How To Polish Rusted Chrome-Vintage Motorcycle Restoration Project: Part 37

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hey guys @bv Matson here and we are going to clean up a really really rusty CL 350 fender can see where we I already started to attack this I'm pretty optimistic that we're gonna do well with this but it's pretty crusty and it's gonna take some work so let's take a look at some of the products that we'll use I'm cleaning this up alright first step I can't recommend this enough actually Colonel brassy an industrial-strength hard surface cleaner can use it brass copper chrome stainless steel blah blah blah OneNote don't use this on like mm perfect Chrome alright because it does have a little bit of an abrasive in it and it can scratch it so on the back I think it says don't use with with show chrome I think is what they use but on something like this we're gonna be able to clean it up using Colonel brass II definitely worth it picked it up as at a local motorcycle shop actually saw it online as well so just go grab some of that once we do the bulk of the work with that we're gonna move over to some wizards metal polish for motorcycles this stuff is amazing and it's pretty unique as well so it's actually in a bag and it's a bunch of cotton with the solvent or the polish right on it magic stuff transforms metal and we'll use it stuff is amazing once we do all that I'm just gonna go to my old standby Turtle Wax alright we'll put a nice coat of turtle wax we'll start being a pretty regular about keeping this thing polished once we get it all cleaned up you're also just gonna need a bunch of microfiber towels and we're gonna go through probably a whole bunch of them in this process other than that we all see how it goes we might need a little bit of super super super fine steel wool on for some of the really really really bad spots but here you can see I scraped on it just a little bit with my finger and it actually cleaned up so let me give you a good angle here and let's dive in so what I think I'm gonna do here is just for kind of a proper kind of before I'm gonna just take it from this seam all the way to one side and then we'll be able to see what's going on now I'm gonna shake up my kernel Brasi okay I'm gonna get this ready to go and I'm just gonna drop just small lips just small little amounts I know the den things plot clogged up here come on I gotta find a little pin or something clean out the little port here there we go get some of this don't need much this is probably way too much at this point what we're gonna do let me get our micro towel out mmm and just start working this in there's a little bit of a you know there's a coarseness to this and you can see we're already taken that rust out the key to doing a good job with this is to continually rotate your rag okay what you don't want to be doing is pushing the rust and all the material that you're taking out right back in to the material okay so I'm just gonna take this just hit this section here see all clean we can get it this thing's pretty pitted in some spots so it could be um this could be a challenge today how to try and get this all cleaned up but we got a couple tricks that we can do to get at some of these more aggressive pieces but for now let's just do kind of a you know let's just do kind of a once-over on this thing and see if we can start hitting it you can already see the oxidation coming off of that pretty good we've got some pitting here we'll be able to deal with that as well so I'm gonna switch to a time lapse mode and we're just gonna start working this fender all right so we're going we still got some pretty you know deep pitting happening in just a few areas so I'm actually gonna dive into it just a little bit of steel wool I'm not gonna go crazy with the steel wool and I'm actually gonna use triple o you could actually go to the Foro as well but you definitely don't want to be getting into these really coarse steel walls I wouldn't go any any any more aggressive than the triple I just happen to have the triple on hand right now so same process but I just want to hit one of these spots so I'm just gonna take a little section under here and let's just see how it goes and we'll see if we can clean this up at all usually the skill was gonna be able to knock through some of the deeper you know batter in for imperfections but you just don't want to be too aggressive because you're actually you know you have a huge potential to like you know put some nice swirls in into your chrome when you do that you can already see the material starting to come off its gonna clean up this is gonna take this is gonna take an effort for sure but I think it's coming out and I don't think that the chrome is ruined by any means again just keep turning your material and once it gets totally clogged up as we need to rotate it flip it around get a nice clean piece back on it so where's going to hit this yeah it's coming off definitely got a work on like one little speck at a time but it's coming out so of course let's give it a wipe and see how it looks there we go yeah it's gonna clean out good and it's not leaving a lot of swirls either so again just don't get too aggressive with what you're doing there let me move over to this spot let me give you a little bit of zoom so you can kind of see this a little bit better let's see if we can knock this down we'll take a little bit of the kernel brassy take a clean spot I'm the steel wool and we're just gonna rotate start working it see if we can get it out see if we can get these little specks to come out see if it's through the home one of the cool things you know with vintage motorcycles is that the Chrome's usually of a pretty high quality and it can put up with a lot before it starts to get pitted up and through some of these are pretty bad though I can already see that but it's getting better it's getting better it's gonna take some work some of this stuff just disappears right before your eyes other parts are gonna be definitely a little bit more of a challenge work myself around here just a little bit on these tags if I can save these original stickers that would be amazing as well but I'm just gonna you know not get crazy with it but just start working some of these rust pieces rusty spots out see you know we got some more in here blah blah blah I mean this is pretty much an afternoon project Tommy you just to keep working it there we go push that out it's already starting to come together look at how much more shiny that is already we'll keep working this actually I haven't been working on this for very long and it already is a huge huge difference so I'm gonna do a little bit more colonel brass II get my really fine sand let's do a well out let's just keep working things okay that's what you do I mean it's a lot of elbow grease it's a lot of time but what I found man I started to take a lot of pride in my different parts for these bikes that's why in the hashtags on Instagram it's always one part at a time it truly is you know take a piece work it get it to where you want it where you feel good about it and then move on to the next one pick up another piece off of the table and move forward but that's what we're doing here okay I'm just gonna keep working this you got to get a little aggressive with it sometimes but again as we keep going that fender is starting to shine it's gonna have these patina pits in it I'm totally fine with that I mean this is not you know in my mind it's not a show bike by any means we just want to restore it as best as we possibly can with as many of the original parts as we possibly can that's the bull so little imperfections don't really bother me a whole lot I'm just gonna keep on working this will switch back to time-lapse mode and just keep on tile working it all right you can see we've made some progress here it's looking better colonel brassy for the win I still got some work to go but I want to get this video out cuz actually we'll see you some comments on some of the Instagram posts and I just want to show you what I'm using I'll show you this wizard stuff alright again that's what we're using I absolutely love this stuff it's beautiful all you're gonna do you're gonna take a little piece take a piece out and you don't need much I mean maybe maybe the size of that know a little bit more than that size of your thumbnail something just grab just enough of the material and then what you want to do is when you put this back in the bag make sure you wrap it up real good so you don't have a bunch of air trapped inside of it so you want to keep this stuff nice and fresh and just jam it back in the box I'm probably gonna have this have this box for 20 years but what we're gonna do is it's a really really cool little product it's really fine and we're gonna just start working this in into the end of the fender alright I've got to come back and hit some of these pitted spots for sure but we're just gonna take it and we're gonna keep working that and this is some magic stuff you can see it's starting to get a little black don't worry just keep rotating it this stuff is actually good you can get this stuff almost completely black and it'll still work it's pretty fantastic stuff so I'm just gonna go around I'm gonna start hitting everything nice little circular motion moving around the fender trying to get every little piece on it hmm I hope my lighting is good enough so that you guys can see the impact that this stuff is gonna have so I'm gonna switch back over to time-lapse mode as I give this fender a really nice coating of the wizards all right just putting them you know just making sure it's all fogged up I think I'm about there again I should probably put I'm going to put a lot more time into this but for the record just kind of doing this now before you wipe this stuff off get a clean rag get a totally clean rag that hasn't been that hasn't been on anything else I'm gonna scrap a completely different color so my pink rag is gonna be for my wizards start wiping it off I tell you what I hope you can see the difference that this stuff does make once you put it on I don't know if it's translating on camera so much but this wizard stuff just seems to like smooth everything out I take a look at that you believe this is the same fender we still got a little bit of work to do as you can see here you know in this little area we've got some pitting here but guys it's amazing you can see two on your rag you know you start to get that black stuff on your rag move on and just keep going when you think you're done flip the rag and start hitting again and I guarantee you you're gonna start seeing more black coming off of there all right that's what you want you're cleaning off oxidation rust all these things sometimes you think you're done and honestly you're not usually got a ways to go so that's what I'm doing all right so next step we got the wizards I think I got most of that off it's like at night and day difference guys it's gonna look okay wait this all off make sure you're all covered there all right and the next thing that I like to do is just to go to old-school Turtle Wax works really really well I'm gonna grab a fresh rag I'm just gonna put a coat of wax on it all right and yeah we're just gonna sit put a nice coat of wax on it rub that in real good and we're gonna wait for that to haze up we're gonna wash it off and wipe it off and we'll be good to go let's go back to time lapse mode all right we've been letting it sit a little bit we got the nice fog established go get yourself a clean rag and start working that out wipe off that hazy color and we'll reveal ourselves something pretty nice oh my god this is going pretty well this has gone pretty well remember keep rotating your rag most important thing you can do just keep hitting this keep working it get the wax off then you can see here got a little issue I think I don't have a welder or access to a welder but I got a big crack here in this fender I think what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna rivet gun and pop a rivet into this it'll be fine I'm not too worried about it clean that up pop a rivet in there good enough for me I'm not sure how the hell that would break like that that pipe must have tipped over at some point but you know whatever look at that thing shine this is fantastic all right we've got that all wiped off kind of a quick tutorial on how to shine stuff so here is where we're at now here's where we were seriously just two products all right colonel brassy working it with the colonel brassy I'm working it with wizards you need a ton of different rags you need some really fine steel wool to get this done you can do it let's take let's take a close look here side by side not too bad guys I really didn't work on this very long not long at all we're going to be able to tackle this other side of the fender and we're good but I'm I'm pretty pleased with that for just a quick quick stab at it what do you guys think let me know in the comments look at that and we're just gonna keep working on it I mean I get I'll probably be touching this the Pope I'll probably be touching this part probably three more times fine-tuning getting in here trying to get some of these little Nick's out cleaning them up but that's it man that's what that's all I'm doing to clean these up again before and after look at this so what we were dealing with all right and that's what we ended up with it's gonna look beautiful on the bike we're gonna get it there guys I hope you learned something keep moving your rag is the biggest tip I can give you guys and then prepare for cramps in your hand especially in your thumb I've been doing this for about a half hour 45 minutes already and just feel that tension in your hand you're gonna do a mess all day long oh they'll burn you out it's good stuff if you guys enjoyed the video please subscribe means a lot leave a comment let me know what you think of this whole process and of course follow along on Instagram and Twitter at BV Matson look at that boom - boom have a great day guys
Channel: Keep On Wrenching
Views: 1,140,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motorcycle repair, parts painting, how to fix a motorcycle, bike repair, japanese motorcycle, rust removal, motorcycle restoration, vintage honda, honda twin, honda restoration, evaporust, cafe motorcycle, sandblasting, colonel brassy, chome restoration, restoring motorcycle parts, honda cl350, vintage motorcycle, removing rust from chrome, caferacer, cafe racer motorcycle, honda motorcycle, cb350, rear fender, painting, auto paint, cafe racer
Id: Ss7CfT41HzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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