Speed painting Ultramarines

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you wait two years for me to paint space marine on the channel and then i paint two in two weeks hey i'm guy you're watching midwinter minis and in this video i'm gonna try my best to achieve three things maybe four things first off i want to see if i can speed paint a space marine second i want to try and match the tone of the ultramarines from the space marine video game which is a little more realistic and battle ravaged than the pristine heavy metal style third lots of people ask how my battle report buddy ant paints up as ultramarines so i picked his brains and will be using a lot of his batch painting advice for this tutorial lastly we're going to try and raise a bit of money for charity for a huge upcoming project scott the miniature maniac asked me to come up with an easy to follow ultramarine's guide so let's kill four birds with one stone and get on with it the model i'll be using is this primaris intercessor from the first strike box set but these techniques should work pretty well on all space marine infantry i tend to find that natural earthy bases work well with the colour palette of ultramarine models so to begin with i applied some texture paint to the base using a moist brush to wipe away the excess from the feet and rims using a rattle can spray i primed the model black there are plenty of little secret undersides on the space marines it's better to simply go in after the initial priming with some black paint and catch the tricky bits by hand rather than clog up the nice details with too much primer i then added a xenothel prime i usually do this with a can of white spray paint but the sky decided to unleash a pretty massive thunderstorm just as i finished the black so i just airbrushed some white ink from above hopefully there won't be random torrential rain when you want to paint your ultramarines okay prep and prime out the way let's start the timer and see how fast we can get a decent looking ultramarine to take advantage of that nice xenothor prime i'm going to apply two very thin coats of blue paint in this video i'll just be using standard terms for colors rather than trying to get my mouth around all the stupid paint names that companies give them and i'll leave a list of the ones i used and good alternatives in the video description first coat of thin blue done a few minutes to dry time to add another one fun fact ultramarines aren't ultramarine like the color ultramarine it has a rich subtly purple hue to it if anything ultramarine blue is just boring old cobalt blue anyway he's looking pretty nice as you can see it's a much brighter more vivid color from above and a darker murkier color from below now let's add some quick shading i mix blue paint water and black wash in equal parts to create this blue tinted dark shade paint and painted the whole model well apart from the gun but it doesn't really matter if you paint the gun we'll fix that later this will seek out the recesses and darken them down even more but it'll also enrich the colour a bit too before it started drying i used a moist brush just to tap away the excess from the big smooth armor plates that i didn't want to be too stained nice now we've created a suitably grim dark base layer let's start bringing the blue back and add a bit of texture while we're at it using a bit of ripped sponge i dab some blue paint around until it wasn't much on the edge of it and then i started tapping the sponge onto the space marine's armor it's starting to look quite interesting a bit rubbish but interesting let's keep going i added a tiny bit of white to the blue to create a soft highlight color and then started dry brushing all over the model trying to catch the edges of the armor panels more than just rubbing it all over the flat parts okay time for color number two gold not now spandau ballet now let's just get out there if you're gonna be going fast you're gonna make mistakes and that's okay using your gold paint try your best to catch the aquila on the chest armor try to attack it from an angle that if you were to accidentally touch anything else it's the gun rather than the armor oh look i got paint on the armor anyway never mind we can fix it let's do the trim on the pauldrons while we've got the gold paint out though [Music] i also think this little cover on the power pack of the primaris marines looks pretty cool in gold as well i then mix grey and black paint together to make a nice charcoal tone and they use this to paint the little under armour parts at the back of the knees around the crotch armor and also to paint the whole bolter fixing any accidents you might have made just now with the gold if your marine has any little pouches give them a quick coat of brown paint if they've been given any of these cute little participation awards paint the wax part red and while you've got the red outs give their eye lenses a quick coat too don't worry too much about getting it everywhere we'll fix up the face armor in a minute i'm using a size 3 fat round synthetic brush with a hook tip i'm sure you can do a better job with whatever lovely detail brush you have after you're done with the red mix white and khaki together to create an off-white bone colour and paint the parchment if you've got a dedicated parchment or bone colour just use that though obviously now crack out your silver paint and start catching all of the metal parts i reckon the underside of the bolter looks pretty good in gunmetal silver and these little venti things on the power pack and the underside of the big venti things at the top of the power pack okay so we've got our quick base coats done now let's do a quick pass fixing mistakes because you're working fast all the paints that we just used will probably still be wet on your palette so it should be a pretty quick process use blue paint to tidy up any booboos you made on the armor and honestly if you were in a rush to crack out as many grim dark ultramarines as you could in a weekend you could just leave it here it's been tidied up it looks quite neat but it still has some pretty cool gritty character to it and it only took 23 minutes per model i gave the bases a quick coat of terracotta basically mixing red and brown together and rimmed it with black just so you could see how the finished model might start to look and that's not how the thumbnail looked though eh well if you want to spend another half an hour per model there are a few quick effective things we can do but before that i'd like to give a shout out to the channel's newest patrons ere rantalainen jeff jom milo smink eric hausel jack wood william boatman chris william hall kelmore codename zero chris ansel jacob hopkins eric sellers felix thomas mckenna's miniatures graeme strong adam tebow michael maycock dhaka god josh byrd rally payne girth quake and jordan blythe okay let's give this model a bit more attention and see how far we can take it in less than an hour i used brown wash to shade all of the gold red and brown areas on the model when you're doing the trim on the shoulder pad if you intentionally overshoot it a bit you'll also leave a nice dark border on the pauldron too which looks pretty great i then use black wash to liberally shade all of the grey and gunmetal silver parts if you're going to use transfers in your model now would be the perfect time to apply them as future weathering steps will make them look like they're actually part of the pauldron and not big bright designs that have been stuck on after all the fun the purity seal on this model actually got in the way of the transfer so i cut it while it was on the model itself check me out living on the edge after a few minutes i gave the pauldrons a quick coat of matte medium so that the transfers lost their glossy sheen and blended in a bit better with the surrounding area okay now let's make the gold look a bit more interesting mix your gold and silver paints together in equal parts and make sure it's nice and thin and workable and start to sketch little highlights onto the gold areas i've started using a detail brush here as it looks much better to use the edge of your brush on the armor trim if it's easy to reach edge highlight with the side of your brush if it's hard to reach don't bother speed painting is all about economy of effort you don't need to paint everything perfectly just a few areas painted nicely will really sell the effect now just using your gun metal silver paint again lightly catch any prominent metal areas like the top of the gun barrel in the exposed sticky outfits of the magazine to highlight the pouches i mixed a tiny bit of khaki paint into the brown we used for the base coat and just lightly sketched around the raised edges and using exactly the same bone colour that we used for the original base coat we're highlighting the raised ripples on the parchment it's been shaded with brown after all so even the original color will still look like a simple highlight in the same way you can just use red again to highlight the bumpy wax ridges of the seal alright now using white paint i'm going to fix that broken transfer you won't have to do this probably but let's keep the timer running anyway now using blue paint and just the tip of your detail brush scratch a few imperfections in the cymbals on the pauldrons this really makes them look like they're actually part of the armor and they've been worn away during some furious battle now if you're brave enough we're gonna do a simple bit of edge highlighting nothing that scary and we can fix any mistakes we might make but we'll mix a bit of white paint into our blue paint thin it well and use this new thin sky blue to lightly catch the edges of a few armor plates you don't need to do them all as i said before just a few here and there really make the armor pop you can see that i was a bit heavy-handed with some of the highlights here and the lines are quite thick or wobbly in places no problem with your original blue thinned a bit go back with your detail brush and just refine the lines a little bit painting from the inside leaving just a small thin highlight showing on the outside now to give the eyelenders a bit more fire i mixed a little bit of red paint into yellow thinned it and then just using the tip of my detail brush i just added a tiny smear of this hot orange onto the flat of the lens i then added just a dot of white at the edges of the lens just to make them look a bit shiny to add a little bit of subtle battle damage i made a very very pale blue from blue and mostly white obviously sinned it a lot and just lightly sketched out some cracks and damage here and there you don't want to go overboard with this kind of thing just a knock here and a scrape there will do yeah getting there now let's give the base some love a quick dry brush with khaki paint will make it look like a nice dry dusty environment and to really make it look like that hulking superhuman has been trumping and stomping around the place let's dry brush some of that khaki paint up onto his boots as well to make it look like some of the dust has settled into the cracks you can overload some khaki paint with water so it starts to break up and then just dab it onto the armor around the feet see it just seeks out those cracks and it's so thin it'll just dry like dust if it goes too high onto anywhere you don't want it to just use a damp brush to wick it away coming up for an hour now let's get to the finishing touches using black wash in a detail brush i just add a little bit of depth to the battle damage by tracing one side of the white streaks and i also just lightly pin wash the few armor panels at the blue sponging had gone into the recesses a little bit too much a couple of thin coats of black around the base rim and done to be honest i'm really happy with how this ultramarine turned out it looks pretty similar to the ultramarines in the space marine video game as well which i'm quite happy about if you found this useful please consider liking the video leave a comment and let me know what you think if you're new to the channel you might want to consider subscribing too i've got about 80 other videos most of them covering various warhammer speed painting techniques but lots of other fun stuff thrown in too so what was maniac's secret project well you'll have to keep your eyes on his channel too no spoilers here thank you so much for watching and i'll catch you next time bye for now [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Midwinter Minis
Views: 1,275,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: painting warhammer, how to paint ultramarines, paint space marines fast, easy paint space marines, easy warhammer, painting 40k, ultramarine game model
Id: JMeYn6Fw_e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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