Learn To Play: Parks

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[Music] hey everyone thanks for joining up soon to play games my name is lance and today i'll teach you how to play parks this is a game by key master games it is a one to five player game that takes roughly half an hour to an hour to play and is a competitive game where each player is competing against the other players to have the most points and be the over winner at the end of the game so in this video i'm going to teach you how to play starting with the components setup player turns and end game scoring make sure you have your klingon subtitles turned on that way i can update you with any rules corrections that i need to make after i've put this video out if you find these videos helpful if you like what i do please considering that like button subscribe to my channel as it really does make a big difference it helps me continue to grow and produce these videos if you want to see all my videos also considering that bell so you get notifications anytime i release new content so let's head to the table and i'll teach you guys how to play the first thing i want to look at are the resources and there's going to be five different resources included in the game sunshine water forest mountains and wildlife and each of the wildlife tokens is a different animal so but they all work exactly the same and each one of them is wild which counts as one of the four other resources of your choice and then finally there are photos and there'll be different pictures on these but they all are exactly the same and are going to be worth one point at the end of the game for the player that has them there's also a number of different decks that are included in the game so the very first one i'm gonna look at are the canteen cards and each player is going to start the game with one of these and then throughout the game the players will have opportunities to get more of these each one of these will have a slot for water to be placed in it and once you do then you'll get to take the action underneath that and the only time you can place a water token in here is the turn that you receive water you cannot place water in here from previous turns and so for example if i place water in here then i'll also gain two sunshine that i can add to my area each canteen can only be used once per season and at the end of that season that water will be cleared away from them players are also going to be able to purchase gear cards and each one of these cards is going to have a cost in the upper hand corner of sunshine that the player must spend to purchase it and then the ability that that card has and some cards will also have instant effects such as the water bottle when you purchase this card the first time you'll gain a free canteen that you'll place in your area and then it also has an ability that will be ongoing each player is also going to have a year card that they're going to keep hidden from all the other players and will provide them with goals throughout the game that they can achieve and at the end of the game they're going to receive bonus points if they achieve these goals for example with this one if i visit three parks worth four or five points i'm going to get two points and if i can make it to five parks worth four or five points then i will get three bonus points and each one of them works a little bit differently with some having you to visit parks some having you gain certain types of resources and others having images of a particular resource on the park cards that you have a new season card will be revealed at the beginning of each season during that season setup and will provide the players with additional ways of getting resources or reducing the cost of certain visits or even adding certain resources to the park cards that are currently out there each season card is also going to have a weather pattern which during setup you'll place out additional resources based on this pattern and i'll show you this in a little bit the final set of cards are the park cards and each one of these is going to have some beautiful artwork on it along with the park's name and some other information about it for the game each park is going to have the listed resources that you have to spend in order to visit that park and then the number of victory points that it's worth at the end of the game and the final component i want to go over before moving into setup are the trail tiles themselves and these are going to be broken down into two different groups you're going to have your basic trail sites and the advanced trail sites the basic trail sites will not have a little icon in the bottom corner and the advanced ones will they'll have a little star with the one exception being the waterfall which is only going to be included if you're playing a four or five player game with the basic sights there will be four of them the valley forest ocean and mountain that are going to just provide a resource that is shown there so the ocean and valley will get you two of those and the forest and mountain will get you one with the vista being the one unique when you go there you can either gain a canteen or you can spend two resources and the little square with the two in it is any resource so it can be any for the main four or even wildlife to gain one photo and you'll get the camera token now if you already have the camera token then it's only gonna cost you one picture or one resource instead to gain a picture then you also have the four advanced tiles with the wildlife one you can exchange one resource for a wildlife token with the river you can spend a water to copy any other of the thai trail tiles that a hiker is currently on except for the trail and tile because that is not considered a trail site next is the lodge that you can exchange two resources you have for two other resources excluding wildlife tokens and then finally the lookout is going to allow you to do park actions or buy gear moving into setup starting with the players each player is going to choose a color and gain two meeples of that color and the campfire of that color and make sure the campfire is on the lit side and not the extinguished side to start the game from there you're going to choose one player to be the starting player and you can do this in any manner you want to for me i usually grab one meeple of each player's color shuffle them up and have one player draw one blind and that'll be the starting player for my game i'll have the blue player be the starting player so he's going to receive the metal first player token the player to his right will receive the camera token to start the game and then you can move into board setup so place the main game board out in the middle of the table and flank it with the two resource trays then go ahead and grab the parks deck and shuffle that up place it in its location and reveal the first three cards of that deck next grab the gear cards deck shuffle that up and place it in its slot and reveal the first three cards of that deck with the canteen cards shuffle those up and deal one face up to each player to start the game this will be their canteen card the rest will go up in this slot shuffle up the seasons cards and place those out in their location and then finally grab the year deck shuffle that up and then if this is your first game deal one card out to each player if you've played parks a couple times and you can deal out two to each player and then each player will choose one that they will have for theirs and return the rest of the game box with the year card make sure you keep it hidden from the other players as this is your secret goal that you're working towards during the game to get extra bonus points then you can place out the trail head tile and trail and tile and make sure it is on the side that does not have the solo on the bottom of it unless you're playing a solo game then you can grab the trailsite tiles and separate them into their basic ones which are again the forest vista ocean mountains and valley if you're playing a four or five player game also include the waterfall tile if not you can return this to the game boxes you won't use it then separate the four advanced tiles shuffle them up and randomly select one of those to add to your basics the rest can be kept face down and off to the side as you'll use those in later seasons and you can gather up the rest of the tiles and shuffle those all together once you're done with that then you'll start placing them out along the trail then have each player place their meeples on the trail head and then finally reveal the top card of the season's deck and resolve its weather pattern on the bottom of the card so with this one i'm going to place out two sun and a water in a pattern starting with the second trail site tile and moving across the board i'm going to fill those up with that pattern and i'll keep doing this until i run out of sights so we have two sun and a water and then we'll continue that pattern again with two sun now if i had another tile there then i would place another water as that is the part of that pattern and then from here i'm ready to begin the game parks has played over four seasons and during each season the players are going to move their hikers along the trail gaining resources and triggering abilities or canteens or gear cards when all the players hikers have moved to the trail ends then the season will come to an end and the players will enter into a setup mode setting up for the next season if this is the final season then the players will enter into a scoring mode and the player that has the most points will be the winner at the end of the game moving into the player's turns starting with the first player that player is going to select one of his meeples to move along the trail to one of the trail sites he wishes to visit now there is a couple rules with this first a player cannot visit a trail site that he cannot perform the action on that trail site and if there's another hiker already there even one of his own he cannot move his hiker there unless he has a campfire and he has to flip that token over to its extinguished side at that point then he can visit that site so let me show you example this with the blue player he's going to select one of his hikers and he'll move to this location here now if there was a weather pattern on that location he would gain that and then the action on that location he'll gain those so he'll gain two water if you gain any water on your turn you can use that to use your canteens by placing a water in there so if my player does this then he'll gain to sun in later turns you if you have water you cannot spend water in your supply to activate canteens it's only on the turn you receive water that you can use it and then you also want to make sure you're referencing your season card if there's any conditions on that so with this one i gain a sun if i gain any forests on my turn and this can be from a canteen it can be from a site or another card that grants you forests you will benefit from that the other thing i do want to point out is that you can continue moving the same hiker so when it comes back around to the blue player again he can choose this hiker to move again to another site he doesn't have to alternate moving different hikers and the other thing is that once a hiker moves he can never go back so if my hiker was over here i could not go back and visit one of these previous sites i must always move forward when moving a hiker once the player has completed the action on their site and resolved any canteens or gear cards that they have or the season effect then their turn is over and it'll move to the next player in clockwise order to start their turn so let's take a look at a couple more example turns of this so moving over to the purple player he's going to choose one of his hikers and move him he'll go to the vista he gets to gain the sunshine from the weather pattern right away and then he'll choose one of the two actions he can either gain a new canteen card or he could spend two resources to take a photo and then he would receive the camera if he already has the camera token then he only has to spend one resource to take a photo so he will do that and gain a photo then it'll move back over to the blue player to take his turn so my blue player is going to move here gaining the sun and he's going to spend the sun right away to activate the action and receive wildlife moving back over to the purple player he is going to move his character here gaining this and he'll activate that right away he also will get two sun from the valley and then with the canteen he's gonna gain a forest which will also trigger the season's condition and he'll get a son for that as well so he got a ton of resources there moving back over to the blue player he's going to move and he will spend his campfire to go here he is going to spend two sun to take a photo and then he will also receive the camera and this is going to continue until the players reach the trail ends as the hikers make their way down the trail eventually they're going to reach the trail end when this happens first they get to flip over their campfire if it's on the exhausted side so you get to flip it back over to its lit side and then the player is going to choose one of the three locations to place their hiker placing him in the rightmost space on that location if the player chooses the top location he gets the first player marker and then he also gets to reserve a park and to do this he would select either a blind draw from the top of the deck or one of the parks that's out there placing it in his area turns to its side the player will not get points for this at the end of the game but then he can choose to visit this park at later point and spend those resources to permanently gain it this only happens for the first player other players that place their hikers there will only get to reserve the park they will not get that first player token if a player visits the second location if it you're playing four or five players this first spot is open otherwise the next spot is going to be open and that's going to provide a player with a one sunshine discount to buying a gear card so he would pay the cost in sun on the gear card and if he's the first player there then he would receive a discount of one son otherwise other players can go there and they'll just pay the regular cost of that the final location is to visit a park when a player does this they can go to one of the parks that's up here or if they have any parks reserved in their area and pay the resources of that park and then add it to their area or flip their reserved park to its right side up so i went ahead and jumped ahead a couple of turns and now i'm ready to move into the trail end so i want to show you some examples of that so it's over to the purple player to take his turn so he is going to go ahead and place his meeple on the very far right side he first gets to flip over his campfire and then he's going to gain the first player token and he will reserve a park so he's going to go ahead and take the badlands and place it in his area then we'll reveal a new card and then it'll move over to the blue player to go ahead and do that as well so he's going to move his guy and he'll go down here to visit a park he's going to spend his one mountain one water and his one wild to count as a second water to complete this location here moving back over to purple he's going to go and he is going to visit a park and he will spend two forests and four sun to go here and so he claims that and we'll reveal a new one oh but i forgot to flip this over and when the last hiker is on the trail then that hiker must move to the trail end space he cannot choose to visit any other locations along that point he must move to the trail ends so our blue player is going to go and he will move here to buy some gear he is the first one there so he will receive a one sunshine discount and he's going to get the water filter and so he'll only have to spend one sun to buy that and then this for the rest of the game he can gain three waters instead of the forest or the tree when going to the forest the season is going to come to end once the last hiker has moved there at this point then you're going to resolve the end of season steps so first off the player that has the camera can choose to spend one resource to take a photo so our player over here is going to do that then we are going to empty all of the canteens removing any water from them and returning them to the supply next we're going to return all the hikers to the trail head and then we're going to reset the trail so we'll take our trail tiles and draw a brand new one and then grab these shuffle those up with the new one and place those out and then the last step is to reveal a new season card so first off you're going to place the current season card on the bottom and reveal a new one and then set the weather pattern on that one so with this one here you're going to add one sun and one water and again you're going to start on the second side over so we'll have a sun and a water sun water and sun water finally make sure you check the season card and see if there's any other conditions so this one's going to add one water to the three current parts so then we'll place those out and then from there you're ready to move into a new season starting with the first player now there's a couple of additional rules that i just want to quickly point out first off with the canteens again you can only activate those on the turn you get water and you can activate multiple canteens if you receive more than one water in a turn and you can choose any one of any of them to activate and the other important thing i want to point out is with the trail ends anytime you place a hiker in one of the three areas you can only do one action at that location so you can only reserve one park buy one piece of gear or visit one park unless you have a gear card or some other effect that allows you to do more than one action from here when you've played through the four seasons then at the end of the fourth season instead of resetting you'll go to a final scoring phase where each of the players is going to total up their points and the player that has the most will be the winner of the game and the final thing i want to show you is scoring so here's an example of one player scoring so first off you're going to total up all of the parks you visited and get the points for those so our player here has 4 8 11 13 then you're gonna get one point for each photo you took so 14 15 16 and then finally you're going to reference your year card and see if you meet the requirements for that so with our player here if he has six waters on parks he visited and he's taken three photos he gets two points which he has one two three four eight nine ten eleven waters that he on his parks and he did take three photos so he's gonna get two points for that so that'll put him up to 18. he did not meet this as he needed to take five photos even though he had the water required he didn't take the photo so he wouldn't get that extra point now a player does not get any points for resources they have any locations they reserved and any other cards that they have unless they specifically say otherwise well i hope you guys found this video helpful if you have any questions or comments leave those in the comment section below and i'll do my best to answer them if you found this video helpful if you like what i do please considering that like button subscribe to my channel as it really does make a difference and helps me continue to grow and produce these videos as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch my videos and leave me feedback on them i do appreciate it and i take into account everything you say to make the best possible videos until next time i'll see you guys later you
Channel: Learn to Play Games
Views: 7,267
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: board, game, tutorial, boardgame, Learn to Play Games, Learn to Play, Set collection, resource management, competitive, Parks, National Parks, kickstarter, crowdfunding, nature, wildlife, sun, trees, water, mountains, Henry Audubon, Fifty-Nine Parks Print Series, Keymaster Games, Adventure, Animals, Environmental, Travel, hiking, Point to Point Movement, Worker Placement, Nature Games, Game Trayz Inside
Id: 0aB_-CG7dEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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