The Easiest Way To Start A Podcast | iPad Pro Workflow Tutorial + RODE NT-USB Mini

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[Music] in my opinion podcasting is one of the easiest and probably one of the most fun ways to get ideas and thoughts out to an audience so if you're someone that's been thinking about making a podcast but perhaps you've been discouraged by the process this video is for you I'm gonna show you a really easy and affordable way to get your podcast up and running in as little as a couple hours and we're gonna do it all on an iPad now before we start even though I'm focusing on the iPad and in my case the iPad pro pretty much everything I'm about to show you applies to laptops and desktop computers as well and if you're on iOS this will definitely work with your iPhone so there's basically two main practical things you need to start a podcast and that's a microphone and a recorder in my case the recorder is the iPad pro and my microphone is the road and two USB mini this is a microphone that Rhodes sent me to check out and at first I had plans just to use it as my new desktop recording mic I didn't really need it but I was just hyped on how small and portable it was and this is what led me to realize I could totally just plug this mic into the iPad pro this not only makes a setup one of the most portable solo podcasting and distribution setups on the market it also makes it incredibly easy because the NT USB mini is a USB microphone iPad OS immediately recognizes it as an audio interface when it comes to sound quality the NT USB mini is fantastic I'm recording this voice over on it right now it has a nice flat sound out of the box and you can easily EQ it to match your vocal style it comes with a pretty cool magnetic stand but I'd recommend tossing on a microphone arm so you can get it nice and close to your mouth for a richer sound experience I can't believe this mic is only 99 bucks it's an instant buy for me if you don't already have a solid microphone I've tested a few apps now for recording and honestly my favorite is just GarageBand it's free intuitive and because it's an apple app it's well baked into the ecosystem of iPad OS plus if you feel like experimenting you can even use the built-in loops and sound effects to build your episode entirely in GarageBand trust me the new loops and all the sound effects are fantastic and to demonstrate let's make a quick fake podcast right now okay I'm gonna show you how easy it is to make a podcast using your iPad and GarageBand so we're gonna open up GarageBand and we're gonna start a new project and we're gonna use audio recorder and we're gonna select voice now one of the first things you want to do is click this little guy up here it's gonna bring you to the track view and when you're in track view you're gonna hit this little plus button because what we need to do is turn off song sections because if you have song sections on it's just gonna route all your recordings back and forth you get really really annoyed so just click on the first section and turn this to automatic and that means as long as you're recording the more sections will be added and you won't have to worry about it the other thing I want to do is turn off the metronome because that's just annoying while you're playing and now we're gonna dive right into the audio recorder okay once we're in here you'll see that it says lead vocals now what'll happen is if I record with this setting on it's gonna sound kind of funky and I'll give you an example so it'll count down hello and welcome to this fake podcast demo so if we hear this back now hello and welcome to this fake podcast demo it's very echoey and it sounds kind of stupid so if you click on this though or tap on it whatever you think you're not using it mice a mouse we're gonna hit vocals and then scroll down to narrator and now right away when you listen to this hello and welcome to this fake podcast demo it's just adding a little bit of compression that you can play with this to make it sound more compressed or less compression is going to give you that kind of Howard Stern radio voice kind of sound I will say that narrator is just the best out of the box experience if you just want to add a little bit of compression just to give you a little bit that radio vibe but otherwise all the audio stuff is built right into here and you can play with EQ and have some fun so let's just record an intro to a podcast right now so I'll undo that recording I'll put this back on to a narrator but the compressor about half way and we'll record a little intro hello and welcome back to this fake podcast demo this is Patrick Tommaso your host of the fake podcast today we don't have a guest we don't have a sponsor we have absolutely nothing on the show because it's a fake podcast here we go so now that our recording is done we can go back to this multitrack view and we will see that we have all of our audio here and if I wanted to trim stuff or edit stuff I could just quickly drag things here and there and I'll play this back real quick hello and welcome back to this fake podcast demo this is Patrick to master your host of the fake podcast today we don't have a guest we don't have a sponsor we have absolutely nothing on this show because it's a fake podcast here we go so what I could do now is I could keep recording so if I just hit record here I can start recording more of my audio but what I want to do now is I could actually just add some theme music so I'll hit the loops here and I'll just pick something doesn't really matter what it is we'll just play a track here this sounds kind of fun so just drag this probably around here don't start playing you can hear it kind of kick in right here but absolutely nothing on this show because it's a fake podcast here we go if I wanted to I could add drum beat to this too so I could just pick something here cool so I'll just drag this over and we'll have a start at the same time and so what happened now is we have a little kind of goofy intro track we have absolutely nothing on this show because it's a fake podcast here we go so now we have a little stupid theme song just using loops and GarageBand and what I'll do now is we'll just record some fake stuff that would happen in the episode afterwards so I'll click this track again and we'll just record so once again welcome back to the fake podcast where we don't have any guests or anybody or anything to talk about this is the show I don't know why you subscribed I don't know why you're listening to this but I hope you enjoy this fake podcast so we'll stop the recording again if we go back to our multi track view you will see we now have an intro a theme song and we have an outro or sorry a body a body of the episode so you'll hear this kick in not two so once again welcome back to the fake podcast where we don't have any guests or anybody or anything to talk about this is the show I don't know why you subscribed I don't know why you're listening to this but I hope you enjoy this fake podcast that's pretty much as easy as it is to make a podcast using just GarageBand and obviously you can see this is a super super basic podcast but at the core of it is that you can record audio you can edit it you can trim it you can do it or you got to do to it you can move it around you can EQ it more if you want to afterwards you can play with the tone and whatnot so then once you're done your podcast whatever it is you're gonna see here that you have it in your library of projects within GarageBand so we'll just right click this or you can tap and hold on if you're not using it most and then we will share it as a song and then I just use high quality you can play with everyone you can output a wave if you want to I would just avoid like medium calling and low quality or even the iTunes stuff for lossless I think it's just a little bit overkill so high quality is fine for me 192 kilobits per second and we'll just share and then you'll see it goes up with everything that you would normally see in a share sheet on iOS but you're gonna click open in this is a little bit weird this is just something with iPad that kind of annoys me because the file system is just bizarre within this thing but you're gonna hit open in and then this is gonna let you save it to files which is where you want this file to be if you want to upload it later so it's gonna export the song depending on the complexity of your project or how slow your iPad is this will be different so now you'll see that we can add this to file so I'll save this to files and then I usually put it on my iPad I don't really have much folder setup for stuff like this but I will clip keep it here in GarageBand for iOS because I'll just remember where that is so I'll just save this here and now it's in files so now if we're in files you'll see in the GarageBand for iOS that we have that my song there that which was called so we'll just rename that now to fake podcast and that's our file so this is something we could upload we can share around we can send it to other apps if we wanted to but we have now just created a fake podcast so if I hit this I can just play it quick hello and welcome back to this fake podcast demo this is Patrick Tommaso your host of the fake podcast today we don't have a guest we don't have a sponsor we have absolutely nothing on the show because it's a fake podcast here we go and you get the idea that's our fake podcast done entirely on an iPad pro and save to the files app for you to upload and share however you wish so now that you have an episode you might be wondering how you get your show up on Apple podcasts or Spotify so I did some research and I've come to the conclusion that the two best ways to get your show out our simple cast & Anchor I personally use anchor mostly because it's free but has some cool built-in features especially for mobile podcasters you can record remote interviews if you want to have guests and you can even build your episode entirely in the app using their editor but some might find it a bit too basic and I know others have issues with anchors licensing policy that's where simple cast comes in it's a paid platform and for some it's a bit more robust simple cast isn't an app but it works just fine in Safari although it's a bit quirky this isn't simple cast fault but I noticed that file uploading is a bit strange you can't use a built-in Browse feature to upload you have to tell your files app with Safari to drag and drop your file into simple cast it's a bit strange and annoying but hopefully it's something they fix soon look at the end of the day all this stuff is fun and cool but really my best advice for starting a podcast is to not overthink it come up with an idea or a format but just remember that your point of view and your personality is what matters most so really the best way to start a podcast is to just start thanks so much for watching if you like this video hit subscribe if you want to hear my podcast the link is in the description of this video if you have any questions you will find me in the comments and you'll hear me next time I feel like making a video Cheers [Music]
Channel: Patrick Tomasso
Views: 446,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ipad pro, podcast setup, podcast equipment, usb mic, how to start a podcast 2020, record a podcast, podcasting 101, how to start a podcast, podcasting tutorial, how to podcast, podcasting equipment, podcasting tips, podcast equipment for beginners, how to make a podcast, podcast microphone, how to record a podcast, podcast advice, podcast recording, podcast audio, how to publish a podcast, podcast tips, podcast 101, home recording studio, rode, nt usb, nt usb mini
Id: Ms8WxGpVPSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 08 2020
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