How to Start a Podcast 2020 | Equipment & Guide for Beginners

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This I think was close to a hundred. Dude this looks amazing are you kidding me? Yeah I'm diggin it. I mean if you wanted to get really crazy-- Yep, it's also missing a wheel. Now you tell me. What's up Indy Mogul my name is Ted today we're talking about podcasts: How to make one, what mics to choose, how to elevate your podcast if you already have one, and how to shoot one, how to make a shot that looks like this into this shot and we're gonna do it step-by-step so you can follow along the entire way and to go over this today I got my buddy Casey Macbeath over here Casey tell them a little bit about some of the interview credits that you got. I work on a lot of different interviews for big corporate clients like HP Lenovo but I also work with the Oscars for their big campaigns. Casey a shot seriously some of the biggest interviews in the world so when we going through how to make any location on any budget with any amount of gear that you have look good no matter what so ready. Let's do it. Let's do this here we go. First off Casey when you normally shoot what camera do was shoot with? I mean-- Cool don't care we're gonna give you this camera real quick. It's your lucky day Casey we got two cameras for you here the A6400 from Sony okay. This is a sub $1,000 camera. Normally how much does the camera that you normally shoot with? A lot. I mean we've got matching cameras we've got matching lens manufacturers we have essentially matching focal lengths I mean this is like a great way to start to make sure you've got something that looks homogeneous in the end so obviously this will help production value so if you guys are shooting podcasts you know you can do one camera and you can set up in a way to make that work for multiple people but I think a lot of times people are used to like bigger podcasts like the Joe Rogan experience or some others where there's multiple cameras usually cutting back and forth between people so this will give you a way to add some energy into your edit into your final video and that'll keep people engaged a lot longer. And for this podcast today I'm gonna give you a specific example of what I want to make today two podcasts one is I want to do a yoga podcast where we talk about you know all things well-being and health-related okay the second scenario that I wanted is competitive yo-yo ing the yoga and yo-yoing podcast okay. If it's one look that's versatile for the two of them fine if it so-- we might be able to do it. We're gonna shoot this in the storage space and we have to turn this room into a podcast space. You know what, I honestly feel like anybody who's starting out at home like in a bedroom is in a better spot than we are. Yes. No complaints today we're gonna make this look good. I feel like the most distracting is usually really bright walls because those are hard to control they're hard to make a bright wall dark, especially if you have limited budget for lighting. So we went ahead and we already painted a section of a wall here for you so you have a starting ground here to work with. For people at home that have normal white walls in a living room or a bedroom or something like that what would you recommend for them? There's lots of great options you can get seamless paper rolls which are fantastic you can get them in thousands of colors. There's also, you know, vinyl fabric to just have a background that's more interesting than drywall. When we come into a location like this how do we start from scratch? Let's bring in a table and start eyeballing where we want to drop cameras. You want it a little off the wall right? Any time that you can separate the wall from the subject either you know if it's furniture or if it's people like it just gives you obviously more room to work it adds more depth if you're gonna move the camera it allows you have some form of parallax. This is our yoga and yo-yos podcast this real quick is what the frame looks like for everyone that's wondering here we go. I'm sure a lot of you guys have probably set up a podcast already that looks like this. How do you take it to the next step? So the first thing I'm seeing as I look at you is I'm seeing a gigantic wall that we don't want to see behind you so I already know that camera can't be here. You're talking this way I'm gonna want to keep you on the left side of the frame so you have more open space in front of you so you don't feel like all closed off against the edge of the frame. Let's set up that camera. What do we need to know about the camera setups for podcasts? I feel like you should try to make everything run on auto as much as possible. So plug in power I feel like there's a lot of cameras nowadays that are able to take either wall power or USB power and continue to run so you don't want to like worry about cameras turning off while you're shooting you don't want to worry about trying to change batteries. So what are you seeing here in this first frame? So somewhere in here we're gonna find a frame. So now just on the edge we'll cut it off. Yeah as far as we know that wall just goes on forever. Yep let's get our next camera set up. It just needs to kind of match so I mean we're looking for like similar size of people you don't want one where their heads filling up half the frame the other one it's you know just like barely in there. You got a frame set up now what's next? Setting up some of our lighting first just so we can get a base so we can turn off these house lights and then we can start set dressing and fine-tuning everything from there. How many lights do we have? Two. I mean that there's more but you're only allowed to use two. Okay, great, so what did we just say we need-- I mean are you sure you weren't mad? No No i'm not mad I'm fine. I'm fine there's nothing wrong. it's probably better to start off with the backlight just so that way that'll kind of work as a backlight for this camera but be a key light for the side angle cameras it really serves to draw the eye of the person it keeps them cut off from the background well if the light has to be behind them but it also can't be in the frame how do I do this a lot of times what you'll see people do is try to figure out how to rig to the wall but I mean there's other tools that you can use you can do a goalpost so what you would do is you would grab two stands and something to bridge across them at speed rail or steel pipe one of the things that you can take advantage of is a pole cat or an auto Pole they are a collapsible Pole kind of like a like a tension rod like a shower curtain like a big shower yeah and all you do is you can unlock them and you know spread them out and then relock them and they'll be under tension so that way you can then rig lights to it so this is what we actually used for our podcast we have a super small room there's no way and how we're gonna put T's stands in there so we have one of those here today okay but there's no walls to rig it to so okay so if we were in a bedroom we'd actually be better off again I think we're gonna keep going bigger that's if we can cheat and use stands and use that pole cat auto Pole as a goalpost and you know we're gonna put stands then we can we can make that work let's rig it there for now let's kill the house lights and let's see what we're working with especially for something like we're doing here where we're filming for a long time the lighting that's gonna come from windows and doors is gonna change pretty dramatically you want to be able to control the lighting as much as possible wow that's this is you're doing this is really rough this is this feels like an interrogation scene so let's let's fill it in let's bring in another light and let's start trying to balance that out to something that's more agreeable we need something that's soft since we have access to lanterns and China balls something like that could probably really help out this case with C stands the way these knuckles work if the knuckle is on the right side of the stand from the load as the load continues to pull it down it'll only be continuing to tighten it okay so it's show everybody real quick what this new soft light looks like okay okay way better than before in improvement for sure yeah still a lot to be desired but generally speaking for treating the room we've got our table we've got our chairs we've got our background we've got two general lights set up and our camera set up I think it's time now to talk about audio treatment in this room as well before we move on I want to talk to you about our sponsor Squarespace who you may very well have to visit soon if we're going to launch that new podcast that you have in mind now there's like a million but guests up there so cutting through the noise is going to be tough luckily Squarespace makes it easy because they already have templates that are literally specifically designed for podcasts in fact all you have to do is go to the templates tab on the top click on the podcast section on the right find the template that works for you and then just start putting all your coverage on it then once you're ready to put your work out into the world you have over 200 top-level domains to choose from all within Squarespace literally it would have been faster for you to make a solid website than for me to explain it to you so stop stressing about it head over to Squarespace comm start your 14-day free trial and if you put in the link slash Indy mogul you're also gonna get 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain and we'll put that in the link in description down below but thanks again Squarespace and now back to the episode for this I think we need an audio expert so we'll call in Andrew everybody this is Andrew from Dede microphones going uh Andrews gonna help us out with the audio for this podcast everything we need to know about how to record it so first off Andrew this is our set here how is this location for audio by itself naked this is not ideal it is echoey it is a nightmare I can hear myself twice so the first thing I'm gonna do now that I'm here is I want to hear for that that's slapback how quick does it happen what kind of frequencies animate am I getting back I'm being a lot of highs we have heard concrete floor we have a hard metal ceiling you got slapping walls back in that are parallel to each other going here but I think what we can do is break up that location with our sound like it's really shrink the size so that audio isn't traveling that far so this is a furniture pad Ted okay we're all familiar with these you all sure this is a sound blanket okay what is the difference cuz they look exactly the same this one's black everyone out there wandering these caused about seven dollars a pop seven dollars a pop this I think was close to a hundred so we're gonna use both of these today but just you realize that if you have a bad sound situation there's no excuse so what I'm gonna do however she's gonna make this a gigantic flat surface I like to put the gobo head on the outside is then I could actually use the gobo ahead and use this kind of as like an extra clamp if I need to based on this frame it's gonna cut in pretty close I think we can literally just cut this room like this and like this like a giant a you could even use like a comforter from your bed yeah you know you're shooting this in your bedroom it's there pull it off put it up yeah easy enough so these right here these sound blankets we're going to lay it over any hard surfaces on the floor right we're gonna just lay this out as big as we can DS we're trying to get rid of any vertical standing waves that we may still be running into and now we are back and that's great it's dead yeah good room now it was just completely dead the echo is completely gone inside of our little bubble that we're worried about so when it comes to audio for podcasts what are the main tools that we need well you definitely need microphones and you definitely need a way of recording them so there's two types I brought a couple I brought a recorder and the shore sm7b s these are like legendary podcast kind of microphones they've got a his of being used in radio you plug them in to a recorder via XLR cable they do require a lot of gain though so the recorder you have to buy has to be a nicer more premium recorder just some people are curious they want to be able to hear what this whole setup sounds like let's do a little test here ready there we go we are now recording with this setup okay now sounding out of this we'll do a little test audio did we tell you by the way what our podcast is about Oh what is it about it's yoga and yo-yos I love that what you're hearing probably is a very full kind of rich proximity effect you're not hearing too much of my sibling s's you're probably not hearing too much on my dry mouth clicks right now because my diet coke is really far away well you're hearing though is a nice deep kind of gut kind of a guttural oomph to my voice now I gave Casey sub $1000 Cameron their beginning so you asked me to do the same thing if people can't afford a mic setup here there's $1,000 +6 under we're looking about plus two grand what else can we look at yes Mike - okay which is a traditional shotgun microphone and while everyone out there goes shotgun microphones are used mostly for like video right except for they're also very popular amongst voiceover actors and we're also going to use a special shock mount okay that actually absorbs a lot of the vibrations we're using radio arms so we can isolate it from the table going into a simple zoom h5 this is a classic handy kind of recorder and what's great about it is it's as simple as there's a knob you hit record not a lot to worry about so if you feel kind of scared of audio this is a great microphone recorder to get kind of into the space god it sounds good so what's the benefit of this kind of Center the benefit is cost number one cost and since of this whole setup is less than a thousand dollars can I go back to beautiful audio and yeah I'll do the ASMR right into here and I don't what I do want so if I get right up on that microphone and play with some of that proximity you can actually get that AM audio feel the closer you get to this microphone okay sounds good so I can hear it on the right and the left it's kind of alternating between the two that's normal right that's normal because I've got your microphone going to one ear my microphone go into another so you kind of individually listen to what's going on right there got it and this way in post if you want to you have someone that talks a lot louder than the other person you can bring them down my face a lot of course what's critical in this kind of recorder when you're using condensers is you need to have phantom power turned on a lot of people do they plug in and they go why isn't working it's the microphone it's plugged in right well there's certain settings you need to make sure are on and one of them is phantom okay so other than that is there anything else with the day before we're ready to hit the record button nothing you're ready to go okay sounds good so we are sounding good audio is all good to go and we're all done yeah okay come on here we go back in our set there we go where we are right now we're pretty much ready to record if we want to do an audio only podcast but I'm not going for basic hair we're going for a beautiful-looking a frame a beautiful-looking podcast so okay see what else do we need to do to make this ready to go I think we need to continue working on our set dressing maybe pulling some practicals I'm gonna turn house lights on real quick first yeah boom okay cool here we go so let's go shopping around here real quick plants are always great that's very like life earth-like just natural looking stuff we can make this work I mean we could definitely use this for sure that is a old office conference TV I mean if it works yeah I try it this big ones from Ikea and I think it's a $10 nice these are dollar 50 succulents frozen wow this looks pretty yoga II will get this thing here this is also an Ikea lamp but it's a lot better than it was before for sure yeah no it's pretty interesting we're really just dark on the left side of the frame so it could really benefit from some pop like we're getting over here with this practical so we do have some hanging lights here okay so how are these being hung up so we're just plugging them back here we've got one of those hand squeezers from before we're gonna use a hand dimmer which is like six bucks at Home Depot to drop the levels of these a little bit more okay nice looks pretty good so that's max power and then bring that down that's much more manageable that's good so what are we seeing in this frame that we can do this place up a little bit more well the thing that I really love is how the highlights here and his hair are getting nice and orange from these practicals but it's a little distracting because the glow that we have on the table the backlight on is in his hand it's this odd white light that doesn't seem to be coming from anywhere so I think if we gel the back light it'll feel like it's coming from those practicals and I'll help motivate that lighting so it feels a little bit more homogenous and hopefully a little less lit okay so this right here is actually a quarter Sparano we're gonna slip this into our softbox back here nice yeah that's not bad it's still a bit kind of like black or orange right now I would say if we can do anything to put some light and interest in the sides here our closer shots probably need some more kind of background and separation for these guys it'd be nice to do something where we can either use some gelled light or some colored light just because you've got that blue wall there let's do it okay so let's find something else we can add there to add a little bit of color so the goal here is to add a little bit of splash of color here on the wall yeah I mean a little bit of light a little bit of color anything to kind of help break this area I mean I would say even something as simple as just throwing this on the stand letting its play on the wall oh that looks awesome yeah so I mean right now that plant that you just put in there it's helping to silhouette that really break it up man I love it the only thing that I see that I want to change before we get something on the TV is that lamp right there the light that's coming out of the top of it looks pretty hot I am going to just take this lens cap in my pocket and I'm going to put this on top of the light bulb real quick okay tell me if that makes a difference of that oh it's huge do you like it yo yeah oh wow what a good frame this looks amazing are you kidding me yeah I'm digging it it's surprising how fast it turned around well let's see exactly what it looks like when we shoot it and we actually record audio for this now I know for a lot of you guys out there there's two ways to record this one you either do the audio yourself you have your headphones actually do the mixing while you're doing it or you ask your audio friend Andrew tell us when you're ready and we're good to go yeah what is going on guys welcome to yo-yo master that's my host yo-yo man KC Macbeth how you doing dude Ted I'm doing great how are you doing doing good welcome to the yo-yo podcast man all the yo-yos out there I've been waiting for you to come on this show KC one of the first time you started getting into yo-yos you know I feel like a lot of people I got into it back in elementary school they come to your show they come to your school they put on a show you get excited you get pumped I picked up myself a Duncan red butterfly immediately good but you know I just I want to offer something to all the guys watching out there I wasn't great right away it literally took me about four years of trying that yo-yo every Wednesday for years for years and then finally one day it clicked I went from being able to do nothing to within 15 minutes I could do a regular up-and-down I could shoot the moon I could walk the dog it all just finally clicked so I mean definitely don't give up on your hopes and dreams if you want to yo-yo don't give up you can do it as long as you have hands and fingers you can make it work everybody stay out there stay yelling we'll see you there thanks so much we'll catch you in the next one how'd it go how'd it go Andrew any tips yeah all right sounds good and just to show real quick that this look is more versatile than you might expect what about my yoga podcast great hi everybody welcome to blissful heaven the yota podcast the attempts to tune every one day at 6 p.m. today I'm here with guru and yoga master Casey Macbeth Casey it's nice to have you on the show thank you for being with us No thank you for having me here it's wonderful to talk with other highly attuned and authentic people like yourself I think you I appreciate that uh one of the things that we're working on today is to how to be a little bit more present in our day to day life and to start off before we do that I want to thank our sponsors BuChE BuChE the Booch company that really has been supporting us since day one so booj booj in if you're listening out there thank you so much for being a part of the show isn't that her boots boots they support us so please go support them as well absolutely great for gut health era vedic medicine i mean definitely try to start at a very homeopathic place absolutely so today i'd like to talk a little bit about the emphasis on the emperor penguins dance there's episode on how to make a podcast from scratch again seriously you have no excuse out there if we can make this ugly horrible warehouse work for both audio and video you can see we have any questions you can leave in the comments down below but also casey where can they find you best places instagram hit me i'm ik bro underscore FTW right on andrew get over here to andrew people have audio questions where can they find you as well I think find me on Instagram Andrew from deity right now sounds good also don't forget any muggle this I have the any mobile podcast as well which is our podcast or actually any of you filmmakers cinematographers all different it's artists that come onto the show every single week can find us on iTunes stitcher Spotify wherever you're listening to podcasts you can find us there as well again thanks to Squarespace for sponsoring this video start broadcasting to the world by going over to slash Indy mogul for a 14-day free trial and 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain but that's it for me I'm Ted this is Indy mogul and thanks so much for watching for all of you people out there wondering can you find a budget sound blanket online yeah see incidentally by that you know go buy black fabric yep oh sit those the list
Channel: Indy Mogul
Views: 504,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: what it takes, how to film, video podcast, best audio camera gear, podcasting setup, tips & tricks, budget video, how we shoot, BTS vlog, how to shoot an interview, job shadow, less than $1000, Joe rogan podcast, hot ones, inside the green room, cheapest way to film, under $100, must have gear, film youtube videos, audio video equipment, how to light, cinematography demo, shooting live events, three point lighting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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