process with our actual wall texture skins so I'm gonna have a big come again here every once in a while gonna do a little bit on a small area so if yours too bad stamping you may do a little bit in your area and switch sides to get a little bit of the different stamps that you have and you go anywhere when he puts his hands in the stance okay you want to keep one hand then one of the handles at all time and if you feel like it's coming down a little weight always put your hand in there and give a little bit of a torque to it so that you can keep it in one spot and you can be able to stamp the texture that you want once I stamp that texture I can switch hands torque it a little bit and boom create the texture pinch it together make it a little bit concave so it doesn't create a suction and just pull it away from yourself but you can imagine having retaining walls and be able to really quickly put mix up and create texture along a long gating surface with some square footage that there might be a flood wall retaining wall of a cat the lower part of a home where usually they might just have an unfinished foundation something like that you can really beautify by putting a lot of texture on there and so you could continue on if you want to switch stance or curl each other nice and easy all the very nice right so I'll go in the middle I'll have him possibly get me down here now we have a small area I probably don't need to but just say we need a little bit of extra release agent because we've gone for maybe 10 15 minutes then you can back off for a sec you know you've already sprayed the wall surface there's really no need to respray that but maybe you just need to respray your wall texture skin just a little bit for the mist in the product so that it won't stick comes off there doesn't have to be texture on every surface ounce of each stone so don't feel like they gotta continually get over and over and over and over now if you look here you'll see a little bit of a stronger indention into the surface now all that is is a little bit of a harder pressing on the actual stamp and you get more of an outline on the actual outside of the standard and that can be okay especially when you're hand carving just be aware of it so that if you just want more of a shallow texture then to maybe stay away from the very edge of your stamp I made me stand just a little bit lighter hi guys Greg Hensley with student services we've stamped for the most part this wall mix to be carved at a later time not much later we can probably wait another 15 minutes or we can wait another three or four hours it really doesn't matter it just depends on how clean you want your grout clothes to be and maybe how used to carving you may be if your new apartment you probably want to wait a little bit longer until you get used to how the material comes off when using our particular tools the hand cutting tools that we use but it's one point out a couple of things when you're stamping with wall mix sometimes less is more one thing the amount of material that you use we probably have a little bit more material that we actually need on this particular project but we mixed up two bags for this particular 16 square flow section and we went ahead and filled it up so we'll get some nice coldest stones when we hand carve it'll be a really nice look but if you don't have that much of a drastic 3d effect you want some more shallow stone just a nice easy depiction then maybe not pressed quite as hard on your actual stamps when you're pressing on the outside of the actual skin so if I'm holding the skin up here this looks like the one here if I'm going to get the depiction of the actual full perimeter of the stone and you may not want that another thing that can happen is if you press you don't press straight in and straight out maybe you go to add it down here and you're kind of moving upward or down or to the side you can separate the material just a little bit and it might give you the appearance of a shrinkage crack or some like that it's really not you've actually pulled the material away from itself because you kind of slid so just remember when you're stamping straight in straight out you don't have to press real hard that is where we're using drives that stamps and we want that configuration of the grout joints to recess down into the mud and then the rest of the mud come cakes back into the cavity of the actual field stone or dry stack and that gives the illusion to be a much thicker this is a little bit different we're going to come back or in a hand carve the actual material to create our own depiction so it can be shallow or a little bit deeper filled and you choose how much material you want to put on the wall you can get away with about a half inch of material with these lost skills that we use I've put about an inch of material so that I could get a little bit more of a concave bulbous look more of a drastic look but if you just have a thousand square-foot foundation wall flood wall or retaining wall and you want to be quick about it then go ahead and bring your scratch coat up there same day and go ahead and throw your mix up 1/2 inch and start go right behind and start touch turn it out and then later on today I'm gonna teach you how to hand carve some realistic looking stuff hey guys effectively with Sonia Services and today we've applied some wall mix conflict material to be able to hand art to create a depiction of natural stone and there's basic tools that you need to do that you might be the carbide cutting tool that you would use for cutting tile we may use for sharpening and cutting in edges we have our concrete cutting tool to create joints in between the actual stone and get our cat in first and then we'll open up after the fact and we have just a regular old chip brush that will use to soften up our grout joints expose the sands and get a more natural look the first thing you're going to want to do is you're going to want to kind of order your project and clean up around the edges from where you might have to tape around so I'm just going to kind of clean that off cut through it get to the edge from where my plastic or the tape might be all of anything residue beyond that will probably be pulled away when the actual tape is pulled from the plastic for whatever your texturing and masking that you use to mask off your project hey Vincent instead surfaces we've just got finished border in this particular project and a half has really just got it to the point where now we can get our pattern and diffusion of stones this particular materials been laying on the wall about three and a half hours we could have started carving about thirty minutes after we actually laid the material you just have a little bit different approach to it of kind of how to image you may have to be verses that you wait a little bit longer as it gets firmer you can kind of go a little bit faster you can carve a little bit harder and be a little bit more aggressive you don't have to worry about material falling off the wall or cutting a little further into something that you don't really want to but it really doesn't matter because there are no Murphy stones you can always create a realistic looking stone using the stamp image of a vertical wall makes one great thing to do guys is just take a take a photo of any stone that you like if you really have an incentive of being an artistic type person which from which you don't have to be to create this type of stone because you can take your photograph I'm just kind of look at it and say okay well I think you know look at it maybe I will stone right up in here just like the one up in the corner there and I've come right off here just like the one up at the top and just follow that along okay don't feel like you have to just look at yourself because some guys are new at this will stare at it for 30 minutes trying to figure out where to put the next line and it's not about that just create the stones as you see fit fairly quickly try kind of stay away from four-way intersections the intersection just haven't Alesi to stand out when someone is actually carving so what we'll do first is we'll use something similar we'll go ahead and create our pattern first well let you see the pattern which will pretty look pretty ugly at that point and then we'll come back and open up the actual rocks like some make it look a little bit more like realistic stone so we'll see in a minute is creating a little bit of our stone look I'm really not thinking about where I'm putting my actual stone I'm just coming through creating putting lines in I may have a four sided stone I may have a three sided stone I may have squares but as long as I don't have like I said a bunch of hallway intersections I can create a lot of realistic looking stones and first you're gonna have your pattern which is going to make all of the stones look fairly narrow and when you're actually applying it but then we're going to open those grout joints up to more of a three finger intersection a little bit jagged edges that's going to make these stones look a little bit more realistic appearance so I'm going to continue on we're just going to pull gentlemen Nick grog into the feature here and let him carp a little bit of the actual stone himself and so it Nick used to walk up on this and he's never done it before he may walk up and come from this section right here and maybe come a little bit further here and cut up into that stone right there maybe not bring it all the way for such a larger stone so the biggest thing is when it comes in if you hold your carving tool out like this and dig deep that you're gonna have a much deeper grout joint then if you come in and shallow okay come across the actual material oh you'll just expose the grains of the sand and then we'll be able to create our stones hey Nick so go ahead this is your first time kind of carve belong there that's a shallow and then come across nice right there finish that line off right about from there to there nice a shadow so what Mick's doing if you notice when I'm carving I'm being a lot less aggressive so I'm just skimming the top off of the surface I'm not digging deep when he's doing his he's coming a little bit deeper creating a little bit more of a 3d effect with his stone neither I'm right or neither he's right or wrong or vice versa it is according to the customer what they may want they may want a little bit of a deeper grout joint we may have both on this when I open the grout joints up you'll get a little bit deeper anyway but if you start off shallows you can always work your way deeper just be careful of going a little bit too deep sometimes when you first begin so now maybe you can come across this line here and create something down into there nice a shower there you go there you go like that so maybe you want to bring this intersection off somewhere down and then you want to come on for that corner and over a little bit somewhere I like it so therefore I just saw what you get ready to do perfect and I think that there's a little bit some bigger stones here so what you can do before you decide to make a bunch of smaller stones is maybe go ahead and open up your pattern a little bit to see what you have first before you decide to make some of the smaller stones so now they'll begin to open up the actual surface area to get a little bit bigger grout joints three-fingered intersections to get a more realistic looking stone effect to the actual project now you notice when I'm carving and I'm opening them up I'm craving some of that 3d effect that Nick was creating down here and that's okay as well so the biggest thing is don't go out perfectly straight you want to have some jagged edges you want it to feel like it has a natural stone appearance and no two stones are perfectly mortared together unless you're doing a dry stack if you're doing it right then I want that configuration to be right on top of each other and I would be using a different type of tool whether it's a combat cutter or I'm squeezing my joint cutting tool together really tight to create that nice tight grout joint about which they're stacked on top of each other if I want this appearance this is the type of appearance where when you're standing 40 50 feet away and it's already colored I can tell that the stones are a little bit separated and they have a particular color drop joint if I want a dry stack then I'm gonna do a narrow I'm gonna make sure that my grout joints are accentuated with a dark color so that they stand out as a drive stack and have that dark shadowy black configuration in between the actual stones so again we're just continuing on opening up the grout joints just enough to get a realistic appearance in a second here I'm gonna have Nick come in again and do some of the bottom area but you can see how they might get some of those edges of the actual stone and it gives it that realistic appearance look don't feel like you got to go at it slow just start carving away let it create what it's gonna create because if you stand over it for 30-40 minutes trying to figure out what stone - I want to carve next you're never gonna get it card and we've talked about this a million times I'm not an artist I've never claimed to be an artist don't want to be an artist I want to get in and I want to create these type of depictions quickly so that the contractor can make money make money with their customers be able to get in and out do retaining walls flood walls bottom of the Foundation's at homes whether it's an interior fireplace backsplash shower surround you can create this at a fraction of the time and labor cost of what you'd have to do with a real stone or a cultured stone or manufactured stone to be able to live up on the wall lick and stick up on the wall we can do this all in one swoop we can clear the material up on the wall we can stamp it out we can begin our carving process all in the same day a lot of times finish up that your project before we even go to the next day so you can pick up a check and they're just amazed at how quickly that you've created particular stuff okay Nick come on in so you see how I'm kind of coming in and have a small basement firm kind of close to the surface area and then just kind of pull it and go back and forth and you want to get in the intersections where they meet you want to kind of open it up a little bit and not necessarily round them up about if you want all your students round it off then it's absolutely okay to do that just decide beforehand whether you want a flagstone type appearance or a random stone with rounded edges type appearance that's more of your customers suggestion there now I noticed that Nick just because he's never done it before he's being a little bit timid he's probably worried about taking too much material off and I respect that because he doesn't want to mess the project up we're putting this on film and on YouTube but he can you can go a little faster as he gets a little more used to the material so I'll just get back in there to what he's done I'll just start carving out I noticed down here where he had a little bit of a hump material with this one I'm just going to take that out how to make that stone look like it's actually sticking out and has a lot more of a appearance and 3d effect right there same thing with that other one in and out coming hard on that one happens open this scrap join up just a little bit open that one up just a little bit one of the main reasons why I want to be smoother to the surface when I'm carving even if I'm gonna be doing a 3d effect is because I would like to get that sharp edge around the actual stone so that it actually has the look of a 3d appearance of the facts done sticking out further then if you actually grabbed like so once out carved and I don't know if this is perfect what do you think what do you think there Nick we see anything that needs to be carved I see one is the letter A that little edge I think is the one you did yeah I think it looks awesome okay I think it's something that if you didn't want to have to worry about it and you want to take it out and didn't have to if you want to come around the edge and soften it just ahead or maybe just take that little point off that's really all you need to do now this one's a little narrow who's to say they didn't need to stay narrow you can open it up and just get them crouched like even to it but now when you're close up on it does it look like the stones are fairly far apart it may but when you stand ten to twenty feet back and you continue to go back further and further the stones get closer and closer together okay so remember that when you're carving so once we've kind of carved out and we've opened up our grout joints maybe we want to expose the sands and soften them up a little bit this also depends on the stage that you're on it at if you get on it fairly early using a chip brush will expose the sands a little bit more like you did karmically a little bit cleaner look we are still gonna hit it with a chip brush just to kind of soften up see how just by hitting that surface area it kind of lightens up the sands it kind of softens them up smooths them out and gives a much more smoother appearance to the actual mortar joint and makes it look a little bit more realistic and soft and it also softens the edge of the stone something like this if you see that little mark right there what that probably is is that's probably a little bit of a liquid release mark that'll be taken out when we actually do our colouring process won't hinder us at all but one of the main things I really like to do is I do like to chase all of my grout joints with the chip brush just to get them nice and smooth I think it adds to the appearance it softens up the look of the entire stone it's very quick and easy you just have someone run over top of and smooth them out but if you notice just because it's open poured it's the same mix but can you tell a huge difference in the color of the surface of the stones versus the color of the grout joints absolutely because once open poured one is not okay that's what helps us have already a difference there's guys out there that's the other time they've never put one ounce of the color Odin in the stones they just carving call it a day I'm not asking you to do that I love using student services liquid colors and creating all types of colorations and multi tones to all these different stones but it still looks very realistic as it stands right now you and we will use the pool trial to get in there and clean them out over ready let's see how that closes up right there and then we can get back in there and Reese tain't those and we're going to be stamp this so if you want get the handle loose these things put release and as I'm doing this and get in there and actually once first I'm gonna get all these edges tough and then we're gonna come back and open up some of these bathrooms you I'm taking a page like a dark side let's have a little bit in there cleaning that chapter seven put a little bit of charcoal with that and then I have a charcoal so that we can do our line as a breath choice to get a differentiation we make this you may do the same things when we stand right here to make appreciated to make you something to do that with that right now as much bit me so I've got the spray pattern very similar and the way we do with a mist of these surfaces okay I usually like to use the darker ones first or the more drastic ones and you go over which is buildings you don't have two distinct the particular color whatnot but you can to try and get that covers the base that commonality this is Dalton percentages this is a dark charcoal that I'm using to bleed although the ground [Music] it was fun a very very very lightly blend anything and even that wouldn't really show up the biggest to utilize you sponge to point but you want those darker looks in your crevices but we believe it it's going to dissipate away hit everywhere you spray to get darkly to those ridges extremely blended just a little bit very soon and you differentiate the colors of your chromosomes get together that's exactly right they give you do what I'm told you can do it too much a little bit of dark and the crevices so become much more depth it has now [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Stone Edge Surfaces
Views: 900,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flagstone, concrete overlay, decorative concrete, hand carved flagstone, hand carved boulders, stone edge surfaces, stone edge surfaces wall mix, pro wall mix, wall mix, hand carved fireplace, stone outdoor kitchen, how to make a stone wall
Id: vpRO5eIpnsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 23sec (2423 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2019
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