How to Record & Edit a Podcast in Garageband (Complete Tutorial)

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- Hey it's Pat here, in this video you're gonna be learning how to use GarageBand to record and edit your podcast. I'll show you how to make sure your mic is set up properly, how to make sure your levels are exactly where they need to be, and also we're gonna do a fun little test recording, which you should do also if you are using this software. Hey really quick, this is actually a lesson that's pulled from my premium course, Power of Podcasting, and just wanted to share with you for free, because I know a lot of you are looking how to use GarageBand, so it's freely available to you, and it does reference other lessons in my premium course, but don't worry about that, just get right in, learn how to use GarageBand, and crush it. Okay so to start just hit empty project, we don't need to create a hip hop beat or plug in our guitars or anything like that, we don't want to choose voice either, that's for something else, empty project's where you wanna start, and then hit choose, and now it's gonna open up GarageBand, but first it's gonna ask you where the audio is actually gonna be coming from. Like I said, we're gonna be using our microphone, so select the microphone, under input you wanna make sure the ATR USB microphone is selected, and also that it's in Input 1 like this. This little circle is really important. That marks the file as or, the actual audio that's coming in as mono, meaning both sides of the speakers or both sides of the headphones, the left side and the right side are gonna share the same audio. If you select Input 1+2, what you might record would be just one side, and what you might import from like an interview or something, might be the other side, and it's gonna sound really funky in speakers and headphones, so you wanna make sure that it's just the single circle, not the sort of Venn Diagram looking double circle. And, you wanna make sure your instrument is the ATR USB mic, if not, you wanna click on this arrow, this opens up the preferences in here, you can then reselect the input device, that you want, we have it set correctly right now, the output device is simply that when you hit play, after you record something, where's the sound gonna come from, that you can listen too. System setting is five, you have your headphones plugged in, that'll work, if you have some other audio that you wanna listen through, that's fine too. You'll actually notice that the ATR USB microphone can also be used as an output device, if you look at the back of your microphone, there's a little headphone jack there too, you can use that if you want. Doesn't really matter. Now if you wanna get back to this preferences, later on if you wanna change things, just head on over to GarageBand, and hit preferences, and that opens up this same window. But again, we just wanna make sure the ATR's selected, and then we're gonna hit choose, or actually create, and we're off. All right? And this is GarageBand. The first thing you'll notice, is that as I speak, you'll begin to see movement and color here, for this first audio track. And that's good. We wanna see movement, because that means GarageBand hears our audio. I'll tell you more about what the colors mean in a second, and how to adjust it if you need too, but I will say that if you don't have any sound coming through, it either means you don't have the microphone selected, or it's not plugged in, so you wanna make sure you go to GarageBand and preferences, and make sure that your ATR USB microphone or your mic of choice is actually selected. You can also select it down here in case in the input for this particular track, in case it's not there as well, you can see it there, also make sure, just side note that it is indeed on mono, the single circle, not on stereo, which you'll notice up here, if you're in stereo, it'll have two sort of layers here, the bars, you'll see two of them, we wanna just see one there, for when we're recording through GarageBand. If that's still not working and you're not hearing any audio come through or seeing any audio come through, it might just mean that you're microphone's not on. Again, the Audio-Technica sometimes fools you because it has a blue light, even if the thing is not on. The blue light means it just has power. Flick it on, and then you should be fine. Now, don't worry about all this, too much, because there's a lot that you actually don't need to worry about, like this compressor, and these controls down here, there's an equalizer too which allows you to change a few things, and again a lot of this is made for musicians, which is why you see things like the bar and the beat and the tempo and the key signature and the time signature. We don't need any of that stuff. We wanna keep it simple. So, to remove all this and actually just show the time, which is what we wanna know, how long we've been recording for, just click on this arrow here to share the time as the display mode, and there you can see, as we begin recording, the seconds and minutes will display there. We can also turn off this count-in, we don't need four counts before we hit recording, we're not singing a song, and then finally the metronome, we can turn off, cause we don't need to hear clicks, cause there's no measures, we're just simply recording our voice. Now what's cool about this, is that you'll see that the audio that's coming through is coming in, it's kind of hitting midrange to the orange, and that's totally fine. We do not want this bar as we speak to get all the way to the end, that's called clipping, and if you clip in your audio file, it means that people listening on the other end are gonna hear distortion. We don't want that. Now if you are speaking and it's clipping for you, it's getting it like deep into the red here at the very end, you can actually adjust your recording levels down here using this control. Now, if I were to go down a little bit, you'll notice that my voice begins to get a little bit softer, if I go a little bit higher you'll notice that I'm actually gonna go too high, so that becomes distorted now, you'll see that just, that does not sound good. You want it to be kind of like, 85 to 80%, or to the point at which you are always speaking in the yellow. And, that's gonna take some practice, and that's the whole purpose of going through this test recording, you're gonna actually do a test recording, in just a minute and listen to yourself and just adjust things as needed. Now, you'll notice here that this is Audio 1, this is called a track. Tracks are essentially like layers that can live on top of each other, and you'll hear multiple tracks at the same time, and the best practice is to create different tracks for different things that are in your audio file or in your podcast. So, for example, this might just be a track just to put the intro music in, and as you begin to see in the next video, you're gonna actually have tracks for your intro, for your, actually, let's just do that now, for you're main voice, you're gonna have a track, for example, for your music, and you're gonna have a track for instance when you import your interviews. Now what's nice about your music and your interviews, is you can literally just drag and drop those MP3 files from your desktop, or your folder, to inside GarageBand here, and it'll just show you the audio track. You can make adjustments from there. The music, same thing, with your main voice, you would just record that, your intro, that' gonna be something that you just add in once, and it'll be automatically in your master templates, that you don't need to worry about that. Again, the whole purpose of this is to make it easy for you for production, going down the road. But again like I said, we're gonna run some test recordings really quick, but I do wanna share with you a few other adjustments that you might need to make as you are going along, and it's just, I wanna share with you some of these things that will be useful for you as begin to actually use the software. Okay, so you're gonna notice that every individual track here, one two three four, has its own unique volume control. You can raise and lower the volume for that entire track in whole, so if you were to adjust this up, the entire track would be louder, if you were to adjust it lower, the entire track would be softer. That's helpful, for example, if you have an interview that comes in, and it's just very soft, you're listening to it, you're like, I with that was louder, well you can adjust that here, which is nice. And what's also cool, is you don't have to be perfect. Try to get it as close as possible for your ear, and the software, both GarageBand and one that I'll show you later, will help you, what's called, normalize it, meaning it'll match all the levels, property, properly, for the entire file, which is fantastic. Now, there are moments within a track, that you might want things to be softer and louder, and so you can't use this, adjuster here for that, because for example, if I were too, if I were to set it up so that you know, the music plays really loud and then it softens and then my voice comes in, well if I were to lower the music completely, well, you wouldn't hear the music at all. So I'm gonna show you how to do that in just a minute, actually I'm gonna show you that while we do test recordings, and so just keep that in mind. Other things, pay attention here, are this left and right thing, you don't need to worry about that too much, just make sure it's centered, this is your pan, meaning you can adjust the volume to be all the way on the left side, or all the way on the right side, and since we're doing podcasting, we don't need to worry about which side things are on. So just make sure that it's centered and at zero, here is the mute button, so if you have a bunch of tracks going on and you just wanna turn one off really quick, you can just press that button and that mutes that track. Now if you just wanted to listen to one solo track, just hit this headphone symbol, and you'll see that automatically mutes the other ones, and so let's say for example you just wanted to hear only one track only and just not hear anything else because you're just working on this one right there, just click on solo, and then you'll be fine from there. So now what I'm gonna do is actually do a test recording and I'm just gonna talk about what I had for breakfast, and I'm gonna show you how to edit that thing, and how to change the volume midway through, and we'll create a little track here before we get into another piece of software that you might use if you're on a PC for example called Audacity. But let's just hit record and start going. So here we go. Hey this is Pat Flynn thank you so much for listening into this, I wanna talk about my breakfast really quick. So for breakfast today I had a bowl of oatmeal with some blueberries, steel-cut oatmeal actually, and then I also had a coffee, and I was just fueling up so I can create these videos for all the awesome students of Power Up Podcasting. Thanks so much, love you all, bye. And there we go. You can see the waveform it came in, and they are at different volumes, which is represented by these different peaks and valleys here, and you'll notice that there's some places where there is no sound coming in, those are typically pauses, and some parts are louder, some parts are softer, the main thing you wanna look out for, is after you record, that none of them are clipping, meaning, remember that's when it's too loud, when it's too loud, you'll notice that these peaks and valleys go way beyond the outer limits of this display here, and we don't want that to happen. So it looks like we're all good. So let's actually click on this button here to go all the way to the beginning, and I'm gonna hit play just so you can hear what this sounds like. Hey this Pat Flynn thank you so much for listening into this, I wanna talk about my breakfast really quick. So for breakfast today I had a bowl of oatmeal with some blueberries, steel-cut oatmeal actually, and then I also had a coffee, and I was just fueling up so I can create these videos for all the awesome students of Power Up Podcasting. Thanks so much, love you all, bye. All right. Now let's say, I wasn't happy with that ending, and so I'm gonna grab what's call the playhead here, that's what this part is called, and bring it back to about where I think the last part was and hit play, just kind of remind myself, thanks so much, love you all, bye. Okay, maybe I don't like that. Maybe I wanna go back here, and I'm gonna hit track, or, excuse me, edit, and split regions at playhead. Again, that essentially splits these two regions at where the playhead is at. You can also put as a shortcut, just hit Command-T, and that does that for you. Now you can see, I can actually move this part away. Which is really cool. Or even move it into a different track, if I wanted too. If I were to do that, you'll actually hear that autro lay on top, of the part right before the ending there. So I'm actually gonna play this, it's gonna sound really bad because it's two voices at the same time, but you'll hear it. (recording plays) Yeah, that was kind of weird. So again, you just wanted to delete that, so I'm just gonna highlight that and click delete, and there you go. And I wanna re-record the intro, and to do that, I don't need it on the new track, I can just pick up right where I left off, hit record, and, just kind of remind myself, I always kind of play the last few seconds when I'm re-recording something just so I know where I was coming from, of Power Up Podcasting. Okay. So I'm gonna get to the end here, and thanks so much for listening in, appreciate you, talk to you soon, bye. All right. Now let's click play, for Up Podcasting. Thanks so much for listening in, appreciate you, talk to you soon, bye. Okay. There you go. Now like I said earlier, you can have multiple tracks going on at the same time, so I'm gonna actually go to the beginning and select the music one, and I'm just gonna hum some music, and you can kind of hear what that sounds like in the background. So I'm gonna do that really quick. (recording playing while Pat hums) Oh, see, that was kind of annoying, because I was able to hear my voice. So what I'm gonna do is actually go back, undo that, go back to the beginning, and I'm gonna mute the intro, so I can just hum music really quick. And then I'll show you how to adjust the volume of that music. (Pat humming) Okay. That's all I'm gonna do for now, but let's play that back. (recording playing of Pat humming) Okay yeah, that's kind of silly. Okay now let's hear what it sounds like with both things together. (recording playing of Pat talking and Pat humming) Now, as you can see that was maybe a little bit too loud. Now, we can do a few things here. I'm gonna actually select both, of these regions here. And move them, so, hit shift, and if you wanna actually control multiple regions at the same time, and move that over, I'm gonna have the music start, and the music will start playing, as as I start to come in I'm gonna lower the volume of the music, and then actually have it fade completely out. So, I'm gonna just go through these there, I'm gonna start with the music, have me come in, now like I said earlier, to adjust the music midway through, gonna have to actually go to mix, and show automation. So I'm gonna click on music here to show that one, and volume, now you'll notice that there's like a faded yellow bar here, now if I were to click, that will turn on. Now the next time I click, it'll actually create a little bit of a button or a dot, so I'm gonna click where that dot is there, which kind of aligns with where the intro starts there, and what I wanna do at that point, is actually that's where I want the music to fade out. So I'm gonna click another button at the end here, and then what's cool is I can drag this button down, and this changes the volume over time. So you see it starts at zero decibels here, and then over time it starts to fade out. So let's listen to only what that sounds like. So I'm gonna click solo, and hit play. (recording playing of Pat humming) So, that's cool, that's how it fades out all the way. Now let's play both at the same time. And if you wanna turn the automations off, you can actually just click on this button here, that for whatever reason doesn't show up until you turn show automations on, the first time, but now I can easily go back and forth. But let me turn it off, I'm gonna make sure everything is on and hit play and we'll hear what this sounds like. (recording playing of Pat humming) (recording playing of Pat humming and Pat speaking) All right? And there you go. Now your task now is to create a test recording and just play around with the software a little bit, adjust things, and learn how to split tracks and cut them, and move things around and delete things, the one thing I do wanna share is this latest version of GarageBand doesn't make it easy related to this playhead, sometimes you might click in this region above the playhead, and what that does is it toggles what's called the cycle, meaning that if you were to actually highlight something like this in this top part and it turns orange, now when you play, it only plays this region. Now this is helpful if you're doing music and you just wanna listen to like one section over and over and over and over and over again, but it's not very useful for us podcasters, so you can just turn that off. If you happen to just like, randomly do that on accident every once in a while, don't get frustrated, just click on cycle or press C to turn that off, and then just grab the playhead and then move it to wherever you want it to go. So, now your task is like I said, create a test recording, talk about, I don't know, your breakfast or how the course is going for you, you don't ever have to share it with anybody, it's gonna be nice to kind of work out the kinks, kind of get used to talking to a microphone and not a person, which I know is gonna feel a little bit weird to you, just play around, listen to it, and again, the last thing, don't worry about what you sound like in terms of like what your voice sounds like. What we want is good audio quality which is what you're setting yourself up for right now, does not matter what your voice sounds like. I know a lot of people fear that, I know that I fear that, it's what stopped me in the beginning, but honestly the only person that said anything about my voice over the tens of millions of downloads of my podcast, was the voice inside my head. It does not matter. All right. So that was a deep dive into using GarageBand to help you edit and record your podcast. Now there's obviously a lot of other things involved, related to getting your podcast up and running, and if you aren't already taking my mini course to help you all the way through, you're gonna actually go ahead and get access to that right now for free by going to And that'll take you through three days to help you through all the steps that you need to know, this and all the other things, to help you get your podcast up and running so the world can hear it. So, if you aren't yet already taking my mini class, go to
Channel: Pat Flynn
Views: 314,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pat flynn, smart passive income, spi, how to edit a podcast, podcast editing, garageband for podcasts, how to edit a podcast in garageband, using garageband to edit a podcast, garageband podcast editing, podcast editing software, podcast editing tutorial, podcasting in garageband, how to use garageband to edit a podcast, garageband podcast tips, garageband, podcast editing in garageband, podcast recording, how to record a podcast, how to record a podcast in garageband
Id: xhesskgmIsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2018
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