How to Play Astra Militarum in Warhammer 40K 10th Edition

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hello and welcome to this how to play video with myself Jordan and I'm joined here with the one and only Michael Costello how are you doing thank you Jordan I'm doing well I'm very excited to talk about um one of my loves the Astra mataram or as you may know them the Imperial Guard um one of your loves yeah one of my loves yeah wow well I've got several you've got several loves yes oh well you know that's for another another room that's not those type of content no um okay right so obviously big uh thank you to Games Workshop for providing us the data cards um and just everything that we've got here to be able to preview um this Army for you yeah yeah absolutely absolutely yeah so who are the guards what what are the Astra militar so obviously Humanity in the Imperium is um well the imperium's big and there's not enough enough Space Marines to go around right so we're used to see in the space means of the poster boys k um the space wins can't be everywhere so sometimes mortal humans like me and you um yeah uh we we they have to take up the fight they have to protect these um uh planets these systems um in service of the emperor yeah until maybe help needs to arrive via the Space Marines or and sometimes they even do things themselves oh wow imagine that's them normal humans actually winning battles um against all the horrors in the universe cute so yeah obviously you got the man you've got the women you've got whatever else you want to be um in the Army and we've got kadia is well known I've got a Talon collection you'll see some of those in this video today Cadia is destroyed but lots of regiments of acadians are on different planets here and there and everywhere does it still stand uh well yes because the guys are still alive so I don't think he does okay all right we're not gonna have the discussion George um so yes you've got lots of different planets they all come from they can come in many different shapes and sizes um yeah how do they operate though is it more infantry based or is it a mix like how does the astral military operate so the astrometerum there's offices offices is kind of like the the gist so it's all very organized regimented you've got offices give orders to their specialty yeah um you have a infantry sort of part of the Imperial Guard yep you have obviously the vehicles and tanks part of the Imperial Guard you kind of have an artillery part okay and there is an Air Force as well there is an AV so it's similar to Modern exactly modern Army nice yes all right well should we look at the Army rule yeah absolutely absolutely what is the Army rule so the Army rule for these guys is voice of command very fitting yeah and basically what it means is in your command phase your officer keyword units are going to issue orders okay all right all right so and it's just in your command phase so at any point in your come on face okay so you get to choose you get to chew cool exactly so there's a few different orders now you issue orders within six inches okay you can't issue orders to someone that's battle shocked right okay and for most uh units if they become battle shocked or they have an order they're no longer affected by the order ah right okay and if you give them an order whilst they already have one the new one replaces the old one right so you can only ever be affected by one order if that's right there are some exceptions okay which we'll go through as we go through um okay so there are six orders yep and this is the same regardless of who's issuing the order and where it's going so Vehicles get the same thing as infantry and which has changed from the previous Edition the first one is move move I know this one yep so add three inches to your move characteristic nice okay cool come in handy really really handy yeah um for some of these six inch move units just to get on objectives maybe get angles yeah very very useful fix bayonets which improves your weapon skill characteristic of your melee weapons by one I like that one I think that might be my favorite yeah yeah I'm not surprised yeah um Take Aim improve your ballistic skill characteristic that's my least um buy one yeah cool that's that's great and remember that this is weapon skill and Ballistic skill characteristics yeah so if you have a plus one to hit it will stack it will stack um so where you're looking at things like heavy yeah one units that's going to stack with this right um okay skill modifier which is important which is very important yeah super important then we've got first rank fire second rank fire Yep this is one of my favorites of the orders okay yeah so what it does is it improves the attacks characteristic of rapid fire weapons uh in the unit by one okay so it's an extra shot for yeah every rapid fire weapon um at the full range so if you've got a last gun it's 24 inch range rapid fire one which means that you're going to get an extra shot okay yeah um at 12 inches now um it's 24 inch range Two Shots yeah one shot still rapid fire one which means at half range you'll get three get three shots per last gone oh exactly that's a lot that's a lot of lights coming at you keys in really well with plasma guns so um have a look at plasma guns when you're looking at special weapons because they're the special weapon that has rapid fire yeah so you can get loads of extra shots that's horrible yes it's really really good ouch okay good uh then we have take cover okay right yeah so improve the save characteristic of models in this unit by one this cannot improve the model saved to better than three plus okay so would that stack with potentially um the go to ground so you can get cover on on top of that as well absolutely yeah okay yep nice and that's that's a good way of trying to keep your unit alive yeah yeah bear in mind this isn't um it doesn't really work on unit on vehicles yeah because they've already got like a three plus save um and remember you're affecting the save characteristic not the roll yes so if you've got a tank and you give it this it literally does nothing yeah it's not like it's going to change the save roll yeah because your opponent's Got High AP yeah literally does nothing it affects the same characteristic yes sure okay so um then we've got Duty and honor okay increase your leadership and objective control uh models in the unit by one that can come in handy super handy yeah this is of course in the command phase that you do this yep and you could do that before you well you do that before you score points exactly so if you want to just basically take an objective of someone you need an extra few OC to pop that off yep and you'll you'll score an extra points yeah that it's superb whenever you need it yeah that's that's really good really good so which one do you think is the best out of all six uh the best out of all six it's probably going to end up being Take Aim which is the ballistic School modifier yeah sure because guard is a very very heavy shooting yeah Reliant Army so yeah that's going to be the one you use the most I suspect um but yeah moving and take cover there's all sorts of it gives you flexibility right with the Army in terms of what you can do given increasing output in certain situations exactly exactly and as soon as you start to be able to stack things like rapid fire yeah and um ballistic skill on some units which you can yeah that's sort of where you start seeing more damage output yeah okay that's that's really good I really like that bro um I think it's would you say it's simpler than from ninth Edition 100 yeah in ninth Edition there was uh there were 18 different orders a year or commissars could issue six different ones your tanks six different ones this is just flat you just have to remember six yep you only have to have tokens which I recommend you do if you're playing guard um you only have to have tokens with six different types cool um and yeah much easier to track nice yeah however compared to pre the previous Edition yep there's no sort of if you give an order to one unit it spreads out okay this is a one for one yeah situation yeah it'll tell you on the data sheets right that's right what officers and how many orders they get exactly exactly so on your yeah we'll have an OP it'll have an orders section or voice command section that tells you how many orders you can give nice and to what units you can give them to yeah I think that's great yeah okay that's pretty good Detachment rule Detachment rule really simple uh born soldiers so each time an aster military time unit from your army remains stationary um you get range weapons get the for his ability okay right so this is actually pretty decent it's very good yes especially when you think about I mean you might have better combinations in mind but let's say last guns and you get three shots each you can then wound a lot tougher targets yeah absolutely just skipping one of them wound steps with the lethal hits keywords yeah exactly yeah that's really good so yeah it's really good uh you do have to stay still for it which I think the play style of 10th edition isn't necessarily conducive towards yeah with the random cards and going in different places sure it really really helps your output absolutely but bear in mind that if you ever fire during your opponent's turn yeah you're never going to get this benefit okay okay because it's each time your unit remains stationary yes okay and you don't have an opportunity to remain stationary yeah yeah sure yeah sure um because you don't get a movement phase in your opponent's turn yep um so OverWatch you'd never get lethal hits on because of this okay yeah that I think that's probably a bit it's a big change from the last Edition you just had to have not moved yeah yeah in the previous turn to get the benefit okay all right well we'll come back and we'll look at the enhancements sounds good but before we continue I'd like to give a quick shout out to our sponsor The Outpost if you're looking for a great deals on your Miniatures paints and gaming supplies we've got you covered their wide variety of exceptional service makes them the go-to destination for all hobby needs so don't wait check out The Outpost today Link in the description below okay Mike so what are the enhancements for the guard right so the enhancements for the guard we've got the death mask of elanius oh that sounds interesting yeah um it's the cheapest one it's only 10 points okay and it offers a model only right while the bearers unit is Battle shocked subtract one from the OC characteristic models in the unit instead of changing it to zero oh okay right so that would then interact with the um order to give you plus one OC right so the only issue there is the units battle shocked so they can't receive you okay but what it does mean is that you can still hold objectives even if you're battle shocked okay right the number of models you can get in some of these units um you're gonna have a lot of OC on an objective if you still remain at one yeah this Stacks really well with the command Squad yes because you can have a banner in there which also increases your OC by one so they can't work so they yeah they add they basically add to each other because your what you have is every time you modify characteristic sets value yeah if you set it to zero first and then you add the other fires so the unit will be zero because it's about shocked um and then instead of being zero the death marks makes it minus one right uh and cading shock troops uh and the battle line units are oc2 so it'll be OC one and then the ban will be back yeah that's really good um and it's super cheap so if you have points you take it yeah definitely all right next one uh drill Commander okay right all right so officer model only Bob the Builder Bob the Builder yeah uh um off the model only right well the bear is leading a unit yeah each time a model in that unit makes a range attack yeah if that unit remains stationary okay Critical Hits are scored on fives so that's lethal hits on fives with the attack lethal hits on Fires with the Detachment rule uh Stacks quite well with the um castelan the Canadian castle Yeah because he gives your unit sustained hits one oh so now you could have a unit that rains stationary and gets both lethal and sustained hits on fives to hit that's cheeky yeah it's pretty cheeky that's the best combo I think that's in there yeah there's a specific Loadout I'd give that unit if and I'll talk about that later yeah sure yeah all right that's a really good one what's the third one kurov's Aquila okay right yeah okay sure um this is Officer model only they're all officer model only so I'm going to stop saying that yep uh once per barrel just after your opponents use a stratagem you can use this enhancement if you do the CP cost of that stratum is increased by one for future uses throughout the game okay that's very powerful yes it's also very expensive for guard it's 40 points oh wow stands um which is almost the same as a unit but but it's very good I was going to say so a lot of people I'm seeing are taking the calendars assassins yes which is 110 points for that model if I'm right yes so people are paying 110 points tax for that rule specifically yeah oh okay right yeah it's around that market right but you're only going to pay 40. I see what you're saying it's a squad yeah but if if if you were gonna exactly yeah exactly I think it's worth it yeah I think I think it's definitely worth it because making your opponent have to pay one CP High I mean when there's I mean the captains and Space Marines they have that rule where they can reduce the stratum to zero yeah a lot of armies have that rules yeah so being able to make him have to still pay for stuff yeah it's really I think it's a very very strong ability really strong um and I would yeah I would definitely use this yeah if I could yeah good the only place I wouldn't is if like I'd have to take out too many units just to squeeze it in yeah sure but it's pretty much an auto include awesome okay what's the last one mate the last one is Grand strategist so this yeah yeah you uh the new command phase you can issue an extra order with that that officer oh that's great it's it's good it's good uh I think infantry wise you've probably got enough orders flying around anyway yeah sure yeah this is if you're taking a tank commander this is excellent for the tank commander yeah because Normal officers in the guard can't issue orders to tanks okay repent Commander can but as a base the tank commander only issues one order okay so not great no and you're probably gonna be running well once if you're taking a tank commander you probably want to run more than yeah one other tank so yeah um yeah okay right yeah so I I see that that's good yeah that's good well there's four really good stratums I think so not yeah sorry yeah which one's the best do you think definitely curls Aquila yeah um for the CP yeah cost um the battle shock thing's okay if you've got the 10 points uh dual Commander doesn't work a lot because in order to stay still you're gonna need to have a situation right yeah but there is one particular unit I think it works really really well on okay which we'll talk about um and Grand strategist is an auto included on a tank commander yeah um but it does get the tank one is very expensive as well okay okay so you probably look at another Avenue getting orders on your vehicles sure thing sure thing okay well should we look at some stratagems yeah sounds good let's take a moment to appreciate color Forge our fantastic sponsor their range of spray paint has become our go-to for making our Miniatures come to life quickly and efficiently the quality and variety of colors they offer are truly unmatched providing a smooth application for stunning effects every time check out colorforge for your next hobby project okay so let's look at some stratums so what have we got for the Astra militarum so this one's probably one of the most um it's the most interesting it's the most different one right this is reinforcements okay two command points use it in any phase when a regiment unit has just been destroyed right and you can use it on that unit even though that unit has just been destroyed normally you can't use a strategy money unit that's not on the table but this one specifically States you can this one States you can you add a new unit to your army identical to your destroyed one right in strategic reserves yep at its starting strength and with its all of its wounds remaining so that's pretty strong um you can bring back like 20 Canadians yeah you can bring back kazakin cassikin nice so you bring back a castle unit it's pretty strong are they still big baddies I'll never touch on them later but yeah I think they're still good yeah I think they're still good definitely um yes yeah good strategy yeah really good stretch them I know it's two CP but it's spending command points to bring back points of an army is is really free for free is is definitely it's a great rule it's yes it's it's certainly something yeah um now yeah next one okay let's look at the next one next one is fields of fire okay so two command points again it's expensive we're getting expensive yeah shooting phase one regiment or Squadron unit that's not been affected shoot yet right after you've resolved your attacks with that unit you can select one enemy unit that you targeted you don't even have to have hit them right okay okay and then each time a friendly regiment or Squadron model makes an attack against them until the end of the phase you get um plus one to your AP oh no so um that's pretty horrifying yeah I mean the best use on this is obviously mortars yeah just Target something you don't have to hit it sure um and then the rest of your stuff that can see them gets their extra AP uh yeah ow it's it's really good but it is two command points so this is probably where you slot in someone like Ursula Creed okay to make it free ah yes okay I was gonna say what does she do but yeah I mean already we've seen two Strat jumps at two CP so it's this with CP being a bit rarer in tenth yeah I guess you're gonna decide which one's more worth it for the Army but if you as you said if you take a nursery Creed you could probably use both um um yes uh we'll talk about early decree more but you can't use reinforcements with Ursula Creed uh okay the unit's not on the table it's dead right okay yeah okay I know some people have right but that's not how it should be used okay right technically they're not a legal Target for that ability yeah sure is it dead sure I'm glad we clarified that yes uh what's the next one there mate uh suppression fire okay does it suppress people uh yes it does so it's an astral military infantry unit so that's anything cool yeah it could even be you know rattlings or something um so yeah anything that's infantry uh that hasn't shot yet and one enemy vehicle sorry one enemy unit that's not a monster vehicle okay that enemy unit if it's hit by your unit is minus one to its hit rolls yes okay if you fire your infantry unit let's say you've got some cading shop troops that can't really damage an enemy unit uh you just want them to be minus one hit one CP and that's that does that last for is that counting towards combat as well yes until the end of your opponent's next turn okay right that has a bit more play to it I was going to say because um suppressors for Space Marines have a similar rule right um but I'm not too sure whether or not theirs Works in combat as well so I wanted to double check to see if it was a combat thing that could happen all of their attacks I think that's really useful actually I I think so too I think it's going to be difficult deciding when you want to use the 1cp on that when you've got when you've got other ones yeah and even some core stratagems like grenades yeah just seem a bit better than this this is the big dilemma I'm finding the 10th yeah there is just having the six stratagems a lot of the times three or four of them are pretty good right yeah so and then the core strats you've got a big chunk of them that are really viable absolutely so this CP management is key in 10th edition and we've seen some pretty good ones here so what's the fourth one mate fourth one is expert bombardier's okay okay so basically one CP start your shoot phase you pick one of your guys that a unit that has a voxcaster in it okay and an enemy unit they can see each time an astral military unit with an indirect fire weapon targets that unit uh plus one to hit ow okay um I don't like indirect Hector and this works even if they're visible to the indirect unit so you could have a basilisk yeah that normally hits on a four plus you could increase its ballistic skill with the order yeah three plus yeah and then it could move to get line of sight uh and it would hit on twos oh it would hit on twos anyway because it's heavy yeah but this just means you can stack and do all sorts okay well that's a really powerful ability yeah um I think guard tend to lean into having at least one unit of indirect right yeah absolutely absolutely I think that's key a key stratagem again yeah that's good it's good I think it's a shame that there's quite a lot in the Guard book that leans into indirect fire yeah because I'd like to have seen a bit more support for other stuff yeah though I suspect down the line we'll probably see dedicated detachments to well yeah arms of yeah I think that would be cool like just having different like ways to play your regimen or the way that you're going to build your um your arm it'd be pretty cool to see different different modes of the Guard but um what's the fifth one then mate uh inspired command okay I've used this quite a bit actually yeah so what this is is in your opponent's command phase you can spin one command point to issue an order with one of your officers oh so it's an out of phase order exactly nice so after maybe you've shot with your unit and it comes to your opponent's turn you're like oh my unit's gonna get shot I'm going to spend one point one command point and I'm going to issue take cover to my unit so it has plus one to hit save so why would you play that though instead of go to ground or something let maybe if obviously the opponent has ignores cover yes so your opponent could have ignores cover yeah there's probably going to be angles where you're going to get cover anyway so this just affects your base characteristic okay right it is better okay yeah yeah the ground but you could certainly use both if you really wanted to keep them alive um great on kasakin and Scions because they're already on a four up base save yeah so you suddenly get this infantry to a three up base save and then you could have other as well exactly so they become quite difficult to shift yeah even though they're just normal human dudes yeah sure sure nice yeah and the last one the last one is armored might two command points in the shooting phase you can reduce the incoming damage by one for your vehicle there's three two CP strats three two CP strats it's expensive it's an expensive world out there um but I have to say I'd probably add to the grenade strategy to their to their card basically right because so many of them can have grenades yeah and when you've got these little infantry squads that is sometimes the best damage they can do is throwing that grenade and doing more well yeah more orange are extremely powerful so being able to do that with an infantry Squad yeah I think I I agree with you I think having that is going to be definitely used more than most of them yes strats yeah um so which one do you think is is the best one though out of those six I think the best one has to be fields of fire for the extra a for the extra AP yeah sure no you pick one enemy unit it's a big bad maybe a bad one's there maybe Magnus yeah and then the rest of your force is going to get an extra AP against them yeah um the only downside to this is only your regiment and squadrons they're going to get the benefit yeah so any characters won't get it like your tank commanders yeah sure um and your aircraft won't get it either because they're neither of those two two things but um otherwise it's I mean it's super useful giving last guns an AP exactly when you could do the order for extra shots exactly you you really are putting some hurt down um before where I've got um plasma guns to ap5 ap3 with castlekin uh there's yeah it's cool AP stack and it's really useful yeah ap5 yeah yeah sure yeah yeah nice well yeah that's some really good stratagems um should we move on and look at some of the units yeah let's do it all right with the release of Warhammer 40 000 10th edition avanga tactics we've put together the perfect course for you if you're already playing ninth Edition but you want to seamlessly transition into the new edition leave behind everything you know about ninth and understand everything you need to know about 10th then this short course is going to be ideal we break down all the complexities and give you step-by-step guidance on how to really make the most from 10th edition we're going to help you understand all the basics of the game and then some top tips along the way to help you really get the most from your army and your playing experience and if that's something you want to do and get signed up on our short course which you can study in your own time then do check out the links below and get signed up to our accelerator program okay Mike so let's look at some units so what's the first unit that you've picked I mean we have to talk about him the Lord solar this money leontus um so mine that you'll you'll see is a conversion Talon conversion he's beautiful thank you thank you I made him actually before the model came out okay um so when I'd seen it it was coming I was gonna say the model came out you have foresight or something I knew he was coming they revealed the model yeah I hadn't seen like the size oh okay they've done it on all the previews yeah and mine's on the wrong base size but it's a Scenic base so I can't easily change it anyway okay um I know that for future yeah leontes is on a really big base yep uh and he's an auto include regard I mean yeah uh look if you're gonna start a guard Army you need this guy so this is the same as night for dishes this is pretty much nothing's changed you need this guy what does this Batman do so um there's three main things here so the first one is it start your command please you get command Point okay oh right yeah great straight up we know our strategyms are very expensive yeah this guy's making him a little bit easier to to manage right bear in mind this won't stack with discarding a card at the end of the turn like a tactical Mission because you can only get one per battle round but he's guaranteeing you exactly extra CP which is really really really good yeah yeah really really strong uh then uh he's got another ability the Collegiate astral X so after after you've wrote a first turn yep you can redeploy three of units and you can put them in strap Reserve as well for free right um yeah is there a range on that or just any unit it's just just three of your units okay redeploy them right so if things aren't if you want first turn you roll you get a second turn you go right I need to make sure that these things are going to survive yep put them in strap Reserve or just move them into somewhere that's a bit more advantageous absolutely like for super powerful I mean those two combined yeah great yeah really really good uh and this guy is a leader okay you can join um the Rough Riders obviously because of our horses yep um Caden shot troops yep kazakin right and a bunch of the other infantry types you catch a chance death corpse Creek your infantry Squad that kind of thing um okay so here's the real kicker with this guy he can issue three orders oh wow okay to Astra militarum units so that's vehicles and infantry that is everything that has the Astra militarum keyword wow anything he's the only one that can issue orders to any of the um auxilia the ab humans as they call them it's the only one that can issue orders to Titanic um Vehicles like the Beyblade he could issue it to three Bane blades if you wanted he can issue it to aircraft right all right yeah I do have a list planned for that I know you do I know you do and it's absolutely horrific guys just want to put it out there but it's not that bad jokes though um so you have to take this guy if you're playing guard unfortunately unfortunately I mean he's great but it's a bit unfortunate that he is an auto include because when we're balancing the game we don't really want Auto includes yeah sure he's just so powerful yeah you have to and he has the low price tag at the moment of 135. he's the same as Dante he's so good he's so good every list you stick him in um has to be a warlord though so if you have other plans for Warlords you can't take him I guess it doesn't really matter right no it's not too much of an issue no it's not too much of an issue okay umatic so yeah sure yeah I like that okay you're taking him you're taking him who's next uh earthy the Creed is next um also I think he's 125 not 135. oh okay he's even cheaper right than dancing all right anyway so Creed yeah um she's great she's cheaper than a normal castleland sure it's 55 points 55 points wait up she's also an auto include oh no what does she do Mike um so if you can if she's leading a unit yeah that unit can be affected up to two different orders at the same time oh okay we'll get to you so this is where the rapid fire yeah and the blossom booster skills great yeah um she can lead cadians infantry squads and cassican she can go with classic in she can go with kasakin um I don't think that's the way you'd run her though oh okay you could run it that way um but yeah some of the other units kind of need a transport or else they get sort of destroyed by indirect and that kind of thing um so she's also got tactical genius once per battle round one unit from your army within 12 inches of this model can be targeted with a stratagem for zero command points even if another unit in your army has been targeted by that stratagem this phase but not reinforcements but not reinforcements because that's not a unit within 12 inches they're literally off the board yeah you can't use it on reinforcements stop it yep um sure but you could potentially make two of your vehicles minus one damage in the shooting phase okay I really like this for potentially double grenades yeah sure but I think the best use for her every turn is doing fields of fire yeah um to increase your AP across the board against one enemy Target yeah definitely definitely that's that's really powerful I think for 55 points mate and she's a bargain absolute bargain she's saving you two command points a turn yeah you roll her in with leontas as well when he's getting you another command point to turn yeah you're doing whatever you want the bargain bucket right doing whatever you want and she issues two orders to regiment units so okay so that's five orders if you go with that and that you can do yeah that's really really good and then obviously she can be affected by two uh so okay right great lovely super right next super uh so this little guy Katie and castle on okay um only issues one order okay uh it gives your unit sustained hits one great so that was where we was talking about the combo exactly before with the enhancement so you want to take this guy um with that combo yeah um it's not an auto include this is just like a combo you could do because just to qualify that um more expensive than Creed I mean how many points um I think 65 why is he more than Creed well I I'm not sure if I'm honest but uh he gives you a unit fullback and shoot fall back and shoes fall back and shoot which is pretty big for guard okay right and sustained one okay there's nothing to laugh about really is it not at all it's pretty decent you can join Canadians infantry squads castlekin okay so you probably I mean putting him with a Big Blob of 20 Canadians yeah so here's the combo yeah I hit you with it now yeah um so this guy with the drill Commander yeah the fives yeah explode and our lethal you drop him in an infantry Squad yeah that also has a platoon command Squad attached okay and then in the Infantry Squad you put two mortar teams in there right out of the twenty yeah two more teams in there you can take a sniper rifle whatever you want sure um and then the the platoon command Squad can have another mortar team in it it says three so you've got three mortars 20 guys plus a bunch of dudes um with exploding fives and lethal and fives and they're going to be able to remain stationary most of the game because they're mortars that's horrific so that's pretty good exploding fights and mortars yeah it's great it's just like the best thing about it is that the mortar team is quite Fragile the normal heavy weapons yeah so having the ablative wounds of the 20 bodies helps you get the most out of it nice nice that's a really strong combo yeah it's really cool really cool great next one Primera cycle oh this guy's here because of his mad amount of damage um damage yeah it does damage it also start your opponent shooting phase on a two plus gives your unit four plus and vulnerable save stop it yeah so you could give a guard Squad a for a pinball yeah against shooting it's great oh my God now for phone opinions yeah it's just in the shooting phase oh what happens yeah it doesn't work in combat um right so here's the damage right so you supercharge this psychic Maelstrom yeah and it becomes hazardous right but you overcharge some plasma guns in your squad so if you do roll any hazardous you kill a guards yes it does Smart um blast devastating wounds okay D6 plus three shots threes to hit right so if you do the order on the score for plus one ballistic skills to hit strength six ap2 two damage what he is just annihilating spaces it's basically Sidious these Darth Sidious he's going there unlimited power with his blast devastating please Mike make like a look like Darth Sidious I mean to be honest he kind of almost already does yeah you need to put a hood on him um but yeah I can put hood on him and just paint his road I'll see what I can do let's see what I can right I'll hold you to that all right um let's have a look at another character yep next unit I want to look at is the tank commander okay so this is the only unit other than solo leontus yeah that can issue orders to Squadron units so that's your vehicles right pretty much got extra vehicles um this guy can issue one order two Squadron units okay not rely a little bit sad yeah sure you probably should be able to issue two yeah this guy is a whopping 240 odd points ah if you want to take him it's pretty I suppose well you said earlier about the enhancement right yes so the enhancement what was it called drill um so the enhancer's grand strategist Grand strategist you should know because that's you sorry yeah um but it's 15 points so you're putting this guy at 255 ish um to be able to do two orders right yeah sure no I agree with you it's a tough call right it's a lot of points um but does he is he is he worth it though in terms of his output what what else so what he gives you so he can issue orders at 12 inches that's one of his abilities okay all right guys normally only be able to issue one order at 12 inches it's not really it's not a great data sheet ability to have cool um his other one though is when he's destroyed on a two plus um it can shoot well you know you're rolling ones with that then don't you yeah I mean that's great like shooting on death with a full tank on a two plus yeah that was the ball of my existence in ninth edition awesome yeah but I'd rather have an ability that is effective while my unit's alive yeah sure especially in this Edition where tanks are so hard to kill anyway well yeah I mean I mean points wise he's already quite Hefty yes um and then obviously if you lose him you not get it really only getting one rule out of him exactly um it's probably worth it at this venture to talk about the luminos profile Leslie yeah let's have a look so we're not going to look at these stats again later when we cover other lemon rushes yeah but it's a 10 inch move okay it's toughness 11. nice pretty good so most melters there's a lot of strength 10 weapons out there yeah uh two plus save okay so that's really tough yeah so I mean it is literally just a big block of iron yeah okay yeah I don't know what the thickness is on his armor but it's probably pretty thick I'm gonna go with three millimeters three millimeters cool um unless it's a robo door where there's a hole underneath the model then there's four millimeter then it's right okay um so the tech Commander the Lehman Ross is yeah two plus eight thirteen wounds nice leadership seven plus oc3 okay right well obviously the important factor with this data sheet is is toughness and its durability right exactly so t11 two plus save 13 wounds cool yeah cool push over not a pushover at all no right so two plus save very very useful yep very good and that's what all of the rushes have the tank commander can take any of the main weapons from the other Rosses cool so you've got those options however you'll find each of the other Lehman rushes that has a specific turret weapon also has its own data sheet data card okay which has an ability on it right and we'll cover a few of those later so one question I have can he lead Lima Ross's no there's no leading okay that's not an option so that is maybe a weakness of the guy as well as he can just be targeted yeah absolutely okay absolutely um that would be hilarious imagine just a tank commander that would be so funny one of Lehman Ross's um it's that old One Eye with his carnifex group yeah yeah that would be hilarious I want that to happen that would be pretty fun yeah all right well it would be very strong because if you want an issue audits to himself yeah yeah but sure yeah do you want to run over the Lima Ross's now yeah can do yes let me find the cards yeah we have a hefty amount thrown me out of uh Porter here here so the first and my favorite of these right is the Lehman Russ exterminator oh is this the one with the guy would die in front of my face there um so if this is the one with the auto cannons oh okay I don't think I've ever actually seen the model I don't think anyone has no um this was quite a rare one okay however I like it because it's got an awesome ability so go through its main weapon yep exterminator Auto Cannon okay right yep keep it simple 48 inch range nice rapid fire four yep twin linked okay I keep forgetting that it's twin linked when I use it that's really good uh so four shots based which means eight shots are 24 inches yep hits on fours cool with an order obviously threes threes strength nine AP one three damage okay right so this is a heavy infantry killer yeah basically yeah right I like it it's not bad the three damage comes in a lot if you've used uh fields of fire already on an enemy h3p then this would be ap2 damage to you which starts to then that's do a lot of damage yeah because then terminate let's look for terminates because that's a prime target for them right yeah so they would be wounded in one threes twin linked yeah AP two refuse filter fires the terminates would go up to their four UPS yeah so yeah that's great because then every everyone that goes through it was killing the Terminator yeah strong okay so the ability of this guy is withering hail in your shooting phase after this model is shot select one enemy unit hit by one or more of those attacks made by its exterminator oil Cannon okay all right until the end of the phase each time a friendly astrometer unit makes an attack that targets that unit you increase the AP characteristic of that Attack by One the same enemy unit can only be affected by this ability once per phase so it's like the storm speed of Hell strike basically the same as that yep so I shoot something everything else gets an extra AP against it this isn't locked to regiment and Squadron this is everything so does that is that cumulative yes so then people can get plus 2 AP against a certain unit yeah that's good in it ow that's pretty good yeah that's that's that's amazing actually and that's how I got some of these guys to ap5 plasma and AP two or three Mike blouse guns it's a really good really good apt last guns is just horrific yeah okay nice I like him really good um Synergy how many points are these roughly uh this guy is 190 ish most of them most of the rushes are about 200 ish okay cool um the demolish is 240 odd 220. they're only single models right single models that's right that's right okay so remember in one edition you could take them in units right yeah you could just yeah yeah that's hilarious uh we've got the battle tank next okay yeah um so this is a 48 inch range gun D6 plus three strength 10 AP one three damage nice um this guy rerolls hit rolls of one okay against Targets on objective markers we were all hit rolls nice pretty pretty peaceful not bad the AP kinda lets it down but then if you see combo in it with other stuff exactly you've got consistency with the re-rolls okay perfect so not a bad often yeah absolutely definitely um the demolisher okay this one's quite popular yep um so the gun is 24 inch range so a lot shorter D6 plus three shots usual for ballistic skill strength 14 right ap3 D6 damage so this is the I know I keep referring space range but that's my knowledge pattern here this is The Vindicator yeah right yeah like of indicator um this guy can shoot enemy units with an engagement range of it with its blast weapon so normally you can't but in this case you can and it ignores the penalty to its hit rolls okay so you can't lock it in combat and stop it from shooting you that's right um the only way to stop it is to blow it up yeah okay nice it's cool I really like it I can see why it's the most expensive one and it's some of the higher strength weapons that we've yeah in the index strength 14 is amazing because exactly I think there's only one model in the game as toughness 14 right which I think it's monolith yes I'm testing you know yeah it might be the stomper as well yeah it's 13. sure uh we then got the vanquisher this isn't the captain con it's a long this is the long gun yeah yeah cool so that is heavy yep uh one shot strength 18 ap4 D6 plus six damage ow yeah so it is only a single shot yeah yeah that's yeah and hitting on Falls I'm assuming hitting on Falls yeah it's heavy though so I can get it to twos two is potentially potentially yeah its rule is that you can re-roll wounds uh against Monsters and vehicles with the main Cannon okay right it's all right probably wouldn't take that one it doesn't ignoring vulnerable saves yeah I probably wouldn't end up taking it if I'm honest it doesn't have Dev wounds either devastating wins either so yeah um so no devastating wheels on that means it's not going to get The Mortals through yeah I don't think it's really a contender for one no punisher's next Gatling K everybody loves this I mean it's very cool it's very 40K yeah um this has got 20 shots okay uh six AP zero one damage a 24 inch range right okay however if it shoots its main Cannon against an enemy unit that is not a monster or vehicle it gains devastating wounds on that Cannon okay right so you kind of got these 20 shots of reasonable amount of sixes to come out of that yeah you're probably going to get a few um I mean it's just the fact that I'm looking at all these guns now and all these vehicles and I'm thinking well these can all go up to an ap2 like even if they're like yes ap0 they can literally get AP very easily absolutely um and I think I mean having AP on 20 shots at strength six pretty good you are killing like you are picking Marines up yeah like that's that's crazy it's really good I like that uh we then have the all-time favorite yes the Executioner very popular in the previous Edition yep um this guy packs a punch so this is blast and then hazardous if you do the overcharge so this is the plasma cannot well the Executioner that's right D6 plus three shots 36 inch range strength ap3 flat three damage cheeky High AP high damage again you could get this to ap5 if you really wanted to I think I want to um yeah if it targets a unit that's below half strength you get plus one to hit it's a nice player getting plus one here against something yeah so sure so it's all right it's right I mean the thing is the damage is really strong the AP is really strong so consistently this is going to kill you yeah yeah yeah enemy infantry last one Eradicator Yep this is a Nova Cannon so it's like the square barrel with the square muzzle this one either but it's got like that oh okay yeah cool cool um so this one can use its range it's um Nova canon in combat just like the the exactly the same Special Rule as the Demolisher um however um it's 36 inch range blast ignores cover um D3 plus six shots okay so more consistent shots yep strength seven AP one two damage okay right again the thing is some of these are very similar yeah I was going to say like I don't see the use for that one when you have other ones that can do that better yeah um yeah okay so what are the top two you're probably gonna use um you're probably mostly going to see the Demolisher and the Executioner the autocannon one well I rate the auto Cannon more yeah but I think the popular opinion would be the plasma I think the auto Cannon is really useful for getting the rest of your army to that higher AP well I think have its own damage is not bad as well well this is the thing I think having less AP across the board in the game um I think it's something that is definitely needed yeah um and being able to make most some of your weapons even AP1 it's great yeah I agree it's great I agree so yeah no I like that mate all right well should we have a look at some more units yeah we've got next yep Canadian command Squad okay staple so the Acadian command Squad um is basically you've got your officer yeah and you've got your four people with them okay only the officer has the character keyword okay so assassinate you're only giving away one yeah this one it's just the one character in there yeah the unit can come with the banner which increases OC a medic for a six-up filter pain and a master box to to let your officer unit officer models in the unit issue or does it 24 inches cool which is really strong because uh as far as I can see it works with people like solar yep sure um and Creed while their ability is that the unit they're in ignores modifiers right okay except saving ones okay well that's pretty pretty strong yeah exactly so your move won't be modified yeah I'm pretty sure even if your battle shot 0c won't change well that's the connection by this right yeah exactly it's a characteristic so that's pretty mad yeah um you can attach this unit to uh an infantry Squad sorry Cadian shot shoots for this one but there's a platoon command for Infinity Squad um so you can have these five and then 20 Canadian shop troops okay and what dedicating shot troops do these guys um have what we refer to as sticky objectives so um if they control an objective in your command phase you can move away from it and you still count as holding it right so that's what these guys do so what you want is like this big brick of them with the command Squad maybe Creed in there um and these guys will move up the board securing objectives for you okay okay so why take a big brick though if they've got sticky objectives isn't that the design of having a big brick to just hold an objective rather than move off it would you rather would it be better to take smaller units you could take some smaller units yeah if you wanted maybe have one on the backfield cool you absolutely could do that um these guys the 20 person brick makes them pretty survivable against indirect depends what it is right obviously desolation Marines are very good at killing hordes yeah they'd probably be very good at killing this yeah um but other stuff 10 might run away or be easily battle shocked yeah sure these guys are not yeah and then of course having the command Squad um you get more out the command Squad if you've got 20 in the unit yeah so as you say you probably you could run a single 10 chop troops without her just to take advantage of that keyboard I think if you obviously with the command Squad the benefit of that is to put it into a big group exactly okay absolutely but you could run them that way yeah definitely um yes Canadians have a voxcaster so there's a lot of data sheets that have Fox casters yeah if you use distraction on them um then uh you get a CP back on a five plus okay so CPA refund a four plus if there's an officer model within six okay so if they've got the kdn command Squad in the unit then they're just getting it on four pluses every time you use a strap great yeah but it doesn't stack with all solar okay you just gotta remember that how does that work then with reinforcements so reinforcements um interesting do they actually um get the CP back because obviously they wouldn't be on the board right no so that ability I don't know if it would take place reinforcements so you have targeted the bearers unit with a stratagem okay so you probably would be able to roll yeah but you wouldn't get the benefit of having an officer within six because the unit's not on the board okay so all right that's how I would eat it perfect all right it seems like that's how it would work sure um yeah I'm sure like interactions with that will get clarified when when all these uh absolutely we've got to see it in play and have the interactions come up exactly exactly okay one of my favorite units right tell me what the cats can do Mike come on right so they're not what they used to be good they're not they're not the big bad these guys in your command phase um you can select an order to affect them in addition to any other orders that are currently affecting them so they can have two orders on them basically yes and you're gonna probably want that Rapid Fire for extra shots yeah on their plasma guns they don't have two in the unit um and also their hot shot volume guns rapid fire as well okay so you can have four special weapons yeah they're all rapid fire extra shot in each of them nice the hit on threes bass their ballistic skill so giving them that plus one hit order that's spec ops right yeah they should do yeah hitting on twos with more shots yeah cool these guys are awesome yeah um they're Scout six as well I only got scalp Scouts that's nice it's nice if they're in a transport the transport can also scalp brilliant which is pretty handy yeah that's pretty cool so these guys are cool um you've got a variety of the weapons there's a really cool ability I know you love it on your in cursors these guys have got it as well Mel to mine once per battle at the start of any phase you can select one enemy unit within three inches of the bearer and roll one D6 on a two plus they suffer D3 more wounds and if there's a vehicle 2d3 yeah boy so I love the fact you don't have to be in combat with them no it's it's just within three inches it's such a fun rule right at the start of a new face yeah I love it it's just like just imagine if you've ever seen the dawn of War trailer the first ever dawn of War Game oh and it all runs up to the Dreadnought just slap some mine on the side of it that's how I always imagine that like scene when they're doing it just run up yeah and I think you always take the mine yeah you lose your main weapon you just get a pistol instead who cares but the mine's really handy and actually the pistol if you're in combat does make you eligible to shoot yeah so hidden tactic in there as well yeah sure uh so let's ask him or include this one next is the Scout Sentinel Sentinel to include um you need a couple of these probably yeah and the reason for this is at the start you shoot phase you can select an enemy unit with an 18 invisible yep any other Astra militarum models that attack that unit get to reroll the hit rolls of one and if they're shooting with indirect they ignore the hit roll penalty for indirect okay right yeah so they're buffing up the rest of the army just by having line the site just by being there and having on a site perfect yeah and you don't have to shoot in order to do it you just pick someone visible within 18 inches it seems to me like obviously we'll run through it at the end with the guard Army but there's it's it's an army that works off synergies yes so I think Scott yeah I agree with your scout Sentinels sound pretty invaluable to the Army yeah absolutely you want that reroll ones because you normally only hit on fours yeah exactly you need it that's great you need it that's really good um next unit Scions yeah um so specifically the Scions taux Prime combo yep I've been on the end of this the taux prime is excellent and will work with kazakin and other units as well yep but what you get with the Scions is they real hit rolls of one all the time we wrote everything against the Target on an objective marker brilliant the taux prime after it's shot you can select one enemy unit that it's shot at yep and hit and then anyone that disembarked from the transport that um Can reroll wounds against that Target this phase so effectively if the opponent's on an objective you're re-rolling hits then the tile rocks Prime shoots the target allows you to then re-roll wounds yes so you're just re-rolling everything basically you re-roll everything with the Scion unit cool um and once again good orders you know extra rapid fire yeah plus one to hit yep exactly that's that's brilliant good stuff yeah I like that good stuff good package yeah I've been on the end of that and it does hurt uh it's safe to say it does hurt yeah yeah yeah I will be painting up some turrets ah come on Mike yeah I thought you was a nice guy uh these are great I mean that's such a cool model it's very guard it's one of the iconic guard models it is um after this it's shot uh if it hit an enemy infantry unit with its Earth Shaker Cannon Earth Shaker Cannon Earth Shaker now that dawn of War you used to be able to like pick a place yes and then from across the map your bastard would just shoot this shell yeah and you just wait for it to land and then there'd be lots of little gibbets yeah uh from the enemy unit yeah um it would leave big craters on the map as well wouldn't it yeah it was very cool yeah so after it's hit an enemy infantry unit till your opponent's next turn uh till the end of your opponent's next turn you minus two to their move characteristic oh no and minus two to their Advanced charge rules see I don't like this rule it literally because I'm I like to play Fast armies having this it's just like oh so annoying yeah it's really strong so imagine that again it's like slow moving Army so like death guards yeah death guards yeah you got those death shells moving two inches now and if they roll in advance they're going to need to roll at least a three for anything to happen um because it minuses two from the advanced role as well as their movement that's embarrassing very strong if you're death guard and you don't have mortar and list that will happen to you material lets you ignore the characteristics okay so yeah there's a lot of abilities like this in the game which is where that ignoring characteristics is really Thunder fire cannons yeah exactly um I mean the gun's no joke 240 inch range that's right I could shoot you right now with this bastard you yeah the camera that's the range it has um uh it's heavy so it has plus one to hit if it stays still indirect fire so it's probably gonna stay still yeah um D6 plus two shots hit on fours strength eight minus two two damage we're not there for the damage we're there for the the rule of it it's good I mean even like it's Squadron so you could get this to ap4 against the right Target and ignoring the modifiers yep and plus one to hit and all that yeah that's that's pretty fine you could spot someone with a guy with a box caster and then you could have all the extra AP and you could have a bunch of these shoot the target and be ap4 hitting on twos yeah I don't like artillery it's a coward's way yeah dudes uh so we had the Infantry Squad which we mentioned about having heavy weapons teams in yeah and that's kind of your alternative troop Choice really um these guys get cover if they're on an objective that you control all right yeah I've probably just take the cake in infantry yeah yeah agreed um are we going to talk about this baby now I figured we should finish off with the Bane blades the Bane blade um it's the most iconic guard bit it is it is or maybe a Lehman Ross but I think I think this is up there yes it's just so cool I I love seeing just Beyblades on the battlefield and then you run to it at all I it was very fun yeah it was very fun I mean you got a reason to run three now because solar condition orders to them oh God just imagine him sat behind three yeah he's just pushing them up provided none of them explode with deadly demise yeah I think he'll be okay what's that that is nice um D6 plus two okay I thought it'd be a bit worse than that I mean that's pretty bad that's pretty pretty funny pretty bad yeah um okay so the Beyblade um if a range attack is allocated to an astral military model from your army yep and that model is not fully visible to every model in the attacking unit because of this model the beam blade yeah you get the benefits of cover against the attack so it's a moving building it's a moving building but that's I think that's really cool that is honestly one of the coolest rules in 40K it's also a nice way to give it an ability that doesn't overcook it yes sure sure but it's also thematic yeah I agree with that I think but you could this how it would work right because even in real life in more situations you have infantry walking behind the tanks and the tanks then become the shields for for the Infantry so having this as that kind of Fortress just rolling up yeah we've got 50 million guns that it has and you literally just got this column of inventory marching behind it that's so cool that's very cool I will be running one of these at some point hopefully on the chat yeah um because I've got one and it's we've got to make it we've got to make happen to two beyblades yeah and it's Canon okay the characteristics so the Canon 72 inch range 3d6 shots yeah not a huge fan of 3d6 because I have rolled three shots before with this guy um yeah strength 12. yeah ap2 flat 3 damage okay so AP obviously I'm just keep considering the spine a bit so it can only go up to one more AP okay exterminator yeah cool because it's not regiment or Squadron so it's going to go up to three AP three potentially yeah damage three ballistic skill three plus if you've got solar yeah in the list nine inch move toughness 13. cheeky nice cheeky yeah two plus save of course 24 wounds wait doesn't that mean last cannons wounded on fives yes yes it does yeah um oc8 and in match play they've removed the thing where you can't sit on objectives so this guy's gonna Park on an objective with OC 8 be Invincible I think he's the diameter of the whole objective he probably is so you actually can't fit you won't be able to fit enough OC at least because yeah oc8 yeah um yeah cool all right love it um yeah I think you can pack four last cannons and eight heavy flame well four twin heavy flamers on this guy yeah um he's yeah so cool I I think it's awesome I think yeah Beyblades they they have a spot they do um they're cool you can definitely build around them um yeah I'm not gonna go through all of the other no super Heavies we've probably gone through so many data sheets already yeah this video is getting long um but I do love my guard so we've given you a broad range horses I didn't talk about the horses no um they're not as good as they used to be okay um but they're still a nice valid melee threat yeah yeah and they're fast so you can do your cards with them it's cool it says it's cool yeah just to put in isn't it um okay well we've run over the units and the data sheets I think as we said earlier the guards clearly work on a lot of synergies yeah so when you're building your list I mean correct me if I'm wrong but you want to look at so the what is the purpose of having a basilisk what is the purpose of having the Lima Ross with the execution overall like you want you want to look at what benefits is going to provide the rest of the army right yeah how do I get the most out of this unit do I have enough offices to issue enough orders yeah exactly to make these units effective yeah um yeah yeah no that's it's really cool it's really thematic um but tell me Mike how does the um army work with Mission play so are we going tactical or we going fixed uh yeah so Mission play tactical you can definitely do yeah you've got a lot of cheap little units yeah that can run around and do objectives so you can easily build into tactical Scions have deep strike yeah okay it's five models on 25 more bases that's a really small footprint yeah so having that in deep strike ready to drop anywhere on the board you can score a lot of different cards with that sure um you've got decent OC on vehicles which are very tough to kill so you can take objectives and hold them yep relatively well um so you you probably look at tactical yeah but you're gonna have to build for it if you go all armor and not much is invested in in you know scoring detectable cards then you're going to struggle yeah um the biggest uh struggling factor with guard is that they often give up a lot of points on assassinate yep and bring it down okay which opponent can obviously take both yes and then you're kind of stuck there trying to score these random cards or all your opponent has to do is just shoot you or fight you in combat and kill you yeah that's the biggest struggle regard at the moment um also guard don't really have access to many more wounds okay right yeah um so that is definitely one of their weaknesses yeah um and they don't have any saves really against morons either okay so um yeah yeah but tactical I think is the way you probably want to go yeah definitely I think building your list around that is definitely it sounds like the smart way to go with the Army um yeah but it does seem like the Army's very thematic and it doesn't seem like you are kind of towards the end of night it was mainly armor Central like everyone was just taking these Lima Ross yep armies whereas now it does seem like you can lean more towards other stuff absolutely you can really have you can you can do your artillery Army you can do your tank Army you can do your infantry Army and you can do a bit of everything yeah and it still works um but it's not an easy win faction I don't think yeah it's there is of skill to it yeah um with all the synergies nice nice well obviously thank you all for watching the video uh Mike thank you for letting me pick your brain on the on the Astra militare you're very welcome yeah it's been it's been pretty cool I mean I was interested in how the guard worked now and um yeah you've explained you explained it valiantly yeah thank you thank you very much valiantly is the word but yeah we're going with it bro absolutely awesome I want you in the comments to let me know what your favorite guard vehicle is yep and why is it the valkyrie so let me know what your favorite guard vehicle is favorite super heavy if there's any like combos of a specific leader with a specific unit yeah um I haven't even talked yet about how good agents of the Imperium are with guards like inquisitors and stuff I feel like we should do our I think I'll do a video on agents at some point that is your specialty attempt so I've been loving it yeah so far but yes drop a like definitely subscribe and drop a comment uh it helps the algorithm yeah definitely um and yeah as I said put everything in the comments let us know how you thought this video and we will see you in a video very soon hello and welcome to this how to play video we are going to be reviewing Imperial Guard today or Astra militarum as they're called Astro militarum okay okay look I know Imperial guards get with the get with the what's it called get with the picture the program program yeah get with the picture they're called Imperial Guard um they're called astronom now okay let's do that again yeah sure all right
Channel: Vanguard Tactics
Views: 38,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #Warhammer40K, #new40k, #HowToPlay, #10thEdition, #TabletopGaming, #VanguardTactics, #WarhammerGuide, #40KTactics, #imperium, #AstraMilitarum, #ImperialGuard
Id: QGvG_gDL5lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 40sec (3760 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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