How to Play PARKS

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welcome to parks a game about well exploring parks the game is played through multiple rounds which are denoted by the four seasons of the year with each passing season the trail changes getting longer and more scenic the objective of the game is to collect as many points as you can points are scored in a few different ways which will be explained later in further detail the player with the most points at the end of the four seasons is the winner but before we can go exploring we're gonna have to learn how to set this up let's get into it place the board and the tude resource trays off to the side of the table and in a place where they are easily accessible by all players separately shuffle each deck and place them on their designated areas on the board canteens on the canteen space seasons on the season space gear on the gear space and parks on the park space half their decks have been placed deal one canteen card to each player only the year deck and events deck should be left unplaced at this point the events deck is only used in solo play so feel free to put it back in the box if this is your first playthrough deal one year card face down to each player these have unique objectives for each player that will score you points at the end of the game so keep them secret in future playthroughs feel to your cards to each player and have them choose one of them to keep as their objective now it's time to set up the trail where most of your journey will take place to determine your trail for this season place the trailhead and trail end on the table then take the five basic site tiles forest valley mountain ocean and vista and that one randomly selected advanced site tile and shuffle them together if you're playing with four to five players make sure to also include the waterfall trail site if you're playing with less then remove it from the game after shuffling the tiles place them one by one between the trailhead and trail end to create your trail take one season card from the top of the deck and place it where all players can read it each season has a unique season effect so keep it in mind as you progress through your hike be sure to fulfill any season effects that require immediate action before starting the game seasons also have unique weather patterns starting from the second trail site place the resources that are listed on the weather pattern repeat the pattern after you've completed the cycle once on the trail lastly you'll want to give everyone their player pieces this includes two hikers and a campfire lit side up and have them place their hikers at the trailhead starting player is the person who most recently visited a national park all right now you're all set up and ready to go but slow down there you've got a lot to learn before you're ready to play each player takes on the role of two hikers exploring the scenic trails throughout the seasons using your two hikers you will make your way down the trail stopping at trail sites along the way first turn begins at the trailhead with the player who has the first hiker Barker turns are then taken clockwise when visiting a trail site you must perform the action at the trail site first time visitors of trail sites will often be rewarded bonus tokens from the weather pattern which will be placed on the trail site tiles if you have more than twelve tokens at the end of your turn you must return tokens to the resource tray until you have twelve as you explore different trail sites you will sometimes be faced with specific actions you can take if you collect the water token from a trail site you can use the water token to fill your canteen filling your canteen allows you to perform the canteens action once a canteen is filled the water token remains on it until the end of the season and cannot be used for anything else when visiting a Vista you will have the option of drawing a new canteen card or turning in any two tokens you owe and dig in possession of the camera as well as take a photo of the site taking a photo earns you one point and is one of the ways to score points into game owning the camera allows you to take photos at the end of the season and a future vistas for a reduced price one token instead of two ownership of the camera only changes when another player moves to Vista and pays the two token price to take a photo as you looked ahead it's important to keep in mind that your hiker cannot visit a trail site already occupied by another hiker even your own the only way to occupy the same trail site as another hiker is to use your campfire after using your campfire to visit an occupied trail site extinguish it by flipping it over campfires are reignited when one of your hikers reaches the trail end don't forget to keep an eye on your year card which lists your personal objectives while these objectives aren't mandatory completing either of them will add points to your total score at the end of the game whichever completed objective rewards more points at the end of the game is the one you receive the season progresses until all hikers have reached the trail end when the second-to-last hiker has reached the trail end and completed an action the last hiker must move directly to the trail ended choose an action regardless of their current position on the trail when one of your hikers reaches the trail end you have three choices reserved a park by gear or visit a park reserving a park allows you to take one of the three parks on the board or draw the top card from the park's deck this park is yours to keep throughout the game and can be bought for its original cost by you only anytime you'd be able to visit a park do keep in mind that this is only a reservation and the parks points do not actually count towards your total until you've officially visited the park if you are the first player to reserve a park at the end of the season you will also gain the first hiker marker no other hikers during this season who reach this spot will receive the marker the first hiker marker is worth one point at the end of the game you can help you on your journey in a multitude of ways some gear of persisting abilities while others have an additional instant action that is activated immediately when acquired replace gear that has been acquired with gear from the gear deck being the first to buy gear gives you a one sunshine token discount if you are playing with three or fewer players in games of four or more players second hiker to buy gear also receives this discount and last but certainly not least choosing to visit a park allows you to spend your hard-earned tokens on one of the three face up park cards simply pay the required tokens listed on the park card to visit it each parks point value is denoted on the card by the cost replace parks that have been visited with a new park from the parks deck there is no limit to how many hikers can visit a park nor is there any first visitor bonus once all hikers have reached the trail end and taken in action the player in possession of the camera may take a photo this is at the cost of one token don't forget the wildlife tokens are wild meaning they can bees in place of any other token to visit parks or take photos but cannot be used for paying for canteens or gear tokens are finite meaning only whitter replenish is to return tokens from a player's position back to the supply now that the first season is officially complete it's time to take a look at what happens between seasons and setting up for the next trail empty out any canteens that are filled and bring all hikers back to the trailhead for the next trail to prepare the new trail take all the trail sites from the last season played add another advance trail site at random and shuffle because you've only added one new advance site tile the new trail should just be one sight longer than the last seasons but the last season card at the bottom of the seasons deck and place a new season down just like during the initial setup don't forget to place down tokens starting from the second trail site on your new trail based on the weather pattern of the new season these steps taken after a season can be repeated up to each season until you've reached the fourth and final season when the fourth and final season has passed and the last photo opportunity has taken place the game is officially over players then tally all their points which are counted from park's photos and their personal bonus from the Year card don't forget that one point is awarded to the player in possession of the first hiker marker at the end of the game the player who scored the most points is the winner if there's a tie the wind goes to the player who visited the most total parks and if the tie still remains well the win is shared and that's it that wraps up the game of parks for frequently asked questions and additional details on playing the game solo please refer to the rulebook we hope you enjoyed every second of this new and scenic adventure [Music]
Channel: Keymaster Games
Views: 74,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Board game, how to play, PARKS, Keymaster Games
Id: q6mj3twQf6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 07 2019
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