Eclipse Second Dawn for the Galaxy Worlds Afar Collection Unboxing

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we take a look at worlds of our collection it is the Kickstarter expansion for eclipse second dawn for the galaxy let's take a look there are best among us geniuses with the ability to play any game they want to in 1978 a corporation known as the interior isolated a young hobbyist named John and exploited his genius for their entertainment then one day their hobbies [Music] [Music] well here we have the world's afar collection it is an expansion for eclipse second dawn for the galaxy this was part of the Kickstarter this screams Kickstarter the way that this is all done up and laid out I doubt this will be for retail I don't know if it's hick starter exclusive or not if it does go retail it probably won't go in this form as you can see I mean it's it's it's very you know Kickstarter ask I believe yeah see here it even says not to be sold separately as it is kind of like part of that and then then just the box and everything itself it's very basic you know very clean flip it on the back some absolutely gorgeous artwork right here a little bit of an indention right there that's kind of unfortunate again definitely didn't happen during the shipping as everything was packaged really really nicely so this would have been done in the warehouse you know when all of boxes were being taken and put into you know these shipping boxes themselves let's go ahead and open this up it definitely seems a little heavy when I when I fill the the thing there's something definitely over on this side more so they don't here this one's very light there's something over there let's go ahead and take a look inside and see everything is just thrown in there this is this is definitely a Kickstarter add-on not something that you would see I'm betting this is this is a the expansion and a majority of the stretch goals are probably going to be in here so okay this is kind of interesting alright and this also is a little more telling to if you see how everything is done up alright saying this is what I'm guessing that when it comes to all of the expansions this will be what you buy retail so probably not the collection here in the box but all of these little individual bits so and if we take a look up here and then up say here you know member of during our unboxing we notice the little holes well so now here ship stands so that's a nice little upgrade some extra translucent dice two of those oh and then there's that one and then this right here is probably the Kickstarter exclusives this that's probably what this is going to be or this is gonna be the worlds afar expansion because again this seems a very Kickstarter you know everything's bundled up so this is probably going to be the more exclusive part of this that that worlds afar expansion and all of these I'm guessing we will be able to buy retail and these look like this ship so we had no human ships okay oh okay I'm getting okay I'm starting to get with all the stuff that's alright so let's take a look at each one of these individually and see exactly what we got well let's start off with the two easiest items the dice and the stands so here we will go ahead and take a look at these now these of course are identical so we only really need to open up one right here and that's nice and these are little Ziploc bags so it's a bag within a bag and then here or the same dice that you get in the game not amazing you put out the only difference is they are the translucent version so of course all of these have a blank on the one side there we go two through five on the number sides and then hits four yellow orange blue and red because six is always a hit one is always a miss the other numbers could be upgraded or down to make or miss hits the only difference I don't know for sure is if the different colored dice if this is say like a one hit and if you roll this exact six you actually get two hits so forth and so on that I don't know but so that's all these are like said they're the exact same as you have in the base game except where they are translucent and we got two sets of those and then next we have the ship stands and you know try to be nice to the bag then you come in here alright so the steps and ZAR just two parts the base and then the bar and then when we get into the ship's the human ships will pop one of them on take a look at it so there are the stands then of course I'm not quite sure if I pointed it out but like here we have the dice on the back we can see they do show the contents of each of these bags so yeah these were right here I believe are definitely going to be the retail side of everything kind of see how everything is all packaged up but here we can see the backs so you can see the contents were it even breaks down what is actually in each bag and counts and everything here we have the minor species expansion go ahead and flip it over so we can see exactly what is in here contains a nine tiles and then I'm guessing the rules for everything next actually showing you all the tiles that's nice go ahead and crack this open there we go and then in here so there yep there we have the rules unless I like that it's nice little art and credits and then we're shows those abilities and what they all do I like that and then the actual abilities themselves very cool here we have the rift cannon I'm guessing this is going to be an extra special upgrade for the ships pre an extreme advanced upgrade let's go ahead and flip that so we can see what exactly is in the pack so we have our four rift cannon dice and our three upgrades so so it looks like there are ten of them so you can't put it on ten different ships or that multiple people going to do it but it looks like it's only be upgraded once or twice so there's only two of each of those interesting let's go ahead and open this up [Applause] [Applause] so up first we have our dice now these are entering these are very unique so here we have our empty side so I'm guessing that's still going to be a mess then same well let's see here then we have a single not you know fill it in interesting then a four with a single non then the two and then okay so there's two blanks very interesting and like I said there are four of those and then you have our rules there we go deals one damage to damage deals three damage to target and one damage to one of your shifts ships with rip weapons in the battle yikes deals one damage to one of your ships with rip weapons in the mouth and then the attack misses so there's two attacks wow so this is a very interesting weapon it looks like it's going to do potentially a good bit of damage but potentially hit you as well where 50% of the time actually more than that more than 50% of the time it see they're going to do nothing or hit you and then fit only 50% of time it will you know hit the hit your opponent so that's uh and then like the other one just some art on the back of the instructions and then those tokens interesting up next we have our human or Terran ships now I don't remember if any of these are in the XD in the base game I don't think there were cuz these all look different to me then than one I remember seeing or there may have this just been the one yeah there must have just been the ones here they're saying six so because I remember when I did that unboxing I was like well hey now you won't be able to play Terran against Terran because you don't have all the stuff this right here is what's going to allow you to turn one of the different colors you know into the Terran ships and here gonna shows you all the content so you have your your space station your cruisers or dreadknots and I don't remember but your interceptor maybe it was the Interceptor I think so 108 ships very cool let's go ahead and look at these [Applause] so we have green blue yellow and black and it looks like they are all the same well no these red ones no no no they're the same okay so yeah they do all look the same see and I'm guessing this white one is showing that so there are these four in these six colors dump you guys out so I definitely do not remember seeing these in the base game so that's and of course now though because we have these I would want to find some way to get six more of the trays that's what I'm feeling like I said I want more six more of the trays and the dial so everything can be you know put in there and then of course you know it's colored spheres and and and all that no no no that's what I'm wanting this looks very star trekky to me alright so let's look at these so here we have the space station and let's actually change something up real quick let's switch to yellow because I think the yellow will show up a little better you can see everything [Applause] the bass dreadknot the Interceptor in the freezer I think are the names of them all all right so you see there's a good bit a little detail like said the black will be hard but for these other ones just put a little wash over these and and they will definitely pop and you really see all of those just read no and then of course I grabbed one of the stands that we looked over earlier no you can stick to that in there that's who I like that you know let's grab another one you can see both of those and of course he sits on the map tile so and then they knew him so yeah so these so these now give us all of the ships for the Terrans so we can actually play multiples of those in a game so this definitely to me seems a good add-on for you for extending your game here we have the Galactic events expansion so if we flip it over we see the contents a sector hex so we have a nebula supernova black hole and a pulsar that's cool so we have some what sounds like events that could happen so rather than turning over you know a solar system you're turning over a more of an event type or a space anomaly that's cool I like that [Applause] and then the rules black hole and then the supernova and then finally the nebula that's why like that just in case and then all of the stuff three three three two three so there's one two and then a bunch of three is wow look at all these that's interesting almost the wormhole jumps so I'm guessing that means this would be to get here you'd be move and then have to do another move to get over here then maybe another move so rather than this being one it's actually three hmm and then the rest of these are all threes that's right the first time huh interesting let me have another one emulous again and then that's an actual world and then our final wine out of all of it I think this actually was one of my favorite expansions of thus far very cool I like that a lot here we have the world of our items again I believe this is kind of the expansion part of it and the Kickstarter thing because this seems very Kickstarter exclusive where everything else had you know that retail packaging that it looks like this appears I mean it's just here in this bag so I'm betting out of all of this in here if anything is Kickstarter exclusive not gonna go retail I would bet it is this one so let's go ahead and open this up and it doesn't look like anywhere has a nice easy open so we'll just rip into this bag alright there we go and see everything that we got alright so here we have some sparring pads a bunch of those and oh here we go and then these are the reference see a lot of these are starting I'm trying to remember these from some of the stretch goals then we have player reference tiles and these are done so you can I guess hold it up right here I don't know why you'd be hiding I don't think it would be anything you hide on the white they've done in this trifold manner but so here we can see all of the stuff and all this we should recognize from the in the instruction book and there are three six one two three four five five of those six yeah six of those and then world of flower extras optional turn order variant okay interesting and then here all of those tokens for changing the player turn order so instead I'm guessing us this if you didn't want to do it in the whole you know the first one out is going to be the the first player and then around the board that way or maybe it works maybe adds that to it counterclockwise yeah and then yep same kind of thing before where we have the aliens on one side and the different Terrans look at those so they're all the different alien species and then a human species and then the turns just one through six and then here are the additional blueprints that we're done in the Kickstarter go ahead and pop those so they have that that oh here we go they do have different backs okay so so there's one for each type of an additional blueprint so hey this is the Guardian remember as the guardianship and this was the ancient ship and then of course the center space station and then a few more discoveries and then it's reward points or whatever points for scoring points that little bit there all right push it on the side and then here is just the side that side print or something I think doesn't look like a real sign it looks like it was those that was signed and then they just printed it out that's pretty though I mean if you wanted to frame this and put it up somewhere and the art book I think it's more [Applause] [Applause] let's skip over some of that want to keep some of the Lord spoiler free I guess well that is everything for the worlds afar collection definitely this is all sorts of Kickstarter stuff and all of the retail add-ons that you can do we would probably be able to buy after the fact all jumbled into one box with as much time and effort as they put into the packaging of the base game especially the thick sort of addition of the base game the way that this came is a little disappointing you definitely aren't going to want to be able to keep everything in this box especially for the worlds afar expansion that is in here things will definitely get damaged like that print that they had in here so you definitely wouldn't want to keep anything in here for a long period of time so you're gonna need to be able to take it out but there's no room for any of this in the box so you one thing that I definitely would want is a larger deluxe box for the game that I could put all of this in here and then where we could buy six additional colored packs you know that have you know all the the two inlets all the cubes and the spheres so you can actually turn all of these human races into full-on you know collections and then a giant box that'd be able to support all of you know all 12 of the items everything in here all put together nice because once you have everything taken out again I don't see you be able to put any of this in the base box but I do like everything that's coming here I like being able to get the human ship so you can play with all of those you know you know in the base game she can have multiples in there I especially like that galactic pack for those different terrain there's different little areas and then that that rift weapon that put that it could be devastating but could hit you back all the same time and then just a little stands to you know be able to move things around the board you don't have them raised up a little bit just going to give life to the game anytime you can give life to a game I'm all in favor for that but that is it that is the world of our collection I hope this unboxing has helped you to determine if this is something you might want to try to look into getting this right here again is probably definitely Kickstarter exclusive so to get this collection you would probably need to buy it you know third party after the fact but you will hopefully be able to see all of those little mini expansions within this and I'm guessing those will go retail so you will be able to see all of those items well until next time guys I'll see you later
Channel: John Kessler
Views: 459
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: John Kessler, Worlds Afar Collection, Unboxing, Eclipse Second Dawn for the Galaxy, Kickstarter, 4x, Board Game, Expansion, Kolossal Games
Id: cKV6xNWmqVU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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