How to Play Warhammer 40k [In Under 10 Minutes]

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i'm about to show you how to play warhammer 40 000 9th edition in 10 minutes hey man coming in let me show you how to play warhammer 40 000 in 10 minutes or less warhammer 40 000 is a space warfare game set you got it in the year 40 000. this is the recruit edition of the ninth edition of the game the game has been going pretty strong since it was founded in the late 70s to early 80s and uh pretty much everything you need to play the game is included in this box however i've got a simple demonstration i'm going to teach you to show you how to play the game now you have two forces you have the forces of the space marines which are genetically advanced superhumans there to rescue the galaxy or control it in their iron grip depending on your point of view up against them we have the alien race of the necrons who sacrificed their human form in order to be immortal my question for you is what do you want to play as do you want to be the space marines or the necrons mr james space marines okay excellent that's your choice they're your space marines now they are super human which is why you've got five of them and i've got 10 of these necrons but don't worry about it it's a lot more fair than it looks because your guys have two lives each now the start of warhammer is very simple we both design our armies and there are many many miniatures to choose from in fact you get even more in this box than we're using here but we're going to start by rolling the dice to see who gets the first turn so james if you want to make that dice roll and see what you get and i got a four you got a one skulls oh no so james you do not get the first turn of the game but i do so at the very beginning of the game you're gonna look at your units and see what their statistics are every single model in the game has a set profile and the first thing i'm going to look at here is m which is for movement i can see that i've got five inches which means my guys move five inches and i'm going to want to get closer to you so i can shoot you with my guns because got some pretty low range but high powered guns so each of my models moves five inches and all i have to do is just use a tape measure to work out where they go they can go in pretty much any direction as long as they end up within two inches of somebody else in the unit and now at the end of the movement phase i get to shoot my models the way the game works is i'll take my entire turn first and then james will take his turn afterwards so i'm going to check out the range of my gun and i can see here the gun i'm going to fire with is a gorse reaper and i have a 14 inch range so as i shoot my models i'm going to check the range to see how many of my models can shoot i've got 14 inches marked out on the tape measure and i can see here oh wow it looks like everybody in my unit can shoot so i look once again at the profile to see how many times my gun fires it says it has one shot it's a rapid fire gun which means if you were in half the range i'd fire twice but unfortunately not so i'm just gonna get nine straight shots now i'm gonna see how accurate my little dudes are at shooting i do this by looking up this statistic called the ballistic skill my skill with ballistics i can see it's three or higher which simply translates to every single one of these dices one of the people firing and every three or higher is a hit so i'm gonna roll these dice here and then because that's a great round of shooting i've got a one and a two which both missed but the other seven dice will hit so now we're gonna see how much damage my guns actually inflict to my opponent and what we do here is we compare the strength of my weapon against the toughness of their physical skin the strength of my gun is a strength of five and the space marines have a toughness of four because my strength is higher than their toughness it's easier for me to succeed i need a three or higher again if my strength was equal to it if it was strength four and toughness four i would only need to be rolling fours so essentially we're just gonna see what impacts this bullet does so i fire every three or higher wow that's a great round of shooting is a bullet that succeeded in potentially wounding the target so six of the bullets have managed to penetrate into your skin but we're gonna see if your armor save is capable of protecting you and we see that the space rings have a saving throw of three or higher so normally you would just have to roll three or higher on each one of these dice to protect against the damage however this particular weapon is specifically designed to penetrate through armor if i go back to look at the gauss reaper's profile i can see it reduces whatever you roll on the dice by two which means whenever you roll a three it's actually going to be a one whenever you roll a four it's actually going to be a two so you're going to need to roll five or higher on each of these dice in order to deflect this bullet which has armor penetrating properties roll the six dice let's see what you get james unfortunately the dice don't like you as much as they like me so these two sixes manage to defend against the bullet it bounced off one of the shoulder pads however the other four did penetrate now i mentioned at the beginning that these space marines have two wounds each which means sadly each one of these sets of two dice represents a dead space marine oh no that's terrible so that's the end of my shooting phase we can move into my charge phase where i can try and engage you in close combat but looking at these big meaty swords i don't really want to do that against you and so i'm going to say that it's the end of my turn the only question is have the casualties inflicted on your unit caused your men to run away from battle the way we do this is very simple you're gonna roll a dice and add two and we're gonna make sure that you don't roll above their leadership which is their morale check so these guys have a leadership of eight as long as their sergeant is on the board we can see a leadership there james do me a favor and roll one dice and add two and let's see what happens six oh no that would normally be terrible six add two however the space marines the sergeant has a leadership of eight as you can see it's almost impossible to make the space marines run away they still stay in fight because the leadership of eight is six plus two equals eight so your space marines do not run away however these two are dead now that is the end of my turn and we move to my opponent's turn james you have three space rings left let's see what you can do with them we start with your movement phase so in your movement phase they have a six inch movement so you're gonna use that movement to move them up and now you get to shoot now two of them have bolt pistols or heavy bolt pistols which is a powerful pistol but the last guy has a plasma pistol which is an even more powerful pistol so we're gonna roll for these guns separately and actually when you look at the miniatures you can see there is a distinct difference between the guns of the heavy bolt pistols and the plasma pistols and this is one of the coolest things about warhammer each model represents what they actually have so james you want to start by firing the two heavy bolt pistols now once again we look at your ballistic skill this time which is a three or higher it's gonna three or higher you successfully shoot my models good luck and fire oh dear double skull double ones which brings us to the plasma pistol now this guy is going to hit on three or higher just the same as them but his gun is much more powerful and it hits now we spoke earlier about if your strength is higher than their toughness i have a toughness of four on my necron warriors and you have a strength of seven it's still higher so you need three or higher even though the strength is so much more than my strength of five because it isn't double it hasn't made it that much easier yet so you still need a three or higher to wound me roll the dice james let's see if you can successfully wound my necron warriors three there it is once again we look at my saving throat see if my armor can protect me so if i can roll a four or higher on this dice i'll protect myself against that shot but that's not actually the case because you have a plasma pistol and a plasma pistol reduces my roll by three and because i need a four or higher to save myself there's no way i'm coming back from that the plasma blast hits me in the face and my model is gone i'm down to nine necron warriors you've finished your shooting phase but unlike me you really do want to get me in close combat james so we move into the charge phase so james what you're gonna have to do is roll two dice and roll enough to move within one inch of my model so as you can see here my model is just over three inches away so you need to roll a three or higher on the two dice in order to reach a very easy thing to do on two dice roll two dice that's what you do no double ones oh it was close but the three inches does get you in within an inch of my model so we move them there and we are now in engagement range at least with one of the models these guys are still too far away but that's okay because after the charge phase we move into the fight phase and in the fight phase you have something called a pile in essentially now you're actually engaged in combat you're gonna make the final move to get into close combat is a three inch bonus move providing at least one model is within an inch that enables you to get closer to the enemy and now as you can see we have three of your models in close combat and now we're gonna start using your close combat weaponry to kill my necrons now what we do is we see how many attacks each model has when the guns we look at the gun profile but in close combat we look at your profile because you're the one swinging the weapon we can see that you normally have two attacks but the sergeant has three so there are two regular soldiers that have two attacks each and we can see the sergeant has three attacks however they all have a chainsaw as well that's that nasty teethy looking sword you can see there and that gives you one extra attack in addition you are the genetically advanced space marines and space marines when they charge into close combat look at that big bulky armor they get an extra attack because of the momentum so as you can see here you're looking at a significant number of attacks there your weapon skill which is your skillet hitting with a weapon instead of a gun is three or higher james roll all of those dice and every time you roll a three or higher you punch a necron in the face with a chainsaw much better the ones and twos miss but every other dice hits that's a lot of hits james we're now going to compare the strength of you against the toughness of me we can see that your strength is four my toughness is also four so you're going to need a roll of four or higher because they are equal not amazing the ones twos and threes all miss but here we have four chain swords that manage to cause damage to my models so i now have to make four saving throws once again your armor penetration will reduce my roll i normally need four or higher we remember that from my saving throw earlier but your chain sword gives me minus one on my roll so i'm gonna need a five or higher to save myself every time i fail to row five or higher one of my models is going to fail okay so i have two five ohios so two of them that armor protect them so i've lost three necrons in this particular fight now i'm gonna do a pile in and fight back each of my models gets a three inch consolidation to get closer into combat and anyone can fight if they're within half an inch of one of your models or within half an inch of a model that's within half an inch that gives me one two three four five six seven now if you remember you had lots and lots of attacks unfortunately my necrons are not very good in close combat they're gonna have one attack each giving me seven attacks but my necron warriors being aliens are as good at hitting as you so i'm gonna be hitting on threes or higher sadly the twos miss and my strength is the same as yours and my toughness is the same as yours so my strength against your toughness will once again be a four or higher wound oh dear i've got one hit and i do not reduce your armor save if you remember from earlier space rings have a three or higher armor save james if you want to make your roll nice you saved i failed to kill any space marines in close combat at the end of your turn um you have successfully killed three of the necrons i'm gonna roll the dice and add three to see if any of them run away firebat three is eight but because i'm a robot i have a leadership of ten my guys don't get very scared we can always just repair ourselves later so if nobody else runs away but this now moves it into my turn and the game will continue like that until one of us wins and i can tell you now as an experienced veteran of the game i've been playing for about 31 years and i'm telling you now that those necrons have no chance in close combat against those space marines at this point the game is one for the space marines thank you so much for watching and that is how you play warhammer 40 000 in 10 minutes or less now if you'd like to learn more about the game and you might like to see us demonstrate a full-size game or maybe just like to get some more tips on how to get into the game and how to get the miniatures then we have a bunch of free resources that you can find in the description of this video you can go through click and check them out because we love helping new players get into the game or people that maybe played the game many many years ago and are looking to get back into it in 9th edition so enjoy the resources i'm adam from knights at the game table and i hope you've enjoyed the game you
Channel: Nights at the Game Table
Views: 462,745
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Keywords: Warhammer 40k, how to play warhammer 40k, warhammer 40k for beginners, warhammer 40000, warhammer 40k space marines, warhammer 40k armies, warhammer 40k gameplay, warhammer 40000 9th edition, warhammer 40k necrons
Id: 7z5f0d1VO1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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