ACID Rust Removal - DIY - Cheap & Easy! - Let's see if it'll clean these Nasty Headers!

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what's going on everybody welcome back to the half-assed garage it's great to have you around here today we got a little bit something kind of different um i need to get it done for the d150 here so i'm gonna show you kind of what i got going down [Music] so these are some junkyard headers that i pulled off of like a i don't know like a 80 something or other ram charger so it should be the same truck as that essentially and these are really heavy you can kind of hear and i'll show you my hooker super competition uh heads or headers in a minute but you can kind of see that they're nasty and this is you know some pretty thick wall stuff i didn't measure it but it weighs a lot the issue i'm having sorry about the noise um the issue that i'm having with these is that look at how crusty the collector is headers aren't cheap so i'm gonna try a little something crazy to try to remove uh as much rust as i can and that is going to be using some muriatic acid dilute with water in that bucket right there so we've kind of got the header set up let me show you what's going on and we'll check in on it uh over the course of a couple hours i'll let it sit overnight and then we'll see what it's like tomorrow okay so the reason i'm doing this at all is because my air compressor is on its way out and it's generating so much water that i can't use my sandblaster so um there aren't too many places around here that do sandblasting anymore so we're going to try this and see if i can get in it's not even going to cover it by the looks of things nope i guess we'll need a bigger bucket well that little bucket was too small uh you can see by where it's at here that it wasn't really reaching up on the collectors where i need it to up in these tubes and that's kind of the rough part that i need so i'm going to use this bucket instead there we go it's getting up in there pretty good this is kind of proof of concept i've never done this before you can get this basically all over the place it's used for concrete cleaner and stuff we'll pour a little bit down here and see what happens i'm just gonna fill it up a little bit that'll probably be good enough uh if i pour it on the concrete you can probably see what'll happen to it check it out in case you've never used it check it out so hydrochloric acid i believe is what it is not exactly sure i have to look it up um but we're going to let this sit for a while and see how it looks i don't expect it to be anything crazy happening right away because it's so dilute and uh you know whatever but i don't need these headers right away so we're gonna just see what we can do if this works maybe i'll rig up a different type of a bath where the the header can sit in it kind of flat um so the collector part is on the bottom i don't know just kind of a uh experiment we'll see how it goes all right so these are the super competitions these are for a 440 you can see how thin the wall is on it you can even hear it's quite a bit different i think there's a tag yeah i'm not entirely sure but i think by tomorrow we'll see some some more action on it they kind of look like they're getting a little bit white down there a little bit i don't know it could be in my imagination or whatever but even um if apple rust uh didn't work right away it took took a few days on really really rusty things on a side note don't do this stuff inside you don't want like all these acid fumes in your shop it's freaking horrible and i'm i mean i'm not a doctor and i don't know that much about all the problems associated with breathing acid fumes but you don't want to do it so just do it outside like like we're doing here all right it's the next day it's been quite a while uh it's probably about 5 30 today so let's take a look at it you can still smell the acid in the air oops sorry about that you still smell the acid just kind of coming off this stuff it's got a really distinct smell you can't miss it and check that out wow it's really uh well it's really making a big difference so i'm surprised i didn't think that i'd see rust flaking off of it usually it just kind of dissolves it makes the metal kind of clear aren't the clear um makes the metal just you know clean now you can see sort of up here where i poured it um i don't know let's see how reactive it is still a little bit a little bit of action down there so it's pretty dilute acid solution i think i'm going to just grab a wire brush and we'll see what we can get off with a brush all right let's check it out that really came off pretty good i grab the hose wow i honestly didn't expect that and it's inside the collector which i like too so that's good what do you think pretty amazing this is cheap too [Music] um i have no idea what this metal is made out of sorry i don't know what type of steel this is i just don't know you can see it clean in there pretty good looks like that's either the original paint damn sorry about that looks like this is either the original paint or carbon of some type maybe carbon man it really did a good job you saw where i just sprayed it off with the hose and it just flew off so there's some spots that uh still need some attention sorry for the camera work today i'm just holding it in my hand my phone yeah it could be uh soaked a little bit more but not bad right this was the worst spot because it's uh you can even see that there's dirt packed in there this would be the hardest part to to clean so what i'm going to do put it back in add a little bit more water to this to kind of bring the levels up and we'll see just how active that acid still is i'll let it sit here again tonight maybe into the morning i'll try to get a little wire in here and kind of scrape some of this out so the acid can get down inside of there i pulled these headers off of a junkyard truck so this thing was buried in the dirt and uh yeah so that's it definitely can see up here the line where uh where i poured the acid right over the tubes that's it would recommend wearing some type of safety equipment when you're around this stuff so i definitely think that this is the way to go um for the cost of that asset it's not expensive i think it's like 13 or something like that i'm right here 13 bucks maybe there's a price tag on it no i don't know scan that barcode yeah maybe you can get some out of that pretty cheap man it works good though um rumor around town is that you don't want to use this method on super thin steel because it can potentially eat right through it if you're not careful about your concentrations and how long you let it sit in there and all that stuff so if you're worried about thin stuff definitely do a test piece or something first get your timing and your concentration down and then uh yeah hopefully everything will work out so for right now i think that's good enough proof of concept um it's really clean you know so i know it works it can only get a little bit better than that anyway seems like it's working so good i just went ahead and stuck the other uh header in there so yeah i think be good to go you can see um how bad they are so that's a good comparison and you remember seeing the other one nice and clean but that's how they all started out i mean this is pretty rough um they won't look like new headers obviously but they'll at least hold paint so and they hopefully won't be as rusty i don't know i'll be happy with them just the way they are all right a miserable day it's uh what time is it one o'clock in the afternoon rainy cold let's see how our headers are doing ooh delicious ah check that out [Music] yeah pretty good interesting little ring on there and then the this was the one from yesterday kind of doesn't really look like a whole lot has changed we're just going to spray it off with the hose i'm not going to brush it it's cold out today but man it made a big difference so let's uh spray it off and see what happens well i think that that's close to roughly all we're gonna get out of that look at that it's crazy the rust is flaking off [Music] i don't know what type of steel this is i'll try this one yeah i wonder if these are like galvanized or something weird no i don't think they would be they wouldn't be rusting right that's so strange i've never seen i've never seen that before man this water is freaking cold it's coming right out of our well so it's like probably 34 degrees that's insane to me i've never seen that i'm shocked by it huh even up there where i poured it on it's coming off no kidding all right well what do you guys think pretty sweet right what's another wonderful day here in michigan squirrels so let's see how our acid bath is doing oh yeah smells like acid stinky so that's gonna probably be good um it looks like uh the rust has flaked off enough you can see i don't know i'll probably leave it in there for the rest of the day look at all the crap that fell off of it down in there it's crazy but you definitely get a whiff of the uh signature muriatic acid scent it's not overly strong because it's so dilute but uh it's working great check it out so wild and just wash the rust off of the hose here we go this is just a light coat just to keep it from you know flash rusting anymore i'll go over it and kind of sand it down these rough areas where you know the paint didn't cover really well it's just uh what is it this stuff dupli-color engine enamel so with ceramic so this is how you neutralize the acid just regular old baking soda sodium bicarbonate any brand will work as long as it's sodium bicarbonate you just pour it in there and it will neutralize the acid so if you have a pool or a hot tub or anything you're familiar with those little test strips that you know tell you what the ph is so if you're concerned you can go get some of those they're everywhere like walmart and all that different stuff and uh you know according to all my chemistry classes and stuff as long as that's around seven that's like water and then you can dispose of it responsibly now my teachers just neutralized whatever the acid was and poured it right down the sink so whether that's the right thing to do or not i don't know but once it was neutralized they just just poured it out so strain out all the crap out of it and you wouldn't want to just pour it down your city sewer so figure out what you're going to do with that legally but wherever you're at you might want to check around i don't know what your state guidelines are so definitely take care of it neutralize the acid don't just pour it out or else it'll be a bad time and you don't want to hurt the animals and stuff so yeah that's it anyway neutralize your acid that's pretty much it for this one's just a short little you know will it work type of deal so thanks for watching half-ass garage like and subscribe share comment all that stuff i love talking to y'all in the comments so uh until next time take it easy [Music] you
Channel: Half Fast Garage
Views: 75,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: D150, Classic Cars, Garage, Mopar, Chrysler, Automotive, Shop, Vintage, Dodge, Pickup, Engine removal, Engine Swap, Trucks, Auto repair, Truck repair, Half Fast Garage, Engine rebuild, Engine teardown, 360, Cam, Camshaft, Crank, Performance, First, Gen, First Gen, 1st Gen, Ram, D-150, 1st, 4 speed, Rust Remover, Acid, acid stripping, acid bath, rust, headers, cleaning, rust destroyer, muriatic acid, halffastgarage, Acid stripping, Acis strip, rust removal, disolve rust, stripping
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Mon May 10 2021
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