How To Setup Eclipse: Second Dawn For The Galaxy

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step one roll out the play mat if you're playing with five players use this funky side otherwise use this side step to open the box and lay out all the components until you get to the base tray step 3 from the base tray take all of their rectangular tiles now you'll always need the start player tile the trader tile you'll only need if you're playing with four or more players so I'm setting up a three player games so I'm just going to put that back in the box and these reference tiles are double-sided they're all the same but these are duplicated on these trifold reference sheets so I'm actually just going to put these back in the box step 4 take out all the discovery tiles from the base tray and shuffle them up step 5 choose which blueprints you want to use for the Ancients for the GCD s and the Guardians now these ones here are the advanced ones because of these little two notches on them so for your first game just put these back in the box and use these basic ones here step 6 decide if you want to use the optional turn order variant with these tokens and this tile right here I'm not going to so I'm just going to leave those in the box step 7 decide if you want to play with the optional minor species variant and if you do just pick four of these at random and put the rest back in the box step 8 take out the galactic center hex right here and set that aside and then take out the Guardian sectors Guardians essentially stand in place of a human player so that you're always playing with six players at the table so we're setting up a three player game which means I'm going to use three of these Guardians so that we have a total of six players at the table and then lastly take out the go to extend their defense system Minnie step 9 take out all of the sector tiles and arrange them in piles by ring one ring two and rate three next decide if you want to play with the optional warp portal variant which comes with these three sectors of the warp portals on them along with a discovery and a rare tech with this accompanying little circular disk so all of these are mixed in with the regular components for me because I usually play with them but if I decide not to play with them I would just put these three back in the box and for these rather than fishing them out which takes some time if these were drawn during the game I would just discard them and replace them immediately with something else step 10 if you have the Galactic events pack then you can choose which of these sectors you would like to play with and then you just put them in the appropriate stack shown on the back of the tile I'm not going to play with any of these so these all go back box step 11 shuffle each of these sector stacks separately then check the back page of the rulebook to see how many of these sector three stacks you use in a game again we're setting up a three player game so we're only going to use eight of these sector three stacks so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and the rest of these go back in the box now we are done taking things out of the box step 12 we need to fill up our starting tech tiles in this tray first check the rulebook to see how many you're going to draw so for three players we're going to draw 14 tech tiles from this white bag whenever you draw one of these black rare tech tiles this doesn't count towards the 14 I need to draw so I just put this down here in this lower track and I draw another to replace it okay so now if I ever had to draw a more rare text then there are spots here there's only seven spots that's okay I'm not limited to seven I would just place them next to the tray right over on that side next I need to place these in the tray and that's going to be based on two things it's gonna be based on the symbol in the lower right hand corner here so that I'm looking for the gear symbol and I'm looking for the cost of eight so that actually gets placed right here with the gear symbol and the cost eight in that tray and there's our starting tech step thirteen give this start player tile to the youngest player at the table and ignore this part for now step 14 beginning with the player to the right of the start player and working our way counterclockwise around the table or that is to say beginning with the last player and going in reverse turn order we're each going to pick a species board and a matching species tray so I'm going to pick the orion hegemony right here and then i'm going to take the black species tray step 15 have each player opened their species tray and take out there starting hex their reference tile and all the colony ships these guys right here now just something that you should note almost every player will only need three of these colony ships but the game actually comes packaged with enough for four colony ships for every player so that could cause some confusion i recommend just keeping three in all of these trays except for the green trend because the planta player the green one actually will need four colony ships through the old race that differs in that number step 16 on page 4 the rulebook there are diagrams for the starting layout based on the number of players so we're playing a three player game so that is the layout that I followed right up here and the Galactic Centre is always in the middle of the table these are the three players and in between them we place the Guardians one last thing to note is that all the starting sectors have these arrows on them these arrows should always point towards the galactic center in the middle of the table step 17 place discovery tiles on all of the guardians and the galactic center hex then put the appropriate minifigures on these hexes this of course is the galactic center and these are the Guardians step 18 now each player places their influence disks and their population cubes into their resource trackers on their player boards just note that you are going to have three extra influence desks because these you can collect later by researching certain technologies so for now put these three back in your player tray step 19 each player will populate their starting hex with a few things first they're going to put an influencer disc on the middle of their sector right from your track and then you're going to put population cubes on the planets that do not have these white outlines with the stars on them okay so do not poke use on these too but for these two spots I'm going to put a brown cube here and a pink cube here so you're the first available brown cube and my first available pink cube right there and then lastly I'm going to put on one of my ships okay almost everybody will start with an interceptor which is one of their basic ships but since I'm the Orion hegemony I get one of my cruisers to start with which is a better ship and if you're confused about which is which your player board actually shows these little white outlines so you can tell all the ships apart so I'm going to place one of my cruisers on here one last thing to note is that if you're playing the hydrent progress you start with the advanced labs tech which will let you put a population cube on your advanced pink science planet which has that white star and the white border around it also note that if you choose the Eridani Empire as your race there's a couple things you need to do during setup first is that you need to permanently remove to your influence disks from the game the second is that you randomly draw to reputation tiles from this bag to start on your reputation tile over here so I've got those two tiles I'm going to flip them over and put them on my track just like so lastly you want to take the resource trackers from your species board which look like this and you're going to put these on your resource board based on how many resource your race starts with which is actually noted right here on your player board so the Orion hegemony you start with four materials so I'm going to put this brown tracker set the arrow points to the four and then I start with three science get this right here and three money so I'm just going to put this right on top if you ever have more than 40 resources in a game then you just flip this around and it has a little forty plus that's showing right there on the tile and that will mark how many you have there step 20 if you have these plastic ship stands then make sure each player gets six of these so they can start putting them on their cruisers and their dreadknots and on these ships there is a little hole on the bottom where these fits so you just you know gently line them up and push with your thumb there you go go ahead and give each player one of these trifold references and that's it for the setup now if you'd like to see how to play the game I've got videos linked on the screen right now they're also linked in the description below this video I hope this setup was helpful thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: TheGameLocker
Views: 9,932
Rating: 4.9094338 out of 5
Keywords: Eclipse, Board Game, How To Play, Walkthrough, second dawn for the galaxy, second edition, new edition, tutorial, teach, learn to play,, second, dawn, for, the, galaxy, review, overview, explanation, Setup, Set up, Intro, howto, how to
Id: nILBG-60djk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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