Best Podcast Setup for in studio or guests and co-hosts in two locations

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what's up tubulars want to talk to you today about some podcasting equipment that I think will be within your budget are pretty close to your budget if you want to actually embark on the podcasting Avenue so just to let you know if you're new here well first off you should subscribe because I'm gonna have more of these videos to talk about podcasting and other gear reviews and recommendations but what I will say is that I've been podcasting since 2011 2012 so I reviewed quite a bit of gear and I think I've actually found the setup that will help you start but also the gear that's gonna help you grow now Before we jump in I know that there are plenty of youtubers out there are plenty of you probably following them and they have not necessarily switched over to podcasting but they've add podcasting to their content marketing and their content strategy or just to provide some other type of format in addition to video and I have to say that some of the equipment that they're using is definitely a bit more expensive just from the start and so yes we can podcast from our phones and there are so many ways to do it on the cheap with just anything that you have around but I want to at least talk to you today about some gear that you may be interested in nothing is sponsored here I have spent my own money on all this gear so this is not an ad in any way now let's talk about the workhorse and that's the microphone that I'm actually speaking to you in right now and this is the audio-technica ATR 2100 now I love this microphone so much I mean is a cardioid dynamic microphone and dynamic in the sense of well and you can actually get this with the condenser and I don't want to get into condenser versus dynamic but you notice how like if I move over here actually actually shield it but then when I come in front of it it's great so if there's a little bit of ambient noise the microphones gonna do a great job of isolating that a bit but again I don't want to get into condenser versus dynamic that's gonna be for another video I love this microphone so much that I actually have more than one so why don't we take the windscreen off and talk about the start of this because I want you to be able to start podcasting and it's let's say that it's just you there's no co-host there's nobody that you're interviewing but the equipment that I am recommending to you you're going to be able to do that you're gonna be able to grow into as you start adding in guests and/or co-hosts depending on what your situation is but from the start let's actually talk about the capabilities of the ATR 2100 and we're talking about let's say that I'm starting a podcast it's just me recording into my computer software and whether you're a Mac or Windows user Mac actually has GarageBand or Logic Pro and you can actually use something like audacity and audacity it's free it's open source and you can use that for Windows and or Mac so if I'm just recording into the software of my computer then I'm gonna be more focused on this mini USB port here now yeah many of you might be like mini USB when's the last time I saw that well today so essentially you're just going to be plugging that mini USB into there and then what you're gonna be doing is the type-a is gonna go into your computer now if you're a Mac user yes you're gonna actually have to have an adapter so that the type-a goes into the type-c you'll see that the blue light is on because essentially it is powered up or it's in the computer right now so if I'm recording just into the software the computer this is gonna get me what I need and the price point on this microphone is around fifty to sixty dollars give or take a few dollars now many youtubers are recommending the shure sm7b and at $300 plus that entry point might be prohibitive to many of you so I think fifty to sixty dollars is probably a better entry point for this okay so let's say that your podcast is ready for the next level you're adding in a co-host or you're adding in guests now I'm going to talk about the virtual aspect like if they're not in the same room and you're like interviewing somebody across country or on the other end of the world or having a co-host just like that as well this microphone is gonna handle it along with the software it's going to be very easy but let me talk about the in studio guests or the in studio co-hosts so with the XLR inputs and I'm gonna put information in the description so that you know what things mean but for the XLR input essentially what you're going to do is take this cable and essentially plop that in there and if I actually have a guest or a co-host in studio I'll just take this the XLR male and put that into here to separate and isolate those two channels so I now have two channels because what the handheld is gonna do is it's gonna separate that audio in the SD card so literally when I put my SD card into the computer and put it into post I'm gonna have track 1 and track 2 and if I had more people in the room I'm gonna actually have three and four and so on and so forth and the one thing that I really like about this handheld is that if you see this adapter and if I'm shooting some video and I want like a shotgun mic there's a dead cat here but essentially this shotgun mic here that just fits right in into there and essentially I've got a shotgun mic that I can get some decent audio when I'm recording my video but we're here for podcasting now adding in a piece of hardware like that first off I think that it's a bit safer to do that versus software because software crashes and hardware is a bit more stable now the zoom h6 the price points might be a little bit on the higher side for you because we're gonna be pushing $2.99 to well roughly around 300 dollars for the zoom h6 now on the cheaper side you can actually get this zoom h4n for around $200 I'm gonna link everything below just so that you know kind of like what I'm using or what I'm actually recommending but like I said I do recommend a handheld recorder because there's so many things that you can do with this thing I mean it actually comes with adapter so you can do like field recording so if you don't want to bring microphones but you actually want to do a podcast and you just want to record somebody at a conference or in the field or just on the fly this is actually a perfect little setup going back to what I said earlier about the virtual co-host or a guest that is literally not across the street or in the same room but could be across the country or even across the world this microphone is actually going to be doing the majority of the work so the ATR 2100 paired with something like Skype I'm just using Skype as an example because it's something that I've used for years successfully so I'm actually not going to be talking about this microphone that I'm talking into I'll talk about this one as the example and so you're you're going in with the XLR into channel 1 and then the USB is plugged into the computer now you're gonna actually have to go into the software itself to make sure that you're using the ATR as your audio in and your audio out now it's obvious like if you're talking into the microphone into Skype yes your guests or your co-host is going to hear you through this microphone now we actually have a headphone jack on this microphone that is going to help with a bit of the magic so what we're actually gonna be doing is plugging in the eighth inch or three-and-a-half millimeter I don't know why it's you know people use metric to the Imperial measuring system like three-and-a-half millimeter to quarter-inch but anyway that's what it is so we're gonna we're gonna put that in here into the headphone jack okay now what we're also going to be doing is running this cable that's going to actually have ATS and I'll I'll put that in the description and that is you see there's just one ring that's actually what you want you want the tip and the sleeve now that's actually gonna plug into channel two of your handheld recorder so what you're gonna be doing is you're talking into this microphone and the person that you're talking to is going to hear you when they actually talk back the microphone is doing the work and essentially it's going through the headphone jack and then out to channel two of your handheld recorder so essentially you are isolating two channels so your channel you talking into it because remember this is going into your handheld recorder and this is actually going out into channel two of the handheld recorder so your guests or co-hosts is in channel two isolated for post-production now one of the big that I need to let you know is that there is a volume button on this microphone and essentially like if you toggle it this way the volume goes up and if you toggle it this way the volume goes down you want the volume all the way down because what happens is is that if I'm talking into channel one and it's going through this cable and then let's say that you're talking through Skype and it's going into the microphone and and then the microphone is pushing this out well essentially like when I talk it's going to be picking up my voice as well both in channel 1 and in channel 2 so make sure that volume is all the way down because essentially you're using headphones with the headphone jack on the out from the handheld device and that way you're hearing yourself and you're actually hearing your guests all of that's happening into the handheld recorder so like I said this is actually something for you to start with and to grow as you grow now a question that I often get is okay so let's say that I actually have multiple co-hosts or multiple voices on there can i I salute them all on that handheld device the simple answer really is that's going to be difficult because essentially what you're doing is you're relying on the software of Skype as an example it's just bringing that in like all together it's not separating that out so essentially it is all gonna go in a channel - now if you happen to actually have a co-host somewhere that can record locally and then you add in a guest now you can actually have your co-host record their audio locally and send it to you later for post-production and then your guest is really on channel 2 so anytime your co-host speaks you will be picking them up in channel 2 but if your workflow is or your interview style is that they they pause or they don't do a lot of talking over the guest then you can actually use their audio tracks separate so you'll have your audio track their separate audio track that they record locally and send to you and then on track 2 which is really going to be in track 3 and your post-production is going to be your guest from Skype so essentially like you would just cut out or mute your cohost when they speak and they come through on channel 2 of the handheld now I wouldn't necessarily use this ATR 2100 as a boom mic it's just not going to work well for that so this will be exclusively for podcasting and voice work but that handheld device the zoom h4n or the zoom h6 that's gonna really help you not only level up your podcasting game because you can do it in a studio you can do it on the fly it's battery operated and you can do some field recording but it's also going to help you with your sound design with your videos so whether you're doing commercial work or whether you're doing YouTube videos it is definitely gonna be something that you can rely on to help you with your sound design it's going to help you dial that in because the handheld recorders are really great because they actually have compressors and limiters already built in very similar to what you would be using into a mixer but not as complicated as a mixer so it's gonna offer you some of that benefit when it comes to your sound design anyway hopefully that wasn't complicated just wanted to make some very simple recommendations I will outline those steps in the video so that you know what you're doing when it comes to that virtual recording through something like Skype as always I want you to keep rockin faces do things that matter let's go get this thanks so much for tuning in and I'll catch you on the next one you
Channel: Kevin Ross
Views: 158,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, how to podcast, podcast setup, podcasting for beginners, podcasting from two locations, podcasting from home, record podcast remotely, how to record podcast with remote guest, podcast interview setup, how to record a podcast from 2 locations, podcasting tutorial, podcast recording, podcast interview, podcast interview equipment, podcasting for beginners 2019, podcasting 101 for beginners, how to start a podcast 2019, how to start a podcast for beginners
Id: 02rJZ-iwxkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 04 2018
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