Wingspan - How To Play
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Channel: Watch It Played
Views: 574,300
Rating: 4.9337082 out of 5
Keywords: Elizabeth Hargrave, Learn How To Play, Card Games, Watch It Played, Rules, Wingspan, Game Rules, Board Games, Learn To Play, Tabletop, Learn, Miniatures, Instructional, Stonemaier Games, Board Game, Birds, Tutorial, Instructions, Play Throughs, How To Play
Id: lgDgcLI2B0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 18 2018
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I am really intrigued with this game. Love the bird theme and I think the art is great.
My wife's favorite game is Terraforming Mars. So I have been on the lookout for a tableau builder with some nice weight to it in that 1 hour range for quite some time. I've come close to pulling the trigger with Race for the Galaxy, Imperial Settlers, or Everdell. I'm sure we would love all of them, but this one seems to be the closest to fitting the bill.
Best. Teacher. Ever.
As a birder + board gamer I'm gonna be really disappointed if no one gets me this for (late) Christmas
I feel like the thing that no one is talking about is the most interesting thing. Leveling up your actions while you build an engine is a really simple and compelling design choice.
I absolutely will be buying this. I'm in this 'relaxing aesthetoc' board game kick, and this fits in perfectly. We've been absolutely hooked to Lattice (albeit abstract) because of how relaxing the game play and artwork is.
Any recommendations for other games like that?
Is there anyone who has as high of quality as Stonemaier games? Just today I unboxed My Little Scythe. I have 250+ games, and none of them come close in terms of component quality. The insert is perfect. The minis are the best I've ever seen. The cards and cardboard are high quality. The gems are beautiful. I'm shocked I got the game for $25 from Amazon recently. That's a great price just for the components, regardless of game play (we've got one play in and it was super fun).
This game looks to have similar high quality and I love the theme.
Oh NOOOOOO this game is much much much too well-targeted towards me. A bird-themed game? With a birdhouse dice tower? That you can play solo??? With artwork that goregous?????
I swear, this game was made for me. Which means that I am very grateful that the designer/publisher thought it would sell well! Yay birds! Yay games!!
edit: and preorders start the day before my birthday. what the heck. :D
noice even though I really dont like the theme of this game
Need to check this out...