How to Add Animation to Your ATEM Mini Live Stream

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on the last episode of create consumer repeat i explored the power of macros on the a10 mini pro and even give you a small taste of the unlimited creative potential waiting to be unlocked when you combine the right hardware and software so on this episode i plan to give you guys a deeper more thorough explanation of how you can get any animated graphic lower third or stinger on your a10 mini pro using obs before we get started you will need the following one an a10 mini pro two obs three motion graphics software such as after effects or final cut pro and of course last but not least a pc or mac with a secondary display with all that out of the way let's jump in as you might have already guessed the first step will be creating an animated graphic and since this episode isn't a tutorial about motion graphics i will be using a stock animation from final cut pro for those of you following along you can use any nle motion graphics software such as after effects or even keynote no joke step one since this tutorial is for the a10 mini pro i will be making this project 1920x1080 at 30 frames per second but depending on your atem stream settings you might want to choose something different like 60 frames per second once we have created our project we'll want to go to the tiles and generators sidebar once there scroll down to generators solids and drag custom to the timeline once on the timeline we can drag it out to the 5 second mark by pulling the handles or just hit ctrl d and the number 5 on your keypad followed by a period then hit enter obviously you can make the animation as short or as long as you desire but just keep in mind how long you want your animation to animate in hold on screen and of course animate out and one more thing if you're finding it hard to see what you're looking at on the timeline you may want to zoom in or just hit shift z that's a bonus tip once the custom background is on the timeline we can now head to the generator inspector panel and change the color to green preferably hex code00f900 but any color will work just keep in mind that green is the preferred color since it doesn't match any natural skin tone or hair color and hell if it's good enough for hollywood it's good enough for us once we have created our project and defined the background we will want to head back to the tiles and generator sidebar and scroll down to lower thirds here you will find a ton of stock lower third animations just select one you like but avoid anything that is using the color you just defined as your background and anything that is translucent it will end up complicating things and frustrating the out of you once you've made your selection drag it to the timeline and ensure it is five seconds long by using the control d keyboard shortcut i showed you earlier followed by five then period then the enter key or just drag the handle whatever floats your boat well float down here yes we do now to update the copy or other variables we need to head over to the text inspector to modify the copy and the tile inspector to modify font size color and most importantly ensure the build in and build out boxes are ticked this is paramount we will need to export this movie to our desktop by selecting share project in the upper right hand corner and selecting master file you will be prompted by other little dialog boxes just follow along and you'll you'll get there i promise now that we've exported our animation we wanted to play as a scene in obs thankfully doing this is extremely simple just launch obs and create a new scene by clicking the plus sign in the lower left let's name it animation example once that's done we need to select a source in the source window click the plus sign and select media source when the dialog box appears give it a name and ensure make source visible is checked i know this seems obvious but i just want to be certain you guys don't miss it by accident now that that's taken care of a window will appear asking us to define the local source which will be the lower third animation we created earlier in final cut pro and exported to the desktop once you've located the file ensure that restart playback when source becomes active is ticked and show nothing when playback ends is unticked next we will create a new scene and title it bg then create a new source and from the list select color source click ok and when the next dialog box appears click select color and enter 0 0 f9 0 0 or the color you chose earlier our animation should now show up in the main window which will allow us to right click and select window projected preview when that window pops up right click and select full screen and select your bdm hdmi or whatever you named your secondary atem display if you've gotten this far congrats we're in the home stretch and this is where the magic really truly happens let's start by launching the atem software control panel and selecting a camera feed for me that is my sony a6400 on input 2. this might obviously be different for you but you can just select your main camera input next we'll head over to the palettes tab and select upstream key one the drawer should slide open and reveal the chroma key settings it's here where you'll select your pc or mac input for me that is input 4 which i have named imac next we'll tick chroma sample which will open up a small representation of your input field click in that window and sample a color in our case that will be the custom green background we defined in final cut pro as for key adjustments feel free to use my settings but you may want to come back here and refine these to work better with your animation or the color you selected once we have defined our chroma key we just need to activate the key by hitting the key one and on air button with all those steps completed we are now finally able to trigger the animation by heading back to obs and selecting it from the scenes list and just like that voila there you have it an animation playing on your a10 mini pro live stream now i know this may seem like a lot of steps but keep in mind that once you have it all set up you will be able to run any any animation i'm talking lower thirds transition stingers setting up a telestrator playing full motion videos the possibilities are endless and to be honest quite mind-boggling if you're really creative and yes i am aware of the impracticality of triggering these animations while hosting your live stream but don't fret i've created an entire video on unlocking the power of macros on your a10 mini pro which can help you streamline the process you're welcome that'll do it for this episode and if you like what you learned or need some more clarity on any particular step please leave a comment in the section below and don't forget to hit that like and subscribe button it makes me feel all the feels i'll catch you guys next time
Channel: Create. Consume. Repeat.
Views: 43,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #atemminipro, #blackmagicdesign, #lowerthirds, #obs, #stingertransition, #howtolivestream, #livestreaming, atem mini pro tutorial videos
Id: a5APTSpBppQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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