How To Play The Worlds Afar Expansions for Eclipse: Second Dawn For The Galaxy

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hey everybody this is the world zafar collection for Eclipse and I'm going to teach you how to play each expansion inside this was packaged as one box for the Kickstarter campaign but inside there are lots of expansions and right now you can buy a few of them directly from the publisher let's dive right in this is everything in the Kickstarter box that has additional rules that you need to learn so in this video I'm gonna cover everything in these rural sheets starting with the minor species this adds the ability to form diplomatic relations with these minor species ambassador tiles so first of all you should note that they're the same shape as these normal ambassador tiles but the difference is that each of these gives you a special ability normally diplomacy is only used in four to six player games but my favorite part about this expansion is that you can use them in any player count so what that really means then is that these spots on the reputation track for ambassador tiles these normally go unused in a two to three player game but now they can be used for minor species to include these in a game it's really easy you just choose four of them at random and put them on the table during setup then at any time during any of your actions you can pay the money cost in the corner of that tile to form diplomatic relations with it so you just put this on your reputation track on any of the open ambassador spots and the ability on that tile takes effect immediately and it can never be discarded for the rest of the game you could even have multiple tiles if you want to but you're not allowed to take a minor species tile if you are the traitor okay that works exactly like all other diplomacy let's just do a quick run-through of what these abilities do but if you forget the rule sheet is pretty clear about it these I'll give you a discount when building things so a negative one discount for building cruisers and orbitals and a negative two discount for building dreadnoughts and monoliths this gives you a negative one science discount for researching alt X okay you still have to pay the minimum cost but it's a negative one for everything that's pretty strong this is just a white planet so you can put immediately any population cube on there you want and you don't need to use a colony ship to do it this is just straight-up three points this is one point for every ambassador tile that you have including itself and this is one point for every reputation tile that you have [Music] rift cannons are powerful weapons that you can only equip by researching this rare tech which will let you use the corresponding ship part or by finding this discovery tile which you can put directly on one of your ship blueprints now let's take a closer look at these dice the first thing you'll notice about the dice so that there's no numbers on them which means they are completely unaffected by shields and computers which is pretty interesting two of the faces are blank one here and one here so it'll miss a third of the time three of the faces have these solid starbursts so it can deal one two or three damage which is really good but here's the big downside is that two of the dice faces have these hollow starbursts which means that a third of the time the rift cannons will backfire and deal damage to your own ships so if you use these weapons you better have some hull on your ships to protect you from yourself so in this example I have four interceptors with a rift cannon two cruisers with the rift cannon in my dreadknot has some other type of weapon so my interceptors are fastest so they fire first and they actually happen to deal a lot of damage which is awesome but unfortunately I need to take three damage to my own ships and these get assigned to the ships that I have in the battle with rift cannons okay so that means my dreadnought is going to be safe because it doesn't have any rift cannons the other unfortunate piece of this is that I don't get to pick where this damage is assigned to my own ships okay it actually gets assigned automatically just as if I had taken damage from a non-player ship like the ancients so if you remember how that works I first have to look to destroy my ships from largest to smallest again excluding my dreadnought because it doesn't have any rift cannons so I'm gonna have to take two of these damage and destroy one of my cruisers with it now there's only one damage left so I can't destroy either of these ship types so next I need to put as much damage as possible from largest to smallest so this last damage cube is going to be put on my cruiser the other sad thing is that my opponent is going to get to collect the reputation tiles from my destroyed cruiser even though this self-destructed it counts as if my opponent had destroyed it one last thing you should know is that it's possible to have mutual destruction where the same shot that kills the last opposing ship also destroys your ship now if that happens in a sector where there was an ancient ship and a discovery tile then that discovery tile stays there because there's no one else left to claim it it can be claimed later if someone has a ship in that sector at the end of a future combat phase or it could be picked up immediately if someone were to take an influenced action to control that sector this pack adds eight new optional sectors to the game and you can use as many of these as you want in any combination except for the black hole you only ever pick one of the black holes not both so to use these you just pick any of these you want and then you add them to the appropriate ring stack shown on the back almost all of these are the ring 3 stack the only exception is this guy which is the ring 2 so that I'm going to add these and shuffle these into the main stack and I'm going to use and then you look on the back page of the rulebook to see how many of these outer sectors you use in a game and then you draw that many from the stack so what this means is that these galactic events sectors don't add to the number that you use in a game and it's possible that even after adding them into setup that you're not going to see them because they're shuffled randomly so now let's take a look at these in more detail nebulas are clouds of gas and dust and it's tricky to navigate through a cloud so to represent that here they split this up into three separate sectors on one single tile so that's kind of neat there are no planets in the nebula and there are no influence spots so there's no way to control it but there are lots of disk burries and an ancient ship if you want to fight it so here's what it looks like when you explore the tile you set it up like this now the discovery tiles though those work a little different so rather than being able to take them as soon as you explore the tile you have to move a ship onto that part of the nebula and not only that your ship has to survive until the end of the combat phase in order to take that discovery so there might be some scuffling while players race in and try to grab these discoveries but only the player with a ship left standing after combat will claim these discoveries if you happen to find an ancient orbital or ancient monolith discovery you can't place these in the nebula because nobody can control them there's no influence spots in the nebula so instead you should just replace these with another random discovery from the supply a pulsar is a neutron star that emits beams of high-energy radiation and honestly I have no idea what that has to do with what this tile does in the game if you can think of a thematic connection post in the comments I'd be interested to read it but essentially what this tile does is it lets you take one extra action on this tile once per round here's how this works when you gain control of the Pulsar sector you put your influence disk on the move spot and you can tell because this actually has orange markings on the top and bottom so it's easy to remember and this sector can never have more than one influence disk at a time then once per round instead of taking a regular action you can activate your pulsar sector by moving this influence disk to one of the two empty spots and doing that action that's shown so in this case I could choose to upgrade or build and if I choose upgrade I'd do that one upgrade activation then on the next round I can choose to take one of these two actions and moving my disk there a couple of last notes you cannot activate a pulse our sector after you have passed okay these actions have to replace a regular action that you take and these actions cannot be boosted by these tech okay these tech only work on regular actions supernovas are extremely resource rich but they're unstable and at constant risk of exploding so it's sort of a high-risk high-reward sector at the end of each round you're gonna roll dice to see if it explodes and with each passing round it gets more and more unstable but by advancing on your technology tracks you can keep the supernova stable so here's how it actually works at the beginning of the cleanup phase for each explored supernovae sector you have to roll two yellow dice and you actually get to ignore the hit and miss results this little symbol on the tile reminds you of that all you care about are the numbered results two through five and you want higher numbers okay so let's say for example I roll a 5 and a 2 ok so I add these numbers up to that that equals 7 and then I compare that number to the current round marker so in round five if I roll a 5 or higher on the dice then the supernova is safe it does not explode but if the sum on the dice is less than the current round number the supernova explodes ok so what that means effectively is that the higher the round is the harder it is to roll that number on the dice so it gets more and more unstable and more likely to explode later on so to help out with this though I mentioned there's a technology bonus so the way this works is you look at the track that you are the most advanced on so in this case I'm most advanced on the yellow track so I count how many texts I have in this track which is one two three four five so I get to add a technology bonus of five to the dice roll so in this case I didn't roll a two I actually roll five plus two is seven so I would be safe on round five in fact I'd be safe all the way up to round seven with this result now that technology bonus only affects the player who controls that supernova sector if you roll too low and the supernova explodes then absolutely everything on this sector gets destroyed okay the population cubes go back to their respective tracks the influence this goes back to the owners track and then this tile flips over and it becomes a completely empty sector with no wormhole connections around it now if you really wanted to though you could still travel there if you had the wormhole generator tech with these sectors you can travel through the abyss of a black hole to another place and time you'll emerge into a completely different sector on the board but you'll never quite know when you'll emerge so the first thing you'll notice here is that there is a discovery tile but it's not claimed by the person who explores the black hole instead it's the first person to enter the black hole will get to take this discovery and when you enter a ship onto this black hole sector it immediately stops moving and enters the black hole so you take it away from the game board so it's not possible to move through the black hole sector as soon as you touch the black hole you are sucked in and you leave the game board now this is where it gets interesting because the timing of when that ship will emerge is determined by this little chart right here so as soon as your ship touches and you leave the game board you roll this dice right away and if it's a starburst or a miss symbol then your ship will take one damage and it will emerge immediately from the black hole if it's a 2 or 3 then your ship will emerge after one round so on the next round it will emerge and if it's a four or five it will emerge in two rounds from now when the ship returns from the black hole it moves on to a completely different sector based on which black hole you're using this black hole is pretty straightforward it's just a one symbol which means that your can emerge onto any ring one sector that you choose that's anything around the galactic center that's pretty cool for this black hole though it's a little trickier okay this symbol is a picture of a half wormhole connection that's touching nothing so essentially your ship can emerge onto any sector that has a half wormhole connection touching nothing empty space so any sector that's touching empty space and has a wormhole connection is accessible by this black hole so this can be pretty powerful but once the game board starts filling up let's say I fill up this hole here with another sector then this one is no longer touching empty space so I would not be able to reach this sector with this black hole now let's do an example let's say that I explore here and I find this black hole this is the one where you can emerge onto any sector that's touching empty space so I choose to keep this black hole and put the discovery down but I can't take this discovery right away because it's only the player who enters the black hole first is going to take that discovery now it's Reds turn and red sees an opportunity so he actually takes a move action and moves his dreadnought in there before I can make it so his ship leaves the game board and he gets to immediately claim this discovery tile and then he also rolls a die to see when his dreadnought will emerge and if he rolls this four then the tile will tell us that his dreadnought is going to emerge two rounds from now so he just places his red red not to round spaces above where we currently are you could just put it right on top of the round track now let's fast forward to the end of the round right before his ship comes back okay as soon as this round marker advances then he gets to take his ship back but he puts it in front of him and at any time during this round before any action that he takes he can choose to return the ship to the board again on any sector that is touching empty space that's what this black hole does so he could return his ship in fact in this scenario he can return it to any sector he wants so he chooses to emerge it right here now if for some reason that red chooses not to return his ship this round or let's say the his ship would have to be returned after the final round of the game then this ship is considered lost in space and time and it gets returned to the red player supply [Music] these last few things we're going to talk about our Kickstarter exclusives so even though you can't buy these today I just want to emphasize that none of these are essential to enjoying eclipse they're just fun little extras you can add in these are six new discovery tiles and this is a turn order variant that was originally published in the ship pack one expansion to the first edition of Eclipse you could even recreate this turn order variant on your own you don't need these components to do it but let me show you how that works first normally turn order follows a clockwise order around the table from the start player but what this does is if you're sitting to the right of the player who passes first and around then you're gonna be stuck is the last player in the next round and there's nothing you can do about that so some players think of this as a little bit unfair so what this turn order variant seeks to do is determine turn order by the order in which players passed in the previous round let's say we're playing a four player game and the planta player is the youngest player at the table so they're gonna put their token on this white space to show they're the first player for the first round of the game everything is set up normally where the player sitting to the left of the planta is going to put their token here and so on and so forth it's just normal clockwise order on the first round but at the at the first round whoever passes first is going to have this little one token assigned to them so let's say the hydron player passes first because they want the technology's next round then let's say the Orion hegemony he passes second plant a third and then the Eridani so then you use these tokens at the end of the round to rearrange the turn order so hydron is going to be first and then your run hegemony is actually gonna stay there the Eridani is gonna move to fourth planta is third hydron is first so after you've shifted around the turn order then you take away these numbers and those were assigned again on round 2 based on whoever passes first second third and fourth so with this the game can bog down a little bit because now the turnover can jump around the table so everyone has to be paying attention for this really to work well but it is a more fair way to play the game so if you like this variant you can use this in any game you like if you find this discovery tile you take three money and then three of one other type of resource so with this I would not be able to take to science and one material I would have to take three science or three material or three money this discovery tile will give you one victory point for every artifact that you control at the end of the game if you remember artifacts are these symbols right here this discovery tile will give you one bonus victory point for every three victory points worth of reputation tiles that you have at the end of the game so if this is all you have at the end of the game five you'll only get one bonus victory point which is less than what you would get just for taking the reverse side so if you think you can get at least 6 victory points 4 reputation tiles then you should take this side this is a really interesting discovery with a symbol that we haven't seen yet this symbol here means that you will get to heal a damaged cube at the end of every engagement round so let's take this as an example say my dreadnought has the morph shield and this poor little red ship is toast here but let's say after I finish this engagement round if there's a damage cube on the Dreadnought then I would get to remove it from my dreadnought and that happens every single round so as long as you have some good hole that morph shield is really really valuable but here's one of the really important clarifications something I didn't realize before as soon as the opponent ship is destroyed the combat phase does not end there because you always finish the engagement round completely so after this ship is destroyed I would still get an opportunity to remove a damaged cube before the combat ends this jump drive is a very weird Drive that breaks all the normal rules for movement it essentially lets you ignore wormhole connections and jump to any adjacent sector even if there's no wormhole connections there now the other cool thing is you can combine this with other drives let's say I have a fusion drive like this now I don't have to have another drive this jump drive could be my only drive but if I combine it then I can mix and match these movements in any combination I want so I could move twice move move and then jump or I could jump first and then move twice or I can do it in between I can move one space normally then jump then move my second normal space so it's all very flexible but one last note you should have here in mind is that this jump drive only affects movement okay this doesn't allow me to influence or explore from spots that don't have any warm local connections and that's all the rules for the worlds of our collection be sure to check out my other Eclipse tutorials I've got linked right here on the screen and in the description below thanks so much for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: TheGameLocker
Views: 11,542
Rating: 4.9617224 out of 5
Keywords: Eclipse, Board Game, How To Play, Walkthrough, second dawn for the galaxy, second edition, new edition, tutorial, teach, learn to play,, second, dawn, for, the, galaxy, review, overview, explanation, Worlds Afar Collection, Expansion, Expansions, Modules, Add on, add-on, extension, pack, Kickstarter, box, Rift cannon, galactic events, Minor Species, Exclusive, rules
Id: azFkQl5XyyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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