Eclipse Second Dawn for the Galaxy KS Playthrough Preview

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hey welcome have games I'm Anthony I don't bring this today we're gonna play because its second dog done for the galaxy we're going to take the Alex maybe maybe maybe I will I may be a galactic center mmm all right so I'm eclipse second dawn for the galaxy is the second generation I guess if eclipse right yeah so designed by Toco Toco Callie oh and publish to here in the States my colossal games so it plays two to six players in anywhere from 60 to 200 minutes alright we're gonna keep it at 60 what something okay alright so join us at the table and we'll show you how please [Music] all right welcome back so eclipse you ready to play oh yeah all right so if you don't know what eclipse is it is a Forex game so we are going to explore we are going to exploit exterminate maybe maybe the other experiment yes so basically we are different spacefaring races that are competing for space right so we're gonna be colonizing planets we're gonna be exploring we're gonna be locating and discovering ancient species of star technology yeah and technology is researching along the way managing our resources all in sort of a race to control as much of the universal in the galaxy that we possibly can right we'll take you to the set up keep in mind these are all prototype components mm-hmm this is currently on Kickstarter so take a look at the table and you'll see we have a ginormous player boards we are taking up a lot of real estate here and we've got this area here which is where we're gonna be placing our tiles and doing all of the action yeah all this is all the space so I don't really want to spend a lot of time going through how to play Eclipse because yeah we're gonna show you how he's playing and yeah yeah I mean there's videos on how to play the game Eclipse and there are a few changes in this one and we'll try to note those as best we can yeah as we go and you'll notice right off the bat that the components the boards everything looks very different much shinier I think right so real quick we'll go over our races our player boards the setup and then we'll jump right into it so I'll start I'm the hydrent progress so it's a very almost elephant elephant elephant man looking race and our strength is essentially technology so we are we start with six of this science and on the left here this is the resource board you probably haven't seen these yeah these are really awesome I think and the three main resources are science materials and money and I don't have the same little tracker the fancy 3d printed yes is what it will look like with like the nice tracker so I'm just using meeples on this track to the gallerist from the man maybe it's right because they're the perfect colors right so the pink is gonna represent science the orange is money and the brown is material right so I start and he tells you everything you start with so I start with six signs two material - money so we have a starting system and my starting system is it comes with two planets right one that generates money and one that generates science now this simple here if you know you play this game is the advantage science symbol and I can colonize that planet because my starting technology is advanced labs right so all of our technologies are gonna go here all of our ships are gonna go here and all of our ship blueprints are slightly different another one of my special abilities is that I get to actually take to research actions on my research action it's like to do it twice which is huge which it can be but that's kind of like the overview I get three colony ships and I think that's really all the specialty I get oh yeah so I'm planta planta yeah so I'm mr. basing like a green species like some kind of moss or something else but essentially why my faction is like very exploratory so I start off with an excess of material side for materials to start off with I've three science and two money but I do start with four colony ships inside your like your three those correct and my bonus is that I can when I explore I can actually explore two tiles and at the same time what I'm saying turn which is kind of nice and I also start my technology I start with some military tech I have a starbase you do it's nice for me too because that means I can start defending right away and not talk to anybody these days right another benefit is on her ships uh she where she doesn't get surely as many slots as I do on some ships she does have this upgraded power generator and computer in oneself yeah so instead of heading for sex I can usually get away with hitting for like five or four depending on how much more about I will explain how the dice rolls work once we start playing so if we jump up here real quick well this is the last bit before we start we have our starting systems in the center is this awesome mini of the galactic center defense system it looks like a death it looks like a half-built Death Star and your far left you're gonna see that's our technology track right or offer in our round track so this is obviously this is a printed piece of paper they printed out the real version is gonna be a plastic game tray Randy will actually sit all the tiles and similar no well they can't see that either it's kind of off yeah we have left inside but it's a really just a storage thing this isn't the official one this is just what we're holding all of the components for upgrades so so that's it we're gonna get started and you're gonna be player 1 yeah we can kick right in okay all right and one last thing the the starting setup is you pull 12 technologies out of the bag not rares any rare technologies go back in the bag so those are all basic technologies to start and that is it uh and for a two-player game there are only five level three or rings sorry green outer living planets well we hope there's plan eyes on them yeah well we'll call them things we're gonna start there because I'm gonna take my turn and I'm going to take my first action to explore so the way this works is down here we have our actions and you can do an unlimited number of actions on your turn the only caveat is depending on what you uncover that's how much you're gonna end up having to pay at the end which exists so right now I'm just going to take this action to explore and again I can explore two tiles so first I'm going to decide what kind of area I want to explore so I think I'll take a okay a level two to start please right so anything around the center such as that touches this level one everything in the next ring jar and then everything after that design is that right so I uncovered this epsilon indi planet system so I can connect this in any way I want to my current tile that I'm I've colonize well they've influenced on um with with the exception that I have to connect one of these warp gates to or wormholes right into my one of my wormholes and I only have it when I only have one that's in the level two section so I will put the sky maybe like that that is maybe like that cuz I could mean probably more options maybe more like that that is that why there you go alright so this goes on there but actually I'm gonna decide to colonize this planet all right so you if you see that symbol it gets one of these discovery tiles to claim it you don't you don't even have to to control this sector in this version you can just take it yeah so you want to actually get it yep so I get this tile but I'm also going to choose to to colonize it so Duke controller it's a control I mean so but I'm also gonna colonize it on there and that's a brown planet it's my planet so I use my money wait a minute no you're already that's okay I'll take that I seized my material cube and then I have gained an inversion shield and what this does is it gives me a shield of minus two so when I am attacked with him in a fight and my opponent rolls they get a negative to birth unless they hit me which case they died maybe not and then this also gives me two energy so I have to figure out where to put that and I'm just gonna wait not taking up a lot of time exploring well I join you have to decide well you just have to decide if you're gonna use it as a technology I don't work you're gonna take it for the two victory points yeah I know so if you if you decide you're gonna keep it now you're keeping it if you decide you want to take it as points I know but I don't know where I'm gonna put it yet if I want to put it but you definitely keep it yeah yeah I'm definitely gonna keep it well then I can go well then we decide to explore another time oh you do that's why I was just gonna sit here until I finished my exploration that's right okay that makes sense all right so I'm gonna explore now a level one tile please all right yes okay so this is pollux so this is gonna go like here I think that works right it fits good face it sure it ships right here actually - depends on where I think I'm gonna like put people and I'll put it in there all right so he's got those on both sides I don't have worked up here I'm just like that there we go all right cool um and I'm gonna colonize that planet too oh you forgot to flip your ship oh yeah you should one two correct so every time you colonize you've to flip a colony ship and I have four of them and I just colonize three times so I'm gonna flip three of these those refresh at the end of the round but it's kind of like cuz that's like your people are you you're sitting on the ship yeah these are people you're putting population their population cube so you're putting them out on the planets and those planets are going to produce whatever the respective color is okay now you can go and I'll determine where I woke up are you a virgin yet all right so I'm gonna go ahead and do my special ability and research so I can do two researches and I have six science and storage so I'm gonna go over here and purchase two of these technologies so there is a high cost and a low cost and depending on how far out you get on your technology track they'll you'll start to get discounts right now I don't have any except for in the nanotech which would give me a minus one discount which would be on these the lower number here is the minimum you're allowed to pay for it so you can only get discounted so much but I think what I'll do initially is buy this fusion source probably only be able to afford this but this is gonna cost me four because it's my first grid tech so I'm down to two now and this is just really a new fusion drive that fusion power I guess like a reactor it's gonna give me a six energy because my ships are really tight on energy and you can't really upgrade them too much unless you list your boost the energy I have two more left so I think I think I'm gonna hold on to him I'm not gonna use my double technology action because there are better ones out there and I don't really want neutron bombs neutron bombs are good if I'm gonna actually go after Francis's territories I'm taking over her planets but we don't tend to do that so I think it'd be a waste right now so I'm gonna could try that and my action my turn I might just have to build a starbase we'll see about that aye sir these cost three materials to build it does yeah hmm pardon me let's explore again but I don't know I don't have like a lot of resources right now I'll go ahead and I'll explore again okay so you can take the same action in more than one time you can as many times as you want to spend influence tokens huh because it just gets more awesome I'll start off with one please all right there you go Oh oh that's a good one reveal some ancients yes so it gets interesting i revealed two sets of ancients yes eventually two of them on this tile so we're gonna get two ancient ships and they are gonna just hang out in the sector that sucks all right so if you want to control that you're gonna have to go take them out yeah and I'll take a a - what - there you go you cannot put it there oh no I can't you have to explore right so I couldn't have even taken this tile well I went down here yes no yeah because oh no because one's gonna go over here was I can't really take this all right I'll show can you shuffle back in yeah what do you what would you like so I guess I'll take you could take a little read I'll take I'll take a three-hour technology sky like out here you get another discovery to the tile okay magma colonize books did you get the tile better yeah so get that right yep you get it and that is eight materials eight money Oh money the I can't really descend the orange like Browns so you're gonna take the money yeah I'm gonna take that alright I'll take that though was eight right it was eight was it your second yes yes it was alright so I am going to explore as well then so I will where am I here I'm gonna do one let's go in a little bit closer ah that's perfect that is just just perfect I think okay and I am gonna definitely take control of that and I'm going to use two of my colony ships hmm to do money in the science and colonization and as you take these these population cubes off your board you'll see your income will start going okay so it's the whole whole premise of doing this it's like your income in them thing goes up because you're colonizing planets of that type right but then it costs you more to run those planets because of your copiers you're controlling them motorcycle thinness to you alright I am all right ffs you're gonna pass okay so then you get the starting player hey we didn't put our out by the way oh we get a sorry you know what we didn't do that so we we started at set up with one interceptor on each when you're starting a system isn't it yep mm-hmm nope don't forgot to do that ya know cuz I was like maybe I'll move I was like okay those guys they're pointed right at me tell I know this perfect no they're not pointing at me okay so uh I am NOT gonna pass I can keep going until I'm done so I'm gonna do an upgrade action because I have these fusion source draw reactors that I want to put actually I just made a bunch of money this time I probably shouldn't have quit so I've got a future source and you're allowed to do to upgrade it to upgrades on your ship so you can pull stuff off when you put too long so I'm gonna put them on my cruiser I want to replace the nuclear source that was three three power now it's gonna be a six I'm gonna do my dreadknot from a three to a six power so now I can actually put some bigger components on these ships and I think that's gonna be so I'm making for box I could take one more action I think whoo this is really getting a little scary I think I'm gonna do one more I'll stretch it I'm gonna do an explorer action and I'm gonna do a number two tile so two is gonna be here oh that is a good good yeah so sweet I'm going to take control and I'm going to actually I only have one more colony ship though so I will put this on the money planet now I'll end my turn yeah okay probably cuz you can that you can do yes reactions actions yeah you can do upgrades builds or move one inch if you wanted to it's up to you you join a bill to ship C but you're still gonna spend influence to do it be only gather that one you can build one show yeah I guess I suppose can't hurt right yeah what I really just wanted to take that thing oh really yeah you can upgrade you can build or you're killed and I'm using this build which isn't only one build you cannot build two things that is right oh no I'm not gonna sex I don't have the right materials to do that oh you don't have enough yeah we have four and I would probably okay George we can end the round that's no big deal fine okay all right so we are now at the end of the round so they're normally now if there was any ships in the same sector we would do combat but there is no combat not yet so we are pretty much done so we have to do upkeep and upkeep is basically paying money so the first thing you have to do is really just pay what you owe so I owe seven bucks I only make six but I have two dollars in storage so I'm gonna actually just pay one dollar and I am gonna take my stuff now so I get four materials and I get sick science hey you paid your upkeep okay okay and I didn't take so I get for science one two three four then I get six dollars oh no I don't get six dollars okay I get two materials wow that's so terrible so look before God I need it I need to start I need to start doing stuff all right so we flip back our colony ships yep return our disks from our actions so they go back into your Trek okay and then we're into a five more technology tiles from the bag and we'll put them out on the board all right so we've got improved this is a rare model with's came out the artifact key [Music] artifact keys cool it is alright so that is it your player one and we are ready to start round two it's really simple yep take it away alright I'm going to you are but okay um I'll take it to a two this time you can get to it this time that's a good one Oh ooh I just don't like that I can't really get to it though right there what do you have to get to it not really I guess not I'm not going back to the planet and like taking off show you we're gonna pick up our cache materials I will call myself later so I think I get a oh no there's no there is no discovery tile but that's a money planet to colony ships Geelani lips out to the galaxy you can do it again yes I am and I will take oh that's why I wanted to spin him if I'd spin him like this I have a better shot at being able to build off of them okay yes you want another - no I wanna want to be a little one okay there you go oh alright that's not too bad that's one not very good it's just one ancient your tile and your ancient aliens they are ancient aliens okay I guess I will research I have six points to spend so I'm gonna start off with by taking those improved hulls for six I get a discount of one so they're gonna cost me five that's gonna bring me down to the improved hulls yes the green one second one oh here you go okay there you go and that's been told my research points again but I like them hmm it is your turn oh and I used my Explorer action I'd like to research but there's not much just tough out there that I want right now okay yeah mm-hmm oh I know oh I want to just do any time you doing your actions I forgot to do it you can do a colony you can colonize a planet yeah one day I didn't get a chance to do this before so yeah on any turn you can do it pretty much I'm up until the combat phase mm-hmm then you can do it he had an upkeep yeah which is good all right I'm gonna explore again she does all these plants do they're like a big yeah just exploring it boy all right that's a good chew Oh for the first time this is coming out so this is this is new um yeah it is isn't it yeah so these are called guardians guardians at the top these are a different ship now not the good guardians I can't see you know these are the bad ones but they do have some pretty awesome looking chefs though they do so they are way tough so here is the ancient and here's a printout of what the Guardian yeah I'm a really big that yeah still they're that much wrong there's a token for you cuz I first something that was your first looks like I'll have to head up that way I think you want to go fight all those guys no they're actually protecting me right now they are that's my real strategy um I'll say uh I guess I'll take a 303 okay okay interesting um that's out there my outer ring planets out here so you do get at all that and I will oh come on eyes this guy oh yeah why do you laugh with me I never know yeah a solution charger oh that's a big gun that's a big gun nice this uses the blue dye no it doesn't it successfully damage yeah I want this thing alright keep putting it on your Cruiser I think so maybe I'll put it over top of my ion cannon there you go it doesn't take energy no power oh it's just weird but that's good because I'm kind of like a down of power anyway so you felt like an artifact another gun yeah exactly hey are you gonna colonize that planet I did this one oh yeah what of it it is a 1-point it's gonna be a money planet so it's your choice yeah as well and you done yeah cost you one yes one ship alright I'm gonna do an explorer action as well I think I'm gonna go to the number one zone here oh cool that's just cool I will do like that myself some options here alright so we've got a discovery tile then we've got another patient which isn't dead that gives me some options here hmm alright I'm really done happy that there's like two big ships on that hex yeah you know vato doesn't make me very happy camper I could take another action I should probably take two more I don't want to keep exploring that's kind of boring isn't it that's what your race does it is it really is it's kind of like what you're gonna force me to have to come onto your side of the map because it's not gonna be any tiles that left for me all right now it's or one more time which is fine all right what are you gonna be I'm gonna take yeah I guess I could all I can't go up there actually couldn't no I can really only take 3s at this point right maybe I won't do that mm-hmm gotta wait so I have these people I'll take a build action now you'll end it all to yeah I'll build a cruiser I'll put him out there for five and then I'll build another one of these little dudes into Saturday yeah they look like little like ant eaters if you put them that way I'm just kind of weird there dude there's like a lot of action up there it's so much action up there it's ridiculous all right I'm gonna do an upgrade action and I'm gonna put on to improved hulls I believe so these are gonna give me some extra hit points so G so my crews are a little bit and I'll do one on my dreadknot so now we are you're tough that's been and I could have put them in my free slots maybe I'll do that instead that way they have two three four hits for my cruiser to go down it's incredible yeah it's been incredible all right your turn I'm gonna pass okay five bucks here I could go I could do one more action do I want to yikes this is not good no I'm not gonna do anything okay I'll pass as well so we are now no comment again not yet and we go to upkeep again so io5 I make six on machine or a buck this time pay 10 make 4 and I get two of these and six of these mmm this what's up you good I think so we get five more times we do polls positron computo fusion drive which we already have out there anything a neutron absorber oh that's special yeah it's pretty much the neutron bomb yeah and a wormhole generator oh that's good yeah that's actually really yeah this is when you move you can only move across where you have your where multiple G so that allows you move across all right round three you start us off mm-hmm oh I didn't move my guys back Oh easy bud or sell myself short here okay all right I'm going to research some tech and I'm gonna take the glue gun computer the glue on come here how many is that it's 1414 Wow okay I'll be down Cisco so I will do a nice one so I get one so I've got my glue on computer right yeah very nice what do we have seven tech points yeah I'm gonna do a a research and I'm gonna go and take the plasma cannon please the plasma cannon it's talked to me every time yeah yeah yeah thank you that's my first one so it's gonna cost me the full six yeah one science man I'm really hurting for science science I like very limited where I can expand right now yeah me too not great but I would really love to like get some more stuff okay I'm going to upgrade mmm what would you like I would like to put my glue on computer on my ship there's one glue on one glue glue on the owner cooter I seen on TV I'll put that here my cruiser know the way that energy works if you haven't played this I guess is um over here is kind of your power so like I said in the beginning I get kind of extra power because my plants because plants apply power yes so I have four power and my computer takes up two and when nuclear takes up one so actually great and that glue on computer gives me a plus three to my dire poles and I can do two upgrades you can do one more so can I put another glue on computer you can do whatever you'd like hmm I'm gonna do some upgrading myself while you're doing that okay and I'm gonna put on two plasma cannons because plasma cannons yeah so I'm gonna cover up that ion and cover up that on your make him a little bit stronger Wow or I could go here get crazy yeah I'm gonna do that I'm gonna cover up one of my whole slots I was just thinking about had so now I got thinking roll three attack dice so he's like a gunship yeah this is really tough because I only have five yeah which means if I to three that were fire so I'm still good because I have those fusion drives fusion reactors all right you know yes yeah I'm gonna need some stuff okay okay yes your turn I can make it work all right that's fine all right I'm going to I'm gonna build another ship another Cruiser five oh my gosh Cermak dish here we go okay cool that's really clean I'm like whatever guys yeah we'll see about that I'll do a build action as well spend five of my materials and bring out a cruiser plant him right there really yep I've got to take some action I've got some ancient aliens done I'm going to have to pass well you're not gonna go fight it did all that I want to go fight but I don't have I really don't have enough money to put another token out right now I'm up so 13 yeah me yeah so you at the fight yeah I'm gonna move and I'm gonna move my cruiser into here and we'll see if this works it doesn't I'm in trouble okay all right you you're great I'm gonna roll for oh yeah no yes you're gonna pass okay so you're done yeah um you took your tube oh I took my to practice my passing bucks all right so now we go into combat so it would normally go in order of the pecking order right so there's only one combat going on so it's gonna be medium so I have an initiative of - he has an initiative of - ties an initiative go to the defender so he's actually gonna get the first attack here so now I have looking at my defense the only thing I have going for me is three halt so is I have four health I have no shields or anything so he before oh yeah yeah one two three plus plus the standard home he gets a plus one bonus to his hits in this game a six is a hit automatic regardless a one is a Miss automatic regardless if he rolls a five plus one four six that's also a hit so you need a six to hit really but a natural six is automatic so what is gonna happen here okay yes so I will take so we can even pull these guys off so that we can yeah fighting fighting it out in space so so I take a damage okay right so now it's rolling area though well I'll roll right here okay so I have a plasma cannon right this thing does to damage I have plus one to hit which isn't great so I need at least a 4/5 six that's an automatic mess my my rules so he attacks now this is so bad oh you want to go in yet that's another hit so I'm down - it's got me half dead now you should put four out and then just take them away I could do that that's a Miss this is been going in my favor why do you keep rolling I don't know trust me I don't go this low it's you hey four five five that's a myth no I can't get is getting another shot at me anyway loaded loaded dice alright I'll remember that remember that alright thanks so I lost that's pretty much it but because yeah I fought I do get to draw like hero's token one token from the bag for having combat just one and I will keep that in one of my reputation slots I only have three so I can only keep up to three of these and I can replace them as I get them yeah uh but that's it I've died so now we are going to upkeep so I owe seven bucks I make six I'll pay one and now I get two materials and I'm gonna get six sides I didn't do any colonizing and do anything it was a terrible round for me well you are eager to jump into that fight I know not have enough materials to make any more ships this is terrible yeah okay alright okay okay it is your turn well we got to pull out yeah new titles get ahead of myself you're just eager to take another turn well I have a lot of things I need to do but I'm just not able to do it we have advanced economy again yeah tachyon source your attack yeah positronic computer that's what I needed my ship mm-hmm Starbase then another neutron bomb tachyon computer or is that a positron computer what that positron computer right that we just put out yes all right cool okay okay I think we're ready to go now did you push the round marker up around four halfway done all right take it away I you go go I'm gonna move oh she's moving I'm moving so I'm gonna be moving my cruisers they have a drive of one and I can get I get to move second of the boat I think your board is misprinted that I think the plant are this well remember these are prototypes the plant are no you get to I'm sorry really really sure yeah you like it - I know but what did you think it was although you had three four so no no that's another race there's another race that can like zip around but they can't is that the one that can't the descendants I think it's the descendants cuz they like no space really well they just get to is that I don't know why I thought somebody got through I'm not gonna do I thought that listen Angela though is that they couldn't fight the they can't fight unions but they're yelling it to moves yes it's right okay I'm going to research and I'm gonna take that positron computer it's my you know okay and that is what 8mm minus 2 is 6 so I get a to discount so I get down to 1 alright I'm not gonna do a second one I just don't have enough surplus to do this I know I really have no money I'm not doing well with getting my money out because those are just really no planets out there yeah you know thank you I mean I could yeah I'm very limited I could feel something see I can't even build my dreadknot right now you know mm I know it's no good it's dreadful I could influence I can influence this right what's that if I want to this you would take it up for this action and you can enforce it yeah it's like not worth it though I mean I guess all maybe hope there's a research you won't either well I can't not really not at that price there's another positron computer but I have a better computer right now that's true the holes are good but it's not exactly what I'm looking for okay and I don't really want to go to Starbase right now I guess I could a little Starbase okay why not for three so my Starbase just goes out here like yep like that there you go just sits there protects me I'm gonna do an explorer action oh I think I like that tile influence that power nice two planets one research all right is you being advanced how these dance lives how's it good advanced ant labs they are seven I'm going to pests well you're passing already and I have no money to pay these people I have all these colonies operating out there I don't want to do a upgrade I'm gonna upgrade with positron computer so that's two energy that will go here so that it cost me two three four five six perfect if I put one here I'm only spending one two three so I could do that as well so my cruisers well now get a plus two bonus when targeting alright would you like to take any of your reactions mm-hmm no you're good well yeah good yeah I'm I'm gonna have to wait till next round before I do anything else so I'm gonna pass as well okay so we go into combat so what do we have we've got two of your ships and one of the ancients all right what is your initiative oh yes I only have an initiative one so I lose okay so they're gonna go first do you have what kind of gun I have a solution charger that's the blue tie right let me get you an extra one maybe two right right yeah one for each ship oh yeah okay unless you only want to roll one die that's fine oh I see so roll each time beautiful looks a matter because if let's go at the same time so five is a hit okay but it's not because I have my inversion shield which subtracts kill oh so that's three so then I have to roll natural sixes yes basically exact like to hit you yes all right so roll both of these scores for both ships yes okay that's a hit that's a hit one hit because I have a plus 3 and a plus one that's plus four mm-hmm so you know the rule to see and my solution charger does three damage so he's dead he is dead so as a reward you get to draw one token from the bag for being in the fight an additional token for destroying an ancient and that gets keep one and you get to keep one goes in the better and then it goes facedown on your board yep okay and you now receive this discovery token would you like to influence this absolutely and would you have to colonize yeah okay all my colony ships are like packed and ready to go here oh I can't do that one now I can only do a money planet and science planet yeah alright so that is combat and that was one - well it doesn't matter I guess right um my winnings worth three dollars oh well to science and to materials that's a good a good token appreciation okay so we got a peso it was seven bucks I make eight so actually and I make six you saw make four it's alright - what's that oh no I just like doing it this way I get $18 no wait where was I so I get six dollars that's all right no mines ten think that's correct well you were ready yeah that's right so basically I was a net - yeah there's something I don't it was right I don't know what do you want to see I was at $8 I need to pay $10 so I'm negative two but I get sick summit boy you were eight yeah you were done at - yeah you were at $8 yes you had to pay ten yes you're negative two plus six is your word sex okay house for okay all right so that was that refresh these bring out more tokens we're moving on to the next round we're running out of time here and I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere another one okay missiles fusion drive improves holes again thought the cab and nano robots have a face shield facials are good I should get those yeah that is good okay all right and you go yeah we get refresh this oh yeah okay hmm my train right yeah still my turn I'm gonna do research and I'm gonna spend 14 now this is pretty cool cuz inside the prototype one these actually like stack on top of each other like that so you can tell yeah like how much you have and I'm gonna buy the antimatter cannon boom well okay that was your research yeah yeah that was my research okay uh let's see I think I will maybe I should explore first and I'll do it too should do it's free maybe I'll do it too oh yes it's exactly what I needed Oh let's go like that it'll take control and I will colonize to orange and brown finally it's a materialist next round okay I will I'm going to explore I would like a three please okay that's just a tile it was just the time do I get to keep that yeah just for me yep do you want it and you want the points I know cuz I haven't seen this before okay what is it oh that's a cruiser it's just a put a cruiser out oh I'll take the points okay alright they'll do a level two Oh another Guardian oh wait I can't put this out oh you can't unless I control that right yep go ahead crap I guess I have to cuz I did that right yeah wouldn't you say I would say you could always pull those controls back yeah later you can't do that I know I'm switching it around until I find a spot that I like okay they just give you so many options I guess we'll just do them all right it's also pretty good I'm gonna build a cruiser for five really a cruiser yeah I want to put him here actually yep hmm can you very stiff you make six books Wow but I can pull those back when it's time to pay right yeah right yes you pull that back and lose that cube though yeah I know which is a money cube does it always have to stay in money cube yes where you put it on never had to pull this back before but it's getting very expensive so bad it's like terrible I'm gonna do it I don't move that's insane why I can't believe you did that Hey yes yeah why that's just a lot of money what's that a lot of money I make ten bucks I mean I'm gonna haul ten bucks at the end oh yeah why are you put me give me questions oh you're glad I'm happy that you're doing this why wait why stop with the mind space okay yeah you're good um okay I could should I go after him he's so Tom's oh he's Tom we only have a couple rounds that's a guardian I'm gonna lose I'm just gonna lose another shift this is crazy I fought I know you did one two he's got he's got initiative on me Annie rolls three dice with plus two each that's just nuts oh this guy's done I can't I can't get to them oh yeah why don't you have a wormhole generator I don't know because I haven't been able to get enough research to do anything uh how much do I have nine I have these interceptors out there that really doing anything for me you know they're not an advanced colony do I want that not really positron computer is there a shield out there there's a face shield yeah maybe I should buy that that would probably be smart put that on my ship how much power does that take face shield that's nice - that's only one power two three four yeah I could do it yeah let me do that I'm a research so I'll take the face shield please okay it's the pink one up top oh yeah and is seven research for that nine - hmm all right your turn I guess you're gonna pass this time every time I know you do every time and I have made 10 do I have enough no I don't so I'm gonna pass I fight it's time for the fight so he and you guys are here he I guess he's got an issue of again right yep same deal so he's gone why don't we have to have help did you sweep him off the book no I think so was he here yeah that was them right yes okay so you have I just get my two blue Blues right yeah so he gets the first attack Thanks oh that's it that's it all right where's that little hey cubes that's a hit I'm dead dead yeah they don't really stand a chance they don't stand a chance against like alien killing machine the grasshoppers the good no technically they're leaf class cruisers oh okay all right Oh see okay I guess I'll put that on somewhere I get to two tiles wait I have two people in the fight doesn't matter it's how when you kill not having a brain to the fly they both fought just valid valiantly but they don't get rewarded they only get one for fighting one for where everything they kill so if you kill few ships you would get two extra one hmm all right so are you gonna control it no okay you sure yeah okay fair enough I would like to give me two more bucks so now we can do upkeep so I make ten and I pay 10 so I'm even it all right so I'm going to actually pull control back before I pay how'd you get that back yeah you can see that I'm not out so much dough here all right see this isn't bad why are you acting this is so bad so I get six bucks so I'm gonna be net negative 1 so u o7 I owe 13 right I'm just saying I make six right so you oh seven with a monitor income ratio seven you have six depends I have one to pay well you gotta pay the six first I did already in my head no do it on the track if I very confused me a lot when I do it your way on the track cuz I go like this huh like down like this here's the thing I'm at six right yeah I'm - seven I make six money so I'm at negative one right now yeah so I'm gonna have to pay you resources and the trade is not great it's three to one dollar so I'm gonna pay materials one to three materials for one dollar so I'm at zero yep that's how that's gonna go and I have to add my conformal dry do you take your income now from your science and your I didn't yeah I was worried about my drive what about that it's a lot of bookkeeping I need like a secretary for my space my space you need a space abacus say you have a kid um conformal Drive I'll see the problem is this takes up two spots I could put it here four and four yep and that way those things can just like zip they can that plane can go four spaces each yeah there's many points is that all right okay all right next round and draw the tiles under titles oh no I messed up all the time we got advanced robotics out face shield tachyon source okay another antimatter cannon 12 Faye's shield to advance for bucks yeah those are good they have a trait for this will be really cool because it can't keep them all from doing what I just did yeah okay all right all right that's it next round okay start it up all right problem I have is that I have no money okay my next move I can really want yeah I need to can do what I can take one move okay that I can afford okay I'm going to mm if I want to do that exactly I was thinking of coming around and killing these guys we're like going into a fight with them but they are actually kind of keeping you away from me right now for now yeah what about the guy up top yeah I could go fight him I guess that's the special guy right yeah he said okay I guess I could go do that he has just it really sucks not having the money like I need a restaurant I know yeah yeah it's really gonna stink all right I will if so my cruisers now have a drive of four so they can both move up there like this one too right yep straight through okay that's good you do research and can I see that were little tall um where is it a third one in on the bottom row this one yeah there you go okay so that's not bad I'll take that for five that leaves me with five so is there another one I can take the seven six five huh yikes okay [Music] I don't I don't really like any ass they're not really helping me mm-hmm I can't yeah I can't afford that I'll do it though give me the advanced robotics advanced robotics yeah yeah all right there you go so that's a good I said gonna cost me 8 minus 2 is 6 I only have 5 science but I can pay 3 materials in exchange for science for that one extra science yeah to do that but that gives me an extra yeah that's okay so it kind of gives me office to leave what is your time yeah if you need to spend the action to get the token right so it'll benefit you the next round right right but I'm out of materials now in that purse I would love to I'd love to get some of these cubes off my board what was that thing about a good one can you feel like I should probably get that yeah that's probably a good option especially because I have you had tons of science right alright I'm going to do a can I get my chair it's in your thing no I'm gonna do an explorer action I can cover that up right now yes and I will do they go go down here it's a - right oh it's an ancient yeah [Applause] that's it your turn I'm gonna pass you're gonna pass again I'm gonna do an upgrade and I'm gonna take face shields this time okay put a face shield on my cruiser and I will do we have one to another power on my on my interceptor I could do I think it I'm a better gun you know give me the plasma cannons to start yeah yeah okay um I might take a a reaction action okay a reaction a reaction I'm thinking about I think I'm gonna do it maybe about idea but I'm gonna do it anyway I'm gonna do an upgrade what would you like you want that I want the age American and yeah there you go for power or power I might not be able to afford this actually five one two three four five no no it took for power two three four five let me put it on my star base I was gonna put it here um you can lose your glam computer no nope thanks it's 5 this would be four or five six seven eight well it's three too much yeah you couldn't even do that yeah that's not gonna work mm-hmm all right that's not gonna be worth it for me right now no no it's exactly don't take the move all right that's all right my next action is going to be to move into this space gonna fight I'm gonna fight your turn I guess all right and then I pass as well so I am on tile 204 you are on tile like 300 in something I think 274 okay so I go first attack so I am fighting an ancient alien who gets two of these isolating like us from the other game all right you have an issue never know I do not say you go first as my cruiser Liam - so you roll hey Otto hit I roll that's an auto miss you roll hit really you're gonna keep rolling sixes on me it's not only have a choice it's a date three four five miss five no it's not I have a shield so bad and that does two damage so you are dead Oh see you did a good job well not really when you keep rolling six is like that like all my equipment doesn't matter so long to me that's nice religion that's what they are okay I'll take this one and that is gone all I'm going to need those but I do get this and that is a Mulan source don't know what that is you know it gives you energy those oh so instead of nuclear that's not really great it really isn't so I'm gonna take the two points over here okay this is but I can't put my tokens on it yet because we're still in combat you're trying yeah you get to fight get your ships do you put your tent up I can't colonize until after combats over okay when we get into the over here eh okay all right so this is the new like bad guy yeah let's bring him out he's gonna get rid you get three in he's into blues all right you don't know that but I got more initiative this time I think you have oh yes three yeah darn it he goes first silly what I'm going to anyway he gets plus two there's attack thank you so he needs sixes to him yeah so it doesn't matter well that's one hit well is the three actually that's three hits is the three a hit the three might be I have a +4 yeah that's it yeah uh city said that's it okay okay they have to fly back like I wonder if they come to like a special Fighting's I think he is a special fighting so yeah like this is the fight I think he's worth two on his own choosing Jim Pyles here two tokens from the victor point bag five science or - I'll take the points okay so you draw three tokens this time um and you can influence it if you'd like remember you only get to keep one $13 and I will yeah go ahead no that's it all right so I'm gonna go and I'm gonna make this a it's against my better judgement to do this but I'm gonna make it a money planet science rules I had to do that what I had to make it a money plunder right because I wouldn't have been able to afford you're making a lot of money that's good I'm like not making money right now alright so its upkeep I pay 39 - so I paid ten I'm negative eight right but I make eight dollars so I'm at zero alright I pay ten mm-hmm so I'm negative eight but I make eight dollars yes well what do you do 10 minus 8 is to pay two dollars and you had two dollars then you go to zero why does he reach the same result I do not care my job does not require me to do math ever unfortunately mine does all the time alright five tiles we are on round seven yep okay oh this is the wrong bag [Laughter] I'll take boy playfully barely doing much research this game I'm tired I'm yeah I know I'm doing okay I'll research all right no this is one of those guys I thought there was only one of these / what's that the solution charge artists oh I want a solution charger in battle that's a different that's this is the tech yeah or from colonizing or whatever it was you its economy shield a gauze shield that doesn't sound like a great idea that's actually big Gauss no anybody got you guys she is like it was over I think we're ready to go all right let's do it row 7 okay all right I have some things I made that thing exactly as big as this one of these tiles it might be close okay all right I am think I am going to build I'm gonna build two things I'm gonna bring out a I'm gonna bring out my dreadnought branch class get it yes she's a branch all right and that's gonna cost eight bring him out and I think I'll bring out me oh I'll bring out oh I could bring out another cruiser but I feel kind of like the powerful though I know I made really awesome cruisers yeah yeah I guess I'll do that what I'm worried about is I might need these resources to like since I'm $0 yeah that's tough yeah hmm so I just have to be really careful about what I choose to do all right maybe I'll bring about down here okay okay all right I'm gonna research so I have eight research points and I'm going to buy I'm gonna take the advanced mining please the top show advanced mining for ten right only gonna cost me eight though so that's all I have is eight but I'm gonna flip two of my colony ships and bring out two advanced mind companies I could do one more to see all the material planets mm-hmm we're advanced so I couldn't I couldn't do any of them which is ridiculous I'm gonna do all three why not bring them all out as well I have so many things I want to do I'm like I feel like I'm gonna put myself in debt right now like in the worst way mmm okay I'm going to research and I'm going to buy for three dollars for three science a fusion source because my dreadnought is cool but he isn't very like he doesn't a lot power okay make sense um hmm should I do some exploring maybe I'll do a three now three would be like right here right correct yes oh [Music] here in space we are kind of running through dinner all right we've got an ancient I have good options good all right I'm solo like am i don't know if i'm i'm ready i really wanted to attack the galactic center but I wanted to bring the Dreadnought I don't feel like he's ready give them one more round make it like the crescendo eighth round just all or nothing you think oh no maybe all right well problem is also like I said I have like no money right now I'm thinking about taking I think I'm gonna do I'm gonna go ahead and do a move action and I don't even know if that's really worth doing yeah I'll do it I'm gonna bring I'm gonna bring these guys in here but you're going after that instead yeah yeah okay okay let's see one two alright I'm gonna do a build and I'm gonna build one of these little guys okay that's gonna cost me all three my materials check no it's your turn I'm gonna pass you are okay then I'm just gonna move yes yeah why not okay and then I'll end my turn all right fights alright so I'm in Sector three zero five and then we have fire you're in 104 so we can just roll it up we know they're going first right yes all right so they're gonna roll they're gonna shoot and they're gonna miss you're gonna roll and you're gonna whoa one of them misses yeah four is a hit the two is amiss so one ship dead yeah next round we only get why Oh actually they were yeah you need to let me roll again see if they got a hit on you first he did so he hit one of your ships okay right so he that's one Hey so they roll again they roll again and it's a six that's another head yeah - so you get me back well not really all right so he's out now you're gonna have to pull three tiles from the bag six of those I'll take the points you want influence yeah see I need this yeah I'm gonna do the screen print all right that can only keep you have to get rid of one of them yeah only three with these races okay so I say let me think about I should not have thought that okay then I'm gonna fight I can't you get to a tongue first hole that's look at my money situation okay that's a Miss those are mrs. misters that's a hit you did oh this to Ray that's it all right so I'm gonna get two tokens that one goes back can I get this which is a interesting symbol well that is a research I get you cheapest research on the table all right so I want any of those I really don't so I think not even to fill up your track you might as well take one what all of you were at one point what because it'll only be worth one point yes I could fill up I mean I'm just saying it's free well if it's free I'll take nanorobots I'm not neutron bombs nope okay that a robot oh yeah same thing they're all a mold up to this truck anyway hey I have to decide if I'm gonna do this or not if you're gonna influence yeah I can't afford to okay so I'm gonna leave it set all right so we pay up yes I get 12x am one and I'm flat broke twelve feet two lemons to eat so I owe a leaven mmm but I make eight so I owe three which is gonna be nine resources so we'll do one two three one two three four five six seven eight nine will sink and even then I get six okay knows of it no okay so new tiles I don't know all right good the flux missile wow that's cool that's a big missile all right oh the posturing computer okay all right that's it ready to kick us off yes okay let's do it let's do this so I've got a lot of things I need to do right now I'll start by taking a move action cookie so I'm gonna move this guy okay we can't crash like on the top of the black one you see two moves huh yeah you're gonna I'm gonna do a hmm maybe I'll do a research action research I'm gonna take orbitals I'm just moving this guy out this guy said okay I'm sorry what we're gonna okay and that's gonna be did you ready take carbonyls hold on no I never took wait did I put that back you put that right back yeah I forgot I had orbitals I'm gonna build one that's why you bought them I'm a fool I'll you know it said I'll take the monolith okay it looks like a big like stick of gum precariously leaning 12 minus 4 is 8 that's exactly what I have your turn all right I'm going to mm-hmm upgrade I don't really need to but like I feel like I want to do this so I'm going to do two upgrades to my dreadnought I'm gonna add a fusion source first okay which is gonna give me six power power plus 2 power and that will allow me to add my antimatter cannon I would just feel like it was kind of a waste if I bought that stuff and didn't like at it never got to use it yeah all right then I'm gonna take a build action and I'm gonna build me a dreadnought hmm I don't like how close you're dreadknot is to my land well I I've been wanting to fight that guy all game this guy yes yeah I know I can't get to your land I have to fight through him anyways you do alright so now I'm going to take another move action hmm and I'm gonna go here and I'm izalith skiatoo ok do you like how they're surrounding it yeah I'll do another move action or a move action move in here and I'll move him here mmm good good call yep I'm going to take Nick while I'm here oh I have a question for what's that um when I take the influence action yep and I want to place some chips can I put them anywhere like could I put one here for example go in here uh yeah because you cuz I'm in Jason ridges right I think so yeah I just wanted to make sure I didn't have to have somebody in the zone but you just put one there because you're there because I'm there all right I actually can't do this yeah thank you have taken I have to take an influence action yeah yeah cuz I was thinking that like I I wanted to influence this but I should have done the influencer action before I did my move action right which I'm guessing I can't take back now you take that back that stinks cuz it all has to do like a whole nother movement just to like make more money I guess it's not really worth it right yeah stuff that's things I should cuz I should have gone influence first and then done my second chunk of moves yeah probably cuz my guy was there oh well I feel like I should take another move that I don't know well maybe I will maybe I'll just move again it's 21 that's like an enormous deficit I would say like do some serious math yeah that's a lot of money yeah that's too much I guess I wouldn't I build like they'll ditch that stupid ship what ship oh this guy yeah yeah why why is that stupid because I I don't have enough to build my monolith I wanted to get that out so bad I know laughs these are like perfect I know I know I'd have to take it I'd have to build a cruiser instead and I don't think a single cruiser if only we had one around yeah all right I guess I'm for brevity's sake I'll just uh I'll pass you'll pass I guess it's fine I'm over it I'm gonna be I think I'm gonna have like way too much just think of me I mean I could do five maybe if I did that if I took it back and change that to a cruiser saved a three but then I'd have to take another build action if you're going back and changing here yeah I won't because I don't want you have to go back and chill here was I wasn't thinking the same of the materials yeah well you can imagine me getting out this count its scoring three points put it off to the side see it's a look at it yeah it's pretty cool it's not the same all right what are you gonna do cuz I best ill you pass I did I'm too tired to do math okay I'm going to I'm gonna pass - okay sounds good I think yeah I'm gonna influence that's now because that's gonna cost me two chips it's gonna be 17 bucks I know it's the same exact thing that I just went through right now I can't afford it yeah so not doing it okay you gonna pass I'm gonna pass okay so we got the fight right so you're gonna fight first yes is the very center of the galaxy it is I'm gonna blow it up all right so he's got zero initiative because he is just right slow and clunky so all my ships get to fire him first they all do so you can just roll them all all right so I guess um I guess I'll start with my cruiser cuz they have more influence than my dreadnought but does it matter because I rolls all before him I want to fire my dreadnought just cuz I don't wanna kill him with my cruiser before I get to fire my antimatter cannon really I think yellow dice to roll every die what are you in there with you was there with three cruisers so you're gonna get three blue dice one yellow and one right okay roll them all I need a lot of space for all this okay I like this is very in cyclomatic so I like really each one individually no all or nothing so they're all shooting at the same time that's gonna slide over a little bit no that was a 330 I was totally like this are you kidding me all right well it's still hit yes not so nice it's okay so this is a mess my war so miss miss hit and three four five six seven whoops sorry that's a hit my antimatter cannon is - that's three four five six what is it and that it's four four so this is before this is four three and this hits for one that's eight that's exactly enough to kill yes good job all right thank you and I get an axiom computer do you want to control this yeah I do I'll put my money cubes there - no that's I needed that no you can't put them out yet sorry why we're not done fighting here this is a big battle and I'm not even sure if I'm gonna win this isn't my best show my dreadnought has a one initiative so he's gonna go first those were all misses biggest depend he's a plus two as well yeah Wow there you go see this is your Freight I don't know about that so I get to yellow and an orange yeah that's great he's almost dead already that's one hand but had one damage because the yellow but I've got one two two three four hit points so that's two hits you just killed me actually be the face shield not you know not on that that's it you killed me Thanks it wasn't me it was the aliens it's not my ship all good does he go here yeah yeah that's where it was sorry no sweet you still get a token what did your players know you good yeah I for in the fight and I want it doesn't matter how many have in the fight it's just about him I think you get three for him plus one for the fight so you get four okay but I can only keep one anyway well I guess I could keep as many as I want I'll get rid of that keep as many as you want no like I only get to keep one yes I only kept one but I was saying I'm full up on so I can't take like a bunch anyway don't want that okay alright so now its upkeep seventeen well now you can do your colonies if you want to oh right yes colonize those things you can okay yeah I need it I needed to win that fight I've got ten I make twelve so I get two bucks it's not science hey I don't think really matters now because it is over all right so seventeen and I have like $14 Co three bucks so three dollars which I'll just pay will you paying cash first well I I did know like I thought about like I paid to +12 that's fourteen oh that's how I got to that so nine bucks or nine resources all right it really doesn't matter I know I just think all right so we're done with and up yeah so we got to add up our picture class so basically you are getting points for your tokens hmm we're getting points for any of these and then we're looking out on the board we're getting points for our if you filled up to a certain point you get points for those you points for every tile you control and then you get an additional point for every tire control maybe so race right so we can do all your math first okay so let's count up all your bonus tile I'm just gonna make some tens there so 16 so 16 and we'll just count all these up 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 to 28 tonight 38 there no one 32 33 34 35 36 to 38 39 40 40 points that is your score you've got nothing on the board 40 points okay so I've got 9 10 11 in tokens 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 how did you have 40 Wow 25 to 40 that's not like terrible sorry yeah let's go talk about it alright alright there you have it eclipse pad why because I feel like you had a bad run of these plan its I just played it I didn't play it as op the boys echo Wow yeah it's tough I want to talk about this yeah because again we're like playing with two and like 4x aw beans can kind of be difficult with two especially when you're not normally like confrontational all right like we sat and we were like it's okay you're gonna like attack my stuff like I don't care but well I built up my ships I built a Starbase purposely and I kept these aliens there purposely so you didn't come over and get me but my point is that if you're playing with let's say four people hmm you're going to have more interaction cuz I feel like my my plant its I was like the space weed yeah you know what I mean like if nobody's gonna come and shot me out I just kind of keep going so my race gets a lot of points for controlling and like I got an actual honey points like eight point eight points just for just all the tiles that control but I feel like in a higher player count I would be the one doing the exploring where other factions would be doing like the attacking do you mean probably like you could have spent more time building up your ships if you didn't have to worry about exploring because I'm doing all the exploring you see what I mean yeah I I'm just guessing or find a way to get into your space and I'm taking over right so at least I don't have all the all the chips and some of these like start coming back to me right I feel like it's probably how it's supposed to like play out now we've played we you know we've played this before mm-hmm with the same faction yeah we were much closer yeah we're like 42 I wouldn't that went heavy militaristic even with this faction I went I didn't late on yeah my ships were much better yeah they're really beefy so they were I was just wiping up all right all the ancients so on then last time I didn't like I went in trying to fight an ancient with like a crappy ship yeah so this game I was like I'm gonna wait to go and fight anything and I'm just gonna try to fill up my ships with cool stuff yeah I mean if you've played it close you get it you know if you were able to get some of the beefier tech early you can you can really get ahead because your ships are like they become like unstoppable right ready you have to really everybody else has to kind of catch up so I was caught in this loop where I couldn't get enough materials to build any ships because all the all the exploration tiles I got none of them had any materials that I could actually colonize all the planets were advanced so right and you saw when I finally got the events I actually was able to colonize three planets in one go right which brought me up to eight I was getting two materials per round which is not even enough to buy an interceptor yeah it's like well and what what we were you know we were kind of thinking I was talking about is um like I I had a similar because I put out all my tiles at first yeah like I put on all the tiles and I put on all my influence tokens and I was running at a deficit pretty much the entire game but when you're running at a deficit of money you could pay resources if you're running a deficit with the resources you're just I was flat broke everyone yeah because I was going I was trying to pump the research and I probably should have bought cheap research early but I wanted to get at least something on my ships to be able to fight yeah because that's where you get a lot of your points is by fighting these ancients right um so and I just couldn't get there I just didn't have enough like my engine wasn't going so yeah so like I fell back that far does it make you wanna play again of course yeah like I'd be the that read races like a bad faith no no no I might be I think you know they start out with a lot of good war tech yeah you start out with a cruiser so it's like mussels go right in it to take the weeds out before they even spread but it's so like I would have explored more but I get one tile per you know right to your to so it's like I made it hard for you to come over to me anyway yeah it was tough it was tough I probably should have just turtled up and did just a ton of research and got all my points that way because you could have in use because you spent a lot of research points on heavy tech early early when you could have just bought all these crappy cheap you wants us to the film your track get your stuff at a discount right and then also get all this but you also had to be careful because the other player if you pass up some of the good text yeah they'll end up scooping it before you and then also in your ships are real underpowered and they can roll you so I wanted to make sure I was getting the good text as early as I could to prevent you from buying them as well yeah but enough good ones you kept getting them from the board I did so that's that's that's right enough right yeah you got a lot of good pulls from the board yeah I did I got this the solution charger yeah that pretty much changed the game for you yeah I did well I built I'm very proud of my ships I built this time actually because my ships don't have that many slots yeah I mean so I built this Cruiser that has a solution charger but I made sure I got that computer I bought that computer and installed it myself yeah it wasn't a matter it was a gluon could make a looter on myself the glue stick that's good but um but I need sure that I got that because like that's a good pair you know I mean like that okay that is a good fair all right anyway so um you know you don't usually get into as much detail okay so we'll get into our normal stuff but I wanted to speak to that because we dare at least I definitely see so much replayability in this game yeah because of all the factions the fact that we're sitting here kind of replaying the game in our heads like what could I have done better feels to me that's like that same feeling I get I play a euro mmm where you're like why didn't my engine work what worked what didn't what should I've done instead you know and by the end of the game like the game's over just as you're starting to get the resources you need to do what you really want to do exactly so it had that same feel which was kind of cool but let's get into theme where we normally start so this is a space game yeah there's a little bit of spacing yeah just a little bit yeah so now I think the theme in this is awesome it is it is a 4x and then it is what a 4x should be there's no question about I think the races are unique I think the ships are incredible looking they're so cool every factions is so so the Matic so I think it really it really hits at home with the theme here I mean everything about it the exploration the art on the tiles is great and again this is prototype you know like I think the new tracks are fantastic yes it's pretty cool the player boards you know they're huge but there's enough on here to be like a complete dashboard like this yeah I mean even like the detail in these ancient chips they look awesome you know yeah the new Guardian ships look ridiculously cool and the galactic center yeah the galactic center is awesome like all of these things show this but this orbital its kind of because it lets you take one of your cubes off and put it on the board but it actually sits like in the things away you know I should have you know just had a whole field of knowledge like Easter Island it should have been like Easter on my face they would have been incredible so like there's a lot of things that I just fell short of and I know this game it's it's scaled back I think a whole round so the original with 9 rounds this goes eight so maybe eight is too short maybe it's not I don't know I guess you'd have to play it enough to know how much that last round really makes a difference to it because or some games kind of stay a little bit longer than then you right well I think the last game we played we kind of almost felt like we were both almost too powerful right like where your ships were like how much more do you really want to build up before you call it right so I think it has to end before you've done everything and before you're unstoppable otherwise that's when a games gone too long like any euro right it goes to a certain point where your engine is just about to click and get win everything yeah and then it stops and you're like oh one more turn I would have had it I would have bought the world you know that but that's where it's supposed to stop yes you need to have that feeling of like ah just one more but you can't get there which I think is what makes us this outstanding wonderful yeah so we talked a little bit about mechanics definitely 4x mm style a lot more interaction with more players yeah because of the factions - right and with two players you don't play with the diplomacy so you can't ally with people which you can in the three points player game so that's that's another thing you didn't get to see here yeah um who do you think the target audience with this for this would be I guess anybody who likes like highly thematic space games right I mean because and you got to like you know dice combat because that's what it is it's dice combat and there's a lot of bookkeeping so it's a heavier game you're gonna need to really really know yeah and be able to understand all the iconography cuz there's a ton of it yeah but once you get to that point it's pretty easy and the flow is very quick so I think anybody could learn this game once they won't you explain to them what everything all these tiles mean ya know what all the icons mean it's not too bad I would say again if somebody who doesn't really like calm like conflict II the games too much there's there's one thing about this game that I absolutely love and what to me makes it feel it kind of gives it that like euro feeling way and that it's so much of the game is around building these ships yeah this was so unexpectedly exciting for me it really was because the thing is when I go like I would have gladly combatted you had that feeling like fine like for other people like you know whatever come and come and try to get me you know because it's not just like oh I bought this ship that's kind of predetermined by the game here's what it does I have to learn what it does look I'm actually building this thing like on my board the exact way that I want to for my strategy and there's so much there's so much control there yeah I really really like that yeah it's awesome so if you're not usually in for X Games I would I would give this a try yeah without a doubt yeah this is not fun yeah it's it's really really happy it's no question about it alright anything else no so this thing is already funded on Kickstarter yeah well funded so I think you're getting a lot of extra stuff yeah you're getting a ton of stuff with this game like it's just you call that earth races have had there's an earth race add-on so you're gonna hit so if you want to go through the Terran side of the board you're gonna have your own ships for that because they're obviously like you can't say humans flying around these you know like very thematically looking sure so but go check out the Kickstarter there's a ton of stuff that comes with the game and yeah it's definitely gonna be worth it yeah we don't think I thought it out so we hope you enjoyed the playthrough it's probably a long one but um but we certainly did yeah so we'll link the Kickstarter down in the comments and we'll see you next time see ya [Music]
Channel: How It Plays by Ant Lab Games
Views: 30,406
Rating: 4.8311348 out of 5
Keywords: eclipse, 4x game, second dawn for the galaxy, boardgame, playthrough, tabletop, gaming, games, bgg, kickstarter
Id: BZ4VgsJU8ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 5sec (6665 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 21 2018
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