How to Connect any USB Microphone to an iPad/iPhone

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if you've got a usb mic like this jetta here doesn't have to be a yeti usb mic could be any usb mic and you want to connect it to either your your ipad or even your iphone i'm going to show you how to do that and get great sounding audio now in this video we're only covering usb mics but if you've got an xlr mic and that's a mic with one of these fancy plugs i've already covered that in another video and i'll put a link up here and also in the description below anyway for those of you with a usb mic let's get to it so we've got our usb mic and like i said i'm using this yeti usb mic to demonstrate but it could be any usb mic and we want to connect it to either an ipad or an iphone maybe you want to do zoom or video calls from your mobile device but you still want decent audio in fact set this up right like i'm going to show you and your audio is going to be first rate you could even podcast the quality is going to be that good now to do this we're gonna need an adapter if your device your ipad or your iphone it's got a lightning port like most of them do you're gonna need an adapter like this and again i'll link to it below but if you've got money to burn and you've got one of those fancy ipad pros then you're gonna need a slightly different adapter because this doesn't have a lightning port it's got a usbc style port you've just gotta love our apple chops and changes things anyway before we set this up i just want to mention a couple of things about both of these adapters these the ones that i recommend they are the genuine apple ones and yes i know they're apple and i know they're way overpriced and yes it hurts to overpay for anything but the cheaper ones and i have tried quite a few of them i found them to be pretty unreliable so in the big scheme of things dropping an extra couple of bucks for something that's reliable at least in my opinion is money well spent and the second thing and again you don't want to be scrimping here you want the adapters with the extra charging socket because the mic is going to draw power off your device to power it and the last thing you want is your your phone or your ipad dying right in the middle of your zoom call or your podcast so spend the extra few dollars and get the right one the one with the charging port now there could be some phones some ipads older ones that have a problem even with the charging cable plugged in they just don't have enough power to run the mic now this is rare but if you stick around till the end of this video i'll show you to fix this it's actually pretty easy anyway let's get this set up so we've got our mic we've got our adapter and we've got our device our iphone our ipad all we have to do is plug the adapter into our device attach the charging cable and plug our mic in i'll open up the voice recording app on the ipad and press record you can see as i'm talking you can see the levels you can see the audio being recorded and with the wonders of editing here's what it sounded like you can see as i'm talking you can see the levels you can see the audio being recorded and with the wonders of editing here's what it sounded like that's not bad perfectly fine for doing a zoom call or even recording a podcast while you're traveling and it works just as well on the iphone as it does on the ipad now i mentioned earlier on that some devices older iphones older ipads they can have power issues they just don't provide enough juice to power the mic but there's a real simple fix to this what you need is one of these little powered usb hubs now it's got to be mains powered in other words it should have a plug that you're pushing to your mains power all you've got to do is plug your up into the mains power connect the usb cable from the up into your adapter and then plug in your mic into the usb hub the hub is now supplying the power and this will run any usb mic your device is getting the power from the hub and not from your iphone or your ipad so there you go that's how easy it is to plug a usb mic into your iphone or your ipad i hope you found this useful if you did please let me know in the comments oh hit the like button so until next time bye for now
Channel: Andrew Sweeney
Views: 108,706
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yeti mic, usb mic to ipad, usb mic to iphone, yeti mic to ipad, podcasting with ipad, connect mic to phone, connect mic to ipad, andrew sweeney, usb mic, course creation, yeti mic, yeti microphone to iphone, yeti mic settings for streaming, mic to ipad, mic to iphone
Id: 4uckl4yca4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 10sec (250 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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