Company of Heroes Gameplay 1

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all right here we are at the queue for the gameplay portion of combat theater for company of heroes and the game itself uh i did the rules part uh well over a month ago but since then we had a bbr excursion to oklahoma and then the midway game from hbg came out so there's been a lot of distractions but i thought i would get this video out uh and finish up this uh combat theater series on the company of heroes game and then uh i'll move on to the midway game we'll get some uh take a look at those rules and and some gameplay there um the sad part to this game is that uh being a kickstarter uh if you didn't already have it um you can't go to the store and buy it and i guess my assumption was you know the kickstarter gets the game off the ground and then it would go for sale you know in stores or online or something um but that's not the case so i learned something there um they are going to do a second kickstarter to offer this game to more people uh at that time so if you find this game interesting just keep an eye out uh for the kickstarter for company of heroes i believe the company is bad crow games and we'll go from there so you got the mission booklet here which has quite a few different you know scenarios in it uh small maps large maps and what they call here huge maps you know um and then they give you the setup criteria and then all the things that you would need to get that game going or you like this game here where i'm just going to take one map and uh we will uh play with the basic start uh you know of units and then go from there so basically you kind of play your own game so choose your maps you know choose your factions uh and then you know you just start from scratch and head at it you know set your victory points uh for this game we'll go with nine victory points so it'll be easy you know looking on the command board here 9 will be that for the ease of gameplay we won't use a commander but if you did you know you would choose your commander set them in there and and they have different attributes and different uh units and and vehicles that you can bring in as you uh ramp up your uh commander you know level them up so the standard setup for any game is as you see um you know you're starting on the one on your incomes and then your supply starts at four and then to increase it uh you know you've got to capture these points so let's uh start off with turn one i'm using the same setup for both sides uh two infantry units for the us and two infantry for the germans uh and then we'll add a special team i will add in a mortar team for the us along with a jeep and then for the germans a kubelwagen if that's how it's said right or conf wagon i always called it that but i'll have to look on the card but one of the interesting things about the two vehicles if you see there it has the uh like the red cross symbol like a you know medic or or a mash tent or whatever you want to call it but they have the ability to heal uh one infantry uh per squad per turn that's not in a building so kind of a good idea to get that on the board just for uh you know to keep your units alive so you've got the start off here well before we get there these command uh postcards you know for each nation there's three levels and then on the back you know it has some handy uh references and then this here is the round sequence uh which you know is real important to follow uh and this makes it real easy um you know maneuver phase damage evasion and it breaks it down a little bit and then supply phase and breaks it down and then you just go on to the next next turn so uh it helps so this this is a british one so we're not using the british faction so we'll use this here to uh keep my mind in order here as far as this the sequence of the turn order so in a normal battle you would have whoever has the lowest income would go first as far as spending their first three command cubes they're both tied so it says to roll off the dice and i think it's the most reds gets to go first so there's germany they got no reds us gets a red so us goes first so nothing big on the first turn uh you know one two we're gonna capture this command point so we're gonna spend two of our three cubes well we got one extra just for grins we'll move that guy there so that would be the end of that so now germany would go and spend three cubes which you know they are also two away um so you could mark them as a trail you know like if the u.s was coming here you know started there so you could do that's that or you just put it with it saying hey that was two it's probably easier to do it this way so that you know this unit has two it technically could move one more but it can't capture that point unless it's sitting there so it's going to sit there so germany will do the same thing spending the one and then you come over to the us i'm having to walk around the camera and really only needs to spend one to get into that one and then for the us first turn they're not going to spend all these command cubes because they want to capture these two points and same goes for germany so they spend that now you put out your cubes i've got extra for both but i don't have the units to move so now we're going to be done with the turn now you move on to the damage phase check for pinned units now only machine guns can pin and there are no machine guns on the board check for damage you've got to be within two spaces for these infantry sometimes you can upgrade them to get three spaces of attack in but so there no one's near uh enough for combat so we'll go on to the capture the control points well the us will make them blue put these blue flags up they've captured one uh fuel and one manpower so we're gonna go on to their little board and increase their income manpower and fuel and i believe looking at the germans that's the same two they've got so this uh map is is balanced in the fact of where the control points uh are and and what they are so no big deal um some maps are a little different and you also have the ability to to customize that by moving these flags you know and then just moving the control marker so if you didn't want to go with the the control points that are on the board you could certainly do that all right so let's move the us no i did i already moved the us let's move the germans ones up on their control points all right so we've captured we've adjusted the incomes now the next phase is to collect stockpiles so the us when you're going to collect you just go off your your income so they're going to go up two one and two and then germany is going to be the same thing because they captured the same trend uh control points so that means they have six manpower and that's usually what you're buying when you're looking at what to bring in so you want to bring in this jeep or bring in the motor well you know what you can bring in both because we have fuel so we're gonna spend four manpower to bring in the mortar team two manpower to bring in the jeep along with two fuel so we will mark our command board down to well it'll be zero and then down two so that means they're not going to really be able to bring anything in next turn so the purchase goes on the board you know on their side and i i think those are going to be good spots so for the germans let's see if their card is the same it should be as far as the the base card so it is four for the machine gun team and then two and two for the google wagon so we'll put those out and machine gun team we're going to put over there well you know what they're going to make a dash for that control point so let's put the machine gun team where we can cover that although not yet because that's going to be more than two away isn't it all right so that would be the end of round one we purchased units we didn't upgrade anything because all we did was spend i got to remember to adjust the german one here as well all right so they would be there right so we're good no victory points so round two let's scoop all our cubes off the board oh german one's already off all right so same thing no one has a clear advantage in income so germany they get oh two red looks like they'll be going first and one red all right so germany gets to go first so that is good news for germany because for one two three cubes they're gonna move into there for a victory point so that'll be huge and you can see those light green borders that means there's a plus one to their defense so for the us now they're going to need to attack this or they can come up here and get the uh ammo or they could go into that house um let's see one two three so we can get two units to attack that so that's going to be beneficial so we're going to move this one one two three all right so germany having three to move now we are going to go one and it costs two to get into a house and either way if it would whenever you move into a house that ends your movement for the turn so but it took them all three to get in there so it's no big deal so the u.s can go in here and be safe for the moment so i think they will they'll go in there two and then that leaves a third that we can move this guy up one so now we've got two fire teams i didn't see that that was a mortar team i am going to redo that because the mortar team fires three so we're gonna leave that there so it's out of range of that but it's still on fire it's more than that because this guy is spotting it my mistake i was thinking that was a machine gun team so all right no harm all right so germany has three to go for the final now i don't need to move this kooba wagon yet because the uh no no one there's no damage yet so we're gonna move our machine gun team up three in the machine gun team you have to actually point so it can cover these three so it matters which way that machine gun for the rifle the mortar it doesn't matter at all so the us by spending two here and one there and and the three which was actually two so they would actually have four left on this turn so we're going to move our vehicle up oh before i say that the vehicles these specific vehicles they have a special symbol next to their attack which is a speed dice so that means they get to move one extra so we put the speed dice by the vehicle and it would move one and now it still has three that it could move and i don't want to get it destroyed so we're going to leave it over here so really it only spent one and we have three left if we wanted to move these we could move more so that's an advantage so actually technically this kuber wagon could move one for free uh it didn't need to spin the dice so we'll move it up one in case we got to get it somewhere that is unseen right now all right so we are done with the maneuver phase we are going into checking for pinned units well the machine gun is not upgraded so it only has a range of two right now um so i if i have the means to upgrade at this turn i probably will um so they're out of range so these two are in range the uh attack here for the us for an infantry is one dice so we got one infantry attack coming there we've got this mortar which attacks with one he dice which is high explosives so it comes in there so they can only attack that so there'll be one back which is the infantry attack now this yellow is only on this side so this is no extra defense this attack going here crosses the light green or yellow so that gives them one defense dice so now we're going to look at the back of the other british command card and it will tell you basically the attack chart so infantry on infantry there is no defense dice so it's going to be an automatic casualty the mortar is h e so it on infantry is an automatic so right here is two two men from this squad will be eliminated unless i can roll a defense on this dice and the defense fails if it's red so there's two chances for it to fail and four for it to be good so we'll roll it and it is black so that means one of these soldiers were saved and one perishes here there is no modifiers so one soldier it goes down and that's your combat uh pretty simple um you're only rolling dice if you have defensive modifiers all right so capture control points well this one's huge because the germans captured a victory point and the u.s captured the ammunition and the ammunition one helps with the upgrades so we're going to increase the us one there on the ammunition and then the access axis and it's germany they get on the board with a victory point so they're the first ones to score a victory point the other way you can get victory points is by destroying units so that will be the end of that we've collected that we've adjusted our incomes now we're going to collect our stockpile so as you can see two so they're gonna go up to two they're gonna go up to two on the ammunition and going up two on the fuel no victory points so now you know i'm i'm starting to wonder right now if if they're rolling the dice is based off victory points first and then income uh and it might be either way they were all tied so germany is going to go up the one and go up to two they're going to go up one for ammunition and then two for for the manpower all right so looking at that we've adjusted we've collected our stockpiles now we're going to purchase and make upgrades so the machine gun team for one oh we didn't we didn't even do that um the other thing that you get in this game and let me grab some of these white cubes because they are considered uh experience points so you get an experience point for eliminating a unit and then you get an experience point if you damage any units so they damaged one and they damaged one so they're east get each getting one experience and if you see on this little tray you just drop it in there one for damaging and then you you'll use these experience either to upgrade units which we will or to upgrade your commander to get them to the fourth level um you know and sometimes it may take one or two or three to move them to the next level it just depends so let me put that us one over there sorry don't forget it which will be critical all right so what triggered me was when i was looking to increase the range by one and the the site in the range by one you need one experience token or cue so we're going to spend that and our machine gun now effectively has a range and a view of three so we'll put that dice with the extra range and extra fire or extra view so now these guys are in trouble if they don't move but i think they would move into the heavy cover here would be the wise wise maneuver all right so that is an upgrade we could upgrade that german infantry to a bazooka so they would get an he shot as well or no that's not a bazooka that's like an infantry mortar um i don't think i want to do that just yet that would be four of my six so i'm gonna i'm gonna hold off on that let's look at the american card and uh see what they're gonna do all right so for an upgrade all right well here we go the americans are going to use their experience cube to upgrade an additional he shot so that mortar now will get two shots that's going to be that's going to be pretty painful so we're going to spend that cube and we're going to put an additional he shot on the mortar and that basically just reminds us you know hey we got uh we got extra rounds to fire so we'll take off our cubes all right movement cubes all right where's the other three right up here all right that's that's the end of your round two right uh neither side had enough uh stockpile to purchase more units so we're gonna play with what we got on the board uh so we go to the maneuver phase well i think that it's the team and i probably should look that up and i don't wanna well you know what i'll just edit that out and i'll look it up real quick all right so there you have it it's victory points so it's victory points first then it goes to the income so germany has one victory point that means u.s gets to go first so what will the u.s do they don't need to move their mortar this jeep can go one and then spin you can go through another a hex with a unit but you can't stop so only one unit per hex so two would put it right here and it would have a third left so we're going to heal a guy on that that unit there um these guys are going to be coming under fire so we're going to back these guys up into this building so they're going to go one oh they only have one never mind we'll finish that move when we have cubes available all right so this unit here is going to be in trouble if it stays but it's a victory point so we are going to move our heavy machine gun in there for sure and then we're going to back these up one now they could come in and get that so i think we'll stay [Music] our medical vehicle moves one for free two three so that puts that there now the u.s will go and they're going to spend two to get up into this building now here's where germany's got to make the decision and it might have been wiser for the u.s to go from here into that victory point now that i see that because germany can pop out of this building claim that victory point even though they're going to get shot once yeah well that's one of those things that when you're playing both sides and you're filming you don't exactly see hey no need to bark there bud just go on up and check out who it is all right so yeah germany will move in that that's gonna give the germans an unfair advantage i think uh going forth here uh not gonna move not gonna move i say that let's back up so we can at least heal one guy and then the americans as you can hear the dog going wild up there someone must be at the front door all right so the american move it does seem i mean that squad's going to be wiped out they may not capture it if they're eliminated they're going to have one damage two damage and then this uh kuberwagen actually has a shot too so there's gonna be three damage and there's three guys they'll get an extra dice for that cover uh plus this machine gun is gonna pin them so they can't return fire whoops but they will capture the victory point if they survive but they're going to lose the squad so things things are not looking good here for the us we could move this mortar over one two that'll give it a shot at uh these guys we're doubling up on them uh which means this guy that's the problem of the flags that means this guy really to get out of that machine gun should come here and that's going to be the third third movement right two there and one there that one up in the building that's three that's already moved two so that leaves them with one that they're not using and the germans i don't think the germans are going to move uh oh all right here's another thing where you're filming and you're not paying attention severely the germans have another move they move this machine gun up one two three with that added range now they're pinned and they can't fire there and they're in the open so they're gonna automatically lose a guy so as you can see the americans have found themselves in quite a pickle already all right well i think that's where they're going to stay because they're he's going to heal he'll heal and they'll be punishment on those guys all right so that's the end of that now we're going to look at some combat so because of the additional range the first thing you check is pinned they are pinned so they cannot fire that is a stinker because they could have moved here and still fired one two three all right so my camera kicked off for some reason and um i'm not really sure where i was in the speaking i i did adjust this mortar back from being in range of that machine gun um now i guess to be fair i the germans still had another move so but they're gonna fire at these guys because they're three away so we'll we'll pin them but they were had no one to fire anyway all right so i was going over the hd shot and the standard he shot is you just put down that in the advanced you roll to see if you hit so if you get two reds well you miss uh if you get a black one of the two blacks you get one hit but if you get one of the greens then there's two greens you get two hits so i kind of like that because say on this one here you have two shots well there's a miss and one hit so what that means is one guy goes away because he was hit and that's a miss uh then you have the infantry that takes one guy away so now they're down two guys uh and then the return fire for these germans into this building is one infantry and there's a building here so the building gives them two defensive dice so anything but red is oh oh wow so neither one of their defensive dice worked so they do lose a guy so germany down three guys us down two now you've got this one here there is a yellow line there so the pin dice you still get the attack which is one infantry but you got the yellow line so that'll be one defensive dice roll which is not so there's your casualty so after round three i think [Applause] each side has lost three infantry the downside is germany has two victory point uh hexes so capture control points so here's where germany takes a huge lead and probably i'm gonna guess the game so germany increased there i think the whole table moved when i leaned there increased their income to two and none of the other things increase so when i do their stockpile the manpower goes up four ammunition goes up one fuels up two and then now germany goes up to three on the victory points so kind of a big deal at the beginning when i failed to get us up to that victory point or the other one and now you see the fruits of that mistake all right so up two up two and up two so they've got quite a bit that they can buy and bring on this turn which collect stockpiles we just did purchase units and upgrade well being next to this jeep and not in a building they will recover one health same thing for the germans here from that cool wagon so there is that so we've got our health so us we're looking at and they each get a experienced cube we put that over there so i don't forget because they each damaged a unit all right so what we could do is upgrade our second uh tier command post to get these additional units which is a machine gun and a tank gun or a m8 greyhound scouting vehicle which as you can see has got some decent firepower and a speed dice so it gets to go an extra extra speed so for one manpower and three fuel which they have us will upgrade its command post to level two so let me move these down and they're gonna purchase the command car the greyhound for three manpower which is all they have and two fuel all right so they're back down to zero on manpower and down to two on fuel but their ammunition is high they're at nine on the ammunition so what would be appropriate here is to upgrade the mortar team [Music] with a speed dice so they i don't think i want to do that i'm going to upgrade that infantry here to a bazooka so they can fire an armored piercing or an additional infantry so we'll upgrade this unit uh here and i'll put that dice so that that means they get an extra dice now they probably won't ever use that armored bazooka unless germany gets you know uh well if germany gets like an army car in there they might so for germany they're gonna upgrade i mean looking at theirs they have they have an armored car they have a mortar team i want to get that mortar team in so we're gonna upgrade their command post to level two which costs the same one manpower three fuel so that moves their fuel down to five and they're manpowered to one and we don't have enough to buy the mortar team just yet so that's a stinker we can however our panzer grenader troops here we can for one experience we can upgrade one of them to an extra range and visibility so we'll do that so we'll spend our cube and the one that's up to four over here so now now you can see germany's really got this one locked down uh that victory point whereas here uh with two guys they're kind of in trouble and we're gonna have to back out of that one for sure which i'm sure the americans will come in and get it because they kind of have to i did not look at us upgrades with their experience all right so we're back um not sure exactly where that card uh my memory card was full so i was at the end here when i was talking about spending this last u.s cube and i decided to wait uh because it actually takes two experienced cubes to do one of the upgrades that i was thinking of so the other thing as i was trying to find my space i realized that on the german command card i moved when i upgraded that command post i moved their manpower down to one and it should be three because it only cost one to get it so i made that adjustment
Channel: Hambone HQ
Views: 1,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jZDBUzlxxQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 48sec (2208 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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