How to Play PARKS Memories

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[Music] parks memories is a strategic matching game available in three sets allowing you to explore all the national parks the us has to offer in the game you'll be visiting the parks in the form of a grid of tiles using your turn to reveal two of them and then gain one along the way you'll be earning special abilities based on the types of parks you reveal if you collect three sets of matching park art before your opponents do you've won parks memories is easy to set up with simple turns and strategic gameplay making it perfect to play with your family or a group and then keep on playing as a two-player head-to-head strategy battle i mean walk in the park to set up the game we first need to make our field which is a grid of tiles shuffle the 48 park tiles face down and then randomly place nine tiles in a three 3x3 grid that's the field next take the remaining park tiles and place them face down in three stacks of 13 tiles each place one stack at the top of each of the three columns in the field give each player one of each type of ability token and flip them to their inactive side we'll talk about how to activate these abilities a little bit later finally the player who most recently visited a park gets the hiker token and will be first player okay technically you all live here i'm the only one who's actually a visitor so i'm first player in park's memories turns are simple and happen in three parts first flip two tiles in the field face up second take one of the available tiles in the field and place it face up in front of you in your player area any tiles or abilities in the game that refer to your area are talking about this collection of park tiles in front of you oh how do you know if a tile is available that's a great question if a tile is face up and doesn't have the hiker token on it it's available and you can add it to your area [Music] any park tile that is underneath the hiker token is considered locked and not available to take the third part of your turn is to fill the empty space now present in the field with a new tile choose the top tile from any of the three stacks and place it face up in the empty space to end your turn you'll move the hiker on the first turn place the hiker token on any face up tile on every following turn the hiker must move from its current tile to any other faceup park tile this tile is now locked your turn is now over flip over all the unlocked tiles so they are face down the locked tile under the hiker remains face up play passes clockwise to the next player who repeats all four of these steps the game continues like this until one player has three pairs of park tiles with matching art in their area when this happens the game immediately ends and that player wins the game also immediately ends if two of the three stacks are empty if this happens the winner is the player with the most matching pairs if there's a tie the player with the most active abilities wins we'll talk about those in a moment if you're still tied you both win because you both have wonderful memories of exploring the parks speaking of memories if i remember correctly it's time for some animals to be getting to bed nocturnal little likely story they'll say anything to stay up later now shoo let's talk about the more strategic elements of parks memories namely those special abilities and wildlife tiles the park tiles have park art the national park name the set the tile belongs to and the park type when you flip two tiles in the field face up during part one of your turn check to see if the park type on the flipped tiles is a match if it is immediately refresh the corresponding special ability by flipping the token to its active side each park tile can be used to refresh a special ability once in a single turn you now have access to this special ability and can even use it on the very same turn in which it was refreshed each ability tile tells you when during your turn the power can be used for example you can use this sun ability after you flip two tiles once the ability has been used flip the tile back over to its inactive side you'll need to refresh it with another match before you can use it again if you reveal a park type match and the corresponding special ability is already active it does not refresh and those matching park tiles can't be used to refresh any special abilities this turn as a note locked tiles the ones with the hiker token on them can't be used to refresh special abilities we've spotted some wildlife this happens in the game when a player reveals a wildlife tile these tiles automatically match the park type of the other revealed tile and refresh the corresponding special ability you can choose to take a wildlife tile on your turn instead of a park tile if you do you may immediately refresh any special ability and then discard the wildlife tile from the game doing this can be a great way to keep your opponent from using the wildlife tile to refresh a special ability on their turn scout strategy tip for you if two wildlife tiles are revealed you may refresh any of the abilities the three different sets of parks memories coast to coast mountaineer and planeswalker all play by these same set of rules but each comes with a unique set of special abilities if you're looking for an extra unique gameplay experience try mixing and matching the special abilities from the different sets or add in park tiles from the different sets to have a larger field you can easily play with kids [Music] or anyone who wants a classic memory game experience by removing the stacks and special abilities and focusing on matching the pairs of park art and that's parks memories easy to set up simple turns strategic gameplay play as a family and then keep on playing now get out there and create some memories
Channel: Keymaster Games
Views: 9,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dAPeuPo8MFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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