Surviving 10 years later in Project Zomboid

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foreign large large booty man now large here has survived 10 years of the zombie apocalypse well it's either that or he's just hatched from an egg in this wardrobe here on Earth way on about well I've been wanting to tell a zombie story on the channel for some time now but all of my attempts so far have ended both quickly and unceremoniously so I did some other things first this time I've installed a healthy set of mods including brita's weapon and armor packs most of the Autos are vehicle bits as well as various other little bits and bobs the full list is in the description below but the one that's currently rather standing out is 10 years later which gives the world an overgrown appearance especially when paired with worn out zombies there are some supporting mods for 10 years later like 10 years later professions which allows us to make large hair a hardened Survivor the world's sandbox settings have also been tweaked to reflect the setting a bit better the electricity and water are shut off and there's no perishable food left to offset this the zombie population is also a little bit lower than usual and large gain skills at twice the normal rate it's also worth mentioning that nothing respawns neither zombies or loot magically reappear though the way zombies migrate in this game often makes it appear like they're still infinite anyway you want we can pretend that I'm playing this because it's been over 10 years since the original Zomboy Tech demo was released it's not I didn't know that until now but they don't need to know that do they so anyway while we've been talking large has been looting he's evidently just arrived in muldraw on foot since we find ourselves going house to house at the very edge of town on our first day in town here we bashed in some skulls and got ourselves all dressed up in the bloodied second-hand clothing of the local zombies we spotted a nice hiking backpack stuffed it full of canned food scoped out some bits that would be important later and then got cozy in this little cabin here this seems like it would be a nice little spot to turn into a safe house but for now it's time for bed [Music] okay maybe it wasn't quite time for bed because now it's 3am but instead of doing something sensible like reading a skill book we're going to go out and keep on Scavenging which sounds nicer than saying looting doesn't it one particularly kind zombie donated some military apparel to largest cores in the form of a bulletproof vest and some very tactical camo clothing thankfully most bulletproof materials are also proof against teeth by this point I found a couple of cars and vans that are in pretty usable condition however it's extremely rare to find a car with a working battery and or any remaining fuel this far into the apocalypse if we wanted to get technical about it then we'd probably have to not use vehicles or generators at all since the shelf life of your average vehicle fuel is really not that long but we probably don't want to do that because it wouldn't be very fun would it regardless I don't have any fuel or a working car battery for that matter but it's something to keep in mind and look out for on future travels the next day consisted of finding a bigger bag a couple of empty gas cans to use later some fly drip and these two very hungry and well-coordinated fellows now it's probably a good time to mention that I did also change the zombie virus's transmission method to saliva only for this game so the nasty laceration I just picked up on my hand in this cock-up is just a pain not a potential death sentence it may now be obvious why I've had so many failed zomboid runs I do have a tendency to rush about a bit it's simply my nature to boldly run at situations blind and then deal with the consequences afterwards so I think for now we'd best stop looting and fighting and do some lightweight organizing instead in zombroid I tend to have specific containers for food books tools weapons electronics and then have separate areas set up for first aid stuff and tailoring supplies inevitably this descends into chaos and I just throw stuff on the floor within a few days but for a brief Shining Moment all is pure and all is organized you can thankfully remove all of this green stuff from buildings and floors in 10 years later so let's do that a bit now hey what's this under here oh wow it's a subscribe button I bet if you had a look you'd find one just like it right below the video go check it out after that bit of gardening it's time for a little bit of tailoring most of the clothes I'm wearing came from dead people that have allegedly been shambling around in them for a decade or so they're not in great shape I patched up all the holes in everything I could with a mix of leather Denim and regular old cloth before getting down to a good old crossword puzzle to ease the Mind pain before bed I also read about foraging because that's what I plan to do a bit of today large has the herbalist trait so it's safe to scrounge around in the mud for food the grand hall was a wild leak a handful of mushrooms two worms a millipede and an oven mitt which isn't food after the morning's forages I broke into this fortified house which realistically should be where I fought fire and call home but it just doesn't have the same coziness factor as the shack does it what it does have is a lot of sharp things particularly useful to me are the axes which I can use later to Deforest the area around me and provide the logs required for my various constructions the house also held a sledgehammer which can be used to raid various high-value areas like police stations or storage lockups but we'll get to that later first things first Lodge is a smoker and the mind pain from not having any ciggies is really starting to get to him I know that there's a bar on the Main Road next to a large Warehouse so I head that way on the way there whilst engaging in some more ill-advised night combat I took down a zombie in some kind of second world war German getup including a style Helm and an incredibly high capacity backpack anyway it's starting to brighten up a bit now and we're closing in on that bar I'm hoping to find some cigarettes and a lighter here but I mean it seems like the right sort of place but no not today I did get some booze though which offers another kind of reprieve from the terrors a beer before bed will sort out even the deepest reaches of depression in zombroid if only it was so simple on the way out I spotted this nice fellow in a Ghillie suit and decided I wanted it so I took it from him it doesn't serve any purpose other than to look cool it would be nice to have an effective camouflage system in zomboid but for now it's just fashion in the boot of a car parked outside the bar I found a full working car battery which gets me halfway to driving around I just need some fuel now I mentioned that the bar was next to a large Warehouse as well so after picking through every car and zombie between the two buildings I started poking about I actually once made a home of this building in a zomboid game so it's full of good memories for me it's also full of tools millions of nails and hammers duct tape are plenty and rather interestingly some solar panel parts and the book on how to use them it'll be a long time before I can make use of those panels since you need a few levels in electronics which is absolutely awful to grind up initially but still it's nice to know they're there I'll transport them once I have a working vehicle something much more immediately useful are all the seeds and gardening tools the sooner you plant crops the better but despite it being the middle of the day I'm very tired it's time for a beer nap on the sofa here before heading over to the storage units across the road foreign this place I found this battery Bank put together in one of the units alongside some more solar panels that's cool but again it's something to think about much later all the Smashing of walls obviously attracted some attention and in the process of clearing them I managed to once again put myself in a bad situation the vegetation everywhere does rather affect my brain's abilities attract zombies meaning I forgot that this one existed and went straight ahead on looting Luigi here anyway it is about a scratch literally so let's go home once home safe and sound we'll spend a solid six hours reading about farming then go to sleep so that we can read more about farming in the morning before actually getting some seeds in the ground perhaps I should have planted first and then read since you get your farming experience on harvesting crops not planting them but it doesn't make a huge difference I love few things more than homesteading in video games I'd probably like it quite a lot in real life too but it's hard to do when you live in a small flat with no outdoor space so for now this is my Homestead and it needs a wall so I need to put those axes to good use with some good old-fashioned lumberjacking I then realized however that I need carpentry level 2 in order to actually make walls I guess it's been a long time since I started with zero carpentry in zomboid so before I can Homestead I'll have to destroy some other people's homes board by board and nail by nail I'll dismantle anything made of wood inside the surrounding homes unfortunately I never found a beginner carpentry book meaning that this will take considerably longer than it should as a positive though whilst in one of the nearby houses I realized I left behind this nice radio with a CD player which is just another way to help keep the voices quiet I do have the intermediate book for carpentry though so once I reach level 2 I can get through that before starting on a wall just casually sitting on the ground in the pitch Darkness reading about carpentry the usual zomboid stuff shortly after getting into the wall building this happened which was unsettling my average day contains zero zombie bunnies so this was rather unpleasant and while it's tempting no large does not intend to wear the bunny costume after building a few more frames I realized that since it's raining I'd best get more seeds into the ground I don't actually have a renewable water source yet so it would be smart to make use of the fact that it's currently falling from the sky alright back to lumberjacking which is very good at ruining axes thankfully though it at least also trains maintenance which is quite handy I have no idea whether or not your ax skill also influences the chance to lose durability when cutting wood like it would when cutting zombies if you know let me know I'm curious it very briefly stopped raining and then immediately started up again so I decided to make hay whilst the sun wasn't shining and plant some more seeds at this point I've got radishes carrots cabbages tomatoes and broccoli in the ground none of those seem to me like particularly fatty vegetables but according to the wiki cabbages are actually surprisingly good food it occurs to me now though that I should probably have planted potatoes too if it's carbs I'm after I'd like to be able to get my hands on something a little bit more meaty though but without choosing a profession that starts with trap recipes I'm entirely reliant on finding magazines for them and I have found one but unfortunately it only covered traps which already require some trapping skill which isn't enormously useful to me right now anyway we're running out of important things at the base like food so let's go out looting again moving further afield this time through the trailer park to our immediate South where I found a few cigarettes but sadly no lighter before heading west into the town again I ran pretty much immediately into that one house that has a small farm in the garden with a rain collector Barrel I harvested some of their carrots and cabbages which took me quickly up to farming level 2 meaning I'd need to read another book to get the full amount of XP that's sitting in the ground here a fairly large gang of zombies moved in while I was harvesting anyway so it's as good a time as any to bug out I found some more cigarettes in another home on the way back but it's worth pointing out that these are singular cigarettes I'm finding not packs I'm used to finding them in stacks of 20 quite often but the loot scarcity has evidently made that extremely rare regardless I don't have a lighter anyway back to carpentry and you'll notice that I'm just putting up frames for now it doesn't feel like there's much good reason to build those raggedy awful level 1 walls onto these frames but rather to just wait for level 4 carpentry and build the level 2 Wars onto them from the go instead I've got so much stuff to build that I'll get there in no time anyway another way to get a load of experience is to head back to this warehouse and disassemble all the crates I needed to come back here for more axes anyway and I figured I might as well do this while I'm here another thing I did while I was here was to check the vehicles around the front of the building including this trailer tank which as it turns out contains a few hundred liters of gasoline well that's convenient isn't it all I need to do is find a gas can to fill and then screw a new battery into a working car and I'll be good to go you will probably have noticed the Slick Black Car sitting out front of the shed that I live in it's in pretty good shape so I'll be using that with it I can tow the gas tank back grab this generator from the neighbor's shed and we're good to go for electricity once I start harvesting crops I'll steal a few fridges from nearby houses to keep my produce fresh for now though it's time to celebrate the day's successes with a beer before bed [Music] the next morning we're bringing back that solar equipment from the warehouse before doing yet more carpentry all day at this point we've reached level 4 and can actually begin to make a wall rather than just a frame while I was continuing the deforestation efforts this guy showed up in his full-on bomb suit and while it would be fun to run around in a bomb suit killing zombies unfortunately it halves both your run and combat speeds I will scavenge the visor from it though because at this point I was just stacking anything that would fit over my body provided it didn't significantly slow me down even if it does look a little bit silly so it's been almost two weeks in game about 11 days so far we've got the beginnings of a wall set up crops growing basically Limitless electricity and fuel for vehicles and a decent but far from ideal stock of food what's next well we need to make some water collectors a fridge or two and it would actually be really nice to have a source of more fattening foods if I can't get started trapping which I've actually never found to be particularly reliable anyway then maybe I should be fishing I have been scrolling away various bits of fishing kit but I've actually not found a rod or a line yet nor the required magazine to let me craft my own so it'll have to be spear fishing anyway first I'm going to head down to that little farm and finish harvesting it I'd like to take the water barrel but I forgot to bring the tools required to move it oops while I was out and about I hit up the small convenience store just down the road from here hoping for lighters and cigarettes again but instead I found some vitamins and painkillers which could be pretty useful if things go bad since I have a load of fresh produce now it's time to grab a fridge from the neighbor's house somehow I hurt myself in the process of moving this fridge around all by myself but that's okay it will heal fine overnight once again if only it was so simple another method to slightly combat the Mind pain is to eat interesting food which apparently includes Raw carrot and broccoli salads it's not exactly Gourmet but I suppose that the mere act of putting food into a bowl serves to remind large of more civilized times I went out to do some more looting along this line of shops on the main road mainly hoping to find some bits I can use to make largest diets a bit more interesting but it would also be nice to find some useful magazines one thing I did find was a Ruger GP100 revolver in 38 Special on a zombie cop which is convenient since I have a whole ammo crate of boxes of this caliber back at base that being said I can't see myself shooting much with a revolver anytime soon typically you train shooting in zombroid with a whole load of shotgun shells I should probably think about raiding the police station for a decent shotgun and some shells at some point it's always very nice to go far from home and just start blasting every once in a while the only other thing of real notes I picked up on this run was a microwave there are plenty of these closer to home but I'm here and I have a car to stick it in so makes no difference I got it home and figured I'd use it to purify some water for a nice soup I took my largest metal pot that had been sitting outside in the rain stuck it in the microwave and turned it on now I know that you shouldn't put metal in a microwave but I was sort of banking on zomboid ignoring that fact for some reason it does not ignore that fact mercifully for some reason the small fire didn't spread however I would need a new microwave that aside I still want a soup so I got another pot filled it with water and stuck it in the oven to boil this time to be honest I don't know much about the food system in Zomboy but when I made this soup apparently I used Too Much broccoli because it was very depressing to consume okay now it's time to look into fishing the nearest body of water is this little Pond here in the woods for some reason I figured I would drive there and once I got out onto the main road I realized that it would make far more sense to just walk instead so while I was out I decided to just go for a nice long drive along the highway just in case there was anything really nice out there predictably there wasn't anything nice out there anyway after wasting all that time I did actually go fishing for an entire day catching a couple of fish including this massive Pike it's not an enormous amount of food but it will certainly add to the veggies in a nice way and after a quick stir fry it's time for largest first harvest because some of the cabbages are ready even though it was only a few tiles with the carrots and broccoli that are already in the fridge it's now completely full I should have realized this would be more of a problem I once occupied an apartment building in Louisville and made a small farm on the roof which managed to very quickly fill six fridges with veg it's simple enough to go and get another fridge but of course it does mean that you're using more fuel in the generator so it would be quite a good idea to train electrical and start rigging up the solar panels to run this stuff so let's finish the wall and section off a little vehicle Bay from the main area I could essentially build a whole building here if I wanted but for now this will do it's cozy as hell I had the idea to take my car and try and draw some zombies away from the area that I want to Loot next which is mainly the book and VHS stores I've never really been sure if this kind of tactic Works in zomboid I'm just slowly backing away down the highway making plenty of noise and then looping backwards towards town and repeating that again then once I'm leaving I try to ensure that I head back into town via a longer circuitous route so they don't all just follow me straight back but the density of zombies doesn't really ever seem to have significantly changed so who can say while I was on that side of town I hit the Local Tavern figuring I might grab some more booze and cigs and look at that I finally got a lighter it's not enormously useful given how few cigarettes still exist but there you go a random truck parked outside had a gun case in it that I opened when I got home to find a mall in 1894 repeating rifle chambered in you guessed it 38 Special just like all the guns in muldra apparently all right let's skip forward a little bit because for the next two days or so I just fished and dismantled electronics and nothing particularly interesting happened you join large again a couple of days later as he makes his way house to house in search of more TVs to dismantle when he stumbles across this little Pazuzu truck in perfect condition it even has fuel in a working battery and the cherry on top the keys in the ignition this is a really great find the trunk of the car I've been using is Tiny and I hate storing loads of stuff in the seats since it can stop you from getting into the vehicle in a hurry this little truck will open up a world of looting possibilities to large back at base some carrots and radishes are ready for Harvest but I need to leave them a little longer so that I can get some seeds rather than just food but I harvested about half of them now just to expand my already grotesquely large vegetable stocks speaking of large at this point he's actually beginning to gain weight again he started at 60 kilograms and has been as low as 55 in the pre-fishing era of his journey again it would be really nice to try and integrate some trapping into the homestead here to keep up the gains but we'll just have to take what we can get the next move for large is to grab that sledgehammer and hit the police station for its guns and ammo now that we've got the Pazuzu to carry it all in it's a simple enough plan so let's just get straight to it there's a few small clusters of zombies hanging around drawn in by the truck so first off they need dealing with once that's done we slip in through the back break into the jail cell to shut up its lonely Undead occupant and then make our way into the equipment room and oh boy that's a lot of gun Fuel and a lot of guns for that matter for the moment I'm largely interested in 12 gauge since when it comes to mass d zombie shotguns are King luckily for me then there's a Remington 870 in the locker here and a grand total of 775 shells in boxes on the surrounding shelves there are also three 556 rifles of varying designs and a Savage 308 Winchester hunting rifle unfortunately though while I did get a few 30 round stand eggs as well as a 60 round drum for the rifles I only got a couple of boxes of 556 so I won't be making much use of those until I can find significantly more ammo it's time to cook a fish and get a good night's sleep now because surely you know what's coming next [Music] [Music] I felt good didn't it before that little Rampage large had killed a total of 253 zombies almost exclusively with Spike baseball bats this took him up to around 500 and without actually spending that much of the 12 gauge so finally we can rummage through the bookstore in peace and it turns out there wasn't much of use in there a couple of Handy magazines with some vehicle-specific parts that might come in handy at some point but none of the things I'm more immediately looking for like hunting or fishing magazines oh well there are book shops in other towns and I realize that it feels like we just got set up here but maybe mole drawer is too small for a man named large I think maybe we ought to pack up the Pazuzu and make tracks so please whatever you do don't copy large just remain indoors it simply isn't worth it and thanks for the continued support on the channel I'd like to quit my regular job soon and do this full time because I'm basically already putting full-time hours into this stuff I'm just doing it alongside my actual job which I can't recommend as you can imagine I'd much rather just do this instead if you want to support me in that effort directly then head over to my patreon if you'd like you don't get anything particularly special for doing so just a roll in my Discord and access to the occasional text post of little real substance but I appreciate it and isn't gratitude the most valuable reward anyway in any case thanks for watching and until next time goodbye
Channel: Hazzor
Views: 534,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: project zomboid, project zomboid mods, project zomboid gameplay, project zomboid build 41, project zomboid challenge, project zomboid ep 1, project zomboid tips and tricks, project zomboid tips, project zomboid let's play, project zomboid base building, project zomboid farming, modded project zomboid, project zomboid build 41 ep 1
Id: UfZRlfL5_Rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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