How to Podcast with Multiple Microphones on your iPad | Setup

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all right you beautiful humans you probably landed here because you recently started a podcast or you currently have a podcast and you are interested in adding in a guest or a co-host within your same space well the questions that i'm going to be answering today is how you can possibly do that using an ipad or even an iphone to do that and adding in multiple tracks and that will be adding in an audio interface now i've often talked about the zoom h6 handheld recorder which i still use today and using right now for this audio for the video but what i will tell you is that for some of your budgets i realize it might be outside of that ballpark so with the motu m2 and audio interfaces that are very similar to this that might bring it down to a more reasonable cost but let me emphasize here folks if you are really looking to grow and you want your podcast or your platform to be as professional as possible audio is going to be paramount and being able to navigate that throughout your post production as well editing is very important so the thing is what i'm asking you folks is you need to really think about making an investment in yourselves and your platform now before we do that i have some time stamps throughout the video so land where you need to land but before we really get into the video let me actually show you an example of what this might look like talking about gaming and i remember mom and i were actually talking about minecraft you all all you guys played it when you were younger now it's not just for like young kids though like is it making a comeback or did it just never leave because i i'm you're talking to a parent here so bring me up to speed and pop culture of minecraft so there's a lot of minecraft youtubers that some of them ended up leaving minecraft a lot more people joined recently in the past couple of years um because after like fortnite kind of died there was this whole thing about like minecrafters is fortnight and so minecraft just grew in popularity so i mean i guess it kind of died a little bit i didn't really see anybody playing it on youtube but now i see a lot of people playing it on youtube yeah well i just thought it was it was something that you all were into when you were much much younger and of course yeah i'm seeing a lot more creators really either getting into it or getting back into it so it sounds like it got resuscitated or got some new life into it also there were a lot of people that did stay with it through the years and they're still playing minecraft so i mean technically speaking it mostly died but there's designated youtubers that stayed all right well i appreciate that summary it's very helpful for me as a dad and probably for some of the listeners and viewers of this uh show all right so based on that example i will have an overhead of putting this together so i will timestamp that in the video you can head over there if you want but what i wanted to tell you is that i tested this thoroughly and what i actually found was is that because the ipad is powering this audio interface so it is powering this device i wanted to make sure that i had at least close to a full charge on the ipad and what i did is i ran several tests of some podcasts and running that for over an hour because many podcasts are anywhere between could be 15 minutes 30 minutes and all the way up to an hour now one of the things that i will tell you with garageband and i always recommend garage band because it's free and it's very intuitive and easy to use and of course i will show you that walk through but what i will say is that it's only limited to 64 minutes and then it basically just times out so you can only get 64 minutes in that podcast but both of your voices so with with you and your co-host and your guest now i will link up some other options that you could certainly add to the ipad if you wanted to record longer but again i refer to garageband because it is very intuitive and very simple now of course i will highlight these stats within the video itself but with that testing of over an hour podcast recording both of those inputs the the ipad was was able to power that no problem at close to a full charge and dropping anywhere between 20 to 30 percent in battery power so the thing is is that you could talk for several more hours if you need to while powering bus powering this audio interface now for microphones like this atr 2100 this is a dynamic microphone i often recommend it for various reasons because it has an xlr connection and also you can connect it via usb now of course the audio interface is a quarter inch or the xlr balance connection and again walking you through that in that setup but what i wanted to tell you is that i like this for what it does is because really what you can do is connect this directly to a computer or directly connected to your ipad if you need to and again in the video that i did that i will link up i connected this microphone directly to an iphone and was able to record a podcast and now i will certainly get into more of the benefits in an upcoming video where i connect this audio interface to an m1 mac although it doesn't have to be a mac it could also be a windows machine but i will really get into the benefits of using this setup with a virtual co-host or a guest that is not in your same space but stay tuned for that one but what i wanted to highlight here is that there are certain condenser microphones that require what is called phantom power so it needs a little boost from the interface and what i did is i ran another test with that to actually show you that you could still run over an hour podcast with that phantom power on with that little bit of boost in there and the ipad was fine at managing that power so it still went down roughly between 20 to 30 on that battery now what i also want to highlight here is that yes you can certainly uh do this on your phone you could connect this audio interface on your phone and what i will tell you is that of course with an iphone you have the lightning port so not usb type c however if you have a lightning to usb adapter what i would recommend is that this phone is not going to be able to power the audio interface by itself so what you actually need with your adapter is to make sure that you can plug it into a power source so if the same setup with the ipad you can do it with the iphone i tested it out it works but you need the adapter that allows you to power it because you're powering the audio interface and helping the iphone it just will not work without it so let's go ahead and pivot over to plugging in the microphones and setting it up with the ipad also too i will walk you through a very basic timeline in those edits and then also one unusual bug that i found in the ios version of garageband but i did find a fix and i'm going to walk you through it all right friends here we are we have the interface i'm going to walk you through the basics of it and flipping it up we see that we have the two inputs xlr these are xlr inputs also two quarter inch and i'll talk about that in a sec the beauty about it is is that these have their own separate input gains you're going to love that especially if your voice is projecting coming in a little bit hotter than someone else's you're not relying on the software to deal with it you can do it in the hardware now moving over here to monitor i'll talk about that in a second but you do have a headphone out and of course this right here manages that gain now you could put a headphone splitter here to connect two separate headphones but on the back you also have monitoring capabilities that most people when they're mixing or doing any kind of audio production they have the left and the right monitor typically they use reference monitors or speakers but you could plug in your headphones and still get get that sound at least kind of being able to manage some of your input gain and adjusting that however coming out here you could also again add a headphone splitter and put two headphones coming out of this now coming back to the to the back really quickly usb type c thank goodness and so this is bus powered meaning that the ipad is going to power it and of course your computer can power it as well now let's actually flip back over to the front to the inputs so you'll see i have a mic here and a mic here now you'll also notice this 48v or or volts so this power that you typically need to provide for condenser microphone so that's just a little bit of extra power and i did a test on that as well with a condenser microphone just to see if the ipad was still able to power it and of course it was but we don't need it for these types of dynamic microphones that we're using so we have a balanced connection here and these are xlr connections and so i know that the screw being pointed up i know that that will go up uh here and of course if if you can't get it just right just know that if you just kind of gently twist and then you'll find oh yep it pops in now if you had a quarter inch as far as a microphone is concerned i'll just use this quarter inch headphone as an example that actually plugs in as well but that's my headphone and i don't want to plug that in what we're going to do is come over here and plug in the other xlr of course having that independent input gain is nice now of course it's not powered on yet we need to open up the ipad and get it all connected all right so powered up what we want to make sure is that we're plugging the usbc into the ipad itself now before we get into the garage band we need to power it on so flip that and you'll notice it's powering up and of course it takes a second and you'll see that level going up and that level going up so let's set that aside for now with garageband open what we're going to do is center it up so that you can see it we're going to create a song we're really creating a podcast i default to the vocals or the the microphone we're going to open that up and for me i typically default to narrator because that is my custom setting you can click on the microphone go into vocals and there are all these vocal options that you could certainly use for podcasting narrator is kind of where i think things need to be so i put it in my custom setting but again you could certainly usually lead vocals there's good it's going to give you reverb i don't think you want to sound like a chorus or overdrive or distorted so narrator is kind of where i like to hang out compressor something that i manipulate with that essentially just sort of levels out your your audio and so you can certainly mess around with that i would certainly expect you to experiment based on your sound that you're going for and uh just kind of how your voice is being picked up or not and you might need a little extra uh in that compressor the channel is one and of course i believe this is one oh it is oh and it's coming in kind of hot so i can come over here and adjust that gain here but that's my channel one so what we're going to go ahead and do is we're going to click up here toggle that just to get into our workflow here or at least the the way the track's going to be laid out now coming over to the gear let's click that now let's get rid of a couple of annoying things and that would be the metronome we don't need any of that we don't need a count in and so we'll go back time signature is 4 4. we will put so here you'll notice that there is these numbers 1 2 3 4 and 5. i like the time ruler so we'll click that and that's going to give us the seconds and minutes and of course we will go down here to advanced multi-track recording is what we're doing because we're going to have multi-track or multi-inputs multiple inputs all right and that's going to move over and i'll get back to the other mic in a sec we're going to move out of this and then for that plus right here what we want to do is make sure that as far as the bars are concerned we're going to click that on and we're going to go automatic we're going to go max and the max that's the the funky thing with the ios version of garageband is that it is 64 minutes max 2000 bars now what we're going to go ahead and do is come over here and add a microphone same deal narrator we won't mess with any of this stuff right now click on the channel so input one is on my other microphone so input two coming over to this mic turn up the gain same deal so then we'll come back into [Music] our workflow here now one of the things that you can do is click on the microphone itself and we can rename it so i could put my name here and then my guest or my co-host's name there and then you'll see over here so my track one you'll see that level going up now here's the thing you might you might see this and you're like oh what did i do wrong so see how that level's not coming up hit this so that these are both going to be recording then when i click there you go now let's actually just run through a very dry run you'll see number you'll see two up there so that just means it's going to be recording both of the tracks all right so testing out this podcast here for the youtube community and i am on track one channel one here on this microphone so let's actually switch over to our guest which is me again so here i am on the other microphone and so you will see how the waveform is increasing and if i need to adjust that a little bit just coming over here to the the gain knob of the interface then i have that control as well so then back to my other self coming back over here again you'll see and again if i want to adjust that gain you will see those waveforms and everything just getting recorded and you'll notice that it's picking up my voice but you'll want to make sure that when you set up that you are also rejecting the sound of your co-host or guest and what i mean by that is that having the microphones pointed at least in the opposite direction from each other but let's actually go through a simple editing setup here so let's actually stop the recording all right so a very basic edit what you'll notice is you'll see the waveforms here in the timeline and so there may be some bleed in these other tracks so what i'm actually going to do is i'm going to get rid of that bleed so let's actually click on the clip and you will see split come up so i'm going to split that section here move that over drag that down come over here same deal [Music] drag it down click on that section and then cut it same deal actually i would cut this too highlight split move that over drag that down highlight cut same deal here split move it over highlight cut now i know that might seem tedious but that is a good way to keep that audio bleed uh clean in your podcast itself and so you would just kind of keep doing that now if you've done great sound treatment and of course great pre-production you may not have to go through that you could certainly add some effects to to bring those things down that's likely for another video but that's just some basic walkthrough of a simple uh just sort of cutting your podcast and of course if you wanted to monitor while you're cutting you can certainly connect your reconnect your headphones because this interface everything that's happening in the ipad you'll be able to hear when you when you do all that playback you'll see those levels going up and you'll be able to hear them in your headphones all right and one of the things that i needed to finish this out was let's go to the test podcast for youtube already recorded let's say that it's already cut ready to go we are going to long press this we're going to come down to share we're going to share the song because we're going to turn these wav files into a dot mp3 which you need to use for uploading your podcast to your podcast host now it defaults to high quality which is fine we'll just stay at 192. we're going to go ahead and click share and then we're going to share this to file so we're going to save to files and it's exporting uh the wav files and spinning that down and compressing it down into dot mp3 which is going to be a smaller file size we'll put it on the ipad we'll put it in garageband and we'll just we'll just put it in your garage band and then when you are ready so we'll open up garageband and then when you are ready for your uh to upload then you will see test podcast for youtube right here and we can upload that to whatever platform you use to host your podcast okay so what we're looking at here is my testing and i was actually testing a podcast that i love listening to the hive podcast i'll certainly link that up i i would recommend it for sure especially this particular episode now what i've done here is as we were recording or as i was testing i noticed as i got to around here you'll notice the waveforms so audio to figure out how to get that that shirt that you remember is just awesome and it it trickles down to everything okay audio is there just to enhance themselves and they're actually using it and even though even though you don't see any waveforms here there's still audio so this is an unusual bug but i did find out a fix that can help it's a little bit of a work around but it works so what we're going to do is this track is highlighted we're going to go ahead and click on the microphone and you will get merge pop up over here so let me just emphasize here what we want to make sure is that there's no cuts whatsoever in this track this is what you would do if this happens to you in your ios version of garageband don't do any cuts just yet and what we're going to do click that mic merge and then this will be checked we're going to come over here and merge it'll run its process here just takes a sec okay now the icon changing it's just a speaker but notice how it's loading waveforms are there and what ended up happening is my track two just ended up moving up but there it is this isn't just a situation so there it's in there so then what i will do here is the same deal so actually what we'll what we'll do is we'll rename that track one so then we'll go ahead up here click on the microphone merge box is checked merge all right so track one moved up and here we are it's gonna start loading and then we can name that track two but as you'll see there it is waveform throughout the whole thing now again these are identical uh because what i was doing is really kind of pushing garageband a little bit and the interface and the battery as well so yours will not look like this and of course you know we'll show you how yours looks or i've already probably showed you that but anyway that being said is that the waveforms are all in there and that just that's just where the the i need to cut or end the show and then what i would do is i would just start cutting from here and and editing so that's the bug that's the fix all right folks there you have it and i'm sure plenty of you have quite a few questions so for those of you that are new around here just hit me up in the comment section below because i love hanging out with the community and answering those questions and for those of you that are really thinking about virtual co-hosts and guests i do have a video that i will link up but i will also be doing an updated video with this audio interface that will be helpful as far as getting that virtual connection and having that all work you could actually just as a quick tip you could throw something together where you have a call in doing a zoom or a skype call on your cell phone running that in to the audio interface as your input to or as in track two but what i would say is let's actually save it for that upcoming video and i can walk you through a couple of scenarios that will be successful for you to really help you take all of these moving parts and cut down your time as far as editing and really just the stress of just trying to maintain all of this so as always you go do those things that matter you keep rocking the faces i really appreciate your time and attention on this one i'm gonna keep reviewing and testing and researching so that i can provide you some value right here so you go do the things and i'll catch you right back here on the next one you like me too we can't take
Channel: Kevin Ross
Views: 30,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to start a podcast on your iPad, how to start a podcast on your phone, podcast setup for two people, how to start a podcast with multiple people, podcasting equipment, how to podcast with multiple people, podcast setup with, how to setup a podcast with multiple microphones, podcast setup with iphone, podcast setup with audio interface, audio interface setup, how to start a podcast in 2021, Kevin Ross, how to record a podcast, how to podcast with multiple microphones
Id: LNtq42aJxj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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